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Book Title
über den Bau und das Winden der Ranken und Schlingpflanzen
Publication Details
Tübingen, Heinrich Laupp, 1827
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
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Annotation Not Available

lines 8—9 underline "Bewegungen ... werden"
lines 8—10 score

lines 10—7 score
lines 12—6 annotation Tendrils & winding plants totally different
show subjects subjects

lines 5—8 score
lines 5—8 annotation Touch not mentioned

lines 10—8 score
lines 10—8 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 10—9 underline "Ferner ... Elephantipes"
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink p. 4 Tamus elephantoidest01 Xt02
t01 - `Tamus elephantoides' horizontally crossedin pencil
t02 - `X' in pencil

line 5 underline "Paullinia"
bottom-margin annotation Paullinia winding stem with cirri
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink ― Paullinia winding stems & tendrils it is one of Sapindaceae.

lines 9—10 score
line 9 underline "Musa paradisiaca"
line 10 underline "in ... auslaunen"
show subjects subjects

lines 14—13 score
line 14 underline "Vicia Faba"

line 2 score
line 4 crossing-out in reddish-brown crayon "Arum ... Ludovia"
line 4 annotation 214
line 5 crossing-out in reddish-brown crayon "Allium ... Hyacinthus"
line 6 score
line 6 crossing-out in reddish-brown crayon " Gethyllis ... Musa"
line 6 underline "Vanilla"
line 6 crossing-out in reddish-brown crayon "Hydrocharides. Valisneria"
lines 8—10 unmarked
line 11 crossing-out in reddish-brown crayon "Strophanthus"
line 11 crossing-out in reddish-brown crayon "Scorzonera"
line 13 at "Sapindi" annotation aceae
lines 12—13 annotation Sapindaceae
line 14 annotation Geraniales
line 15 crossing-out in reddish-brown crayon "Dianthus ... Hirtella"
lines 16—20 annotation All worked with Lindley
line 18 annotation Rhamnales
line 22 annotation Cuphaea
from End Note annotation in reddish-brown crayon 6 & 86 lists

[continues overleaf] lines 2—1 double score
line 1 underline "entsprechend ... geschlossnen"

lines 13—16 score
line 13 underline "bei ... Strephanthus"
lines 11—13 annotation ! Apocyneae
line 14 underline "bleibt ... Abfallen"
lines 14—15 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

lines 14—15 score

lines 12—11 score
line 12 underline "spiralförmig ... Pflanze"

lines 13—11 score
lines 13—12 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 12—8 annotation gradation yet jump
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 37    gradation of leaves with tendrils

lines 12—11 score
line 12 underline "äussern"
show subjects subjects

lines 11—12 score
line 11 underline "die ... aufrechtem"
show subjects subjects

lines 18—19 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 19—20 score
lines 16—20 annotation Rudimtry
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 39 50} Astragalus rudimntary tendrils Not01
t01 - `No' in pencil

line 22 annotation = Leaf climber

line 1 double score in reddish-brown crayon over pale pencil
from End Note annotation horizontally crossed p. 39 Lygodium
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 39 Lygodium leaf climber

lines 4—5 score in reddish-brown crayon

line 12 score in reddish-brown crayon
lines 13—10 annotation in reddish-brown crayon Leaf climb
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink, horizontally crossed in pencil 40    Cocculus    leaf climber— Mnisprmiae— Ophioglossum leaf climber.

lines 7—5 score

line 6 underline in reddish-brown crayon "Uvularia cirrhosa"
line 6 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 41.    Uvularia like Gloriosat01 — Nepenthest02
t01 - `41.    ... Gloriosa' horizontally crossedin pencil
t02 - `— Nepenthes' in pencil

lines 5—4 score in reddish-brown crayon over pale pencil
lines 5—4 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink ―    Smilax stipulaet01
t01 - `Smilax stipulae' horizontally crossedin pencil

lines 16—17 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 43    Fumaria claviculata tips of branches converted into tendrils

lines 4—5 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

line 8 double score in pencil
line 7 annotation in pencil all wound into a tendril
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 45    Maurandia scandens — flower-peduncule irritable

lines 10—12 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
line 12 underline "die ... Traube"
line 14 at "Uhrfeder" annotation watch spring
lines 12—14 annotation does not say whether catches
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink ―    Sapindaceae —

lines 19—24 score
line 20 underline "die ... ist"
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink ―    on Vine 47 Passiflora

lines 4—18 score in reddish-brown crayon
lines 9—16 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 49 Vanilla

lines 4—7 score
lines 4—7 annotation Xt01 Mucro in Legumin
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 39 50} Astragalus rudimntary tendrils Not02
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `No' in pencil
show subjects subjects

line 18 score [`bookmark']

line 5 score [`bookmark']

lines 17—14 score
lines 17—14 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink, horizontally crossed in pencil 52    on windng of tendril spontaneously p 78.

line 11 underline "Holzkörper"
line 12 underline "Dicke"
lines 11—13 score
lines 11—13 annotation Xt01 t. grow strong & long
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 57    tendrils increase rapidly in strength
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

line 11 underline "dem ... durchaus"

lines 6—4 double score
line 18bottom-margin annotation seems to think lateral movemt consequent on twisting course

lines 11—14 annotation !!
lines 12—13 underline "da ... Bewegungsfähigkeit"
lines 13—14 double score
lines 13—14 underline "die ... Spirale"

line 18 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
line 1 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

lines 15—14 underline "Fläche ... Uhr"
lines 17—12 annotation Gloriosa winds up differently frm ordinry tendrils.

