Origins and History of The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 2004-01-01
Continuing Environmental Change - An Example from Nova Scotia
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 39, Date 2004-01-01
Habitat Segregation Among Songbirds in Old-Growth Boreal Mixedwood Forest
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 45, Date 2004-01-01
Effects of Mid-winter Snow Depth on Stand Selection by Wolverines, Gulo gulo luscus, in the Boreal Forest
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 56, Date 2004-01-01
Wolverine, Gulo gulo luscus, Resting Sites and Caching Behavior in the Boreal Forest
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 61, Date 2004-01-01
Seasonal Home Ranges of Raccoons, Procyon lotor, Using a Common Feeding Site in Rural Eastern Ontario: Rabies Management Implications
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 65, Date 2004-01-01
Status of Marine Turtles in British Columbia Waters: A Reassessment
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 72, Date 2004-01-01
Introduced Marine Species in the Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) Region, British Columbia
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 77, Date 2004-01-01
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Archilochus colubris, Entanglements in Burdock, Arctium spp., at Delta Marsh, Manitoba
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 85, Date 2004-01-01
Multiple Mating Results in Multiple Paternity in Richardson's Ground Squirrels, Spermophilus richardsonii
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 90, Date 2004-01-01
Demographic Patterns and Limitation of Grey Wolves, Canis lupus, in and Near Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 2004-01-01
Estimation of Seed Bank and Seed Viability of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence Aster, Symphyotrichum laurentianum, (Fernald) Nesom
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 105, Date 2004-01-01
Consumption of Shrews, Sorex spp., by Arctic Grayling, Thymallus arcticus
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 111, Date 2004-01-01
Unusual Behavior by Bison, Bison bison, Toward Elk, Cervus elaphus, and Wolves, Canis lupus
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 115, Date 2004-01-01
Morphology of Female Woodland Caribou, Rangifer tarandus caribou, in Saskatchewan
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 119, Date 2004-01-01
Occurrence of Parasitoid Wasps, Baeus sp. and Gelis sp., in the Egg Sacs of the Wolf Spiders Pardosa moesta and Pardosa sternalis (Araneae, Lycosidae) in Southeastern Idaho
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 122, Date 2004-01-01
The Northern True Katydid, Pterophylla camellifolia (Orthoptera: Pseudophyllidae), at Ottawa, Ontario
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 124, Date 2004-01-01
Record High Wolf, Canis lupus, Pack Density
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 127, Date 2004-01-01
Extraordinary Size and Survival of American Black Duck, Anas rubripes, Broods
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 129, Date 2004-01-01
Observations of Interactions between Puma, Puma concolor, and Introduced European Red Deer, Cervus elaphus, in Patagonia
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 132, Date 2004-01-01
Premières mentions de la Couleuvre mince, Thamnophis sauritus septentrionalis, au Québec
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 135, Date 2004-01-01
Amphibian Decline: An Integrated Analysis of Multiple Stressor Effects, eds. Greg Linder, Sherry K. Krest, and Donald W. Sparling [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 138, Date 2004-01-01
Birds of Africa: From Seabirds to Seed-eaters, by Chris and Tilde Stuart. 1999 [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 138, Date 2004-01-01
The Firefly Encyclopedia of Birds, ed. Christopher Perrins [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 139, Date 2004-01-01
Birds of Belize, by H. Lee Jones [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 140, Date 2004-01-01
Herpetology: Third Edition, by F. Harvey Pough et al [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 140, Date 2004-01-01
Lizards: Windows to the Evolution of Diversity, by Eric R. Pianka and Laurie J. Vitt [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 141, Date 2004-01-01
Raptors of Western North America, by Brian K. Wheeler [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 142, Date 2004-01-01
Raptors of Eastern North America, by B. Wheeler [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 143, Date 2004-01-01
Turtles and Tortoises, by Vincenzo Ferri [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 143, Date 2004-01-01
What Good are Bugs? Insects in the Web of Life, by Gilbert Waldbauer [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 144, Date 2004-01-01
