President's Message: One hundred years in perspective the changing roles and objectives of The Ottawa Field-Naturahsts' Club
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1979
Biology - the unknown science?
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 6, Date 1979
The Canadian Field-Naturalist - the status quo or a new direction?
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 10, Date 1979
Demographic and dietary responses of Red-tailed Hawks during a Snowshoe Hare fluctuation
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 16, Date 1979
The Oriskany sandstone outcrop and associated natural features, a unique occurrence in Canada
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 28, Date 1979
Breeding areas and overnight roosting locations in the northern range of the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus plexippus) with a summary of associated migratory routes
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 41, Date 1979
Reproductive biology of the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus) in Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 48, Date 1979
Wild Mallard stocking in a large marsh habitat
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 55, Date 1979
Recent collections of the Black Redhorse, Moxostoma duquesnei, from Ontario
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 63, Date 1979
Xanthochroism in the Evening Grosbeak
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 66, Date 1979
Interaction between a Long-tailed Weasel and a Snowy Owl
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 67, Date 1979
Black-necked Stilts nesting near Edmonton, Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 68, Date 1979
Common Garter Snake predation on Robin nestlings
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 70, Date 1979
Distribution and movements of Selkirk Caribou. 1972-1974
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 71, Date 1979
Effects of fire on the location of a Sharp-tailed Grouse arena
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 74, Date 1979
Brewer's Blackbird breeding in the Northwest Territories
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 76, Date 1979
A trap to measure Populus and Salix seedfall
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 77, Date 1979
Examination of overwintering adult carabid beetles for associated mites
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 79, Date 1979
Ring counts in Salix arctica from northern Ellesmere Island
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 81, Date 1979
Giant Cow Parsnip (Heracleum mantegazzianum) on Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 82, Date 1979
Nesting of Horned Puffins in British Columbia
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 84, Date 1979
A guide to bird finding east of the Mississippi, by Olin Sewall Pettingill, Jr. [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 1979
The birds of New Brunswick, by W. Austin Squires [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 92, Date 1979
Mountain monarchs: wild sheep and goats of the Himalaya, by George B. Schaller [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 93, Date 1979
Précis de zoologie: vertebrés. 3: reproduction, biologic, évolution et systématique. Oiseaux et mammifères, par P. P. Grassé [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 94, Date 1979
Ways of the six-footed, by Anna Botsford Comstock [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 94, Date 1979
Birds of southeastern Michigan and southwestern Ontario, by Alice H. Kelley [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 1979
Watching sea birds, by Richard Perry [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 1979
Bird hazards to aircraft: Problem and prevention of bird /aircraft collision, by Hans Blokpoel [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 96, Date 1979
Bears - their biology and management, eds. M. R. Pelton, J. W. Lentfer, and G. E. Folk [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 97, Date 1979
The earthworms (Lumbricidae and Sparanophilidae) of Ontario, by John W. Reynolds [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 98, Date 1979
The Passenger Pigeon: its natural history and extinction, by A. W. Schorger [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 98, Date 1979
The bird finder's 3-year note book, by Paul S. Eriksson [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 99, Date 1979
The rare vascular plants of Ontario/ Les plantes vasculaires rares de l'Ontario, by George W. Argus and David J. White [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 100, Date 1979
Fungi: delight of curiosity, Harold J. Brodie [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 101, Date 1979
Pollen flora of Argentina: modern spore and pollen types of Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, and Angiospermae, by Vera Markgraf and Hector L. D'Antoni [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 102, Date 1979
Floristics and environmental planning in western New York and adjacent Ontario: distribution of legally protected plants and plant sanctuaries, by Richard H. Zander [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 102, Date 1979
Atlas of airborne pollen grains and spores in northern Europe, by Siwert Nilsson, Joseph Praglowski, and Lennart Nilsson [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 103, Date 1979
Orchid biology: reviews and perspectives, I., ded Joseph Arditti [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 1979
Nature quizzes for Canadians, by V. and B. McMillan [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 1979
