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Book Title
Der Taubenfreund
Publication Details
Leipzig, G. Basse, 1850
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 17—20 annotation 12 feathers in tail normal
show subjects subjects

line 22 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation Do not tread on Sole. —
show subjects subjects

line 10 X [`bookmark']

line 5 annotation Pouters

lines 21—18 annotation Turkish with curved Beak

lines 16—9 annotation X----X
line 14 annotation X
line 13 underline "Pagadette"
lines 13—7 annotation will breed together

lines 3—1 annotation Runt Spanish
show subjects concepts

lines 1—5 annotation Romish Runt, like Spanish

lines 9—15 annotation Barb (allied to Turbits) can cross with owls & Fan-tails
lines 13—16 score
lines 14—15 underline "aber ... unbrauchbar"
lines 14—15 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) Barb & Fantail have useless eggs

line 19 annotation Tumbler

line 16 annotation Trumpeter

lines 11—3 annotation Moon Pigeons so called for great fertility
lines 9—7 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (b) This new kind to me

top-marginline 7 annotation Mr Brent says a high bred Swallow.— is mostly meant by this
     But this description is applicable to short-footed Tumbler / Riedel gives sam accont copied frm Bechstein / Brent calls it a Magpie Tumbler but probaly not pure.—

line 4 annotation 8 ft & [illegible word] 12 pair.
show subjects subjects

lines 7—8 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) Carmelite apparently most like almond Tumbler in shape, so low as to walk nearly on Belly.

lines 12—15 annotation shell-tuft behind head

lines 19—21 annotation Swallow Pigeon
show subjects subjects

line 10 underline "drehen"
line 10 annotation turn
lines 15—10 annotation ‹Smiters› ‹Tumbler› Turn like Tumblers

lines 7—1 annotation Stripe from Head along Body

lines 14—17 score
show subjects concepts

line 9 X [`bookmark']

lines 12—18 annotation Snuff to destry insects. / Powdered quick lime.
line 20 underline "Wanzen"
line 20 annotation Bugs
show subjects subjects

line 5 X [`bookmark']

line 15 X [`bookmark']

lines 6—4 score
line 5 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation some think Pigeons pair after colour & I think White Trumpeter took first to White Fan-tail

lines 7—9 annotation X    4 to 6 months for the pairing
show subjects subjects

line 14 X [`bookmark']

lines 5—7 score
lines 5—11 annotation choose for propagation those reared in Spring
show subjects subjects

lines 17—16 score
lines 18—14 annotation Fertility of Field Pigeons last longer
show subjects subjects

line 2 underline "Täubin"
line 2 annotation female

lines 7—3 score
bottom-margin annotation The more nolbe [ie `noble'] pigen keep separat frm othrs.—
from End Slip annotation 42 The more noble pigeons keep separate frm others

lines 7—15 annotation Fantail & Turbit
     Turbit & Capuchin /
     carrier & Runt
     Runt & Carrier

from End Slip annotation 43    Some crosses (Q)