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Book Title
über den Bau und das Winden der Ranken und Schlingpflanzen
Publication Details
Tübingen, Heinrich Laupp, 1827
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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annotation Summary twiners
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annotation vertically crossed All objects same — twine either way — glass — will clasp when young & grow    Palm.—

annotation in pale pencil, vertically crossed in brown ink America «whic so abu [ie `abounds'?] with arboreal animls» most highly organised tendrils
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annotation vertically crossed Dropping. off or witherg of uncaught tendrils— there most useful spiral contraction after clasping or formation of hairs—

annotation vertically crossed Anyone who did not understan the [?]value of th movemt of the t. would conclude that as th internodes revolve & cary th tendril , & as thes at th sam time are revolng ,that th tendrils would «necessarily» twist ‹in advance› mor quickly «than th internodes» & get in advnce of them ‹one internode› , instead of «both» movg harmoniously together «as is th case.» But in fact th ‹interna› t incurves to the ‹ex› upper internde «of a twng plant» when several are revolvg, ‹but is ‹usu› generally separated fr it by rigid petiole›; & in th frmer part of th P. it was explained how ‹th› «several» internode revolve «together» by ther whole length sucessively movg to all points of th compass. Ther is, howver, this difference that in mny case, th «revolvg» t. is separated frm th revovlg stem by th rigid petiole ;‹of th› but ths make an important differn in th movemt— Ther is anoth differnce, ‹th› namey that ‹beyond› «above» th ‹base› ‹of› «part frm which» th tendril, ‹th› yong «arises , th termnal & motionlss yong» shoot almst alwys projects; this ‹is› generally projcts on one side , so as to be out of th way , ‹as long as› «of» th tendril which at th time is revolvg ; but when it is not sufficnly out of th way we hav seen in [?]Echies [ie `Echites'?] how well th t passes this obstacle in its path, by shifting & straghten slwly, & risng verticaly upwads.—

annotation Big. [illegible word]. cots 2O. 6' — Twines.
     B. unguis — also leaf-climber — Favourable conditions
     B. venusta twines. 2O. 15'.
     B. speciosa cots. to 4O 30'
     B. capreolata 2O. 23' — moved in 10' — move from light.?

annotation Discs [?]Reverse circmntion
     Eccremocarpus. «2O. 15'» 1O. 13' — movemt irregular. — petiole moves
        Beautiful movemnt of hooks to surface
        Specialised movemt in Bignonia.

annotation Cobaea 1O. 15' — not internodes. move— t. senitive on sides. — spiral contraction draggng on branches.—

annotation Pea— 1O. 20'    1/7 of a grain.

annotation Lathyrus aplaca ‹cot.› t. no revolving movemt only internode    internodes in 5O. —

annotation Smilax— contact in 1O 20'

annotation Corydalis— often contin 30' to 42' — 1/8 of grain — scarcey 1/16, but did not suffice for permanent flexure.

annotation Echinocystus moves in 1O. 40' — concave side «alone senitive» — tip slighly hooked contact in 1O' or 2' — crawling onwards of caught tendril 1/16' of a grain

annotation Vine 2O. 15' — turn to dark

annotation Cissus discolor tendrils 4O 30' to 5O. — contact in 4O or 5'.    1/7' of grain —{ prolonged contact of main ‹t› footstalk & so with Echinocystus..    senitive on both sides, so stops movemt—

annotation Ampelopsis no mvemt of internodes or tendrils —    tdrils often nothng in 3O or 4O light — discs. centr.

annotation Passiflora punctata t. in 3O. 5 — 2O 40 — thus 1/14' of grain in 5' or 10' — (.) in 3O & 4O

annotation Tacsonia. — 5O & 5 20' — contact in 7'

annotation    ‹Palm› «Mohl» on ‹Twiners›. «Tendrils»

annotation p. 4 Tamus elephantoidest01 Xt02
t01 - `Tamus elephantoides' horizontally crossedin pencil
t02 - `X' in pencil
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annotation ― Paullinia winding stems & tendrils it is one of Sapindaceae.
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annotation 37    gradation of leaves with tendrils

annotation 39 50} Astragalus rudimntary tendrils Not01
t01 - `No' in pencil
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annotation 39 Lygodium leaf climber
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annotation horizontally crossedin pencil 40    Cocculus    leaf climber— Mnisprmiae— Ophioglossum leaf climber.

annotation 41.    Uvularia like Gloriosat01 — Nepenthest02
t01 - `41.    ... Gloriosa' horizontally crossedin pencil
t02 - `— Nepenthes' in pencil

annotation ―    Smilax stipulaet01
t01 - `Smilax stipulae' horizontally crossedin pencil
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annotation 43    Fumaria claviculata tips of branches converted into tendrils
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annotation 45    Maurandia scandens — flower-peduncule irritable
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annotation ―    Sapindaceae —
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annotation ―    on Vine 47 Passiflora
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annotation 49 Vanilla
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annotation horizontally crossedin pencil 52    on windng of tendril spontaneously p 78.

annotation 57    tendrils increase rapidly in strength

annotation horizontally crossedin pencil 59    on spontaneous winding with notes by self
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annotation horizontally crossedin pencil 63    Sensitiveness of t.    touch does nothing !!    took (too old (S. 65)

annotation horizontally crossedin pencil 65    convex side not sensitive in Cucurb & Passiflort01
t01 - `in Cucurb ... Passiflor' in pencil
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annotation horizontally crossedin pencil 70    Virginian creeper.
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annotation horizontally crossedin pencil 77    Vine creeper point to N. & dark. other t. not affected «by light»
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annotation 82.    will wind on glass.    tendrilst01
t01 - `tendrils' in pencil

annotation Mohl on Twiners.

