The Extent and Floristic Composition of the Rice Lake Plains Based on Remnants
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 2008-01-01
Eye Colour, Aging, and Decoy Trap Bias in Lesser Scaup, Aythya affinis
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 21, Date 2008-01-01
Nesting Biology of Lesser Canada Geese, Branta canadensis parvipes, along the Tanana River, Alaska
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 29, Date 2008-01-01
Lesser Snow Geese, Chen caerulescens caerulescens, and Ross's Geese, Chen rossii, of Jenny Lind Island, Nunavut
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 34, Date 2008-01-01
Repeatability of Foraging Tactics in Young Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 40, Date 2008-01-01
Use of Winter Dens by Porcupines, Erethizon dorsatum, in Wisconsin
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 45, Date 2008-01-01
Wolf, Canis lupus, Den Site Selection in the Rocky Mountains
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 49, Date 2008-01-01
Distribution and History of Naturalized Common Pear, Pyrus communis, in Ontario
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 57, Date 2008-01-01
Annual vs. Multiple-Year Home Range Sizes of Individual Blanding's Turtles, Emydoidea blandingii, in Central Wisconsin
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 61, Date 2008-01-01
Why do North American Red Squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Mothers Relocate Their Young? A Predation-based Hypothesis
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 65, Date 2008-01-01
Evidence for Higher Soil Temperature and Potassium Promoting Invasion of the Common Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 67, Date 2008-01-01
Nocturnal Behavior of the Common Loon, Gavia immer
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 70, Date 2008-01-01
Swimming Eastern Chipmunks, Tamias striatus, and Hairy-tailed Mole, Parascalops breweri, in Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park, Ontario
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 73, Date 2008-01-01
Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, Killed by Cougars, Puma concolor, and a Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos, in Montana, Alberta, and Wyoming
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 76, Date 2008-01-01
Dytiscid Beetle Remains Discovered in a Pellet from a Great Gray Owl, Strix nebulosa, Nest
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 78, Date 2008-01-01
A Group Defense Incident Involving Juvenile Striped Skunks, Mephitis mephitis
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 80, Date 2008-01-01
Animal Life, ed. C. Uhlenbroek [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 83, Date 2008-01-01
Frog, by Thomas Marent [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 84, Date 2008-01-01
HBW IBC [website review]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 84, Date 2008-01-01
Rattlers, Peepers & Snappers, by Vince Franke and Jim Andrews. 2008. [DVD review]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 85, Date 2008-01-01
Aromatic Plants in China, by Wang Yumei [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 85, Date 2008-01-01
Aweto in China 2008, [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 86, Date 2008-01-01
Chinese Wild Orchids, by Chen Xinqi, Ji Zhanhe and Luo Yibo [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 87, Date 2008-01-01
The Vascular Plants and Their Eco-Geographical Distribution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Area, by Wu Yuhu [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 88, Date 2008-01-01
A Primer of Conservation Biology, by Richard B. Primack [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 89, Date 2008-01-01
Michael Cheney 1956-2007; Marine Turtle Newsletter; The Library of the Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 2008-01-01
Small Remnants of the Rice Lake Plains Prove Important - How Many Do We Need?
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 93, Date 2008-01-01
A Tribute to Robert Hainault, 1940 - 2008 [Obituary]
Vol 122, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 2008-01-01
Decline of Two Open Champlain Sea Dune Systems in Eastern Ontario and Their Characteristic and Restricted Plants and Insects
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 99, Date 2008-04-01
Habitat Parameters and Small Mammal Associations of the Gaspe Shrew, Sorex gaspensis, in the Eastern Gaspé Peninsula, Québec
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 118, Date 2008-04-01
Abundance Trends for Hexanchus griseus, Bluntnose Sixgill Shark, and Hydrolagus colliei, Spotted Ratfish, Counted at an Automated Underwater Observation Station in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 124, Date 2008-04-01
Anurans in a Subarctic Tundra Landscape Near Cape Churchill, Manitoba
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 129, Date 2008-04-01
Bullsnake, Pituophis catenifer sayi, Nesting Biology in Alberta
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 138, Date 2008-04-01
Reproduction and Mortality of the High Arctic Wolf, Canis lupus arctos, in Northeast Greenland, 1978-1998
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 142, Date 2008-04-01
Les collisions d'oiseaux à l'édifice Marly à Sainte-Foy, Québec, de 1978 à 2007
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 153, Date 2008-04-01
A Localized Decline in the Western Chorus Frog, Pseudacris triseriata, in Eastern Ontario
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 158, Date 2008-04-01
Spatial and Temporal Differences in Giant Kidney Worm, Dictophyma renale, Prevalence in Minnesota Mink, Mustela vison
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 162, Date 2008-04-01
Canada Lynx, Lynx canadensis, Use of the Chignecto Isthmus and the Possibility of Gene Flow between Populations in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 166, Date 2008-04-01
First Occurrence of the Grey Fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus, in New Brunswick: a Climate-change Mediated Range Expansion?