[continues overleaf] lines 13—2 score
line 3 underline "Korkziehers"
line 11bottom-margin annotation (Smilax does not wind up.)
     B. unguis not
     Vines do not?
     Cissus does when it catches

from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink, horizontally crossed in pencil 59    on spontaneous winding with notes by self

line 9 underline "eine ... besitzt"/ lines 8—10 score
lines 8—10 annotation Tendril sensitive
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink, horizontally crossed in pencil 63    Sensitiveness of t.    touch does nothing !!    took (too old (S. 65)

line 13 underline "Einfache ... Berührung"
line 14 underline "nicht"
lines 13—14 annotation !!
lines 13—14 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 16—23 score
lines 18—27 annotation Touch does nothing !
     were thy too old ??
     I presume expected movemnt too soon

line 9 underline "Ob ... äusserte"
line 9 annotation !!!
line 9 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

bottom-margin annotation X
line 2 underline "gerade ... Zusammenwinden"
lines 2—5 annotation Xt01 this looks as if he took too old—
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

line 15 underline "von 24 Stunden"
lines 13—15 annotation !!
line 21 underline "nach 4 Stunden"

lines 2—5 score in reddish-brown crayon
lines 2—5 annotation Xt01 convex side not sensitive
line 4 at "that" annotation & Pea
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink, horizontally crossed in pencil 65    convex side not sensitive in Cucurb & Passiflort02
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `in Cucurb ... Passiflor' in pencil

lines 14—13 score
lines 14—13 underline "mit ... Längenwachsthums"
lines 14—13 annotation
lines 14—13 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink, horizontally crossed in pencil 63    Sensitiveness of t.    touch does nothing !!    took (too old (S. 65)

lines 18—20 score
lines 16—20 annotation Virginian creeper
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink, horizontally crossed in pencil 70    Virginian creeper.

lines 8—9 underline "solche ... Stütze"
lines 7—10 annotation Xt01 swelling in all parts where touch
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

lines 16—14 underline "Hülfe ... konnte"
lines 16—15 annotation Xt01 [?]Ament
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects concepts

line 12 annotation X

lines 13—14 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 1—21 annotation Astonishing that he did not see spont: movements— I presume too old

lines 1—10 score
lines 5—6 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
top-marginline 10 annotation Grape tendrils point to north & to wall
lines 13—20 score
lines 13—20 annotation not common to other tendrils of various plants kept in House
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink, horizontally crossed in pencil 77    Vine creeper point to N. & dark. other t. not affected «by light»

lines 14—10 score
lines 14—10 annotation so with Pea
show subjects subjects

lines 10—7 score in reddish-brown crayon
lines 9—8 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 9—8 underline "während ... herabsteigt"
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink, horizontally crossed in pencil 52    on windng of tendril spontaneously p 78.

lines 1—3 score
lines 2—3 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 2—3 underline "welche nothwendig"

line 12 annotation X

top-margin annotation Big. capreolata & Cobaea wd not stick
lines 4—6 score in pencil
lines 4—6 annotation glasst01 Xt02
line 6 underline "von Glas"
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in brown ink 82.    will wind on glass.    tendrilst03
t01 - `glass' in pencil
t02 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
t03 - `tendrils' in pencil

line 5 annotation X
line 4 at "Rajania" annotation in pencil
line 3 annotation in pencil 214
line 2 annotation not in Darwin's hand 148    148
line 2 at "Tillandsia" annotation in pencil
show subjects concepts

line 4 annotation 511—t01    511    ✔t02
line 13 annotation 614—t03    ✔t04
line 12 annotation t05 585t06
line 8 annotation t07 771 — 424t08
line 6 annotation t09 339t10
from End Note annotation in reddish-brown crayon 6 & 86 lists
t01 - `511—' not in Darwin's hand
t02 - `511    ✔' in pencil
t03 - `614—' not in Darwin's hand
t04 - `✔' in pencil
t05 - `✔' in pencil
t06 - `585' not in Darwin's hand
t07 - `✔' in pencil
t08 - `771 — 424' not in Darwin's hand
t09 - `✔' in pencil
t10 - `339' not in Darwin's hand
show subjects subjects

line 5 annotation 281—t01    ✔t02
line 8 at "Cassyta" annotation 538t03t04
line 8 at "Porana" annotation t05 631t06
t01 - `281—' not in Darwin's hand
t02 - `✔' in pencil
t03 - `538' not in Darwin's hand
t04 - `✔' in pencil
t05 - `✔' in pencil
t06 - `631' not in Darwin's hand
show subjects concepts

