
269 Pages in Charles Darwin's Library associated with "time, organic: years"

  1. Das Abändern der Vögel durch Einfluss des Klima's
    By: Gloger, Constantin Wilhelm Lambert,
    Publication info: Breslau, August Schulz & Co, 1833
    Pages: Page 98  
  2. Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten
    By: Müller, Hermann.
    Publication info: Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1873
    Pages: Page 250  Page 325  
  3. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Befruchtung der vollkommeneren Gewächse
    By: Gärtner, Carl Friedrich von,
    Publication info: Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1844
    Pages: Page 119  Page 123  Page 124  Page 146  Page 346  Page 347  
  4. Botanische Mittheilungen
    By: Nägeli, Carl,
    Publication info: München, F. Staub, 1866
    Pages: Page 175  Page 310  Page 406  
  5. Cattle: Their breeds, management, and diseases
    By: Youatt, William,
    Publication info: London, Baldwin & Cradock, 1834
    Pages: Page 28  Page 31  Page 46  Page 49  Page 75  Page 80  Page 116  Page 183  Page 184  Page 199  Page 200  End Slip   End Slip   
  6. Considérations sur les céréales, et principalement sur les froments
    By: Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, (Jean-Louis-Auguste), M.
    Publication info: Paris, Bouchard-Huzard, 1842
    Pages: Page 45  Page 45  Page 94  Page 94  Page 100  Page 100  Page 199  Page 199  Page 202  Page 202  Page 234  Page 234  End Slip 1, side 1  End Slip 1, side 1  
  7. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of North America
    By: Agassiz, Louis,
    Publication info: [s.n.], [s.n.], n.d
    Pages: Page 17  
  8. De l'espèce et des races dans les êtres organisés et spécialement de l'unité de l'espèce humaine
    By: Godron, (Dominique Alexandre), M.
    Publication info: Paris, J.B. Baillière et Fils, 1859
    Volume: v.1
    Pages: Page 134  Page 134  Page 148  Page 148  Page 149  Page 149  Page 462  Page 462  Page 74  Page 74  Page 88  Page 88  
  9. Descriptive and physiological botany
    By: Henslow, J. S. (John Stevens),
    Publication info: London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, 1837
    Pages: Page 71  Page 238  Page 254  Page 261  Page 280  
  10. Dogs
    By: Smith, Charles Hamilton, - Jardine, William,
    Publication info: Edinburgh, W.H. Lizars, 1839-1840
    Volume: v.10
    Pages: Page 184  
  11. The dovecote and the aviary
    By: Dixon, Edmund Saul,
    Publication info: London, John Murray, 1851
    Pages: Page 6  
  12. Éléments de tératologie végétale
    By: Moquin-Tandon, Alfred.
    Publication info: Paris, P.-J. Loss, 1841
    Pages: Page 57  Page 79  Page 114  Page 166  
  13. Das entdeckte Geheimnis der Natur im Bau und in der Befruchtung der Blumen
    By: Sprengel, Christian Konrad.
    Publication info: Berlin, F. Vieweg, 1793
    Pages: Page 405  End Slip 4, side 1  End Slip 4, side 1  
  14. Essais de zoologie générale
    By: Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore,
    Publication info: Paris, Roret, 1841
    Volume: Zoologie générale (1841)
    Pages: Page 500  
  15. Essay on the physiognomy of serpents
    By: Schlegel, H. (Hermann),
    Publication info: Edinburgh, Maclachlan, Stewart & Co, 1843
    Pages: Page 99  Page 99  Page 100  Page 100  Page 197  Page 197  
  16. Evidence as to man's place in nature
    By: Huxley, Thomas Henry,
    Publication info: London, Williams & Norgate, 1863
    Pages: Page 34  Page 34  
  17. The fruits and fruit trees of America
    By: Downing, Andrew Jackson.
    Publication info: London, Wiley & Putnam, 1845
    Pages: Page 8  Page 7  Page 250  Page 460  
  18. Das Ganze der Taubenzucht
    By: Neumeister, Gottlob.