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 169, Date 2008-04-01
Allonursing and Cooperative Birthing Behavior in Yellowstone Bison, Bison bison
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 171, Date 2008-04-01
Weight Changes in Wild Wolves, Canis lupus, from Ages 2 to 24 Months
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 173, Date 2008-04-01
Evidence of Raccoon, Procyon lotor, Range Extension in Northern Alberta
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 176, Date 2008-04-01
Rumen Papillae Morphology of Mule Deer, Odocoileus hemionus, and White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, from East-central Alberta
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 179, Date 2008-04-01
Handbook of the Birds of the World Volume 10, eds. Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott and David A. Christie [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 182, Date 2008-04-01
Handbook of the Birds of the World Volume 12, eds. Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott and David A. Christie [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 183, Date 2008-04-01
The Wisdom of Birds: An Illustrated History of Ornithology, by Tim Birkhead [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 184, Date 2008-04-01
Central Park in the Dark - More Mysteries of Urban Wildlife, by Marie Winn [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 184, Date 2008-04-01
Ecology and Conservation of the Birds of the Salton Sink: An Endangered Ecosystem, eds. W. David Shuford and Kathy C. Molina [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 185, Date 2008-04-01
Amur Tiger, by D. Prynn [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 186, Date 2008-04-01
Woody Starch Plants in China, by Xie Bixia et al [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 187, Date 2008-04-01
The Burning Season, by A. Revkin [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 188, Date 2008-04-01
Ecology, by Michael L. Cain, William D. Bowman, and Sally D. Hacker [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 190, Date 2008-04-01
Wissenschaftler in turbulenten Zeiten: Erinnerungen an Ornithologen, Naturschuetzer und andere Naturkundler [Scientists in troubled times: Memories about Ornithologists, Conservationists and other Naturalists], by E. Nowak [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 191, Date 2008-04-01
Dr. Neal Simon Memorial Scholarship Award; The Boreal Dip Net / L'Epuisette Boreal; Marine Turtle Newsletter; Canadian Association of Herpetologists; John Allen Livingston; Eugene Gordon Munroe
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 194, Date 2008-04-01
Errata: 121(1) pg 96 and 122(1) pg 40
Vol 122, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 2008-04-01
A Survey of Lichens and Bryophytes in White Spruce, Picea glauca, Tree Islands on a Calcareous Beach Ridge in Northeastern Manitoba
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 199, Date 2008-07-01
Late-Winter Habitat Use by Mule Deer, Odocoileus hemionus, in Central Interior British Columbia
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 205, Date 2008-07-01
Factors Influencing the Abundance of Berry Plants for Black Bears, Ursus americanus, in Quebec
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 212, Date 2008-07-01
Spatial Interactions of Yarded White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 221, Date 2008-07-01
Pileated Woodpeckers, Dryocopus pileatus, Foraging in Suburban Habitats in New Brunswick
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 226, Date 2008-07-01
Evidence of Arboreal Lichen Use in Peatlands by White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, in Northeastern Alberta
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 230, Date 2008-07-01
Effects of Forest Cover on Fruit Set in the Woodland Herb, Maianthemum canadense (Liliaceae)
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 234, Date 2008-07-01
Habitat Use by the Eastern Sand Darter, Ammocrypta pellucida, in Two Lake Champlain Tributaries
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 239, Date 2008-07-01
Winter Predation, by River Otter, Lontra canadensis, on Tautog, Tautoga onitis, at Western Arm Jeddore Harbour, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada, with a Review of Evidence for Resident Relict Populations of the Tautog in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 247, Date 2008-07-01
Comparisons and Trends in White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, Body Fat in Northeastern Minnesota, 1974-1990
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 253, Date 2008-07-01
First Record of a Collapsed Dorsal Fin in a White-beaked Dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris, with a Gunshot Wound as a Possible Cause
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 262, Date 2008-07-01
Characteristics of Porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum, Winter Den-sites in Living Trees in Wisconsin
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 264, Date 2008-07-01
Diurnal Above-ground Movement in Hairy-tailed Moles, Parascalops breweri
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 267, Date 2008-07-01
Egg Predation at a Golden Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, Nest
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 268, Date 2008-07-01
Differential Footload of Male and Female Fisher, Martes pennanti, in Quebec
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 269, Date 2008-07-01
Eastern Coyotes, Canis latrans, Observed Feeding on Periodical Cicadas, Magicicada septendecim
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 271, Date 2008-07-01
Precision of Descriptors for Percent Marrow Fat Content for White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus viriginianus
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 273, Date 2008-07-01
Cliff Roosting by Migrant Semipalmated Sandpipers, Calidris pusilla, at Farrier's Cove, Shepody Bay, New Brunswick
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 274, Date 2008-07-01
Birds of the Kingston Region 2nd edition, by Ron Weir [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 277, Date 2008-07-01
Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 13. Penduline-tits to Shrikes, eds. Josep Del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, and David A. Christie [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 278, Date 2008-07-01
The Return of Caribou to Ungava, by A.T. Bergerud, Stuart N. Luttich, and Lodewijk Camps [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 279, Date 2008-07-01
A Photographic Guide to Seashore Life in the North Atlantic - Canada to Cape Cod, by J. D. Sept [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 280, Date 2008-07-01
Glistening Carnivores: The Sticky-Leaved Insect-Eating Plants, by Stewart McPherson [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 280, Date 2008-07-01
Trees and Shrubs of Minnesota, by Welby R. Smith [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 281, Date 2008-07-01
Major Invasive Organisms in Agriculture of China, by Liu Guoliang, Fu Weidong and Liu Kun [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 283, Date 2008-07-01
Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands, by S. McPherson [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 284, Date 2008-07-01
Culturing Wilderness in Jasper National Park: Studies in Two Centuries of Human History in the Upper Athabasca River Watershed, ed. I. MacLaren 2007 [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 285, Date 2008-07-01
The Riverscape and the River, by S. M. Haslam [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 286, Date 2008-07-01
On the Wings of Cranes: Larry Walkinshaw's Life Story, by Lowell M. Schake [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 286, Date 2008-07-01
Bird Banding in North America: The First Hundred Years, eds. Jerome A. Jackson, William E. Davis, Jr., and John Tautin [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 288, Date 2008-07-01
Omissions: 121(4) News; 122(2) pg 155
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 290, Date 2008-07-01
Marine Turtle Newsletter
Vol 122, Iss 3, Page 290, Date 2008-07-01
The Density of Beaver, Castor canadensis, Activities along Camrose Creek, Alberta, within Differing Habitats and Management Intensity Levels
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 299, Date 2008-10-01
River Otter, Lontra canadensis, Food Habits in the Missouri Ozarks
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 303, Date 2008-10-01
Contaminant Levels in Eggs of American White Pelicans, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, from Chase Lake, North Dakota
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 312, Date 2008-10-01
Nomadic Behavior of an Old and Formerly Territorial Eastern Coyote, Canis latrans
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 316, Date 2008-10-01
Grizzly Bears, Ursus arctos, in Wapusk National Park, Northeastern Manitoba
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 323, Date 2008-10-01
Critical Habitat and the Conservation Ecology of the Freshwater Parasitic Lamprey, Lampetra macrostoma
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 327, Date 2008-10-01
A Range Extension of the Atlantic Silverside, Menidia menidia, to Coastal Waters of Southwestern Newfoundland
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 338, Date 2008-10-01
Dynamics of Peripheral Populations of Great Basin Pocket Mice, Perognathus parvus, and Western Harvest Mice, Reithrodontomys megalotis, in Southern British Columbia
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 345, Date 2008-10-01
Scientific and Standard English Names of Amphibians and Reptiles of North America North of Mexico, with Comments Regarding Confidence in Our Understanding, Sixth Edition, ed. Brian I. Crother [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 357, Date 2008-10-01
Arctic Fox: Life at the Top of the World, by Garry Hamilton [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 358, Date 2008-10-01
The Inner Bird - Anatomy and Evolution, by G. W. Kaiser [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 359, Date 2008-10-01
Seabirds: A Natural History, by A. Gaston [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 359, Date 2008-10-01
Monograph on Bamboo in China, by Yi Tongpei et al [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 361, Date 2008-10-01
Tree of Rivers: The Story of the Amazon, by J. Hemming [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 362, Date 2008-10-01
Plains Apache Ethnobotany, by Julia A. Jordan [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 365, Date 2008-10-01
Biodiversity Databases: Techniques, Politics and Applications, eds. G. Curry and C. J. Humphries [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 365, Date 2008-10-01
Local Effects of Global Changes in the Himalayas: Manang Nepal, by R. Chaudhary et al [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 367, Date 2008-10-01
A Mountain Year: Nature Diary of a Wilderness Dweller, by Chris Czajkowski [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 369, Date 2008-10-01
Choosing Wildness: My Life Among the Ospreys, by Claude Arbour, translated, by Joan Irving [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 370, Date 2008-10-01
The Archaeology of Animal Bones, by Terry O'Connor [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 371, Date 2008-10-01
Return to Warden's Grove: Science, Desire, and the Lives of Sparrows, by Christopher Norment [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 371, Date 2008-10-01
Snakebit: Confessions of a Herpetologist, by Leslie Anthony [Review]
Vol 122, Iss 4, Page 372, Date 2008-10-01