Taxonomic Implications of Morphological and Genetic Differences in Northeastern Coyotes (Coywolves) (Canis latrans × C. lycaon), Western Coyotes (C. latrans), and Eastern Wolves (C. lycaon or C. lupus lycaon)
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 2013-07-17
Spring Migratory Pathways and Migration Chronology of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis interior) Wintering at the Santee National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 17, Date 2013-07-14
Visitations by Snowshoe Hares (Lepus americanus) to and Possible Geophagy of Materials from an Iron-Rich Excavation in North-Central British Columbia
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 26, Date 2013-07-14
Community-Based Observations of Marine Mammal Occurrences in Groswater Bay, Labrador
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 31, Date 2013-07-14
The Ocean Pout, Zoarces americanus, and the Ocean Sunfish, Mola mola : Additions to the Marine Ichthyofauna of the Lower Saint John River System, New Brunswick, with a Summary of Marine Fish Reported from the Estuary
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 38, Date 2013-07-14
Suspected Selective Herbivory of Bioenergy Grasses by Meadow Voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus)
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 44, Date 2013-07-14
Prescribed Burning Has Limited Long-Term Effectiveness in Controlling Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Encroachment into Fescue Grassland in Prince Albert National Park
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 50, Date 2013-07-15
Consumption of Truffles and other Fungi by the American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and the Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus) (Sciuridae) in Northwestern Ontario
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 57, Date 2013-07-15
First Record of the Bee Melitta americana (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Melittidae) for Quebec and Canada
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 60, Date 2013-07-15
Encounter Competition between a Cougar, Puma concolor, and a Western Spotted Skunk, Spilogale gracilis
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 64, Date 2013-07-15
Plant Climbing in the Northern Two-lined Salamander, Eurycea bislineata, in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 67, Date 2013-07-15
Age Structure of Moose (Alces alces) Killed by Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in Northeastern Minnesota, 1967–2011
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 70, Date 2013-07-15
Indirect Cannibalism by Crèche-aged American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) Chicks
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 72, Date 2013-07-15
Tribute to George F. Ledingham (1911–2006), a Conservation Leader for Western Canada [Obituary]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 76, Date 2013-07-15
Where to Watch Birds in Canterbury (New Zealand), by Nick Allen [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 82, Date 2013-07-15
The World’s Rarest Birds, by Erik Hirschfeld et al [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 82, Date 2013-07-15
Concealing Coloration in Animals, by Judy Diamond and Alan Bond [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 83, Date 2013-07-15
The Crossley ID Guide: Raptors, by Richard Crossley et al [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 84, Date 2013-07-15
Ecology and Conservation of the Sirenia. Dugongs and Manatees, by Helene Marsh et al [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 85, Date 2013-07-15
The Snakes of Ontario: Natural History, Distribution and Status, by Jeffrey C. Rowell [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 87, Date 2013-07-15
Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians, by Karl B. McKnight et al [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 89, Date 2013-07-15
More Than Birds: Adventurous Lives of North American Naturalists, by Val Shushkewich [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 90, Date 2013-07-16
Climate Change Biological and Human Aspects (Second Edition), by Jonathan Cowie [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 2013-07-16
Dinosaur Train produced, by The Jim Henson Company et al. [TV series review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 2013-07-16
Protection of the Three Poles, ed. Falk Huettmann [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 93, Date 2013-07-16
Can we Create Alvars or Fully Restore those Damaged?
