Nesting biology of solitary wasps and bees in the Eastern Townships region, Quebec
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1983
Fungus fairy rings in soil: etiology and chemical ecology
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 9, Date 1983
Island biogeography of seed plants in Lake Nipigon, Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 16, Date 1983
Distribution sur les conifères des lichens appartenant aux genres Bryoria, Alectroia, Usnea et Ramalina sur la Côte Nord et la Côte Sud du Golfe Saint-Laurent
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 26, Date 1983
Amphibians of the Province of Newfoundland
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 33, Date 1983
Fish predation and other distinctive features in the diet of Nogies Creek, Ontario, Largemouth Bass, Micropterus salmoides
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 47, Date 1983
Effects of Moose, Alces alces, on aquatic vegetation in Sibley Provincial Park, Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 57, Date 1983
Survival of female Black Ducks, Anas rubripes, during the breeding season
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 62, Date 1983
Winter movements of Arctic Foxes, Alopex lagopus, in a petroleum development area
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 66, Date 1983
Habitat selection and food habits of Marten, Martes americana, in the Northwest Territories
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 71, Date 1983
Taxonomy of the Gaspé Shrew, Sorex gaspensis, and the Rock Shrew, S. dispar
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 75, Date 1983
Home range size, movements and habitat use in two Moose, Alces alces, populations in southeastern Alaska
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 79, Date 1983
Northern records of Risso's Dolphin, Grampus griseus, in the northeast Pacific
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 89, Date 1983
The Swamp Saxifrage, Saxifraga pensylvanica, a rare plant in Canada, newly discovered in Saskatchewan
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 1983
Small game hunting behaviour of Polar Bears, Ursus maritimus
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 93, Date 1983
Birds first described from Hudson Bay
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 1983
The occurrence and origin of Tiger Trout, Salmo trutta X Salvelinus fontinalis, in Ontario streams
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 99, Date 1983
Two Sable Island Fungi, Peziza ammophila and Hygrocybe turunda, new to Nova Scotia
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 102, Date 1983
Observations on primary dispersal of White Spruce, Picea glauca, seed
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 1983
A golden-yellow colored Sablefish, Anoploma fimbria, caught off Quatsino Sound, British Columbia
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 106, Date 1983
Distribution of the Bager, Taxidea taxus, in southwestern Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 107, Date 1983
Responses of two groups of Mountain Goats, Oreamnos americanus, to a Wolf, Canis lupus
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 110, Date 1983
Occurrences of the Black-legged Kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla, in the Prairie Provinces and north-central United States
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 111, Date 1983
Breeding records of Northern Shoveler, Anas clypeata, along the northern coast of Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 113, Date 1983
Black Bear, Ursus americanus, predation on a Mule Deer fawn, Odocoileus hemionus
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 114, Date 1983
Sphagnum at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 115, Date 1983
Northern range extension of the Two-lined Salamander, Eurycea bislineata, in Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 116, Date 1983
A second record of the Deer Mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, from Newfoundland
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 117, Date 1983
Dwarf Clearweed, Pilea pumula (Urticaceae) new to Nova Scotia
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 118, Date 1983
Gamma-Ray irradiation of a boreal forest ecosystem: The Field Irradiator Gamma (FIG) facility and research programs
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 120, Date 1983
Bears: their biology and management, eds. Clifford J. Martinka and Katherine L. McArthur [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 129, Date 1983
Mammalian population genetics, eds. Michael H. Smith and James Joule [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 129, Date 1983
Summer birds of the Northwest Angle Provincial Forest and adjacent southeastern Manitoba, Canada, by Robert S. Ferguson [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 130, Date 1983
