Rearing Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in fishless lakes of the Matamek River System, Quebec
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1978
Species-area relationships for vascular plants of some St. Lawrence River Islands
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 10, Date 1978
Evaluation of the winter range of White-tailed Deer in Point Pelee National Park, Ontario
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 19, Date 1978
Birds of the coastal zone of Melville Island, 1973-1975
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 24, Date 1978
Above-ground biomass of vascular plants in a subarctic James Bay salt marsh
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 30, Date 1978
Food habits of three sympatric species of Insectivora in western Washington
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 38, Date 1978
Nesting behavior and food habits of Parasitic Jaegers at Anderson River Delta, Northwest Territories
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 45, Date 1978
Reproductive success of Herring Gulls on Granite Island, northern Lake Superior, 1975 and 1976
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 51, Date 1978
Bird use of a Beaufort Sea barrier island in summer
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 55, Date 1978
Recoveries of Saskatchewan-banded Great Horned Owls
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 61, Date 1978
Food of Ringed Seals and Bowhead Whales near Point Barrow, Alaska
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 67, Date 1978
Birds and mammals as passive transporters for algae found in lichens
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 70, Date 1978
Winter predation by Black-capped Chickadees and Downy Woodpeckers on inhabitants of the Goldenrod Ball Gall
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 71, Date 1978
The status of Lythrum alatum (Lythraceae) in Canada
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 74, Date 1978
Prey utilized by Merlins nesting in shortgrass prairies of southern Alberta
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 76, Date 1978
Northern Leopard Frogs and Bullfrogs on Vancouver Island
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 78, Date 1978
Northern Fulmar breeding range extended to Baccalieu Island, Newfoundland
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 80, Date 1978
Life history observations on the nudibranch mollusc Onchidoris bilamellata in the intertidal zone of Nova Scotia
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 82, Date 1978
Additions to the flora of Alberta and new records
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 85, Date 1978
European Flounder (Platichthys flesus) captured in Lake Erie, Ontario
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 89, Date 1978
Site and seasonal variations in food of wolves, Algonquin Park, Ontario
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 1978
Durability of tree holes used by Buffleheads
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 94, Date 1978
Range extensions to the flora of the eastern Canadian Arctic
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 1978
Animal communication, by Hubert and Mable Frings [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 101, Date 1978
A second book of Canadian animals, by Charles Paul May [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 101, Date 1978
Ecology and management of animal resources, Ecologie de la zone de I'Aeroport International de Montreal, by J. R. Bider, E. Thompson, and R. W. Stewart [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 102, Date 1978
The vascular plants of South Dakota, by Theodore van Burggen [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 102, Date 1978
Ontario weeds, by J. F. Alex and C. M. Switzer [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 103, Date 1978
Vascular plants of British Columbia - a descriptive resource inventory, by Roy L. Taylor and Bruce MacBryde [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 103, Date 1978
Ecotours of the Trans-Canada Highway [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 1978
A concrete look at nature: Central Park (and other) glimpses , by Eugene Kinkead [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 1, Page 105, Date 1978
Changes in aspen parkland habitats bordering Alberta sloughs
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 109, Date 1978
Decline of a Ruffed Grouse population in Manitoba
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 123, Date 1978
Distribution and density of Woodchuck burrow systems in relation to land-use practices
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 128, Date 1978
Vascular plant range extensions to the Heart Lake area, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 137, Date 1978
Range extensions and comments on the vascular flora of the continental Northwest Territories
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 144, Date 1978
Seasonal food habits of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) on the Alaksen National Wildlife area, British Columbia
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 151, Date 1978
Demographic and dietary responses of Great Horned Owls during a Snowshoe Hare cycle
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 156, Date 1978
Population size and structure of four sympatric species of snakes at Amherstburg, Ontario
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 167, Date 1978
Distribution of salamanders of the Ambystoma jeffersonianum complex in Ontario
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 174, Date 1978