lines 11—15 score
lines 14—15 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 12—18 annotation seems to consider twistng in axis cause of movemnt
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 105 108}    twistingt01 causes of revolving movemnt
t01 - `105 108} ... twisting' cancelled

lines 14—10 score
line 10 underline "eine"
line 9 underline "drei bis sechs"
lines 13—11 annotation Xt01 number of twists
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

lines 6—2 score
lines 7—3 annotation Xt01 End becomes spiral (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) I presume frm each lower part of internode ceasng to move & actng like a fulcrm —
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

lines 13—19 score
lines 13—19 annotation accounts for movements by spiral twist Xt01
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 105 108}    twistingt02 causes of revolving movemnt
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `105 108} ... twisting' cancelled

line 3 annotation X
lines 4—5 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
top-marginline 5 annotation He shows well how climbers get to their support.

lines 4—7 score
line 4 underline "hört"
line 6 underline "auf"
line 6 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation Movemnt ceases when plant comes into contact with support !!!
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 111 . no twistng of axis when plant twines ! round smooth support— & old twisting disappears

lines 13—16 score
lines 15—16 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 13—18 annotation in pencil Vascular fibres do not become twisted when plant twines rond stem ?

lines 19—28 score
lines 23—24 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 21—26 annotation When plant twines axis not twisted !!

lines 4—6 score
line 4 underline "Kreisbewegungen"
top-marginline 4 annotation Xt01
     This looks as if he knew that Tendrils performed a circle.
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

lines 11—16 score
line 16 underline "sich ... schlingen"
lines 8—13 annotation a plant which is already twisted cannot climb !!!
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 112    a plant already twisted cannot twine !!

lines 16—11 score
lines 16—11 annotation twining plants have sensitive stems !!
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation do .    stems sensitivet01   
t01 - `stems sensitive' cancelled

lines 4—1 score
lines 4—3 underline "Asclepias vincetoxicum"
line 5bottom-margin annotation twines are not according to place of growth
from End Note annotation in brown ink p. 112    Species Theory
     non-climbing Plants occasionally climbing

from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation cancelled 112 Asclepias «X»t01 vincetoxicum . twines «only» when it grws in moist «shady» place
t01 - `X' in pencil

bottom-margin annotation I must explain why tendril bearing plants do not twine — tip does not move in some —

lines 12—13 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 12—33 annotation experiments on odd shaped supports showg influence of light
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 116    Experimts on ‹flat› «odd» supports , showing influence of light

lines 2—4 score
lines 2—6 annotation do not so much incline to lighter
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation horizontally crossed 119 Twiners care little for light , especially Ipomaea
show subjects subjects

lines 6—9 score
lines 8—9 underline "sich ... richten"

line 14 annotation X
line 14 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

line 16 underline "Ipomaea purpurea"
lines 7—5 score
lines 12—5 ⧟→
lines 16—23 annotation This plant cared paticularly little for the light
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation horizontally crossed 119 Twiners care little for light , especially Ipomaea

line 9 underline "mit ... purpurea"
lines 7—13 annotation Xt01
     Yet light some influence on Ipomaea
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

lines 8—5 score
lines 16—2 annotation Xt01
     Explains little effect of light by all sides turned to it — will not do —
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

[continuation] 1—4 score
line 2 underline "Gattung ... Familie"
from End Note annotation ‹125 list of winders›

line 22 annotation Xt01    Legumint02
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation cancelled 125    Abrus a right-hand winder
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `Legumin' in pale pencil

line 7 annotation X

lines 4—12 score
lines 3—9 annotation Xt01
     Even thread suffices to wind on —
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

line 17 annotation X

line 15 underline "von ... Zoll"
line 6 underline "3 ... Zoll"
line 5 underline "9 Zoll"

lines 1—19 annotation Xt01
     will not wind round a vry short stick . —
     I suppose movemnt not arrested till bent consideraly & movemt acts on opposit side

from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation cancelled 135 will not twine round vry thick support
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

line 2 underline "Ipomaea muricata"
lines 5—2 score
lines 5—2 annotation Hooks

from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 135 Hooks on certain twiners, specially Ipomaea muricata
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

lines 4—6 score
show subjects subjects

line 5 annotation X

lines 4—6 score
lines 8—11 score
lines 4—13 annotation He disputes this
     and says owing to Stutz not being smooth
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

lines 15—20 score
line 15 underline "an ... Internodien"
line 18 underline "beobachtete ... ebenfalls"
lines 16—20 annotation he has seen twining in opposed directions
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation horizontally crossed 149 has seen axial twistng vary in sam plant

lines 23—25 score

lines 7—4 annotation Disputes Cuscuta case

lines 11—7 score
lines 13—7 annotation Palm did not discover irritability of Tendrils

line 7 annotation X

line 2 underline "Rückwärtsbewegung"

lines 9—11 score
lines 8—12 annotation !! Xt01
lines 16—18 score
lines 16—17 underline "bei ... Fläche"
lines 16—17 annotation Xt02
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

lines 7—10 score
lines 15—18 score
lines 15—16 underline "windende ... Pflanze"
lines 15—16 annotation Xt01
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon