LIV.—The West African forms of Heliosciurus rufobrachium
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 523, Date 1923
X.—New Sarcophagidæ from Asia, with data relating to the dux group
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 123, Date 1923
LV.—New subspecies of Protoxerus stangeri, the giant squirrel of equatorial Africa
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 527, Date 1923
LVI.—A new ray from the Mediterranean
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 529, Date 1923
XLIII.—Some bees from British Guiana
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 442, Date 1923
XLIX.—Notes on some British and North African specimens of Apus cancriformis, Schaeffer
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 496, Date 1923
L.—Notes on a new subfossil Bear from Sweden
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 502, Date 1923
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 563, Date 1923
On the dates of G. W. F. Panzer's ‘Fauna Insect. German.,’ 1792–1844
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 566, Date 1923
On the dates of C. L. Koch, ‘Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden,’ 1835–44
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 568, Date 1923
LI.—The nomenclature and subspecies of the Purple-faced Langur, with notes on the other Langurs inhabiting Ceylon
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 506, Date 1923
LII.—On the use of the generic name Brachycercus in Plectoptera and Orthoptera
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 515, Date 1923
LXII.—The geographical races of Lutreolina crassicaudata
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 583, Date 1923
LXIV.—The native rat of Pearson's Islands, S. Australia
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 601, Date 1923
LXV.—New subspecies of Metachirus
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 602, Date 1923
LX.—New or imperfectly known Corythoderini from British India [Coleoptera]
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 569, Date 1923
LXI.—Two new siluroid fishes from the Ivory Coast, collected by Mr. Willoughby P. Lowe
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 582, Date 1923
LVII.—On new Curculionidæ from South Africa
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 531, Date 1923
LIX.—Three new fishes from Yunnan, collected by Professor J. W. Gregory, F.R.S
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 561, Date 1923
LXVI.—Two new guenons from the Ivory Coast, West Africa
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 607, Date 1923
LIII.—Some new African squirrels
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 518, Date 1923
II.—Notes on dragonflies from the Old World Islands of San Thomé, Rodriguez, Cocos-Keeling, and Loo Choo
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 22, Date 1923
III.—A new form of Indothemis limbata from Ceylon (Odonata)
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 28, Date 1923
XI.—A revision of the Old World Cyrtacanthacrini (Orthoptera, Acrididæ).—I. Introduction and key to genera
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 130, Date 1923
XXVIII.—A note on two species of the genus Murshidia (Nematode, Strongyloidea) parasitic in the wart-hog
Ser 9, Vol 11, Page 256, Date 1923
XII.—On the voles collected by Mr. G. Forrest in Yunnan; with remarks upon the genera Eothenomys and Neodon and upon their allies
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 145, Date 1923
XLIV.—A new Ascarid from an Otter
Ser 9, Vol 11, Page 459, Date 1923
Notes on Arctonyx
Ser 9, Vol 11, Page 322, Date 1923
LXIII.—On a collection of mammals from Tanganyika territory
Ser 9, Vol 11, Page 586, Date 1923
XIV.—The Godman Exploration Fund: List of mammals from North Queensland collected by Mr. T. V. Sherrin
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 170, Date 1923
XV.—On Lepidoptera from New Guinea, Kei, Tenimber, the Philippines, and Australia
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 178, Date 1923
XVI.—Two new termites from Uganda
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 191, Date 1923
IV.—Results of the Oxford University Expedition to Spitsbergen, 1921.—No. 25. Hymenoptera Parasitica : Ichneumonoidea
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 31, Date 1923
XXI.—On a new species of Armadillidium
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 224, Date 1923
XXII.—On a new genus and species of colubrine snake from S.E. Brazil
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 227, Date 1923
XIX.—An Ascarid from the sperm-whale
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 211, Date 1923
XX.—Notes on some Nematodes from East African Hosts
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 218, Date 1923
XIII.—The dental formula of the Muridæ, with especial reference to the “mp. 4 theory”
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 162, Date 1923
XXIV.—On the Nematocerous Diptera of Jan Mayen Island
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 235, Date 1923
XVIII.—A Filariid from the African elephant
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 208, Date 1923
LXXX.—On the presence of an Abietinean cone-scale, Pityolepis durleyensis, sp. n., in the Bournemouth Eocene beds
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 66, Page 705, Date 1923
LXXXI.—Æthosciurus vexillarius and Æ. byatti
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 66, Page 708, Date 1923
LXVII.—Note on the siluroid fishes of the genera Glyptosternum and Exostoma
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 608, Date 1923
I.—A revision of the Clupeid fishes of the genus Ilisha and allied genera