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 97, Date 2013-07-16
Outstanding Service from Associate Editors; Upcoming Meetings & Workshops
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 101, Date 2013-07-16
Erratum: book reviews
Vol 127, Iss 1, Page 102, Date 2013-07-16
The response of invertebrate populations in three undisturbed soils in southwestern Ontario, Canada, to variations in local soil properties, seasonal changes, and climate
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 103, Date 2013-10-24
Temporal variation in food habits of the American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) in the boreal forest of northern Ontario
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 118, Date 2013-10-24
Relative abundance of the Prairie Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata longicauda) in southwestern Alberta
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 131, Date 2013-10-24
Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) behaviour, interactions with Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina), and their Pleistocene history
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 138, Date 2013-10-24
Tree ring growth and stable isotopes as potential indicators of historical seabird activities on forested islands in coastal British Columbia
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 146, Date 2013-10-24
Ecological and geographical separation of three varieties of Sporobolus vaginiflorus (Poaceae) in eastern Ontario
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 155, Date 2013-10-24
Bird behaviour on and entanglement in invasive burdock (Arctium spp.) plants in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 164, Date 2013-10-27
Flight of a flock of Common Eiders, Somateria mollisima, in Northumberland Strait interrupted by the Confederation Bridge, New Brunswick–Prince Edward Island
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 175, Date 2013-10-29
Documentation of infanticide in American Marten (Martes americana)
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 178, Date 2013-10-29
Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) breeding in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 180, Date 2013-10-29
First nesting records for the Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus, on Banks Island, Northwest Territories: evidence of range expansion to arctic islands in Canada
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 185, Date 2013-10-29
The Unfeathered Bird, by Katrine van Grouw [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 189, Date 2013-10-29
Biology and Conservation of Martens, Sables and Fishers – A new synthesis, ed. K. B. Aubry et al [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 190, Date 2013-10-29
Mammals of China, eds. Andrew T. Smith and Yan Xie [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 191, Date 2013-10-29
Odd Couples, by Daphne J. Fairbairn [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 191, Date 2013-10-29
Wildlife of Australia, by Iain Campbell and Sam Woods [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 192, Date 2013-10-29
Aldrovanda, The Waterwheel Plant, by Adam Cross [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 192, Date 2013-10-30
Antarctica – Global Science from a Frozen Continent, ed. David W. H. Walton [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 193, Date 2013-10-30
For the Birds – Recollections and Rambles, by Fred Helleiner [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 2013-10-30
Birdfinding in British Columbia, by Russell Cannings and Richard Cannings [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 2013-10-30
The cult of the Red Pine – a useful reference for the over-afforestation period of Ontario
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 198, Date 2013-10-30
Canadian Herpetologist new issue; Irwin (Ernie) Brodo Awarded an Honorary Degree, by Carleton University; Manitoba Government Introduces North America’s First Ecosystem Protection Legislation; Dr. J. Roger Bider 1932–2013; Worldwide Raptor Conference
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 199, Date 2013-11-03
Erratum: Spelling error in citation in CFN 127(1):79
Vol 127, Iss 2, Page 200, Date 2013-11-03
Abundance, distribution, and species assemblages of colonial waterbirds in the boreal region of west-central Manitoba and east-central Saskatchewan
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 203, Date 2013-12-02
War of the wasps: is Diadegma insulare or Microplitis plutellae a more effective parasitoid of the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella ?
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 211, Date 2013-12-02
Survey methodology for the detection of Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta)
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 216, Date 2013-12-03
An alvar race of the couperi subspecies of the Silvery Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus couperi) in southeastern Ontario?
