Deep-sea galatheid crustaceans (Anomura: Galatheidae) collected by the 'Cidaris I' expedition off central Queensland, Australia
Vol 35, Page 1, Date 1994
Middle Devonian scolecodonts from north Queensland
Vol 35, Page 22, Date 1994
A non-destructive technique for determining the shapes in situ of permineralised seeds
Vol 35, Page 23, Date 1994
Designation of the type species of Saltuarius, and other data on the genus
Vol 35, Page 26, Date 1994
A septate gastropod from the Silurian Bungonia Limestone, New South Wales
Vol 35, Page 27, Date 1994
Carlia parrhasius, a new Queensland skink
Vol 35, Page 31, Date 1994
The holotype of Mocoa spectabilis De Vis, 1888
Vol 35, Page 34, Date 1994
Revision of Neosarmatium Serene and Soh (Crustacea: Brachyura: Sesarminae) with descriptions of two new species
Vol 35, Page 35, Date 1994
The huntsman spiders Heteropoda Latreille and Yiinthi gen. nov. (Araneae: Heteropodidae) in Australia
Vol 35, Page 75, Date 1994
Caridina pedicultrata, a new freshwater atyid shrimp (Caridea: Atyidae) from Hunan Province, China
Vol 35, Page 123, Date 1994
Solenozetes gallonae sp. nov., first record of the Plasmobatidae in Australia (Acari: Oribatida)
Vol 35, Page 129, Date 1994
New synonymy of three Australian ants (Formicidae: Formicinae: Polyrhachis)
Vol 35, Page 135, Date 1994
Polyrhachis lama, a new ant from the Tibetan Plateau (Formicidae: Formicinae)
Vol 35, Page 137, Date 1994
The Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas, in Queensland: population structure in a warm temperate feeding area
Vol 35, Page 139, Date 1994
John Gilbert's missing months
Vol 35, Page 155, Date 1994
Northern range limits of the long nosed potoroo, Potorous tridactylus
Vol 35, Page 180, Date 1994
The first underground mains for electricity supply in Brisbane
Vol 35, Page 181, Date 1994
Notes on some Indo-Pacific Upogebiidae with descriptions of four new species (Crustacea: Thalassinidea)
Vol 35, Page 193, Date 1994
An annotated list of recent additions to the cetacean collection in the Queensland Museum
Vol 35, Page 217, Date 1994
Unusual humpback whale sightings at Cape Moreton
Vol 35, Page 224, Date 1994
New Queensland cockroaches of Macrocerca Hanitsch and Periplaneta Burmeister (Blattidae)
Vol 35, Page 225, Date 1994
New data on Cryptoblepharus fuhni, a poorly known skink from Queensland
Vol 35, Page 234, Date 1994
A new species of freshwater crab (Sundathelphusidae) from Cape York Peninsula
Vol 35, Page 235, Date 1994
An ecologic and biogeographic study of a new Tertiary land snail from mideastern Queensland (Pulmonata: Caryodidae)
Vol 35, Page 241, Date 1994
The importance of riparian habitats to vertebrate assemblages in north Queensland woodlands
Vol 35, Page 248, Date 1994
The summer whiting fishery in southeast Queensland
Vol 35, Page 249, Date 1994
Catalogue of meteorites, tektites and associated material in the Queensland Museum
Vol 35, Page 255, Date 1994
Nine new species of Geoscapheinae (Blattodea: Blaberidae) from Australia
Vol 35, Page 263, Date 1994
Himantura fai Jordan & Seale (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatididae) from Heron Island and its monogenean parasite fauna
Vol 35, Page 285, Date 1994