Experimental evidence of spatial memory and home range affinity in White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 2015-05-31
Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) seeds as food for bears (Ursus spp.) in Banff National Park, Alberta
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 8, Date 2015-05-31
Horse ranching increases biodiversity in a foothills parkland prairie in northern Kananaskis Country, western Alberta
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 15, Date 2015-05-31
The flora of Cunningham Inlet, Somerset Island, Nunavut: history, analysis, and new collections of vascular plants, mosses, lichens, and algae
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 24, Date 2015-05-31
Osmia species (Megachilidae) pollinate Cypripedium parviflorum (Orchidaceae) and Packera paupercula (Asteraceae): a localized case of Batesian mimicry?
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 38, Date 2015-06-01
Gastony’s Cliffbrake (Pellaea gastonyi) in Manitoba: new records and assessment of conservation status
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 45, Date 2015-06-01
Subspecific identification of the Great Lakes' first Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) using DNA
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 53, Date 2015-06-01
Egg laying in inappropriate nests by the Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater): acts of parasitism or emergency egg dumping?
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 60, Date 2015-06-05
Range extension for Pygmy Whitefish (Prosopium coulterii) in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 70, Date 2015-06-05
Diurnal and nocturnal activity patterns of invasive Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) in Saskatchewan, Canada
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 76, Date 2015-06-05
Mass mortality of Northern Map Turtles (Graptemys geographica)
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 80, Date 2015-06-05
The use of ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-medetomidine with and without their antagonists, yohimbine and atipamezole hydrochloride to immobilize Raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Ontario, Canada
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 84, Date 2015-06-05
A Tribute to John Montague Gillett, 1918–2014 [Obituary]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 90, Date 2015-06-05
Amphibian Biology, Vol 11, Part 4: Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: Eastern Hemisphere: Southern Europe & Turkey , eds.H. Heatwole and J.W. Wilkinson. 2014. [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 97, Date 2015-06-08
Field Guide to the Birds of Australia – A photographic guide, by Iain Campbell et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 98, Date 2015-06-08
Birds of New Guinea: Second Edition, by T.K. Pratt & B.M. Beehler. 2015. [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 99, Date 2015-06-08
The Carnivore Way: Coexisting with and Conserving North America’s Predators, by Cristina Eisenberg [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 100, Date 2015-06-08
The Sea Among Us: the Amazing Strait of Georgia, eds. R. Beamish & G. McFarlane. 2014. [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 102, Date 2015-06-08
Marine Community Ecology and Conservation, ed. M.D. Bertness et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 103, Date 2015-06-08
Marmot Biology – Sociality, Individual Fitness, and Population Dynamics, by Kenneth B. Armitage [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 2015-06-08
An Indomitable Beast: The Remarkable Journey of the Jaguar, by Alan Rabinowitz [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 2015-06-08
Flora of Virginia, by Alan S. Weakley et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 105, Date 2015-06-08
Ian McTaggart-Cowan: The legacy of a pioneering biologist, educator and conservationist, by Ronald D. Jakimchuk et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 107, Date 2015-06-08
Conrad Kain: Letters from a Wandering Mountain Guide, 1906-1933, ed. Zac Robinson [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 109, Date 2015-06-08
Upcoming meetings and workshops; Timothy Christopher (“Chris”) Brayshaw 1919–2014
Vol 129, Iss 1, Page 112, Date 2015-06-05
Using an integrated recording and sound analysis system to search for Kirtland's Warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii) in Ontario
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 115, Date 2015-07-20
Spatial and temporal variation in fish assemblages in three small unpolluted estuarine rivers and associated lagoons in Kouchibouguac National Park, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 121, Date 2015-08-03
Life history and distribution of the Arctic pseudoscorpion, Wyochernes asiaticus (Chernetidae)
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 134, Date 2015-08-03
The Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) of Isle Royale: over-harvest, climate change, and the extirpation of an island population
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 139, Date 2015-08-04
Seventeenth census of seabird populations in the sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 2010
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 152, Date 2015-08-04
Kleptoparasitism by Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) as a factor in reducing Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) predation on Dunlin (Calidris alpina) wintering in British Columbia
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 159, Date 2015-08-04
Apparent extirpation of prey fish communities following the introduction of Northern Pike (Esox lucius)
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 165, Date 2015-08-04
Status, distribution, and nomenclature of Northern Quillwort, Isoetes septentrionalis (Isoetaceae) in Canada
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 174, Date 2015-08-05
Record long-distance movement of a Deer Mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, in a New England montane boreal forest
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 181, Date 2015-08-05
Great Plains Ladies’-tresses (Spiranthes magnicamporum) in the lower Great Lakes region and a new record for New York State
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 183, Date 2015-08-05
Anti-predator defenses of Brown Bullheads (Ameiurus nebulosus) and interactions with Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina)
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 189, Date 2015-08-05
New avian breeding records for Igloolik Island, Nunavut
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 194, Date 2015-08-05
The R.O.M. Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario, by Peter Hall et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 197, Date 2015-08-05
Running Silver – Restoring Atlantic Rivers and Their Great Fish Migrations, by John Waldman [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 198, Date 2015-08-05
The Passenger Pigeon, by Errol Fuller [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 199, Date 2015-08-05
À la découverte du Nord: deux siècles et demi d’exploration de la flore nordique du Québec et du Labrador, by Jacques Cayouette [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 200, Date 2015-08-05
Trees of Western North America, by Richard Spellenberg et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 201, Date 2015-08-05
Algonquin Park. A Portrait: The Landscape, Wildlife and Ecology of an Iconic Canadian Treasure, by Jan & Martin Rinik. 2014. [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 202, Date 2015-08-05
Rare – The High-Stakes Race to Satisfy Our Need for the Scarcest Metals on Earth, by Keith Veronese [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 203, Date 2015-08-05
My Watery Self: Memoirs of a Marine Scientist, by Stephen Spotte [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 204, Date 2015-08-05
New light on the origins of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 207, Date 2015-08-05
Upcoming Meetings and Workshops; Decision halts Ostrander Wind Farm Project on grounds of harm to Blanding's Turtle
Vol 129, Iss 2, Page 214, Date 2015-08-05
Lichens in four Newfoundland provincial parks: new provincial records
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 219, Date 2015-10-21
Distribution and use of brood-rearing and moulting sites of the Atlantic population of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) in Nunavik, Quebec
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 229, Date 2015-10-21
Range extensions for Northern Redbelly Dace (Chrosomus eos), Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas), and Iowa Darter (Etheostoma exile) in Ontario, Canada
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 237, Date 2015-10-21
Behaviour and nesting ecology of Appalachian Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus)
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 245, Date 2015-10-21
Are American Pikas (Ochotona princeps) in the Canadian Rockies vulnerable to climate change?
