Spread and disappearance of the Greater Prairie-Chicken, Tympanuchus cupido, on the Canadian prairies and adjacent areas
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 2002
Status of Common Eiders, Somateria mollissima, nesting in the Digges Sound region, Nunavut
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 22, Date 2002
Flathead Chubs, Platygobio gracilis, in the upper Missouri River: The biology of a species at risk in an endangered habitat
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 26, Date 2002
Abundance and distribution of breeding waterfowl in the Great Clay Belt of northern Ontario
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 42, Date 2002
Resilience of Foothills Rough Fescue, Festuca campestris, rangeland to wildfire
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 51, Date 2002
Survival, fates, and success of transplanted Beavers, Castor canadensis, in Wyoming
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 60, Date 2002
Songbird community composition versus forest rotation age in Saskatchewan boreal mixedwood forest
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 69, Date 2002
Status of Redside Dace, Clinostomus elongatus, in the Lynde Creek and Pringle Creek watersheds of Lake Ontario
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 76, Date 2002
Aquatic leaves and regeneration of last year's staw in the arctic grass, Arctophila fulva
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 81, Date 2002
Records of Northern Mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos, occurrences in North Dakota during the twentieth century
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 87, Date 2002
Diets of Northern Flying Squirrels, Glaucomys sabrinus, in southeast Alaska
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 98, Date 2002
Nesting activities of an Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle, Apalone spinifera
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 2002
Long-distance movements by female White-footed Mice, Peromyscus lecopus, in extensive mixed-wood forest
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 108, Date 2002
Recent trends in stem numbers in Goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis, populations at the northern limit of its range
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 112, Date 2002
A comparison of techniques for assessing amphibian assemblages on streams in the western boreal forest
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 116, Date 2002
A rare leucistic Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias, from the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 120, Date 2002
Anomalies in incisor wear of American Elk, Cervus elaphus, in the French River delta, Ontario
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 122, Date 2002
First record of the Hoary Bat, Lasiurus cinereus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), from Prince Edward Island
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 124, Date 2002
Wolf, Canis lupus, response to domestic sled dog, Canisfamiliaris, activities in central Yukon
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 125, Date 2002
First record of an Eastern Coyote, Canis latrans, in Labrador
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 127, Date 2002
Long distance movement by a Coyote, Canis latrans, and a Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes, in Ontario: Implications for disease-spread
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 129, Date 2002
Predation of Wolves, Canis lupus, on Wolverines, Gulo gulo,and an American Marten, Martes americana., in Alaska
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 132, Date 2002
Meek's Halfbeak, Hyporhamphus meeki, and Flying Gurnard, Dactylopterus volitans, captured in the Annapolis Basin, Nova Scotia
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 134, Date 2002
Apparent capture myopathy in Hoary Bats, Lasiurus cinereus: A cautionary note
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 136, Date 2002
Mobbing Black-billed Magpie, Pica hudsonia, killed by Cooper's Hawk, Accipiter cooperii
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 137, Date 2002
Breeding season of Wolves, Canis lupus, in relation to latitude
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 139, Date 2002
Canada and the "buffalo". Bison bison: A tale of two herds
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 141, Date 2002
Birds, Mammals & Reptiles of the Galapagos Islands, by Any Swash and Rob Still [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 160, Date 2002
Wisconsin Fishes 2000: Status and Distribution, by John Lyons, Philip A. Cochran and Don Fago [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 161, Date 2002
Marine Mammals of the Pacific Northwest: A Concise and Comprehensive Waterproof Guide, by P. A. Folkens [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 162, Date 2002
Manitoba Birds, by Andy Bezener and Ken de Smet [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 163, Date 2002
Heron Conservation, eds. James A. Kushlan and Heinz Hafner [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 164, Date 2002
The Field Guide to Birds of Australia, by G. Pizzey and F. Knight [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 165, Date 2002
Katydids and Bush-Crickets: Reproductive Behavior and Evolution of the Tettigoniideae, by Darryl T. Gwynne [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 165, Date 2002
A Manual for Wildlife Radio Tagging, by Robert E, Kenward [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 166, Date 2002
Bird Census Techniques, by Colin J. Bibby, Neil J. Burgess, David A. Hill and Simon H. Mustoe [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 166, Date 2002
Flying Foxes: Fruit and Blossom Bats of Australia, by L. Hall and G. Richards [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 167, Date 2002
Guide to Standard Floras of the World: An Annotated Geographically Arranged Systematic Bibliography of the Principal Floras, Enumerations, Checklists, and Chorological Atlases of Different Areas, Second Edition, by David G. Fordin [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 168, Date 2002
Their Father's Work: Casting Nets with the World's Fishermen, by W. McCloskey [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 169, Date 2002