Belugas in the North Atlantic and the Russian Arctic, eds. M. P. Heide-Jørgensen et al [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 144, Date 2004-01-01
The Firefly Encyclopedia of Insects and Spiders, ed. Christopher O'Toole [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 145, Date 2004-01-01
Biotic Forest Communities of Ontario, by Norman Duncan Martin and Norma M. Martin [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 146, Date 2004-01-01
Les champignons des arbres de l'est de l'Amerique du Nord, by Bruno Boulet [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 146, Date 2004-01-01
Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada: Second Edition, by Henry A. Gleason and Arthur Cronquist [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 147, Date 2004-01-01
The Wild Orchids of North America, North of Mexico, by P. Martin [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 147, Date 2004-01-01
Trees of the Carolinian Forest: A Guide to Species, Their Ecology and Uses, by Gerry Waldron [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 148, Date 2004-01-01
Good News for a Change: How Everyday People are Helping the Planet, by David Suzuki and Holly Dressel [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 149, Date 2004-01-01
Whose Bird?, by Bo Boelens and M. Watkins [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 150, Date 2004-01-01
Forest Dynamics and Disturbance Regimes: Studies from Temperate Evergreen-Deciduous Forests, by Lee E. Frelich [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 150, Date 2004-01-01
Snowshoes & Spotted Dick; Letters from a Wilderness Dweller, by Chris Czajkowski. 2003. [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 151, Date 2004-01-01
Natural Grace: The Charm, Wonder, & Lessons of Pacific Northwest Animals & Plants, by William Dietrich. 2003. [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 152, Date 2004-01-01
Tales from the Underground: A Natural History of Subterranean Life, by David W. Wolfe [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 153, Date 2004-01-01
Erratum: Field Identification of the Mice Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis and P. maniculatus gracilis in Central New York. (2003) 117(2): 184-189.
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 157, Date 2004-01-01
Erratum: Heavy metal concentrations in Arctic Foxes, Alopex lagopus, in the Prudhoe Oil Field, Alaska. (2003) 117(1): 119-121.
Vol 118, Iss 1, Page 157, Date 2004-01-01
Morphology and Population Characteristics of Vancouver Island Cougars, Puma concolor vancouverensis
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 159, Date 2004-04-01
Conservation Evaluation of Lemmon's Holly Fern, Polystichum lemmonii, a Threatened Fern in Canada
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 164, Date 2004-04-01
Conservation Evaluation of the Pacific Population of Tall Woolly-heads, Psilocarphus elatior, an Endangered Herb in Canada
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 169, Date 2004-04-01
Conservation Evaluation of Howell's Triteleia, Triteleia howellii, an Endangered Lily in Canada
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 174, Date 2004-04-01
Conservation Evaluation of Small-flowered Lipocarpha, Lipocarpha micrantha (Cyperaceae), in Canada
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 179, Date 2004-04-01
Immobilization of Clover-trapped White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, with Medetomidine and Ketamine, and Antagonism with Atipamezole
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 185, Date 2004-04-01
Predation on Two Mule Deer, Odocoileus hemionus, by a Canada Lynx, Lynx canadensis, in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 191, Date 2004-04-01
Effect of Fire Intensity and Depth of Burn on Lowbush Blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium, and Velvet Leaf Blueberry, Vaccinium myrtilloides, Production in Eastern Ontario
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 2004-04-01
Spring Dispersal Patterns of Red-winged Blackbirds, Agelaius phoeniceus, Staging in Eastern South Dakota
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 201, Date 2004-04-01
Changes in Loon (Gavia spp.) and Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena) Populations in the Lower Matanuska-Susitna Valley, Alaska
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 210, Date 2004-04-01
The Barred Owl, Strix varia in Alberta: Distribution and Status
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 215, Date 2004-04-01
Use of Eelgrass, Zostera marina, Wrack by Three Species of Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Prince Edward Island
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 225, Date 2004-04-01