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 254, Date 2015-10-22
Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) in the northeastern Pacific Ocean: summary and synthesis of records from Canada and Alaska
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 263, Date 2015-10-22
Tall Annual Willowherb (Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presl) in Ontario, Canada
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 268, Date 2015-10-22
The cost of a prickly diet: incidents of porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) quills embedded in Wolverine (Gulo gulo)
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 273, Date 2015-10-28
Further evidence of Cougars (Puma concolor) in Ontario, Canada
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 277, Date 2015-10-28
Observations of the use of buildings by free-ranging Elk, Cervus canadensis, in Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 282, Date 2015-10-28
Impact of a major forest blowdown event on breeding of Ancient Murrelets, Synthliboramphus antiquus, at a colony in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 285, Date 2015-10-28
Cooperative hunting of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) by Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in northern Quebec
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 290, Date 2015-10-28
Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands Volumes 3 and 4: Biodiversity and Systematics Parts 1 and 2 , eds.H.A. Cárcamo & D.J. Giberson. 2014. [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 293, Date 2015-10-28
Birds and Animals of Australia’s Top End: Darwin, Kakadu, Katherine, and Kununurra, by Nick Leseberg & Iain Campbell. 2015. [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 294, Date 2015-10-28
Field Guide to the Birds of Australia – A Photographic Guide, by Iain Campbell et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 294, Date 2015-10-28
A Buzz in the Meadow, by Dave Goulson [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 296, Date 2015-10-28
Wolves on the Hunt: The Behavior of Wolves Hunting Wild Prey, by L. David Mech et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 297, Date 2015-10-29
Behind the Binoculars: Interviews with Acclaimed Birdwatchers, by Mark Avery & Keith Betton. 2015. [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 299, Date 2015-10-29
The Curious Mister Catesby, by E. Charles Nelson et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 300, Date 2015-10-29
Climber’s Paradise: Making Canada’s Mountain Parks, 1906–1974, by Pearlann Reichwein [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 301, Date 2015-10-29
Reclaiming the Don: An Environmental History of Toronto’s Don River Valley, by Jennifer L. Bonnell [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 302, Date 2015-10-29
Saving Global Fisheries. Reducing Fishing Capacity to Promote Sustainability, by J. Samuel Barkin & Elizabeth R. DeSombre. 2013. [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 303, Date 2015-10-29
Transient Landscapes: Insights on a Changing Planet, by Ellen E. Wohl [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 304, Date 2015-10-29
Upcoming Meetings and Workshops
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 307, Date 2015-10-28
Erratum: Apparent extirpation of prey fish communities following the introduction of northern pike (Esox lucius) (2015) 129(2):165-173
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 309, Date 2015-10-28
Do ducks and songbirds initiate more nests when the probability of survival is greater?
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 323, Date 2015-10-01
Aspen parkland pasture altered by Richardson’s Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus richardsonii Sabine) activity: the good, the bad, and the not so ugly?
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 331, Date 2016-01-30
Distribution of the exotic Pond Slider (Trachemys scripta) in Ontario
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 342, Date 2016-01-30
Additions to the boreal flora of the Northwest Territories with a preliminary vascular flora of Scotty Creek
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 349, Date 2016-01-30
White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawn risk from Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) predation during summer
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 368, Date 2016-01-30
Response of wild Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) broods to wetland drawdown and changes in food abundance
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 374, Date 2016-01-30
Movements of the Eastern Ribbonsnake (Thamnophis sauritus) in Nova Scotia
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 379, Date 2016-01-30
Recent occurrences of wild-origin wolves (Canis spp.) in Canada south of the St. Lawrence River revealed by stable isotope and genetic analysis
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 386, Date 2016-01-30
Three records of rare blue American Bullfrogs, Lithobates catesbeianus, in Nova Scotia, Canada
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 395, Date 2016-01-30
Cloud Sponge, Aphrocallistes vests (Porifera: Hexactinellida), fragment healing and reattachment
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 399, Date 2016-01-30
Diet and feeding behaviour of Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) and Midland Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 403, Date 2016-01-30
A Field Guide to Common Fishes of the Pacific Northwest, by Andy Lamb et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 409, Date 2016-01-30
A Field Guide to Seaweeds of the Pacific Northwest, by Bridgette Clarkson [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 409, Date 2016-01-30
The Carbon Bubble, by Jeff Rubin [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 410, Date 2016-01-30
Handbook of Road Ecology, by Rodney van der Ree et al [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 410, Date 2016-01-30
The New Labrador Papers of Captain George Cartwright, by Marianne P. Stopp [Review]
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 411, Date 2016-01-30
The Canadian Herpetologist new issue; Upcoming Meetings and Workshops
Vol 129, Iss 4, Page 413, Date 2016-01-30