AAAS Atlas of Population and Environment, by P. Harrison and F. Pearce [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 170, Date 2002
Making Better Environmental Decisions, by Mary O'Brien [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 171, Date 2002
Scientific Method for Ecological Research, by E. David Ford [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 171, Date 2002
The Last Great Sea: A Voyage through Human and Natural History of the North Pacific Ocean, by T. Glavin [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 1, Page 172, Date 2002
Winter habitat selection at three spatial scales by American Elk, Cervus elaphus, in west-central Alberta
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 183, Date 2002
Notable vascular plants from Alaska in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve with comments on the floristics
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 192, Date 2002
Black Bear, Ursus americanus, hair and Apple Trees, Malus pumila, in northeast North America
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 305, Date 2002
Large clutch size of a Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia, found in Saskatchewan
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 307, Date 2002
Dispersal by a male American Marten, Martes americana
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 309, Date 2002
Territorial marking by lone male Gray Wolves, Canis lupus
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 311, Date 2002
Estimating the weight of Wolves, Canis lupus, from chest girth measurements
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 313, Date 2002
Differential use of a Wolf, Canis lupus, pack territory edge and core
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 315, Date 2002
Extension de I'aire de distribution de la Salamandre à quatre doigts, Hemidactylium scutatum, dans l'est du Québec, et notes sur I'habitat
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 317, Date 2002
Reproductive characteristics of Northern Pocket Gophers, Thomomys talpoides, in Alberta alfalfa fields
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 319, Date 2002
Evidence of a second litter in Northern Pocket Gophers, Thomomys talpoides
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 322, Date 2002
Narwhal, Monodon monoceros, near western Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 323, Date 2002
A tribute to Edward Warren Greenwood (1918-2002), Canadian Orchidologist [Obituary]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 326, Date 2002
Butterflies of British Columbia (including Western Alberta, Southern Yukon, the Alaskan Panhandle, Washington, Northern Oregon, Northern Idaho, Northwestern Montana), by C. S. Guppy and J. H. Shepard [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 331, Date 2002
Ecosystem Dynamics of the Boreal Forest: The Kluane Project, by Charles J. Krebs, Stan Boutin, and Rudy Boonstra [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 331, Date 2002
The Canadian Rockies Guide to Wildlife Watching: The Best Places to See and Appreciate Animals in Their Natural Habitat, by Michael Kerr [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 333, Date 2002
Four Wings and a Prayer, by Sue Halpern [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 333, Date 2002
Radio Tracking and Animal Populations, eds. J. J. Millspaugh and J. M. Marzluff [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 334, Date 2002
The Birds of Ecuador: Status, Distribution and Taxonomy (Volume I), Field Guide (Volume II), by Robert Ridgely and Paul Greenfield [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 335, Date 2002
Sylvia Warblers, by Hadoram Shirihai, Gabriael Garballo, and Andreas J. Helbig [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 336, Date 2002
Bats of Papua New Guinea, by Frank J. Bonasccorso [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 337, Date 2002
A Field Guide to Birds of Peru, by J. Clements and N. Shany [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 338, Date 2002
Birds of Delaware, By G. K. Hess, R. L. West, M. V. Barnhill and L. M. Fleming [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 339, Date 2002
Checklist of the Birds of Northern South America, by Clemencia Rodner Miguel Lentino and Robin Restall [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 340, Date 2002
Birds of Southern South America and Antarctica, by M. de la Pena and M. Rumboll [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 341, Date 2002
Whales and Other Marine Mammals of British Columbia and Alaska, by T. Eder and I. Sheldon [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 341, Date 2002
GuÃa de las Aves de España, by Eduardo de Juana y Juana Varela [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 342, Date 2002
Magical Mushrooms, Mischievous Molds, by George W. Hudler [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 343, Date 2002
Spatial Pattern Analysis in Plant Ecology, by M. R. T. Dale [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 344, Date 2002
Rare Vascular Plants of Alberta, by Linda Kershaw, Joyce Gould, Derek Johnson and Jane Lancaster [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 344, Date 2002
The Global Environment in the Twenty-first Century: Prospects for International Cooperation, ed. Pamela S. Chasek [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 345, Date 2002
Reading the Entrails: An Alberta Ecohistory, by Norman C. Conrad [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 346, Date 2002
Spacial Optimization for Managed Ecosystems, by J. Hof and M. Bevers [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 346, Date 2002
The Amber Forest, by George Poinar, Jr. and Roberta Poinar [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 347, Date 2002
The Natural History of an Arctic Oil Field, Development and the Biota, eds. Joe C. Truett and Stephen R. Johnson [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 347, Date 2002
Finding Order in Nature: The Naturalist Tradition from Linnaeus to E. O. Wilson, by Paul L. Farber [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 349, Date 2002
Excavation, by Steve Roskams [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 2, Page 350, Date 2002
Double-crested Cormorants, Phalacrocorax auritus, at inland lakes north of Lake Huron
