Early Devonian igneous activity and some stratigraphic correlations in the Tumut region, New South Wales
Vol 101, Page 13, Date 1976
The genera Campylochirus Trouessart and Campylochiropsis Fain (Acari: Atopomelidae), parasites of phalangeroid marsupials in Australasia
Vol 101, Page 27, Date 1976
The role of barley, rye and grasses in the 1973-74 wheat stem rust epiphytotic in southern and eastern Australia
Vol 101, Page 65, Date 1977
A new species of scorpaenid fish (Scorpaenidae) from Western Australia
Vol 101, Page 145, Date 1977
A new species of Brachionus (Rotifera) from the Myall Lakes, New South Wales
Vol 101, Page 162, Date 1977
Upper Ordovician tabulate corals from central-western New South Wales
Vol 101, Page 167, Date 1977
Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture, 1976. The biogeographic basis of national cultures
Vol 101, Page 218, Date 1977
The food plants or hosts of some Fijian insects. V
Vol 101, Page 237, Date 1977
On the adaptive significance of the loss of an oviduct in reptiles
Vol 101, Page 242, Date 1977
Gilbert Percy Whitley, 1903-1975. (Memorial Series No. 23)
Vol 101, Page 256, Date 1977