The Shetland way of oil: reactions of a small community to big business, ed. John Button [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 105, Date 1979
Écologie de la zone de L'aéroport international de Montréal: le cadre d'une recherche écologique interdisciplinaire, par P. Dansereau [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 106, Date 1979
Outdoors Canada: a unique and practical guide to our wilderness and wildlife, ed. Douglas R. Long [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 107, Date 1979
Why big fierce animals are rare: an ecologist's perspective by P. Colinvaux [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 108, Date 1979
Northern vagabond: the life and career of J. B. Tyrrell, by Alex Inglis [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 1, Page 109, Date 1979
Our responsibilities as field-naturalists and biologists
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 113, Date 1979
Natural fires as an index of paleoclimate
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 116, Date 1979
Virgin Douglas Fir forest on Saturna Island, British Columbia
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 126, Date 1979
Colonial-nesting Herring Gulls and Common Terns in northeastern Saskatchewan
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 132, Date 1979
Epiphytes on White Elm, Ulmus americana, near Thunder Bay, Ontario
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 139, Date 1979
Habitat utilization and population densities of the amphibians of northeastern Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 144, Date 1979
Caribou distribution and group composition associated with construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 155, Date 1979
Interesting vascular plants from southeastern Yukon Territory
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 163, Date 1979
Fall foods of Common Snipe on the Copper River Delta, Alaska
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 171, Date 1979
Ivory Gull colonies in southeastern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 173, Date 1979
Wind-caused death of Great Cormorant
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 175, Date 1979
Habitat selection by wintering Snowy Owls (Nyctea scandiaca)
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 176, Date 1979
Two-lined Salamander, Eurycea bislineata, in Labrador
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 178, Date 1979
First Canadian record of a Flathead Catfish
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 179, Date 1979
Earthworm cocoons as a drift component in a southern Ontario stream
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 180, Date 1979
Flowering plant phenology at Sheep Mountain, southwest Yukon Territory
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 183, Date 1979
Eggshell thickness in American shorebirds before and since DDT
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 187, Date 1979
Response of wintering Moose to mechanical habitat rehabilitation in Alaska
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 191, Date 1979
New localities for the Northern Spring Salamander and the Four-toed Salamander in southwestern Quebec
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 193, Date 1979
First record of the Long-tailed Shrew (Sorex dispar) in New Brunswick
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 1979
Intraspecific food theft by the American Kestrel
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 198, Date 1979
First record of the Northern Brook Lamprey, Icthyomyzon fossor, in the Nelson River drainage, Manitoba
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 199, Date 1979
Blue Grouse brood hen - Black Bear confrontation
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 200, Date 1979
Where to find birds in British Columbia, by David M. Mark [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 203, Date 1979
The moths of America north of Mexico, including Greenland: Fascicle 22.2, Noctuoidea (in part): Lymantriidae, by D. C. Ferguson [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 203, Date 1979
Hawks, falcons and falconry, by Frank L. Beebe [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 205, Date 1979
Fishes of the world, by J. S. Nelson [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 206, Date 1979
Nesting ecology of Canada Geese in the Hudson Bay Lowlands of Ontario: evolution and population regulation, by Dennis G. Raveling and Harry G. Lumsden [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 207, Date 1979
Birds in boreal Canada, by Anthony J. Erskine [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 207, Date 1979
Lexique anglais-français, Termes techniques à l'Uusage des biologistes, by Jean Vaillancourt [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 208, Date 1979
An introduction to the aquatic insects of North America, eds. R. W. Merritt and K. W. Cummins [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 209, Date 1979
Nichoirs d'oiseaux, par Raymond Cayoutte [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 210, Date 1979
Birds in peril: a guide to the endangered birds of Canada and the United States, by John P. S. Mackenzie [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 210, Date 1979
Manual of the vascular plants of Wyoming, by Robert D. Dorn [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 211, Date 1979
A provisional checklist of species for Flora North America (revised), eds. S. G. Shetler and L. E. Skog [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 212, Date 1979
Garden spice and wild pot-herbs: an American herbal, by W. C. Muenscher and M. A. Rice [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 212, Date 1979