Distribution of Giant Cow Parsnip (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in Canada
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 182, Date 1978
Morphology, diet, and parasitism in Quebec Black Bears
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 186, Date 1978
Late winter bedding practices of Moose in mixed upland cutovers
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 189, Date 1978
Spring and summer food habits of an Ermine (Mustela enninea) in the Central Arctic
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 192, Date 1978
Red Squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. in the Salmonier River valley. Newfoundland
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 193, Date 1978
Flycatching by male Song Sparrows, Melospiza melodia
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 1978
Feeding at a trap-net by Black-crowned Night Herons
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 196, Date 1978
Occurrence of Carex careyana in Canada
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 197, Date 1978
Wheatears and a Magnolia Warbler in southern Davis Strait
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 199, Date 1978
Records of the European Skipper in Newfoundland
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 200, Date 1978
First record of the Ancient Murrelet for Alberta
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 200, Date 1978
House Sparrows nesting near a Swainson's Hawk nest
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 201, Date 1978
Wildlife management in Europe, by Anne Innes Daag [Reivew]
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 206, Date 1978
The bluebird. How can you help its fight for survival, by L. Zeleny [Reivew]
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 207, Date 1978
The African Buffalo. A study of resource limitation of populations, by A. R. E. Sinclair [Reivew]
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 207, Date 1978
Proceedings of the 1975 Predator Symposium, eds. R. L. Phillips and C. Jonkel [Reivew]
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 208, Date 1978
The John Barr Nature Laboratory: Management for ecological values, by Karen Cathey, Susan Cooley, and Kate Ligare [Reivew]
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 209, Date 1978
The ecology of the seas, eds. D. H. Cushing and J. J. Walsh [Reivew]
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 209, Date 1978
Arctic journey. Paintings, sketches and reminiscences of a vanishing world, by Peter Buerschaper [Reivew]
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 210, Date 1978
The backpacker, by Albert Saijo [Reivew]
Vol 92, Iss 2, Page 211, Date 1978
Grouping characteristics of Moose (Alces alces) in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 223, Date 1978
Regional movements and mortality of Great Horned Owls in relation to Snowshoe Hare fluctuations
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 228, Date 1978
Alaskan distribution of the Beluga Whale, Delphinapterus leucas
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 235, Date 1978
Sphaeriid mollusc populations of eight lakes near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 242, Date 1978
Summer movements and feeding by Moose in western Quebec
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 252, Date 1978
Asexual reproduction, diet, and anomalies of the anemone Nematostella vectensis in Nova Scotia
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 259, Date 1978
Changes in the aquatic macrophyte flora of Whitewater Lake near Sudbury, Ontario from 1947 to 1977
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 264, Date 1978
Porcupine winter foods and utilization in central New Brunswick
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 271, Date 1978
Use of forest clear-cuts by White-tailed Deer in southern New Brunswick and central Nova Scotia
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 275, Date 1978
Seasonal concentrations of Grizzly Bears, North Fork of the Flathead River, Montana
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 283, Date 1978
First record of the Atlantic Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) from Labrador
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 287, Date 1978
Seasonal occurrence of Silver-haired Bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) in Alberta and British Columbia
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 288, Date 1978
Large-flowered Trillium, Trillium grandiflorum, in Nova Scotia
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 291, Date 1978
Twinning in Dall Sheep
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 292, Date 1978
Status of the Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, in the central Kuskokwim River region, Alaska
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 293, Date 1978
Status of the Osprey in Antigonish County, Nova Scotia
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 294, Date 1978
Obituary: Alf Erling Porsild, MBE, FRSC (1901-1977)
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 299, Date 1978
Wild mammals of New England, by Alfred J. Godin [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 308, Date 1978
Guide to the pigeons of the World, by Andre McNeillie [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 308, Date 1978
Alberta birds 1961-1970, by T. S. Sadler and M. T. Myres [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 309, Date 1978
Rocky Mountain wildlife, by Don Blood, Tom W. Hall, and Susan Im Baumgarten [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 310, Date 1978
