Fisher, Martes pennanti, home range characteristics in a high density untrapped population in southern Quebec
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 359, Date 1997
The distribution of the Cascade Mantled Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus saturatus, in British Columbia
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 365, Date 1997
The recent spread of Autumn-olive, Elaeagnus umbellata, into southern Ontario and its current status
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 376, Date 1997
The distribution and numbers of Bowhead Whales, Balaena mysticetus, in Northern Foxe Basin in 1994
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 381, Date 1997
Wolf, Canis lupus, predation and maternal defensive behavior in Mountain Goats,Oreamnos americanus
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 389, Date 1997
New and noteworthy records from the vascular flora of Nova Scotia
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 393, Date 1997
Vegetative concealment, proximity to trails, and predator activity as relative factors affecting nest success and egg loss in Spruce Grouse, Dendragapus canadensis
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 399, Date 1997
Cadmium, copper, and lead in fish from the Lower Nelson River system in northern Manitoba
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 403, Date 1997
Comparison of plant and animal diversity on new reservoir islands and established lake islands in the northern boreal forest of Quebec
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 407, Date 1997
Estimating the accuracy of counting Eastern Wild Turkeys, Meleagris gallopavo silvestris, using helicopters in Wisconsin
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 417, Date 1997
The distribution, habitat, and conservation status of the Pacific Water Shrew, Sorex bendirii, in British Columbia
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 422, Date 1997
Diets of Wolves, Canis lupus, in logged and unlogged forests of southeastern Alaska
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 429, Date 1997
Comparison of emergence methods to evaluate viable plant propagules in forest soils following fire
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 436, Date 1997
Size and characteristics of a Wood Turtle, Clemmys insculpta, population in southern Quebec
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 440, Date 1997
A preliminary analysis of the floral preferences of the Afalfa Leafcutting Bee, Megachile rotundata
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 445, Date 1997
Honey Bee, Apis mellifera, pollen foraging in southern Ontario
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 454, Date 1997
The pairing success of male Black-and-white Warblers, Mniotilta varia, in forest fragments and a continuous forest
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 457, Date 1997
Range extension and unusual occurrences of the Heather Vole, Phenacomys intermedius, in Minnesota
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 459, Date 1997
Unusual movement by Bison, Bison bison, in reponse to Wolf, Canis lupus, predation
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 461, Date 1997
Indentifying Coast Moles, Scapanus orarius, and Townsend's Moles, Scapanus townsendii, from tunnel and mound size
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 463, Date 1997
Unsuccessful colonization of a naturally depopulated area by the Deer Mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 466, Date 1997
Northern extension to the known breeding range of the Black Tern, Chlidonias niger, in the Northwest Territories
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 469, Date 1997
Early Coral-root, Corallorhiza trifida Chatelain: a new addition to the vascular flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 471, Date 1997
Brood-defense behavior of a Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 473, Date 1997
Horn growth of a castrated Bighorn Sheep, Ovis canadensis
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 475, Date 1997
Immediate post-fire nesting by Black-backed Woodpeckers, Picoides arcticus, in northern Alberta
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 478, Date 1997
An arboreal encounter between a Long-tailed Weasel, Mustela frenata, and three Red Squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 480, Date 1997
Early den digging by Wolves, Canis lupus, in Wisconsin
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 481, Date 1997
Biodiversity priorities from the perspective of Canadian agriculture: ten commandments
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 487, Date 1997
Rare and endangered plants and their habitats in Canada
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 506, Date 1997
Birds of the Besnard Lake Area, by J. Gerrard, G. Bortolotti, and K. Wiebe [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 520, Date 1997
Birds of the Elbow,by J. Frank Roy [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 520, Date 1997
Atlas of Saskatchewan Birds, by Alan R. Smith [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 521, Date 1997
The Whooping Crane: North America's Symbol of Conservation, by Jerome J. Pratt [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 522, Date 1997
Fossils of the Burgess Shale, by D. E. Briggs, D. HG. Erwin, and F. J. Collier [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 523, Date 1997