How to identify grasses and grasslike plants (sedges and rushes), by H. D. Harrington [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 212, Date 1979
Flora of Alberta: a checklist, by D. F. Brunton [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 213, Date 1979
Freshwater wetlands: ecological processes and management potential, eds. Ralph E. Good, Dennis F. Wigham, Robert L. Simpson, and Crawford G. Jackson [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 213, Date 1979
Boreal ecology, by William O. Pruitt [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 215, Date 1979
The environmental impact of outdoor recreation, by G. Wall and C. Wright [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 215, Date 1979
L'inventaire for Flora North America (revised), by M. Jurdant, J. L. Bélair, V. Gerardin, and J. P. Ducruc [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 216, Date 1979
Applications de la télédétection à l'Éetude de la biosphère, by C. M. and M. C. Girard [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 217, Date 1979
Wildness is all around us: notes of an urban naturalist, by Eugene Kinkead [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 217, Date 1979
Field photography: beginning and advanced techniques, by Alfred A. Blaker [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 2, Page 218, Date 1979
Editorial: To a Bigot
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 231, Date 1979
Seasonal growth, food and feeding habits of young-of-the-year Black Crappie in the Ottawa River
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 232, Date 1979
Nesting and food-storage behavior of Peromyscus maniculatus gracilis and P. leucopus noveboracensis
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 239, Date 1979
Life history characteristics of Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) in Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 243, Date 1979
Winter denning of the Striped Skunk in Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 252, Date 1979
Range extensions of vascular plants in northern Yukon Territory and northwestern District of Mackenzie
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 259, Date 1979
Food and feeding of the Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax) in Lake Simcoe, Ontario
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 266, Date 1979
Song pattern of the Cypress Hills population of White-crowned Sparrows
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 272, Date 1979
Nesting biology and development of young in Ontario Black Terns
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 276, Date 1979
Summer, autumn, and winter diets of Elk in Saskatchewan
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 282, Date 1979
Taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of the cliff-brake ferns (Pellaea: Polypodiaceae) in Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 288, Date 1979
Characteristics of Peregrine Falcons migrating through central Alberta, 1969-1978
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 296, Date 1979
Extralimital record of a Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) in Hall's Bay, Newfoundland
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 303, Date 1979
First Canadian record of the Black Buffalo (Osteichthyes: Catostomidae)
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 304, Date 1979
Thaspium trifoliatum (Meadow-parsnip) in Canada
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 306, Date 1979
Largest Gray Wolf skulls found in Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 308, Date 1979
Aquatic feeding by a Woodchuck
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 309, Date 1979
Dispersion of freshwater leeches (Hirudinoidea) to Anticosti Island, Quebec
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 310, Date 1979
Relative efficiencies of Museum Special, Victor, and Holdfast traps for sampling small mammal populations
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 313, Date 1979
Probable hybrids of Cinnamon X Blue-winged Teal from southern Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 316, Date 1979
Common Garter Snake predation on Ring-billed Gull chicks
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 317, Date 1979
The Rock Vole (Microtus chrotorrhinus) as a Transition Zone species
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 319, Date 1979
Eastern limit of the Five-lined Skink, Eumeces fasciatus, in Ontario
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 321, Date 1979
Barn Owls in Quebec
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 323, Date 1979
Communal roosting of Song Sparrows under snowbank
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 325, Date 1979
Status of Eastern White Cedar, Thuja occidentalis in western Nova Scotia
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 326, Date 1979
Snowy Egret in the Northwest Territories
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 329, Date 1979
Tribute to Hoyes Lloyd, 1888-1978 [Obituary]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 331, Date 1979
Animals in peril: a guide to the endangered species of Canada and the United States, by D. C. Grainger [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 339, Date 1979
The great arc of the wild sheep, by James I. Clark [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 339, Date 1979
A guide to the birds of Venezuela, by Rodolphe Meyer de Schaunsee and William H. Phelps, Jr. [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 340, Date 1979
North American Moose, by M. A. Ogilvie [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 341, Date 1979
Wild geese, by M A. Ogilvie [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 341, Date 1979
