Distribution and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton in lakes in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada, Nova Scotia
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 2014-03-23
An illustrated key to the mandibles of small mammals of eastern Canada
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 25, Date 2014-03-23
Characteristics of Barred Owl (Strix varia) nest sites in Manitoba, Canada
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 38, Date 2014-03-26
Yellow Warblers (Setophaga petechia) rear second broods in some years at Delta Marsh, Manitoba
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 44, Date 2014-03-26
Asynchronous breeding and variable embryonic development period in the threatened Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens) in the Cypress Hills, Alberta, Canada: conservation and management implications
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 50, Date 2014-03-26
Diet of the Pacific Sand Lance (Ammodytes hexapterus) in the Salish Sea, British Columbia, in the 1960s
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 57, Date 2014-03-26
Melanistic diversity in the Maritime Gartersnake, Thamnophis sirtalis pallidulus, in Nova Scotia, Canada
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 63, Date 2014-03-26
Thickness of Common Murre (Uria aalge) eggshells in Atlantic Canada
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 72, Date 2014-03-26
The most northerly Black Witch (Ascalapha odorata): a tropical moth in the Canadian Arctic
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 77, Date 2014-03-26
Multiple crossings of a large glacial river by Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis)
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 80, Date 2014-03-26
A tribute to Kenneth William Stewart, 1936–2011 [Obituary]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 84, Date 2014-03-22
Into the Night: Tales of Nocturnal Wildlife Expeditions, ed. Rick A. Adams [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 2014-03-22
Owls, by Marianne Taylor [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 92, Date 2014-03-22
A Pocket Guide to Salamanders of Pennsylvania, by Walter E. Meshaka, Jr., and Joseph T. Collins [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 93, Date 2014-03-22
Snapper, by Brian Kimberling [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 93, Date 2014-03-22
The Crossley ID Guide to Britain and Ireland, by Richard Crossley and Dominic Couzens [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 2014-03-22
The Warbler Guide, by Tom Stephenson and Scott Whittle [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 96, Date 2014-03-22
Yellowstone Wildlife: Ecology and Natural History of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, by Paul A. Johnsgard [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 96, Date 2014-03-22
Yellowstone Wildlife: Ecology and Natural History of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, by Paul A. Johnsgard [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 97, Date 2014-03-22
Field Manual of Michigan Flora, by E. G. Voss, and A. A. Reznicek [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 99, Date 2014-03-22
North Pacific Temperate Rainforests: Ecology and Conservation, eds. Gordon H. Orians and John W. Schoen [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 100, Date 2014-03-23
A Love Affair With the Birds: The Life of Thomas Sadler Roberts, by Sue Leaf [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 101, Date 2014-03-23
Bootstrap Geologist: My Life in Science, by Gene Shinn [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 103, Date 2014-03-23
Tracks and Shadows: Field Biology as Art, by Harry W. Greene [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 2014-03-23
Alfred Russel Wallace (2013) On the Organic Law of Change: A Facsimile Edition and Annotated Transcription of Alfred Russel Wallace’s Species Notebook of 1855–1859 annotated, by James T. Costa [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 105, Date 2014-03-23
Meetings: Canadian Botanical Association 2014; International Conference on Biodiversity & Sustainable Energy Development 2014; Botany 2014
Vol 128, Iss 1, Page 110, Date 2014-03-22
Effectiveness of stream sampling methods in capturing non-native Rusty Crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) in Ontario
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 111, Date 2014-07-03
Estimating breeding bird survey trends and annual indices for Canada: how do the new hierarchical Bayesian estimates differ from previous estimates?