Mammals of the Canadian Rockies, by George W. Scotter and Tom J. Ulrich [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 524, Date 1997
The Snow Geese of La Perouse Bay: Natural Selection in the Wild, by Fred Cooke, Robert F. Rockwell, and David B. Lank [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 524, Date 1997
A Critical Review of the Aerial and Ground Surveys of Breeding Waterfowl in North America, by Graham W. Smith [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 526, Date 1997
Proceedings of the 6th International Grouse Symposium, ed. David Jenkins [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 526, Date 1997
Leks, by Jacob Höglund and Rauno V. Alatalo [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 526, Date 1997
Animal Evolution: Interrelationships of the Living Phyla, by Claus Nielsen [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 527, Date 1997
Bird Song: Identification Made Easy, by Ernie Jardine [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 528, Date 1997
A Century of Avifaunal Change in Western North America, eds. Joseph R. Jehl, Jr. and Ned K. Johnson [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 528, Date 1997
The Red- winged Blackbird, by Les Beletsky [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 529, Date 1997
Flore Laurentienne, par Frére Marie-Victorin [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 530, Date 1997
Greenland Lichens, by Eric Steen Hansen [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 531, Date 1997
Bromus L. of North America, by Leon E. Pavlick [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 532, Date 1997
Plants of the Southern Interior of British Columbia, R. Parish, R. Coupé, and D. Lloyd [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 533, Date 1997
Wild Thailand, by Belinda Stewart-Cox [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 534, Date 1997
Ecology of Infectious Diseases in Natural Populations, eds. B. T. Grenfell and A. P. Dobson [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 534, Date 1997
The Environmental Impacts of Lead Shotshell Ammunition and Lead Fishing Weights in Canada, by A. M. Scheuhammer and S. L. Norris [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 535, Date 1997
An Ecosystem Approach to Living Sustainably: A Perspective for the Ministry of Natural Resources, by Paul A. Gray et al. [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 535, Date 1997
Ocean Forests: The Diversity and Value of Kelp Forest Ecosystems, by Carrie Konig [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 536, Date 1997
Human Ecology: Fragments of Anti-fragmentary Views of the World, eds. Dieter Steiner and Marcus Nauser [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 537, Date 1997
Biodiversity and Conservation of Neotropical Montane Forests, eds. Steven P. Churchill, Henrik Baslevm Enrique Forere, and James L. Luteyn [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 538, Date 1997
The New Ecological Order, by Luc Ferry [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 538, Date 1997
The Environmental Promise of Democratic Deliberation, by Adolf G. Gunderson [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 539, Date 1997
Wild Ideas, ed. D. Rothgernbnberg [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 539, Date 1997
Losing Ground: American Environmentalism at the Close of the Twentieth Century, by Mark Dowie [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 3, Page 540, Date 1997
Roost-site characteristics of Common Poorwills, Phalaenoptilus nuttallii, in Saskatchewan
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 543, Date 1997
Numbers and seasonal occurrence of Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, off Brier Island, Nova Scotia
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 548, Date 1997
Vegetation succession and disturbance on a boreal forest floodplain, Susitna River, Alaska
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 553, Date 1997
Moose, Alces alces, habitat relative to riparian succession in the boreal forest, Susitna River, Alaska
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 567, Date 1997
Detection and distribution of the Apple Leaf Midge, Dasineura mali, in Nova Scotia
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 575, Date 1997
Songbird nest placement in Vermont Christmas tree plantations
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 580, Date 1997
Reproductive success of the Common Loon, Gavia immer, on a small oligotrophic lake in eastern Canada
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 586, Date 1997
The effect of egg coloration on predation of artificial ground nests
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 591, Date 1997
Effects of hunting and loss of escape cover on movements and activity of female White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 595, Date 1997
A new surgical technique for implanting radio transmitters in Beavers, Castor canadensis
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 601, Date 1997
The condition and trend of aspen, Populus tremuloides, in Kootenay and Yoho National Parks: Implications for ecological integrity
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 607, Date 1997
An investigation of the invasive shrub European Buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica L., near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 617, Date 1997