Wildlife population ecology, ed. James S. Wakeley [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 130, Date 1983
Fish gene pools, ed.N. Ryman [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 130, Date 1983
An atlas of the birds of the western Palaearctic, by Colin Harrison [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 131, Date 1983
Arctic animal ecology, by Hermann Remmert [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 132, Date 1983
Handbook of census methods for terrestrial vertebrates, ed. David E. Davis [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 133, Date 1983
The fishes of the islands in the South China Sea, South China Seas Fisheries Institute [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 133, Date 1983
A study of the lateral-line canals system and that of Lorenzini ampullae and tubules of elasmobranchiate fishes of China, by Yuanting T. Chu and Chiing Wen Meng [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 134, Date 1983
Shrubs of Ontario, by James H. Soper and Margaret L. Heimburger [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 135, Date 1983
Die Küstenvegetation Ostkanädas, by Dietert Thannheiser [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 135, Date 1983
Lichens: an illustrated guide, by Frank Dobson [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 136, Date 1983
The illustrated flora of Illinois: Flowering plants, Basswoods to Spurges, by Robert H. Mohlenbrock [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 136, Date 1983
The Cacti of the United States and Canada , by B. L. Benson [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 137, Date 1983
The nature of the stratigraphical record, by Derek V. Ager [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 138, Date 1983
A bibliography of the natural history of Middlesex County, Ontario, to the year 1980 with an historical introduction, by William W. Judd [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 1, Page 138, Date 1983
Movements of collared Caribou, Rangifer tarandus, in relation to petroleum development on the Arctic Slope of Alaska
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 143, Date 1983
An estimate of the Black Scoter, Melanitta nigra, population moulting in James and Hudson bays
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 147, Date 1983
Spatial trends in Canadian Snowshoe Hare, Lepus americanus, population cycles
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 151, Date 1983
Naturalization of the Rainbow Smelt, Osmerus mordax, in Lake Simcoe, Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 161, Date 1983
Range extensions of vascular plants from the northern Yukon Territory
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 170, Date 1983
Habitat segregation by stream darters (Pisces: Percidae) in the Thames River watershed of southwestern Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 177, Date 1983
Aquatic plants in Lake Superior Provincial Park in relation to water chemistry
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 181, Date 1983
Avian breeding and occurrence notes from the Sutton Ridges area of northeastern Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 187, Date 1983
A patterned fen on the north shore of Lake Superior, Minnesota
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 194, Date 1983
Habitat usage of two woodland Buteo species in Central Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 200, Date 1983
Dependence of Clark's Nutcracker, Nucifraga columbiana, on conifer seeds during the postfledging period
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 208, Date 1983
White Malaxis, Malaxis monophyllos var. diphyllos, an addition to the orchids of Canada from the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 215, Date 1983
Extensive overland movement of Pintail, Anas acuta, brood and attempted predation by hawks
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 216, Date 1983
Predation by fish and Common Mergansers on darters (Pisces: Percidae) in the Thames River watershed of southwestern Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 218, Date 1983
Water Meal, Wolffia arrhiza, (Lemnaceae) in Saskatchewan
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 220, Date 1983
Facing in is not general to all gulls nesting on cliffs
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 222, Date 1983
A River Otter, Lutra c. canadensis, of record size
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 225, Date 1983
The mammals of Minnesota, by Evan B. Hazard [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 235, Date 1983
Mammals of the National Parks, by Richard G. Van Gelder [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 235, Date 1983
The Fisher: life history, Ecology and Behavior, by Roger A. Powell [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 236, Date 1983