Predicting the Effects of Cerulean Warbler, Dendroica cerulea Management on Eastern Ontario Bird Species
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 229, Date 2004-04-01
Parasite Prevalence in Dark-eyed Juncos, Junco hyemalis, Breeding at Different Elevations
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 235, Date 2004-04-01
Movements of Subadult Male Grizzly Bears, Ursus arctos, in the Central Canadian Arctic
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 239, Date 2004-04-01
Severe Chronic Neck Injury Caused by a Snare in a Coyote, Canis latrans
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 243, Date 2004-04-01
Interactions of Brown Bears, Ursus arctos, and Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, at Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 247, Date 2004-04-01
Wild Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo silvestris, Behavior in Central Ontario During Winter
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 251, Date 2004-04-01
Fifteenth Census of Seabird Populations in the Sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1998-1999
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 256, Date 2004-04-01
Observations of Above-Surface Littoral Foraging in Two Sea Ducks, Barrow's Goldeneye, Bucephala islandica, and Surf Scoter, Melanitta perspicillata, in Coastal Southwestern British Columbia
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 264, Date 2004-04-01
New Records of Cyperaceae and Juncaceae from the Yukon Territory
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 266, Date 2004-04-01
"Ashkui" Vernal Ice-cover Phenomena and Their Ecological Role in Southern Labrador
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 267, Date 2004-04-01
Sea Otter, Enhydra lutris, Sightings off Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 1972-2002
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 270, Date 2004-04-01
First Record of a Barred Owl, Strix varia, in Labrador
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 273, Date 2004-04-01
Evidence for the Use of Vocalization to Coordinate the Killing of a White-Tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, by Coyotes, Canis latrans
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 278, Date 2004-04-01
Fish of Alberta, by Amanda Joynt and Michael G. Sullivan [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 281, Date 2004-04-01
Sharks, by Andrea and Antonella Ferrari [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 282, Date 2004-04-01
In Search of the Golden Frog, by Martha Crump [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 283, Date 2004-04-01
Conversations with an Eagle, by Brenda Cox [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 284, Date 2004-04-01
North American Owls, Biology and Natural History, Second Edition, by Paul A. Johnsgard [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 284, Date 2004-04-01
The Mountain White-Crowned Sparrow: Migration and Reproduction at High Altitude, by Martin L. Morton [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 285, Date 2004-04-01
Seabird Bycatch: Trends, Roadblocks, and Solutions, eds. Edward F. Melvin and Julia K. Parrish [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 286, Date 2004-04-01
The Life of Mammals, by David Attenborough [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 287, Date 2004-04-01
Geographic Variation in Size and Shape of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), by James D. Rising. 2001. [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 287, Date 2004-04-01
Warblers of the Great Lakes and Eastern North America and Sparrows and Finches of the Great Lakes and Eastern North America, by Chris Early [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 288, Date 2004-04-01
Birds of the Yukon Territory, ed. P. H. Sinclair et al [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 289, Date 2004-04-01
Wild Flowers of the Yukon, Alaska & Northwestern Canada, 2nd Edition, by John G. Trelawny. 2003. [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 290, Date 2004-04-01
Wild Flowers of Field & Slope in the Pacific Northwest, Wild Flowers of Forest & Woodland in the Pacific Northwest, and Wild Flowers of the Mountains in the Pacific Northwest, by Lewis J. Clark. 2002-2003. [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 290, Date 2004-04-01
The Canoe: A Living Tradition, by John Jennings [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 291, Date 2004-04-01
Update on Quebec Amphibian and Reptile Atlas Project; Froglog; Amphipacifica; Marine Turtle Newsletter
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 294, Date 2004-04-01
Erratum: Introduced Marine Species in the Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) Region, British Columbia. (2004) 118(1): 77-84.