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 359, Date 2002
Seasonal distribution of waterbirds in relation to spawning Pacific Herring, Clupea pallasi, in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 366, Date 2002
North Atlantic Sperm Whale, Physeter macrocephalus, strandings on the coastlines of the British lsles and eastern Canada
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 371, Date 2002
Bat night roost at an abandoned mine in western Maryland
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 389, Date 2002
Relative abundance, habitat use, and breeding status of birds in Aulavik National Park, Banks Island, Northwest Territories
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 393, Date 2002
Night surveys of Yellow Rails, Coturnicops noveboracensis, and Virginia Rails, Rallus limicola, in Alberta using call playbacks
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 408, Date 2002
Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, of British Columbia's Central and North Coast: Distribution and Conservation Assessment
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 416, Date 2002
A review of the status of the Atlantic Wolffish, Anarhichas lupus, in Canada
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 423, Date 2002
The Muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, as a host for the Silver Lamprey, Ichthyomyzon unicuspis, in the Ottawa River, Ontario/Quebec
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 433, Date 2002
Ephemeral occurrence of the Mosquito Fern, Azolla caroliniana, at Ottawa, Ontario
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 441, Date 2002
New records of vascular plants in the Yukon Territory IV
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 446, Date 2002
Breeding birds in forestry plantations and natural forest in the vicinity of Fundy National Park, New Brunswick
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 475, Date 2002
Testing a double-count aerial survey technique for White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, in Quebec
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 488, Date 2002
Survivors in Armor: Turtles, Tortoises, and Terrapins, by Ronald Orenstein [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 497, Date 2002
Amphibians and Reptiles of Pennsylvania and the Northeast, by Arthur C. Hulse, C. J. McCoy, and Ellen J. Censky [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 498, Date 2002
The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior, by David Allen Sibley [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 498, Date 2002
A Birder's Guide to Metropolitan Areas of North America, ed. Paul Lehman [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 499, Date 2002
The World of the Hummingbird, by Robert Burton [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 500, Date 2002
The Complete Encyclopedia: Antarctica and the Arctic, by D. McGonigal and L. Woodworth [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 501, Date 2002
The Complete Guide to the Birds of Europe, by L. Svensson and P. Grant [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 502, Date 2002
The Cuban Treefrog in Florida: Life History of a Successful Colonizing Species, by Walter E. Meshaka, Jr. [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 503, Date 2002
National Audubon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World, by P. A. Folkens et al. [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 504, Date 2002
Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales, eds. J. Mann, R. C. Connor, P. L. Tyack, and H. Whitehead [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 505, Date 2002
Lichens of North America, by Irwin M. Brodo, Sylvia Duran Sharnoff, and Stephen Sharnoff [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 506, Date 2002
Life in the Treetops: Adventures of a Woman in Field Biology, by Margaret D. Lowman [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 508, Date 2002
Victorian Sensations: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of the Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, by James A. Secord [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 509, Date 2002
Northern Wild, Best Contemporary Canadian Nature Writing, ed. David R. Boyd [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 509, Date 2002
Cheltenham in Antarctica: The Life of Edward Wilson, by D. Wilson and D. Elder [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 3, Page 510, Date 2002
Rapid estimation of plant biomass used as forage or cover by White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, and Snowshoe Hare, Lepus americanus, in mixed and coniferous forests of southeastern Quebec
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 523, Date 2002
Selection, sizes, site, and use of home range of the Appalachian Cottontail, Sylvilagus obscurus
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 529, Date 2002
Distribution of Blacknose Dace, Rhinichthys atratulus, in Nova Scotia
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 536, Date 2002
Bill Dore's notes on the Kaladar Cactus (Opuntia fragilis)
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 547, Date 2002
Amphibian and reptile diversity along the St. Lawrence River
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 551, Date 2002
First report of the rare charophyte Nitella macounii (T. F. Allen) T. F. Allen in Saskatchewan and western Canada
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 559, Date 2002
Plant community composition and relationships of disturbed and undisturbed alvar woodland
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 571, Date 2002
Cooper's Hawks, Accipter cooperii, successfully nesting at high densities in the northern Great Plains
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 580, Date 2002
The forests of Prince Edward Island: A classification and ordination using multivariate methods
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 585, Date 2002
Population trends of nesting Glaucous-winged Gulls, Larus glaucescens, in the southern Strait of Georgia, British Columbia
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 603, Date 2002
Extralimital occurrences of Ringed Seals, Phoca hispida, on Sable Island, Nova Scotia
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 607, Date 2002
