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London, Baldwin & Cradock, 1837
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation p. 163 Where has Daubenton published an account of his crosses in Sheep?
     Where see French. Agricult. Periodicals.

annotation p. 234 only lambs?
show subjects subjects

annotation 240 “dropt-Horn” Ewes—
show subjects subjects

annotation p 238 about Dorset havng premature period of oestrum. —
show subjects subjects

annotation p .491 Hot country sheep all phthisical: Will thy breed?—} get full particulars}

annotation 496— Tessiers Paper. date?

annotation in blue crayon p 364    Horns misplcd grwng on throat
show subjects subjects

annotation (1

annotation 18.    Ancient selection    good Selectt01
t01 - `Select' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 19    Return of sheep t dark colours occasionally p. 145 p 234 Rt01
t01 - `R' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 20    All hornless breeds occasionally drop sheep with horns «i.e. taking after other vars. R»t01 or rudimnts of? «Ch. I.» throwng Back
t01 - `R' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation 25 . Fat-tailed sheep, mem rudiments of tail    Compensation Ch. I

annotation 60 . Splendid sentence on Selection . St01
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 70    Effects of pastures «(Q)t01 on Wool «p. 185 in Australia» p 70 ‹top› counteracted by Selectiont02 «S»t03 p 117 do 120 «(Qt04 do. p 167
t01 - `(Q)' in brown ink
t02 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon
t03 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
t04 - `(Q)' in brown ink
show subjects subjects

annotation in dark brown ink «71    on slow insensible change in wool of British breeds S»t01
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 114    3 vars. of fat-tailed sheep — (t01 120 fat under throat Q)t02
t01 - `(' in dark brown ink
t02 - `Q)' in dark brown ink
show subjects subjects

annotation 121 Guinea sheep males horned females hornless
show subjects subjects

annotation .p 131 In Argali smaller 134
show subjects subjects

annotation 138 Horns of Wallachian «(Qt01 p 148 of Merino «Ewes Hornless» p 234 Horns of South Downs — 247
t01 - `(Q)' in dark brown ink

annotation 123. old crosses of Spanish & Morocco sheep St01
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation (X)t01 142    Many Horns generally accompanied by coarse fleeces( Correlation) Qt02
t01 - `(X)' in blue crayon
t02 - `Q' in dark brown ink
show subjects subjects

annotation 142    Livingston on pendent ears proof long domestication (disuse)

annotation 147 in 1464 sheep exported from England to Spain St01
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation 152 — On th Migratry sheep of Spain
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 171 Selection of merinos in Saxony S t01
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 172 important under Laws of Variation
show subjects subjects

annotation 178    in 4th cross Wool altered completely— ‹[illegible word]
show subjects subjects

annotation 181 Merino sheep «Q»t01 not quite fertile when first introduced into England
t01 - `Q' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation in dark brown ink «Roulin on sheep in S. Amrica not quit fertile»

annotation 266    Welch-sheep returning thrice into Wales (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation 293 Hardiness of cheviots proved by even crosses failing
show subjects subjects

annotation 301    Sheep descending t coast instinctively for sea-weed
show subjects subjects

annotation 312 Strong sentence «(Qt01 on each sheep adapted to its district. Two main Fam. long & short «wooled»
t01 - `(Q)' in dark brown ink

annotation 312    Sheep separating «Qt01 according to their Breed, when turned out (Ch. 6. Separation «of vars»)
t01 - `Q)' in dark brown ink

annotation 314    On Selection alterng breeds of sheep within 50 years without crossing by unconscious selection.t01 St02
t01 - `by unconscious selection.' in dark pencil
t02 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 319 — good sentence St01
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation 315    excellent case of two men unconsciously altrng their breeds by selectng for differnt objects

annotation 325 Leicester sheep not fitted for mountain pastures (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark brown ink

annotation ― Black-faced resist crosses (Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 364. Crosses producing rudimental Horns
show subjects subjects

annotation 377 Sheep returning home passionately (Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 404 Lambs if separated frm flock will eat poisonous herbs (Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 408    on ears pendent or erect according to locality inhabited

annotation 491    on gret difference in Sheep from foreign countries in Zoolog. Gardens to die of Phthisis (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark brown ink

annotation 494— On qualities becoming fixed by selection, & fitted to their own districts St01
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation ― avoid too close breeding in —
show subjects subjects

annotation 496    Tessier on gestation of Ewes Paris 1817. see Roy. Cat Separat Books (NQ)t01
t01 - `Paris 1817 ... (NQ)' in dark brown ink

annotation 520    On drafting the Ewe flock — good sentencet01 St02
t01 - `good sentence' in dark brown ink
t02 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation ―    Variability of best breeds.t01    St02
t01 - `―    ... breeds.' in dark pencil
t02 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 20 Rudimnts do p 364 by crossing
show subjects subjects

annotation 8 to 25
     60, 4, 9
     111, ‹13,› ‹14› to 194
     ‹to 194›
     233 to 352 [corrected from `350']
     363, 4
     374 to 7
     491, lines 2—5, 6
     506, 8
     541, 3
show subjects concepts

annotation p. 148 Merinos (as for 9 pair horn )
show subjects subjects

annotation [in top centre] (134 Female Musmon without Horns sometimes)
show subjects subjects

annotation [on right-hand side] medium4 ☞ Read. Journ. of As. Soc. of Bengal. vol 10. part 2. p. 881 (in Geolog Soc) E. Blyth on colour wild sheep—. —