Vol 118, Iss 2, Page 295, Date 2004-04-01
Population Dynamics of Deer Mice, Peromyscus maniculatus, and Yellow-pine Chipmunks, Tamias amoenus, in Old Field and Orchard Habitats
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 299, Date 2004-07-01
Density and Survival of Lady Beetles (Coccinellidae) in Overwintering Sites in Manitoba
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 309, Date 2004-07-01
Description of Age-0 Round Goby, Neogobius melanostomus Pallas (Gobiidae), and Ecotone Utilisation in St. Clair Lowland Waters, Ontario
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 318, Date 2004-07-01
A Systematic Analysis of the Alpine Saxifrage Complex (Saxifragaceae) in the Canadian Arctic Islands Using Morphology and Chloroplast DNA Data
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 326, Date 2004-07-01
The Influence of Prey Availability and Vegetation Characteristics on Scent Station Visitation Rates of Coyotes, Canis latrans, in a Heterogeneous Environment
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 341, Date 2004-07-01
Presence of Cavities in Snags Retained in Forest Cutblocks: Do Management Policies Promote Species Retention?
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 354, Date 2004-07-01
Summer Diet of Two White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, Populations Living at Low and High Density in Southern Québec
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 360, Date 2004-07-01
Winter Habitat Use by Wolves, Canis lupus, in Relation to Forest Harvesting in West-central Alberta
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 368, Date 2004-07-01
Bird Communities of the Garry Oak Habitat in Southwestern British Columbia
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 376, Date 2004-07-01
Invertebrate Diversity under Artificial Cover in Relation to Boreal Forest Habitat Characteristics
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 386, Date 2004-07-01
Observations of Habitat Use by Polar Bears, Ursus maritimus, in the Alaskan Beaufort, Chukchi, and Northern Bering Seas
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 395, Date 2004-07-01
New Records for the Arctic Shrew, Sorex arcticus and the Newly Recognized Maritime Shrew, Sorex maritimensis
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 400, Date 2004-07-01
Lichen Zonation on Coastal Rocks in Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 405, Date 2004-07-01
Predaceous Water Beetles (Coleoptera: Adephaga: Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae) Collected Along the Horton and Thelon Rivers in the Arctic Central Barrens of Canada
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 425, Date 2004-07-01
Collapsing Burrow Causes Death of a Eurasian Beaver, Castor fiber
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 434, Date 2004-07-01
Frequency of Tail Breakage of the Northern Watersnake, Nerodia sipedon sipedon
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 435, Date 2004-07-01
The Heather Vole, Genus Phenacomys, in Alaska
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 438, Date 2004-07-01
Extension de l'aire de distribution connue de la Musaraigne fuligineuse, Sorex fumeus, dans le nord-est du Québec
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 441, Date 2004-07-01
Gulls, Larus spp., Foraging at Pink Salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Spawning Runs
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 442, Date 2004-07-01
Sequential Polyandry in Piping Plover, Charadrius melodus, Nesting in Eastern Canada
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 444, Date 2004-07-01
American Dipper, Cinclus mexicanus, Preys Upon Larval Tailed Frogs, Ascaphus truei
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 446, Date 2004-07-01
Piping Plover, Charadrius melodus, egg viability after seawater immersion
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 448, Date 2004-07-01
A Tribute to Loris Shano Russell, 1904-1998 [Obituary]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 451, Date 2004-07-01
Birds of Nunavut: A Checklist, by James M. Richards, Y. Robert Tymstra, and Anthony W. White [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 465, Date 2004-07-01