Status of the White-top Aster, Aster curtus (Asteraceae) in Canada
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 622, Date 1997
A probable case of polyterritorial polygyny in the Red-eyed Vireo, Vireo olivaceus
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 628, Date 1997
The northernmost extension of the moss Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. in the Canadian High Arctic
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 630, Date 1997
Trichophyton mentagrophytes ringworm infection in a Northern Pocket Gopher, Thomomys talpoides
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 633, Date 1997
Abundance and diversity of ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) assemblages in regenerating forests of northern Saskatchewan
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 635, Date 1997
Northern record of the Water Shrew, Sorex palutstris, in Alaska
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 638, Date 1997
A preliminary evaluation of four types of traps to capture Northern Pocket Gophers, Thomomys talpoides
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 640, Date 1997
Estimating fall whole-body weights of Muskrats, Ondatra zibethicus, from skinned weights
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 643, Date 1997
Coyote, Canis latrans, depredation of a Mute Swan, Cygnus olor, nest
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 646, Date 1997
Hybridization of Thinhorn and Bighorn sheep, Ovis dalli X O. canadensis
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 647, Date 1997
Ptilidium californicum, a new liverwort for Alberta
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 649, Date 1997
A case of helping behavior at a Brewer's Sparrow, Spizella breweri, nest
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 650, Date 1997
Non-melanic shizochroism in Alberta Evening Grosbeaks, Coccothraustes vespertinus
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 652, Date 1997
An example of endurance in an old Wolf, Canis lupus
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 654, Date 1997
Predation attempts on incubating Common Loons, Gavia immer, and the significance of shoreline nesting
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 656, Date 1997
A simple technique to capture breeding adults and broods of Surf Scoters, Melanitta perspicillata
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 657, Date 1997
Range extension of the Rainbow Smelt, Osmerus mordax, in the Hudson Bay drainage of Manitoba
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 660, Date 1997
Distributional records for the Threespine Stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus (Pisces: Gasterosteidae), in Manitoba
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 662, Date 1997
Hyssop-leaved Loosestrife, Lythrum hyssopifolia L. (Lythraceae), new to Canada
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 664, Date 1997
A tribute to Harold Archie Senn, 1912-1997 [Obituary]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 671, Date 1997
Field Guide to the Birds of the Middle East, by R. F. Porter, S. Christensen, and P. Schiermacker-Hansen [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 676, Date 1997
The Historical Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1875-1900, by Simon Holloway [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 677, Date 1997
Messages from an Owl, by Max R. Terman [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 677, Date 1997
The Wood Duck and the Mandarin: The Northern Wood Ducks, by Lawton L. Shurtleff and Christopher Savage [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 678, Date 1997
Ontario Birds: A Field Guide to 125 Common Birds of Ontario, by Chris Fisher [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 679, Date 1997
Landscape Approaches in Mammalian Ecology and Conservation, ed. William Z. Lidicker, Jr. [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 680, Date 1997
Ruddy Ducks and Other Stifftails: Their Behavior and Biology, by P. A. Johnsgard and Montserrat Carbonell [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 681, Date 1997
The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Yucatán Peninsula, Julien C. Lee [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 681, Date 1997
The Garter Snakes: Evolution and Ecology, by Douglas A. Rossman, Neil B. Ford, and Richard A. Seigel [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 682, Date 1997
Foundations of Animal Behavior: Classic Papers with Commentaries, by Lynne D. Houck and Lee C. Drickamer [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 683, Date 1997
Peterson Flash Guides: Backyard Birds, Atlantic Coastal Birds, Pacific Coastal Birds, Hawks, Eastern Trailside Birds, Western Trailside Birds, by Roger Tory Peterson [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 684, Date 1997
Amphibians of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia: A Field Identification Guide, by C. C. Corkaran and C. Thomas [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 685, Date 1997
Snakes in Question: The Smithsonian Answer Book, by Carl H. Ernst and George R. Zug [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 685, Date 1997
Opossums, Shrews, and Moles of British Columbia, by David W. Nagorsen [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 686, Date 1997