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 119, Date 2014-07-03
Acoustic monitoring of migratory birds over western Lake Erie: avian responses to barriers and the importance of islands
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 135, Date 2014-07-06
Parental care by lone male Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis), Rough-legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus), and Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) was limited to providing food
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 145, Date 2014-07-06
Apparent widespread decline of the Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudacris maculata) in eastern Ottawa
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 151, Date 2014-07-06
Activity and diet of bats in conventional versus organic apple orchards in southern Michigan
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 158, Date 2014-07-06
Decline in breeding of the Great Black-backed Gull, Larus marinus, and the Herring Gull, L. argentatus, on Boot Island, Nova Scotia, 1986 to 2010
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 165, Date 2014-07-06
Distribution and abundance of baling twine in the landscape near Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) nests: implications for nestling entanglement
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 173, Date 2014-07-06
Cues used, by predators to detect freshwater turtle nests may persist late into incubation
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 179, Date 2014-07-06
A Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) delivers live prey to a pup
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 189, Date 2014-07-06
Assessing capture success of small mammals due to trap orientation in field–forest edge habitat
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 191, Date 2014-07-06
Effect of food patch discovery on the number of American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) using a flight lane
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 2014-07-06
Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) interference with aquatic invertebrate traps
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 200, Date 2014-07-06
Pygmy Shrew (Sorex hoyi) in Montana east of the Rocky Mountains with comments on its distribution across the northern Great Plains
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 204, Date 2014-07-06
Animals of the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, by Adam S. Kennedy; and Birds of the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, by Adam S. Kennedy & Vicki Kennedy. 2014. [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 207, Date 2014-07-03
Rare Birds of North America, by Steve Howell [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 209, Date 2014-07-03
Deer, by John Fletcher [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 210, Date 2014-07-03
Dolphin, by Alan Rauch [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 211, Date 2014-07-03
Wild Again: The Struggle to Save the Black-footed Ferret, by David Jachowski [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 212, Date 2014-07-03
Ecology 3rd Edition, by Michael Cain et al [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 214, Date 2014-07-03
The Once and Future Great Lakes Country: An Ecological History, by John Riley [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 215, Date 2014-07-03
Upcoming meetings; Raptor workshop; Retirement of Associate Editor C. D. Bird; Obituary for Farley Mowat 1921–2014
Vol 128, Iss 2, Page 217, Date 2014-07-06
Home range, movements, and denning chronology of the Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) in west-central Alberta
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 223, Date 2014-10-16
Mortality of Common Eider, Somateria mollissima (Linnaeus, 1758), and other water birds during two inshore oiling events in southeastern Newfoundland, 2005 and 2006
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 235, Date 2014-10-16
Impact of the 2012 drought on woody vegetation invading alvar grasslands in the Burnt Lands Alvar, eastern Ontario
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 243, Date 2014-10-16
A review of colour phenotypes of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus, in North America
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 250, Date 2014-10-16
Long-distance anadromous migration in a fresh water specialist: the Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 260, Date 2014-10-16
New records of the Ogilvie Mountains Collared Lemming (Dicrostonyx nunatakensis) in central Yukon
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 265, Date 2014-10-16
A note on bird song: Samuel Hearne’s observations on the Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 269, Date 2014-10-16
Late-winter habitat use by the Fisher, Pekania pennanti (Erxleben, 1777), in the Boreal Plains Ecozone of northwestern Saskatchewan, Canada
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 272, Date 2014-10-16
A tribute to Warren Baxter Ballard, 1947–2012 [Obituary]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 276, Date 2014-10-16
A naturalist for all seasons: Richard Merrill Saunders, 1904–1998
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 289, Date 2014-10-16
Beetles of Eastern North America, by Arthur V. Evans [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 295, Date 2014-10-16
Birds of the Kenya’s Rift Valley, by Adam S. Kennedy [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 296, Date 2014-10-16
The Amazing World of Flyingfish, by Steve N. G. Howell [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 297, Date 2014-10-16
A Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Tanzania, by Charles Foley et al [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 297, Date 2014-10-16
A Feathered River Across the Sky. The Passenger Pigeon’s Flight to Extinction, by Joel Greenberg [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 298, Date 2014-10-16
A Sparrowhawk’s Lament – How British Breeding Birds of Prey Are Faring, by David Cobham [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 303, Date 2014-10-16
Wildlife of the Caribbean, by Herbert Raffaele and James W. Wiley [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 304, Date 2014-10-16
Plants of Southern Ontario, Trees, Shrubs, Wildflowers, Grasses, Ferns and Aquatic Plants, by Richard Dickinson and France Royer [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 305, Date 2014-10-16
Bird Lady — A Lifelong Love Affair with Birds, by Elizabeth Le Geyt [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 306, Date 2014-10-16
The Dismal State of the Great Lakes, by James P. Ludwig [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 3, Page 307, Date 2014-10-16
The enigma of the 10-year wildlife population cycle solved? Evidence that the periodicity and regularity of the cycle are driven, by a lunar zeitgeber
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 327, Date 2015-01-28
Habitat selection and nest success of the Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) in Ivvavik National Park, Yukon, Canada
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 341, Date 2015-01-28
Cory’s Bittern, Ixobrychus “ neoxenus ” exilis : morph, mutant, or mixed bag?