annotation 105 108}    twistingt01 causes of revolving movemnt
t01 - `105 108} ... twisting' cancelled

annotation 111 . no twistng of axis when plant twines ! round smooth support— & old twisting disappears

annotation 112    a plant already twisted cannot twine !!

annotation do .    stems sensitivet01   
t01 - `stems sensitive' cancelled

annotation cancelled 112 Asclepias «X»t01 vincetoxicum . twines «only» when it grws in moist «shady» place
t01 - `X' in pencil
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annotation 116    Experimts on ‹flat› «odd» supports , showing influence of light

annotation horizontally crossed 119 Twiners care little for light , especially Ipomaea
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annotation cancelled 125    Abrus a right-hand winder
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annotation cancelled 135 will not twine round vry thick support

annotation 135 Hooks on certain twiners, specially Ipomaea muricata
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annotation horizontally crossed 149 has seen axial twistng vary in sam plant
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annotation Palm

annotation s. 11. some winding plants have t.

annotation vertically crossedin pencil horizontally crossed 30    axial twisting variable

annotation vertically crossedin pencil horizontally crossedin pencil 34    Hop-leaves to same point
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil horizontally crossedin pencil 41 Asclepias nigra only twines in fertile soil Xt01
t01 - `X' in pencil
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil horizontally crossed 42. A. varietaxus— doubtful case
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil horizontally crossed ― Polygonum convolvulus (S. 94.) Xt01
t01 - `X' in pencil
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil horizontally crossed 43 [?]Periplaca only in upper branches Xt01 — Solanum (Dutrochet)    Phaseolus Leon.—
t01 - `X' in pencil

annotation 55 Passiflora. homologies of — Vine do good facts . Cardiospermum good.

annotation 58— Bean only (rudimntary or commencing)
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annotation cancelled in pencil 58 Cirri move like twiners

annotation 60 winding of young cirri & subsequent growth

annotation horizontally crossedin pencil 63 Linaria cirrosa — leaf-climber.
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annotation 68 tip of twiners make littl (.) frm light.

annotation 93. no irritability in twiner— — when plant chose to grow loses movemnt

annotation vertically crossed 95 axial twisting continuous as long as shoot thickens

annotation vertically crossed 96 is variable — in Hop & Convolvulus
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annotation 98 each internodium movemnts of independent

annotation 100 direction of winding of Tendril's depends on touching body
     ― cease moving when fully grown

annotation Bull. Soc. Bot. de France. Tom V. 1858. par. Isid. Léon
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annotation cancelled in pencil 351. Loasa volubility variable
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annotation horizontally crossed 356 axial twistng variable & in var of Phaseolus
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annotation cancelled in pencil 680 discussion on reversed twistng of tendrils when th 2 ends are attached; simultaneous whole length.

annotation vertically crossed 681.. Vars . of Haricots with stems straight & voluble.
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annotation vertically crossed ― Convolvulus bractata — volibility little flexible Xt01 are rarely voluble
t01 - `X' in pencil
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annotation Dutrochet . Comptes Rendus. 1843. Tom. 17.
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annotation cancelled in pencil p. 994 996 } Effects of temperature on movemt of Pea.
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annotation    996    thinks petiole moved, but did not tie parts

annotation    997 too much light checks movemts.

annotation horizontally crossedin pencil    998    effects of light on movemt of Pea.
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil 1001.    revolution reversed somtims in Pea
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil 1003 observed movemt in Bryony & Cucumis
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil 1005 reversal of movemt in t of Cowcumber
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil 1006 t. of vines directed to darkness
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annotation Comptes Rendus, 1844. Tom 19.
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annotation [alongside next four annotations, on first fold verso] on twining Plants {

annotation vertically crossedin pencil p 299 on Xt01 slight volubility of Solanum dulcamarum
t01 - `X' in dark pencil
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil p 300    variability in do in apices of leaves.
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annotation vertically crossedin pencil 303 Lonicera caprifolia tiges spiral withot any support
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annotation cancelled in pencil ― Solanum require to touch somthg to bend— Xt01
t01 - `X' in dark pencil
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annotation    1864. Weights
     Thread 50 inches = 1.25«gr»
        10 ― = 0.25 1/4t01
        5 ― = 0.125 1/8t02
        2 1/2 = 0.0g2 1/16'
     Red string
     50 inches = 8.2«gr»
     10 ― = ‹1› 1.64
     5 ― = 0.82t03
t01 - `1/4' in pencil
t02 - `1/8' in pencil
t03 - `2 1/2 ... 0.82' in pencil
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annotation 1863
     6 inches weighed
        14/100 = 1/7' of a gra
     100 [÷*] 7 [=] 14
     14 [×] 7 [=] 98
     70 [+] 28 [=] 98t01
t01 - `70 [+] ... 98' cancelled
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annotation horizontally crossed p. 39 Lygodium
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annotation in brown ink p. 112    Species Theory
     non-climbing Plants occasionally climbing

annotation ‹125 list of winders›

annotation in reddish-brown crayon 6 & 86 lists