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 224, Date 2013-12-03
Behaviour of American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) when encountering an oncoming vehicle
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 229, Date 2013-12-03
First records of a Plesiosaurian (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) and an Ichthyosaur (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) from Yukon, Canada
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 234, Date 2013-12-03
Lichen biodiversity and conservation status in the Copeland Forest Resources Management Area: a lichen-rich second-growth forest in southern Ontario
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 240, Date 2013-12-03
Home site fidelity in Black Rockfish, Sebastes melanops, reintroduced into a fjord environment
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 255, Date 2013-12-03
Historical distribution records and new records confirm and extend the distribution of the Silver Lamprey, Ichthyomyzon unicuspis, in the Hayes River, Hudson Bay watershed, Manitoba
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 262, Date 2013-12-04
First records of the Northern Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) from Labrador and summer distribution records and biology of Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) in southern Labrador
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 266, Date 2013-12-04
Impact of the rust Puccinia linkii on Highbush Cranberry, Viburnum edule, near Smithers, British Columbia
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 270, Date 2013-12-04
Young Scientists and their Mentors
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 274, Date 2013-11-29
The Eponym Dictionary of Amphibians, by Bo Beolens et al [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 275, Date 2013-11-25
Field Guide to Jewel Beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of Northeastern North America, by S. M. Paiero et al [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 276, Date 2013-11-25
The Boreal Owl: Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation of a Forest-dwelling Predator, by Erkki Korpimaki and Harri Hakkarainen [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 277, Date 2013-11-29
Primates of the World – An Illustrated Guide, by Jean-Jacques Petter and François Desbordes (Translated, by Robert Martin) [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 278, Date 2013-11-29
Pterosaurs, by Mark P. Witton [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 279, Date 2013-11-29
The Secret World of Red Wolves: The Fight to Save North America’s Other Wolf, by T. DeLene Beeland [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 280, Date 2013-11-29
An Introduction to Population Genetics: Theory and Application, by Erasmus Nielsen and Montgomery Slatkin [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 281, Date 2013-11-29
The Reindeer Botanist: Alf Erling Porsild, 1901–1977, by Wendy Dathan [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 282, Date 2013-11-29
Alexander Wilson, the Scot who Founded American Ornithology, by Edward H. Burtt, Jr. and William E. Davis, Jr [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 283, Date 2013-11-29
Using Coefficients of Conservatism and the Floristic Quality Index to Assess the Potential for Serious and Irreversible Damage to Plant Communities
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 285, Date 2013-11-29
Revisions to the OFNC Constitution and By-Laws; The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2014
Vol 127, Iss 3, Page 288, Date 2013-11-29
Density and abundance of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, in the Kennebecasis River, New Brunswick and evidence of recent recruitment
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 303, Date 2014-01-03
Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) detection and behaviour using remote cameras during the breeding season
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 310, Date 2014-01-03
Invasion of Rosa rugosa (Rugosa Rose) into coastal plant communities of Brier Island, Nova Scotia
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 319, Date 2014-01-03
New and noteworthy records of Orthoptera and allies in the Maritimes and the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 332, Date 2014-01-08
Isotopic evidence of salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., in the diet of the Wolverine, Gulo gulo, on Princess Royal Island, British Columbia
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 338, Date 2014-01-08
Attempted conspecific cavity usurpation by Red-headed Woodpeckers (Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 343, Date 2014-01-09
Attempted predation of a diurnally active Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum) by a Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon)
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 346, Date 2014-01-09
Great Plains Ladies’-tresses, Spiranthes magnicamporum : disjunct in eastern Ontario and a new orchid species for the Ottawa District and Lanark County
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 348, Date 2014-01-09
A tribute to Laurie Lynn Consaul, 1960–2012 [Obituary]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 352, Date 2014-01-09
A tribute to John Roger Bider, 1932–2013 [Obituary]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 358, Date 2014-01-09
In The Presence of Buffalo: Working to Stop the Yellowstone Slaughter, by Daniel Brister [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 366, Date 2013-12-30
Frogs of the United States and Canada (2 Volumes), by C. Kenneth Dodd Jr [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 368, Date 2013-12-30
Frogs of the United States and Canada (2 Volumes), by C. Kenneth Dodd Jr [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 369, Date 2013-12-30
Enter the Realm of the Golden Eagle, by David H. Ellis [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 370, Date 2013-12-30
Looking for the Goshawk, by Conor Mark Jameson [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 371, Date 2013-12-30
Rare Animals of India, ed. Natarajan Singaravelan [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 372, Date 2013-12-30
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees. Second Edition., by David More and John White [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 373, Date 2013-12-30
Walking Wild Shores: Portraits of the Natural World, by Kevin Winker [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 374, Date 2013-12-30
The Efficiency Trap: Finding a Better Way to Achieve a Sustainable Energy Future, by Steve Hallett [Review]
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 375, Date 2013-12-30
The Canadian Herpetologist latest issue; Upcoming meetings
Vol 127, Iss 4, Page 378, Date 2013-12-30