    Publication info: Weimar, B.F. Voigt, 1837
    Pages: Page 21  Page 24  Page 4  End Slip   End Slip   
  19. Die Getreidearten und Wiesengräser
    By: Metzger, Johann,
    Publication info: Heidelberg, C.F. Winter, 1841
    Pages: Page 24  Page 47  Page 47  Page 56  Page 56  Page 63  Page 63  Page 65  Page 65  Page 66  Page 66  Page 116  Page 116  Page 117  Page 117  Page 206  Page 206  Page 207  Page 207  Page 208  Page 208  Page 209  Page 209  Page 210  Page 210  Page 211  Page 211  Page 212  Page 212  Page 213  Page 213  End Slip   End Slip   
  20. Histoire générale et particulière des anomalies de l'organisation chez l'homme et les animaux
    By: Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore,
    Publication info: Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1832-1837
    Volume: v.1
    Pages: Page 259  Page 601  Page 601  Page 551  Page 551  Page 552  Page 552  
  21. A history of British birds
    By: Yarrell, William,
    Publication info: London, John Van Voorst, 1839
    Pages: Page 159  Page 159  
  22. Illustrated series of rare and prize poultry including comprehensive essays upon all classes of domestic fowl
    By: Ferguson, George.
    Publication info: [s.n.], G. Ferguson, Beaufort Library, 1854
    Pages: Page 176  Page 313  Page 317  
  23. An introduction to the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds
    By: Gould, John
    Publication info: London, Taylor & Francis, 1861
    Pages: Page 20  Page 20  
  24. Leçons de botanique
    By: Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de,
    Publication info: Paris, P.J. Loss, 1841
    Pages: Page 759  Page 767  
  25. Mammalogie ou description des espèces des Mammifères
    By: Desmarest, A.-G. (Anselme-Gaëtan),
    Publication info: Paris, Veuve Agasse, 1820
    Pages: Page 503  
  26. Manual of mineralogy
    By: Jameson, Robert.
    Publication info: Edinburgh, Archibald Constable & Co, 1821
    Pages: Page 196  Page 196  
  27. Mémoire sur les Cucurbitacées
    By: Sageret, Michel.
    Publication info: Paris, Huzard, 1826
    Pages: Page 41  Page 41  
  28. The naturalist in Bermuda
    By: Jones, J. Matthew (John Matthew),
    Publication info: London, Reeves & Turner, 1859
    Pages: Page 15  
  29. Die Naturgeschichte der nutzbaren Haussäugethiere
    By: Veith, Johann E.
    Publication info: Wien, W. Braumüller, 1856
    Pages: Page 52  Page 52  Page 67  Page 67  
  30. Naturgeschichte der Saeugethiere von Paraguay
    By: Rengger, Johann Rudolph.
    Publication info: Basel, Schweighauser, 1830
    Pages: Page 27  Page 14  Page 62  Page 175  Page 183  Page 208  Page 212  Page 355  
  31. Naturgeschichte der Stubenvögel
    By: Bechstein, Johann Matthäus,
    Publication info: Halle, Hennemann, 1840
    Pages: Page 105  Page 248  Page 289  Page 312  Page 319  Page 346  Page 362  Page 377  Page 409  Page 424  End Slip , side 2  End Slip , side 2  
  32. The new and complete pigeon-fancier: or, modern treatise on domestic pigeons
    By: Girton, Daniel.
    Publication info: London, [s.n.], n.d
    Pages: Page 22  Page 7  
  33. On parthenogenesis
    By: Owen, Richard,
    Publication info: London, John Van Voorst, 1849
    Pages: Page 25  Page 26  End Slip 1  End Slip 1  
  34. On the domesticated animals of the British islands
    By: Low, David.
    Publication info: London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1845
    Pages: Page 136  Page 163  Page 195  Page 196  Page 402  Page 415  Page 424  
  35. On the varieties of wheat
    By: Le Couteur, John.