Wintering Bald Eagle, by Donald A. Spencer [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 311, Date 1978
Larvae of the North American caddisfly genera (Trichoptera), by G. B. Wiggins [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 311, Date 1978
A guide to the literature on the herbaceous vascular flora of Ontario, by James L. Hodgins [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 312, Date 1978
Intermountain flora, vascular plants of the Intermountain West, USA. Volume six, the monocotyledons, by A. Cronquist, A. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 312, Date 1978
Atlas of the flora of the Great Plains, by Great Plains Flora Association [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 313, Date 1978
Structure and function of tundra ecosystems, eds. T. Rosswell and O. W. Heal [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 314, Date 1978
Canada's threatened species and habitats, eds. Theodore Mosquin and Cecile Suchal [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 314, Date 1978
Photography for the joy of it, by Freeman Patterson [Review]
Vol 92, Iss 3, Page 315, Date 1978
Identification of Crataegus species native to Manitoba
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 321, Date 1978
Inter-island movements of Peary Caribou south of Viscount Melville Sound, Northwest Territories
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 327, Date 1978
Response of White-tailed Deer to snowmobiles and snowmobile trails in Maine
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 334, Date 1978
Winter movements and home range of the Muskrat
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 345, Date 1978
Spiranthes lacera var. lacera X S. romanzoffiana, a new natural hybrid orchid from Ontario
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 350, Date 1978
Comparison of pollen collected by a Honey Bee colony with a modern wind-dispersed pollen assemblage
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 359, Date 1978
Spatial pattern and population dynamics of Populus tremuloides in a Saskatchewan aspen grove
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 369, Date 1978
Migratory movements and plumage of subadult Saskatchewan Bald Eagles
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 375, Date 1978
Use of an old-field habitat by Bobolinks and Red-winged Blackbirds
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 383, Date 1978
Long-distance movements of Arctic Foxes tagged in northern Alaska
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 386, Date 1978
Some vascular plants new to the flora of Saskatchewan
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 389, Date 1978
Food of Ring-billed Gull chicks at the eastern headland of the Toronto Outer Harbour in 1977
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 392, Date 1978
Changes in wolf numbers, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 395, Date 1978
A Gray Wolf (Canis lupus columbianus) and Stone Sheep (Ovis dalli stonei) fatal predator - prey encounter
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 399, Date 1978
Surfbirds in Ogilvie and Richardson Mountains, Yukon Territory
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 401, Date 1978
Food piracy by American Wigeons on American Coots
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 403, Date 1978
Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas, Band 6 und Band 7, Charadriiformes ( 1. und2.Teil), ed Urs N. Glurz von Blotzheim
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 406, Date 1978
A guide to bird-watching in Mallorca, by Eddie Watkinson
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 407, Date 1978
A guide to the birds of Panama, by Robert S. Ridgely
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 407, Date 1978
North American bird songs: a world of music, by Poul Bondesen
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 408, Date 1978
Birds and marine mammals: the Beaufort Sea and the search for oil, by Donald A. Blood
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 409, Date 1978
Précis de zoologie: vertébrés. 2. Reproduction, biologic, évolution et systématique. Agnathes, poissons, amphibiens et reptiles, by Pierre-P. Grassé
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 410, Date 1978
Optic signals. Animal communication and light, by Jack P. Hailman
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 410, Date 1978
Working for wildlife: the beginning of preservation in Canada, by Janet Green Foster
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 411, Date 1978
Modern methods in forest genetics, ed. J. P. Miksche
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 412, Date 1978
The illustrated flora of Illinois. Sedges: Cyperus to Scleria, by Robert H. Mohlenbrock
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 413, Date 1978
Carex in Saskatchewan, by John H. Hudson
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 414, Date 1978
The Enterprise Wisconsin, radiation forest: radiological studies, ed. J. Zavitkovski
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 415, Date 1978
Outdoor recreation in America: trends, problems, and opportunities, by C. R. Jenson, and Issues in outdoor recreation, ed. C. R. Jensen and C. T. Thorstenson
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 416, Date 1978
Fundy tidal power and the environment, ed G. R. Daborn
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 417, Date 1978
My life among the Eskimos: the Baffinland journals of Bernhard Adolph Hantzsch, 1909-11, ed. L. N. Neatby
Vol 92, Iss 4, Page 418, Date 1978