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 1, Date 1923
LXVIII.—The fishes of the family Icosteidæ
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 610, Date 1923
LXIX.—The classification of the Stomiatoid fishes
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 612, Date 1923
LXX.—On the colours of the sea anemone, Tealia crassicornis
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 615, Date 1923
LXXI.—On some butterflies from New Guinea and Tenimber
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 621, Date 1923
LXXII.—New species of crane-flies collected by Mr. G. V. Hudson in New Zealand
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 625, Date 1923
LXXIII.—On the Larva, Pupa, and systematic position of Orphnephila testacea, Macq. (Diptera Nematocera)
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 65, Page 631, Date 1923
XLV.—A new species of Membracidæ (Centrotinæ) from Uganda
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 463, Date 1923
XLVI.—An undescribed fish from the coal measures of Lancashire
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 465, Date 1923
XLVII.—A revision of the old world Cyrtacanthacrini (Orthoptera, Acrididæ).—II. Genera Phyxacra to Willemsea
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 473, Date 1923
XVII.—New or little-known Tipulidæ (Diptera).—XIV. Australasian species
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 193, Date 1923
XXIX.—Descriptions and records of bees.—XCVII
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 263, Date 1923
XXXI.—Coleoptera of the second Mount Everest Expedition, 1922.—Part I. Carabidæ
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 63, Page 273, Date 1923
LXXIV.—On the blow-holes and nasal passages of the Cachalot (Physeter macrocephalus)
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 66, Page 641, Date 1923
LXXV.—On mammals from the Li-kiang Range, Yunnan, being a further collection obtained by Mr. George Forrest
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 66, Page 655, Date 1923
LVIII.—New species of Fulgorids (Homoptera)
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 553, Date 1923
LXXVI.—Exotic Muscaridæ (Diptera).—IX
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 66, Page 664, Date 1923
LXXIX.—On some Psyllidæ (Hem.-Hom.) from the New World
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 66, Page 696, Date 1923
XXXIII.—Previously undescribed Scolytidæ and Platypodidæ from the Indian area.—Part II
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 63, Page 285, Date 1923
XXXIX.—Papers on Oriental Carabidæ.—IX
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 63, Page 335, Date 1923
LXXVII.—Some new short-horned grasshoppers from East Africa
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 66, Page 675, Date 1923
LXXVIII.—The Coleoptera of the Madeira islands
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 66, Page 689, Date 1923
XLVIII.—Ursus anglicus, a new species of British bear
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 490, Date 1923
XXXVIII.—Preliminary descriptions of three new parasitic Nematodes
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 63, Page 333, Date 1923
VII.-New of little-known Tipulidæ (Diptera).—XIII. Australasian species
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 97, Date 1923
XL.—Notes on African non-marine Mollusca, with descriptions of many new species (cont.)
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 345, Date 1923
XLI.—Descriptions of new species of Staphylinidæ from the West Indies
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 363, Date 1923
V.—New Malachiid Beetles and further notes on the distribution and synonymy of various other species from South and East Africa [Coleoptera]
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 33, Date 1923
XXV.—The animal ecology of King's College Chapel, Cambridge.—A preliminary note
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 240, Date 1923
VI.—A revision of the genera of the family Liparidæ
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 47, Date 1923
XXX.—Notes on the nomenclature of the family Scolytidæ
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 269, Date 1923
Bibliographical notice
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 271, Date 1923
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 272, Date 1923
XXXII.—Coleoptera of the second Mt. Everest Expedition, 1922.—Part II. Heteromera
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 63, Page 278, Date 1923
XXXIV.—A revision of the genera of the family Liparidæ
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 63, Page 289, Date 1923
XXXV.—New species and forms of Geometridæ
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 63, Page 305, Date 1923
XXXVII.—The systematic position of the Burmese fish Chaudhuria
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 63, Page 327, Date 1923
VIII.—A note on the species as a gene-complex
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 111, Date 1923
IX.—Diptera (Orthorrhapha Brachycera and Cyclorrhapha) from Spitsbergen and Bear Island. Results of the Oxford University Expedition to Spitsbergen, 1921.—No. 22
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 61, Page 116, Date 1923
XLII.—A revision of the genera of the family Liparidæ
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 64, Page 400, Date 1923
XXVII.—On some small mammals, chiefly bats, from the East Indian Archipelago
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 250, Date 1923
XXIII.—Notes sur les Cercopides Africains
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 230, Date 1923
XXVI.—On some Queensland Phalangeridæ
Ser 9, Vol 11, Iss 62, Page 246, Date 1923