The Uses and Curation of Birds' Egg Collections: An Examination and Biography, by Martin Limbert [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 465, Date 2004-07-01
Birds of the Untamed West: The History of Birdlife in Nebraska, 1750 to 1875, by James E. Ducey [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 466, Date 2004-07-01
Birds of Nebraska: Their Distribution and Temporal Occurrence, by Roger S. Sharpe,W. Ross Silcock, and Joel G. Jorgensen [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 466, Date 2004-07-01
Canadian Skin and Scales: A Complete Encyclopedia of Canadian Amphibians and Reptiles, by Pat E. Bumstead [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 467, Date 2004-07-01
Conservation and Ecology of Turtles of the Mid-Atlantic Region: A Symposium, eds. Christopher W. Swarth, Willem M. Roosenburg and Erik Kiviat [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 468, Date 2004-07-01
For Love of Insects, by Thomas Eisner [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 468, Date 2004-07-01
The Freshwater Fishes of Manitoba, by Kenneth W. Stewart and Douglas A. Watkinson [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 469, Date 2004-07-01
The History of Ornithology in Virginia, by David W. Johnston [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 470, Date 2004-07-01
All-Weather Hawk Watcher's Field Journal, by Donald Heintzelman [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 471, Date 2004-07-01
Self-Portrait With Turtles: A Memoir, by David Carroll [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 471, Date 2004-07-01
Wild Mammals of North America: Biology, Management, and Conservation (Second edition), eds. George A. Feldhamer, Bruce C. Thompson, and Joseph A. Chapman [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 472, Date 2004-07-01
Pete Dunne on Bird Watching: The How-to, Where-to and When-to of Birding, by Peter Dunne [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 473, Date 2004-07-01
Alpine Plants of North America: An Encyclopaedia of Mountain Flowers from the Rockies to Alaska, by Graham Nicholls and Rick Lupp [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 474, Date 2004-07-01
Arboretum America, A Philosophy of the Forest, by Diana Beresford-Kroeger [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 474, Date 2004-07-01
Cape Cod Wildflowers: A Vanishing Heritage, by Mario J. DiGregorio and Jeff Wallner [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 475, Date 2004-07-01
Wild Flowers of Field & Slope in the Pacific Northwest, Wild Flowers of Forest & Woodland in the Pacific Northwest, and Wild Flowers of the Mountains in the Pacific Northwest, by Lewis J. Clark [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 476, Date 2004-07-01
Lewis Clark's Field Guide to Wild Flowers of the Sea Coast in the Pacific Northwest, by Lewis J. Clarke [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 476, Date 2004-07-01
Conserving Living Natural Resources in the Context of a Changing World, by Bertie Josephson Weddell [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 477, Date 2004-07-01
Visions of the Land: Science, Literature, and the American Environment from the Era of Exploration to the Age of Ecology, by Michael A. Bryson [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 478, Date 2004-07-01
Genetics, Demography and Viability of Fragmented Populations, eds. A. G. Young, and G. M. Clarke [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 478, Date 2004-07-01
A Primer of Ecological Genetics, by Jeffrey K. Conner and Daniel L. Hartl [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 480, Date 2004-07-01
Smithsonian Institution Secretary Charles Doolittle Walcott, by Ellis L. Yochelson [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 481, Date 2004-07-01
Froglog, Marine Turtle Newsletter, The Boreal Dip Net/L'Epuisette Boreal, and Canadian Species at Risk May 2004
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 484, Date 2004-07-01
Erratum: Morphology and population characteristics of Vancouver Island Cougars, Puma concolor vancouverensis . (2004) 118(2): 159-163.