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 350, Date 2015-01-29
Use of a marsh dominated by the introduced European Lake Sedge, Carex acutiformis, by highly localized native butterflies
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 358, Date 2015-01-29
Spiders of the southern taiga biome of Labrador, Canada
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 363, Date 2015-02-04
Morphological and ecological variation among populations and subspecies of Burbot (Lota lota [L, 1758]) from the Mackenzie River Delta, Canada
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 377, Date 2015-02-04
Observations of the summer birds of Tukarak Island (Belcher Islands, Nunavut), Nastapoka Islands (Nunavut), and Lac Guillaume-Delisle (northern Quebec)
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 385, Date 2015-02-04
Comparing the diet of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) in rural and urban areas of southwestern British Columbia
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 393, Date 2015-02-04
Grouseberry (Vaccinium scoparium Leiberg ex Coville) fruit production in forest openings in Banff National Park, Alberta
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 400, Date 2015-02-04
Song discrimination by male Mourning Warblers (Geothlypis philadelphia) and implications for population divergence across the breeding range
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 408, Date 2015-02-04
Amphibian Conservation – Global Evidence for the Effects of Interventions, by Rebecca K. Smith and William J. Sutherland [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 416, Date 2015-02-05
Amphibians and Reptiles in Minnesota, by John J. Moriarty and Carol D. Hall [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 416, Date 2015-02-05
Amphibians of Ohio, eds. Ralph A. Pfingsten et al [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 417, Date 2015-02-05
Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World – Non Passerines, by Josep del Hoyo et al [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 418, Date 2015-02-05
Life on the Rocks: A Portrait of the American Mountain Goat, by Bruce L. Smith [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 420, Date 2015-02-05
The Fish in the Forest: Salmon and the Web of Life, by Dale Stokes, photographs, by Doc White [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 421, Date 2015-02-05
Biology and Conservation of North American Tortoises, eds. David C. Rostal et al [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 422, Date 2015-02-05
Societies of Wolves and Free-ranging Dogs, by Stephen Spotte [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 423, Date 2015-02-05
Plantes de milieux humides et de bord de mer du Québec et des Maritimes, by Martine Lapointe et al [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 424, Date 2015-02-05
Trees of Eastern North America, by Gil Nelson et al [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 426, Date 2015-02-05
The Real Weed Man: Portrait of Canadian Botanist Gerald A. Mulligan, by Julie Mulligan [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 426, Date 2015-02-05
The Once and Future World: Nature as it was, as it is, as it could be, by J. B. MacKinnon [Review]
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 427, Date 2015-02-05
Canadian Herpetologist new issue; Upcoming Meetings and Workshops; RIP William Beverly Scott 1917–2014
Vol 128, Iss 4, Page 431, Date 2015-02-04