    Publication info: Jersey--London, H. Payn & H. Wright, 1836
    Pages: Page 59  End Slip   End Slip   
  36. Ornamental and domestic poultry: their history and management
    By: Dixon, Edmund Saul,
    Publication info: London, The Gardeners' Chronicle, 1848
    Pages: Page 48  Page 49  Page 8  Page 179  
  37. Pigeons and rabbits in their wild, domestic and captive states
    By: Delamer, Eugene Sebastian
    Publication info: London, G. Routledge & Co, 1854
    Pages: Page 68  
  38. Les pigeons de volière et de colombier, ou Histoire naturelle des pigeons domestiques
    By: Boitard, Pierre, - Corbié, M. (Ornithologist)
    Publication info: Paris, Audot & Corbié, 1824
    Pages: Page 12  Page 201  
  39. The poultry book
    By: Tegetmeier, W. B. (William Bernhard),
    Publication info: London, Orr & Co, 1856-1857
    Pages: Page 93  Page 156  Page 162  
  40. Principles of comparative physiology
    By: Carpenter, William Benjamin,
    Publication info: London, John Churchill, 1854
    Pages: Page 480  
  41. Production et fixation des variétés dans les végétaux
    By: Carrière, E.-A. (Elie-Abel),
    Publication info: Paris, Libraire agricole de la Maison Rustiane, 1865
    Pages: Page 39  Page 72  Page 72  
  42. Report on the experimental culture of the opium poppy for the season 1877--78
    By: Scott, John,
    Publication info: Calcutta, Bengal Secretariat Press, 1878
    Pages: Page 9  
  43. Researches into the physical history of mankind
    By: Prichard, James Cowles.
    Publication info: London, Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1836
    Volume: v.1
    Pages: Page 130  
  44. Die Schutzeinrichtungen in der Entwickelung der Keimpflanze
    By: Haberlandt, Gottlieb,
    Publication info: Wien, Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1877
    Pages: Page 52  Page 53  
  45. Sheep
    By: Youatt, William,
    Publication info: London, Baldwin & Cradock, 1837
    Pages: Page 11  Page 173  Page 285  Page 314  Page 351  Page 352  Page 491  Page 508  End Slip 1  End Slip 1  
  46. Studien zur Descendenztheorie. I
    By: Weismann, August,
    Publication info: Leipzig, Engelmann, 1875
    Pages: Page 39  Page 39  
  47. Sur la production et la fixation des variétés dans les plantes d'ornement
    By: Verlot, J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste),
    Publication info: Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1865
    Pages: Page 94  
  48. Der Taubenfreund
    By: Weber, D.A.
    Publication info: Leipzig, G. Basse, 1850
    Pages: Page 36  
  49. Traité du citrus
    By: Gallesio, Georges.
    Publication info: Paris, Louis Fantin, 1811
    Pages: Page 30  Page 30  Page 32  Page 32  
  50. A treatise on the art of breeding and managing tame, domesticated and fancy pigeons
    By: Eaton, John Matthews.
    Publication info: London, the Author, 1852
    Pages: Page 65  Page iv  Page iv  Page 75  Page 11  Page 37  Page 37  
  51. über den Begriff der Pflanzenart und seine Anwendung
    By: Bernhardi, Johann Jacob,
    Publication info: Erfurt, Friedrich Wilhelm Otto, 1834
    Pages: Page 30  Page 31  Page 32  Page 35  
  52. über die Berechtigung der Darwin'schen Theorie
    By: Weismann, August,
    Publication info: Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1868
    Pages: Page 16  
  53. über Raçen der landwirthschaftlichen Hausthiere
    By: Sturm, Carl Christoph Gottlieb.
    Publication info: Ebberfeld, Büscher, 1825
    Pages: Page 58  Page 110  Page 110  Page 111  
  54. Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich
    By: Gärtner, Carl Friedrich von,
    Publication info: Stuttgart, [s.n.], 1849
    Pages: Page 138  Page 138  Page 208  Page 208  Page 238  Page 238  Page 368  Page 368  Page 378  Page 378  Page 385  Page 385  Page 391  Page 391  Page 395  Page 395  Page 409  Page 409  Page 410  Page 410  Page 530  Page 530  Page 542  Page 542  Page 545  Page 545  Page 550  Page 550  Page 635  Page 635  Page 706  Page 706  Page 724  
  55. Vorläufige Nachricht von einigen das Geschlecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen
    By: Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb,
    Publication info: Leipzig, in der Gleditschischen Handlung, 1761-1766
    Pages: Page 11  Page 11  Page 67  Page 67  
  56. Vorträge über Viehzucht und Rassenkenntnis
    By: Nathusius, Hermann von,
    Publication info: Berlin, Wiegandt & Hempel, 1872-1880
    Pages: Page 122