Chromosome numbers determined from Canadian and Alaskan material of native and naturalized mustards, Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 611, Date 2002
Weedy introduced mustards (Brassicaceae) of Canada
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 623, Date 2002
Additional records of bigeye fishes (Pricanthidae) from the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, including the first record of the Glasseye Snapper, Heteropriacanthus cruentatus
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 632, Date 2002
An extraordinary Raccoon, Procyon lotor, density at an urban park
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 636, Date 2002
Initial beneficial effects of fire and bulldozing on Neglected Milkvetch, Astragalus neglectus, in an eastern Ontario alvar woodland
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 640, Date 2002
Successful spawning by Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall, Ontario
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 642, Date 2002
Over-wintering and reproduction by the Big Brown Bat, Eptesicus fuscus, in New Brunswick
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 645, Date 2002
Behavioral modification of Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, suffering from sarcoptic mange: importance of sequential monitoring
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 648, Date 2002
The Birds of British Columbia Volume 4: Passerines[:] Wood-Warblers through Old World Sparrows, by R. Wayne Campbell et al.; [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 651, Date 2002
The Royal Ontario Museum Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Ontario, by Ross MacCulloch [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 653, Date 2002
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta: A Field Guide and Primer of Boreal Herpetology, Second Edition, by Anthony P. Russell and Aaron M. Bauer [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 654, Date 2002
Rare Amphibians, Reptiles, and Mammals of British Columbia, by Sydney G. Cannings, Leah R. Ramsay, David F. Fraser, and Mark A. Fraker [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 655, Date 2002
Scientific and Standard English Names of Amphibians and Reptiles of North America North of Mexico, with Comments Regarding Confidence in Our Understanding, byBrian I. Crother et al. [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 656, Date 2002
Pigeons and Doves: A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World, by David Gibbs, Eustace Barnes, and John Cox [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 658, Date 2002
Handbook of Birds of the World Volume 7 Jacamars to Woodpeckers, eds. Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott and Jordi Sargatal [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 659, Date 2002
The Marbled Murrelets of the Caren Range and Middlepoint Bight, by P. H. Jones [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 660, Date 2002
Hummingbirds of North America: The Photographic Guide, by Steve N. G. Howell [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 661, Date 2002
State and Provincial Amphibian and Reptile Publications for the United States and Canada, by John J. Moriarty and Aaron M. Bauer [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 662, Date 2002
Salamanders of the United States and Canada, by James W, Petranka [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 663, Date 2002
Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, ed. William E. Duellman [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 664, Date 2002
The Amphibians of the Former Soviet Union, by S. L. Kuzmin [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 665, Date 2002
The Atlas of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Vermont December, 2001, by James S. Andrews [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 666, Date 2002
Snake, by Chris Mattison [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 667, Date 2002
A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Maya World: The Lowlands of Mexico, Northern Guatemala, and Belize, by Julian C. Lee [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 668, Date 2002
Dinosaurs, The Encyclopedia. Supplement 2, by Donald F. Glut [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 669, Date 2002
The Archaeology of Animal Bones, by Terry O'Connor [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 669, Date 2002
Rare Native Vascular Plants of British Columbia, Second Edition, by George W. Douglas, Del Meidinger and Jenifer L. Penny [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 670, Date 2002
Flore printanière, by Gisèle Lamoureaux [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 670, Date 2002
Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds, by M. Liebman, C. L. Mohler, and C. P. Staver [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 671, Date 2002
Fungal Conservation: Issues and Solutions, eds. David Moore, Marijke M. Nauta, Shelley E. Evans, and Maurice Rotheroe [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 672, Date 2002
Two Hundred Years of Ecosystem and Food Web Changes in the Quoddy Region, Outer Bay of Fundy, by H. Lotze and I. Milewski [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 673, Date 2002
Autumn, a Season of Change, by Peter J. Marchard [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 674, Date 2002
Making Parks Work: Strategies for Preserving Tropical Nature, eds. J. Terbough, C. van Schaik, L. Davenport, and M. Rao [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 675, Date 2002
Thoreau's Country: Journey Through a Transformed Landscape, by David R. Foster [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 676, Date 2002
Voices for the Watershed: Environmental Issues in the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Drainage Basin, eds. G. G. Beck and B. Littlejohn [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 676, Date 2002
Conservation of Exploited Species, eds John D. Reynolds et al. [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 677, Date 2002
Politics of the Wild: Canada and Endangered Species, by Karen Beazley and Robert Boardman [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 678, Date 2002
On Her Own Terms: Annie Montague Alexander and the Rise of Science in the American West, by Barbara R. Stein [Review]
Vol 116, Iss 4, Page 678, Date 2002