Amphibian Biology, Volume 1: The Integument, eds Harold Heatwole and George T. Barthalmus, and Amphibian Biology, Volume 2: Social Behaviour, eds. Harold Heatwole and Brian K. Sullivan [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 687, Date 1997
Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume 3: Hoatzin to Auks, eds. Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliot and Jordi Sargatal [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 689, Date 1997
Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania, by Dale A. Zimmerman, Donald A. Turner, and David J. Pearson [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 690, Date 1997
The Wind Masters: The Lives of North American Birds of Prey, by Peter Dunne [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 691, Date 1997
Shrikes (Laniidae) of the World: Biology and Conservation, eds. Reuven Yosef and Fred E. Lohrer [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 692, Date 1997
A Birder's Guide to Trinidad and Tobago, by William L. Murphy [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 692, Date 1997
Female Control: Sexual Selection by Cryptic Female Choice, by W. G. Eberhard [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 693, Date 1997
Red Fox: The Catlike Canine, by J. David Henry [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 694, Date 1997
A Birder's Guide to Florida, by Bill Pranty [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 695, Date 1997
Atlas of Distribution of Fish within the Canadian Tributaries of Western Lake Superior, eds. W. T. Momot and S. A. Stephenson [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 696, Date 1997
Pleistocene Amphibians and Reptiles in North America, by J. Alan Holman [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 696, Date 1997
Forest Plants of Central Ontario, by Brenda Chambers, Karen Legasy, and Cathy V. Bentley [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 697, Date 1997
Plants of the Western Boreal Forest and Aspen Parkland, by Derek Johnson, Linda Kershaw, Andy MacKinnon, and Jim Pojar [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 697, Date 1997
Mountain Plants of the Pacific Northwest: A Field Guide to Washington, Western British Columbia and Southeastern Alaska, by r. J. Taylor and G . W. Douglas [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 698, Date 1997
The Book of Swamp and Bog: Trees, Shrubs, and Wildflowers of Eastern Freshwater Wetlands, by John Eastman [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 699, Date 1997
Environment: Population Dynamics in Ecological Space and Time, eds. Olin E. Rhodes, Jr., Ronald K. Chesser, and Michael H. Smith [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 699, Date 1997
In Search of Nature, by Edward O Wilson [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 700, Date 1997
Ecological Morphology, eds. Peter C. Wainwright and Stephen M. Reilly [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 701, Date 1997
Conservation of Great Plains Ecosystems: Current Science, Future Options, eds. S. R. Johnson and Aziz Bouzaher [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 701, Date 1997
Restoring Nature's Place: A Guide to Naturalizing Ontario Parks and Greenspace, by Jean-Marc Daigle and Donna Havinga [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 702, Date 1997
Ecological Identity: Becoming a Reflective Environmentalist, by Mitchell Thomashow [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 702, Date 1997
Ontario's Old Growth: A Learner's Handbook, by Mark M. Stabb, and An Ancient Forest Atlas of the Lake Temagami Site Region (4E), by Peter Quinby, Thomas Lee, Caroline Schultz and Jennene Powers [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 703, Date 1997
Down Canyon: A Naturalist Explores the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, by A. H. Zwinger [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 704, Date 1997
Expanding Partnerships in Conservation, ed. Jeffrey A. McNeely [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 704, Date 1997
The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions, by David Quammen [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 705, Date 1997
Species Diversity in Ecological Communities: Historical and Geographic Perspectives, eds. Robert E. Ricklefs and Dolph Schluter [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 705, Date 1997
Forest Dreams, Forest Nightmares: The Paradox of Old Growth in the Inland West, by Nancy Langston [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 706, Date 1997
Invasions of the Land: The Transitions of Organisms from Aquatic to Terrestrial Life, by M. S. Gordon and E. C. Olson [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 707, Date 1997
The Ice-age History of Alaskan National Parks, by Scott A. Elias [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 708, Date 1997
The Shape of Life: Genes, Development, and the Evolution of Animal Form, by Rudolf A. Raff [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 708, Date 1997
Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin, by Stephen Jay Gould
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 709, Date 1997
American Museum of Natural History: 125 Years of Expedition and Discovery, by Lyle Rexer and Rachel Klein [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 710, Date 1997
Evolution Extended: Biological Debates on the Meaning of Life, ed. C. Barlow [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 4, Page 711, Date 1997