A bird-finding guide to Ontario, by Clive E. Goodwin [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 236, Date 1983
The amphibians and reptiles of Manitoba, by William B. Preston [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 237, Date 1983
Aquatic insects and oligochaetes of North and South Carolina,eds. A. R. Brigham, W. U. Brigham, and A. Gnilka [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 238, Date 1983
Falcons of the world, by T. J. Cade [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 239, Date 1983
Survey of Canadian herbaria, by Bernard Boivin [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 240, Date 1983
The rare vascular plants of the Yukon, by G. W. Douglas, G. W. Argus, H. L. Dickson, and D. F. Brunton [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 241, Date 1983
Weeds, by W. C. Muenscher [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 242, Date 1983
Nature conservation day, eds I. J. Beechey and B. L. Raad [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 243, Date 1983
The Mitigation Symposium: a national workshop on mitigating losses offish and wildlife habitats, by G. A. Swanson [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 244, Date 1983
Natural heritage: classification inventory, and information, by A. E. Radford et al. [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 245, Date 1983
Estimation of density from line transect sampling of biological populations, by Kenneth P. Burnham, David R. Anderson and Jeffrey L. Laake [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 246, Date 1983
A celebration of birds: the life and art of Louis Agassiz Fuertes Aleksander, by Robert McCracken Peck [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 246, Date 1983
Aleksander Tamsalu, 1891-1960: a botanist in exile , by John B. Lord [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 2, Page 247, Date 1983
The tropical fish fauna in Cave and Basin Hotsprings drainage, Banff National Park, Alberta
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 255, Date 1983
Observations on home range sizes, movements and social organization of Lynx, Lynx canadensis, in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 262, Date 1983
An ecological study of Cypripedium passerinum Rich. (Sparrow's Egg Lady-shpper, Orchidaceae) on the north shore of Lake Superior
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 268, Date 1983
Comparison of Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias, reproduction at Boot Island and other Nova Scotia colonies
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 275, Date 1983
Vascular plants of the Hayes Sound region, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 279, Date 1983
Seasonal feeding of Carp, Cyprinus carpio, in the Bay of Quinte watershed, Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 293, Date 1983
Characteristics of Gray Wolf, Canis lupus, den and rendezvous sites in southcentral Alaska
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 299, Date 1983
Denning and foraging habits of Red Foxes, Vulpes vulpes, and their interaction with Coyotes, Canis latrans, in central Alberta, 1972-1981
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 303, Date 1983
Dynamics of the winter distribution of Rosy Finches, Leucosticte arctoa, in Montana
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 307, Date 1983
Variation in Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes, summer diets in northwest British Columbia and southwest Yukon
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 311, Date 1983
Ospreys, Pandion haliaetus, relocate nests from power poles to substitute sites
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 315, Date 1983
Distribution and ectoparasites of Little Brown Bats, Myotis lucifugus, on Prince Edward Island
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 320, Date 1983
Heterospecific vocal mimicry by six oscines
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 321, Date 1983
Photoperiod as an environmental cue for hibernation in juvenile Richardson's Ground Squirrels, Spermophilus richardsoni
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 323, Date 1983
A survey and census of the endangered Furbish Lousewort, Pedicularis furbishiae, in New Brunswick
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 325, Date 1983
Nodding Thistle, Carduus nutans: an addition to the vascular flora of Alberta
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 328, Date 1983
Ambivalence of the concealing pose of owls
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 329, Date 1983
Interspecific food piracy of Rough-legged Hawk, Buteo lagopus, on Red-tailed Hawk, B. jamaicensis, and scavenging by Rough-legged Hawk
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 330, Date 1983
Ivory Gulls, Pagophila eburnea, nesting on the Brodeur Peninsula, Baffin Island, N.W.T.