Vol 118, Iss 3, Page 485, Date 2004-07-01
Stranding of a Pygmy Sperm Whale, Kogia breviceps, in the Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 495, Date 2004-10-01
Seed Dispersal by Brown Bears, Ursus arctos, in Southeastern Alaska
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 499, Date 2004-10-01
A Mapping of the Present and Past Forest-types of Prince Edward Island
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 504, Date 2004-10-01
Inventaire printanier d'une frayère multispécifique : l'ichtyofaune des rapides de la rivière Gatineau, Québec
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 521, Date 2004-10-01
Moths and Butterflies (Lepidoptera) of the Boreal Mixedwood Forest near Lac La Biche, Alberta, Including New Provincial Records
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 530, Date 2004-10-01
Pilose Braya, Braya pilosa Hooker (Cruciferae; Brassicaceae), an Enigmatic Endemic of Arctic Canada
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 550, Date 2004-10-01
New Records of Vascular Plants in the Yukon Territory VI
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 558, Date 2004-10-01
Hybridization Between a Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas, and Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta, and the First Record of a Green Turtle in Atlantic Canada
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 579, Date 2004-10-01
A Snow-tracking Protocol Used to Delineate Local Lynx, Lynx canadensis, Distributions
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 583, Date 2004-10-01
Hummock Vegetation at the Arctic Tree-line near Churchill, Manitoba
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 590, Date 2004-10-01
Effects of Lodgepole Pine Dwarf Mistletoe, Arceuthobium americanum, on Jack Pine, Pinus banksiana, Growth in Manitoba
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 595, Date 2004-10-01
Excavation of an Arctic Fox, Alopex lagopus, den by a Polar Bear, Ursus maritimus
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 602, Date 2004-10-01
Two Great Black-backed Gulls, Larus marinus, Kill Male Longtailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 604, Date 2004-10-01
First Record of Mountain Lions, Puma concolor, in Elk Island National Park, Alberta
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 605, Date 2004-10-01
First Confirmed Occurrence of a Wolf, Canis lupus, South of the St. Lawrence River in Over 100 Years
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 608, Date 2004-10-01
Is Cost of Locomotion the Reason for Prolonged Nesting Forays of Snapping Turtles, Chelydra serpentina ?
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 610, Date 2004-10-01
Significant Vascular Plant Records from the Hamilton Area, Ontario
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 612, Date 2004-10-01
Do Rhinoceros Auklet, Cerorhinca monocerata, Fledglings Fly to the Sea from Their Natal Burrows?
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 615, Date 2004-10-01
A Tribute to Thomas Henry Manning 1911-1998 [Obituary]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 618, Date 2004-10-01
A Tribute to Victor Kent Prest 1913-2003 [Obituary]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 626, Date 2004-10-01
Birds of Australia 7th edition, by Ken Simpson and Nicolas Day [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 630, Date 2004-10-01
The Bird Almanac, by David M. Bird [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 630, Date 2004-10-01
Handbook of Birds of the World: Volume 9 Cotingas to Pipits and Wagtails, eds. Josep del Hoyo et al [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 631, Date 2004-10-01
British Columbia: A Natural History. Revised and Updated, by Richard Cannings and Sydney Cannings [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 631, Date 2004-10-01
Field Guide to Bird Nests and Eggs of Alaska's Coastal Tundra, by T. D. Bowman [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 632, Date 2004-10-01
Guide to Hawk Watching in North America, by Donald S. Heintzelman. 2004.
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 632, Date 2004-10-01
Locust: The Devastating Rise and Mysterious Disappearance of the Insect that Shaped the American Frontier, by Jeffrey A. Lockwood [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 633, Date 2004-10-01
Mammals of the World: A Checklist, by A. Duff and A. Lawson [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 634, Date 2004-10-01
Parental Behavior in Lepidosaurian and Testudinian Reptiles: A Literature Survey, by Louis A. Somma [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 635, Date 2004-10-01
Prairie Ghost: Pronghorn and Human Interaction in Early America, by Richard E. McCabe et al [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 635, Date 2004-10-01
A Guide to the Birds of St. Helena and Ascension Island, by N. McCulloch [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 636, Date 2004-10-01
Flora and Climatic Conditions of the North Pacific: A Collection of Scientific Papers, eds. A. N. Berkutenko et al [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 637, Date 2004-10-01
The Russian Far East - Second Edition, by Josh Newell [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 638, Date 2004-10-01
Resource and Environmental Management in Canada: Addressing Conflict and Uncertainty - Third Edition, ed. Bruce Mitchell [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 640, Date 2004-10-01
Bull's Eye: Unraveling the Medical Mystery of Lyme Disease - Second Edition, by Jonathan A. Edlow [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 641, Date 2004-10-01
The Importance of Species: Perspective on Expendability and Triage, eds. Peter Kareiva and Simon A. Levin [Review]
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 641, Date 2004-10-01
Erratum: Lichen Zonation on Coastal Rocks in Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. (2004) 118(3): 405-424.
Vol 118, Iss 4, Page 649, Date 2004-10-01