Crows of the world, by Derek Goodwin [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 342, Date 1979
Life of the Harp Seal, by Fred Bruemmer [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 342, Date 1979
Edible garden weeds of Canada, by A. F. Szczawinski and N. J. Turner [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 344, Date 1979
Ferns of the Ottawa district, by William J. Cody [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 345, Date 1979
Dyes from lichens and plants: a Canadian dyer's guide, by Judith Waldner McGrath [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 346, Date 1979
Human activity and the Environment, by Statistics Canada [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 347, Date 1979
Vermillion Lakes Banff National Park: an introductory study, by the Bow Valley Naturalists [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 347, Date 1979
Weather almanac, eds J. A. Ruffner and F. E. Bair [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 347, Date 1979
Introduction to mathematics for life scientists, by E. Batschelet [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 3, Page 348, Date 1979
Some new and interesting vascular plant records from northern Ontario
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 355, Date 1979
Yearly variations in the population dynamics of Richardson's Ground Squirrels
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 363, Date 1979
Man's influence on potential nesting sites and populations of swallows in Canada
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 371, Date 1979
Distribution and habitats of four annual smartweeds in Ontario
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 378, Date 1979
Apparent differences in aquatic macrophyte floras of eight lakes in Muskoka District, Ontario from 1953 to 1977
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 386, Date 1979
Utricularia geminiscapa at Mer Bleue and range extensions in eastern Canada
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 391, Date 1979
Movements of sympatric species of snakes at Amherstburg, Ontario
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 399, Date 1979
Winter feeding by Porcupines in montane forests of southwestern Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 405, Date 1979
Interactions between Snowy and Short-eared Owls in winter
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 411, Date 1979
The Biological Flora of Canada. 1. Vaccinium angustifolium Ait., Sweet Lowbush Blueberry
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 415, Date 1979
Mosses new to Ontario and Quebec
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 431, Date 1979
Swans wintering on Vancouver Island, 1977-1978
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 433, Date 1979
Interspecific vocal mimicry by Pine Grosbeaks
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 436, Date 1979
Influence of weather on aggression in Tree Swallows
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 437, Date 1979
Abandoned windmill used as a nesting site by Great Blue Herons
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 439, Date 1979
Unusually late pregnancy of a Muskrat in southeastern New Brunswick
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 440, Date 1979
Lynx movements and habitat use in Montana
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 441, Date 1979
Decline of summering Bald Eagles in central New Brunswick
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 443, Date 1979
Lesser Black-backed Gull, Larus fuscus. in Labrador waters
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 445, Date 1979
Occurrence of the Red Phalarope in the Canadian prairie provinces and adjacent states
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 446, Date 1979
Nesting of the Calliope Hummingbird in Kananaskis Provincial Park, Alberta
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 449, Date 1979
Guide to the study of animal populations, by James T. Tanner [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 453, Date 1979
Quaternary vertebrate faunas of Canada and Alaska and their suggested chronological sequence, by C. R. Harrington [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 453, Date 1979
Birds of Man's world, by Derek Goodwin [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 454, Date 1979
Statistical inference from band recovery data: a handbook, by C. Brownie, D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, and D. S. Robson [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 455, Date 1979
The Gannet, by Bryan Nelson [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 456, Date 1979
Vascular plant families, by James Payne Smith, Jr. [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 457, Date 1979
An atlas of airborne pollen grains and common spores of Canada, I. John Bassett, Clifford W. Crompton, and John A. Parmelee [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 457, Date 1979
A vanished world: the dinosaurs of western Canada, by Dale A. Russell [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 458, Date 1979
Biogeography and ecology of southern Africa, ed. M. J. A. Werger [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 459, Date 1979
The ecology of North America, by V. E. Shelford [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 460, Date 1979
Chlorinated phenoxy acids and their dioxins, ed. C. Ramel [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 460, Date 1979
Last of the naturalists: the career of C. Hart Merriam, by Keir B. Sterline [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 461, Date 1979
Le Naturaliste Canadien, Index, by G.-W. Corrivault and P. Morisset [Review]
Vol 93, Iss 4, Page 462, Date 1979