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 332, Date 1983
Long distance movement by Gray Wolves, Canis lupus
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 333, Date 1983
Reduction of the pelvic skeleton in the Threespine Stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, in two lakes of Quebec
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 334, Date 1983
Joseph Dewey Soper, 1893-1982 [Obituary]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 350, Date 1983
Publications of J. Dewey Soper
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 353, Date 1983
The emergence of ornithology as a scientific discipline: 1760-1850, by Paul Lawrence Farber [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 356, Date 1983
A field guide to the birds of east Africa, by J. G. Williams and N. Arlott [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 357, Date 1983
Ecology and biology of the Pacific Walrus, Odobenus rosmarus divergens Illiger, by Francis H. Fay [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 357, Date 1983
Handbuch der Vögel Mittleleuropas: volume 9, Columbiformes- Piciformes, by Glutz von Blotzheim, Urs N., and Kurt M. Bader [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 358, Date 1983
Annotated checklist of the birds of Arizona, by Gale Monson and Allan R. Phillips [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 359, Date 1983
Birds of Oak Hammock Marsh Wildlife Management Area, by Kenneth A. Gardner [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 359, Date 1983
Botany: Trees and shurbs of the Dominion Arboretum, by A. R. Buckley [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 360, Date 1983
Ferns and allied plants: with special reference to tropical America, by Rolla M. Tryon and Alice F. Tryon [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 361, Date 1983
Man and wildlife in a shared environment, ed. Roy Vontobel [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 362, Date 1983
Microcosms in ecological research, ed. John P. Giesy, Jr. [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 362, Date 1983
Mining, land use, and the environment, 1: A Canadian overview, by I. B. Marshall [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 363, Date 1983
Sampling design and statistical methods for environmental biologists, by R. H. Grenne [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 3, Page 364, Date 1983
Densities of breeding birds at Polar Bear Pass, Bathurst Island, Northwest Territories
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 371, Date 1983
The ecology of the Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus, at Luther Marsh, Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 377, Date 1983
Some effects of winter shelter conditions on White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, fawns
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 391, Date 1983
Breeding ecology of the Horned Grebe, Podiceps auritus, in southwestern Manitoba
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 401, Date 1983
Variability in size and age at sexual maturity of Witch Flounder, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, in the Canadian Maritimes region of the northwest Atlantic Ocean
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 409, Date 1983
Food habits of young anadromous Alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus, in Lake Ainslie, Nova Scotia
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 423, Date 1983
Coastwide distribution and ocean migration patterns of stream- and ocean-type Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 427, Date 1983
Wintering biology of Mourning Doves, Zenaida macroura, in Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 434, Date 1983
Adaptation of Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar, to a restricted freshwater environment
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 439, Date 1983
Elk, Cervus elaphus, foraging related to forest management and succession in Idaho
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 443, Date 1983
Caspian Terns, Sterna caspia, breeding in Labrador
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 448, Date 1983
Range extension of the sage Artemisia rupestris spp. woodii in southwestern Yukon
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 449, Date 1983
Nesting of the Thick-billed Murre, Uria lomvia, in British Columbia
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 450, Date 1983
Ring-billed Gull, Larus delawarensis, predation on bat, Myotis, injured by an American Kestrel, Faico sparverius
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 452, Date 1983
High nesting density of ducks on an island in Saskatchewan
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 453, Date 1983
Recoveries of Saskatchewan-banded White-winged Scoters, Melanitta fusca
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 454, Date 1983
Albino Eastern Garter Snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis, from Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 456, Date 1983
Wolverine, Gulo gulo, in Lake St. John area, Quebec
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 457, Date 1983
Presumed breeding record of Brewster's x Brewster's Warbler, Vermivora chrysoptera x pinus, in Ontario
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 458, Date 1983
Two recent ice entrapments of Narwhals, Monodon monoceros, in Arctic Canada
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 459, Date 1983
Fisheries and wildlife resources and the agricultural land base in Alberta, by William M. Glasgow [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 463, Date 1983
The park buffalo, by Sheilagh C. Olgivie [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 463, Date 1983
Eastern chipmunks: secrets of their solitary lives, by Lawrence Wisher [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 464, Date 1983
The Arctic-Alpine element of the vascular flora at Lake Superior, by David R. Given and James H. Soper [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 465, Date 1983
Mountain islands and desert seas: a natural history of the U.S. -Mexican borderlands, by Frederick R. Gehibach [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 466, Date 1983
Casey A. Wood (1856-1942): a bio-bibliography, by Effie C. Astbury [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 466, Date 1983
Damned Indians: the Pick-Sloan Plan and the Missouri River Sioux, 1944-1980, by Michael Lawson [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 467, Date 1983
Biogeographical dictionary of Rocky Mountain naturalists: a guide to the writings and collections of botanists, zoologists, artists, and photographers, 1682-1932, by Joseph and Nesta Dunn Ewan [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 468, Date 1983
Lucy Audubon: a biography, by Carolyn De Latte [Review]
Vol 97, Iss 4, Page 469, Date 1983