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Book Title
Beyträge zur Anthropologie und allgemeinen Naturgeschichte
Publication Details
Berlin, Haude & Speuer, 1812
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 8—11 score
from End Note annotation p. ‹40›
     58 72 78 [he means 73] } Felis Manul origin of Angora. Pallas Books
show subjects concepts

lines 14—17 score
line 14 underline "Felis manul"
line 15 underline "stamme ... ab"
from End Note annotation p. ‹40›
     58 72 78 [he means 73] } Felis Manul origin of Angora. Pallas Books
show subjects concepts

lines 8—7 underline "Act. 1780"
from End Note annotation p. ‹40›
     58 72 78 [he means 73] } Felis Manul origin of Angora. Pallas Books
show subjects concepts

lines 2—1 score
bottom-margin annotation — I have, I think, read
from End Note annotation p. ‹40›
     58 72 78 [he means 73] } Felis Manul origin of Angora. Pallas Books

lines 3—4 score
lines 3—4 annotation — supposed parent of Angora
from End Note annotation p. ‹40›
     58 72 78 [he means 73] } Felis Manul origin of Angora. Pallas Books
show subjects concepts

line 2 annotation ( not read )

lines 1—6 score
lines 1—6 annotation Has looked to many Water Birds & fd. no seeds.
     Stomachs of migratory he has always fd. empty.—

line 21 underline "Wassergewächse"
lines 18—30 annotation He ‹thus› accounts by water-birds for wide distribution of water plants — by sticking to feathers & in dung—

line 10 score [`bookmark']

lines 9—12 score
lines 9—12 annotation Where salt, sea-side Plants ocur.
show subjects subjects

lines 14—20 annotation Wind cannot transport from mountain to mountain
show subjects subjects

lines 4—6 score
lines 4—6 annotation when cold

lines 4—7 score
line 5 annotation 1812

lines 10—12 score
lines 8—18 annotation When wingless insects fd. in 2 parts of world proof of distinct origin

line 11 score [`bookmark']

lines 1—3 score
top-marginline 3 annotation ( Remember Water-spouts )    So before Agassiz — Fish speak strongly that they have been created at many points, as same Fish in distinct rivers —
line 7 score
line 7 underline "Fischen ... Wassers"
line 7 annotation (Remember Löess)
from End Slip annotation 139 Bring case of F. W. Fish, difficulty in diffusion

lines 11—20 annotation Rivers of Scotland. Alps; But if all under sea, it requires more means of transportat.
from End Slip annotation 139 Bring case of F. W. Fish, difficulty in diffusion

lines 12—10 double score
lines 12—8 annotation Glacial case makes of Fish much more difficult.
from End Slip annotation 139 Bring case of F. W. Fish, difficulty in diffusion

lines 10—8 underline "Linné ... seritur"
line 7 underline "Th ... 1391"
line 7 annotation My Edit —
from End Slip annotation 139 Linnaeus asserts that th Pike is disseminated by birds

lines 2—1 double score

bottom-margin annotation Take . North of Gt Britain alone all under water, except Peaks perhaps, & then wd. not have Fish.— But then since united t Mainland, as shown by land-animals. —
show subjects subjects

lines 11—8 score
lines 11—3 annotation if only pair created, then carnivores wd have destroyed th herbivores &c

lines 19—22 score
lines 19—29 annotation When S.B [ie `Steinbock'] fnd on Alps & mntain of Asia, what right to suppose came frm one to other
from End Slip annotation ‹143 Rudolphi argues f›

bottom-margin annotation How completely all this is Nott & Gliddons work in Abstract — fortified by th Aegyptian work

top-margin annotation All that I shd expect wd be that negros raised in U. States wd be more variable in slight degree in colour & other respects.—

line 6 underline "Anfang"
lines 6—11 annotation there shd be at least the beginning of variation. in negros &c in U. States

lines 13—14 underline "nicht ... ist"
lines 13—18 annotation as we know the world not so old in present state !!
from End Slip annotation 155 Rudolphi was greatly misled by little knowledge of antiquity of world, in present state

line 17bottom-margin annotation / Man's races have been driven from place to place, confondng effects of condition & so with animals. /

lines 5—7 score
lines 5—7 annotation how like Agassiz &c
show subjects subjects

lines 10—11 underline "alle ... bleiben"

lines 11—6 score
lines 13—3 annotation species or no according as one looks to variability of limit

[continuation] 1—7 score
line 1 underline "Citronenzeisig"
line 1 annotation Siskin
lines 5—6 annotation Bechstein Grouse & House-Hen

lines 3—4 score
lines 3—8 annotation Donkey painted like Zebra before it was permitted to cover the Donkey
line 9 score
from End Slip annotation 163    ―    Zebras (only references), no one good case for me

lines 11—10 score
lines 11—8 annotation This Book I have seen referred to
from End Slip annotation 163    ―    Zebras (only references), no one good case for me

line 7 score
line 7 annotation Hybrid Zebra
from End Slip annotation 163    ―    Zebras (only references), no one good case for me

lines 6—8 score
line 7 underline "äthiopischen ... gemeinen"
lines 5—7 annotation in brown ink (Q)
lines 10—12 score
from End Slip annotation 164—    Rabbit

line 2 underline "Auszuge"
line 2 annotation abstract

line 3 underline "Rehkuh"
lines 2—7 annotation Sardinian Roe-Cow was this not probably a mouflon??
from End Slip annotation 165 — Hellenius case (Q)

lines 14—17 score
lines 13—18 annotation case of Seals old observer offsprng not described

line 1 score [`bookmark']

lines 11—10 underline "Meerschweinchen"
lines 11—9 annotation vars of Guinea Pigs true
show subjects subjects

line 2 underline "Kakerlaken"
top-margin annotation albino
line 2 at "Kaninchen" annotation rabits

lines 14—16 score
lines 14—16 underline "Weibchen ... Männchen"
lines 14—16 annotation female Elephants & Rein-deer

lines 4—2 score
lines 4—2 underline "bey ... mehr"
line 4bottom-margin annotation I suppose confined to male
show subjects subjects

line 13 score [`bookmark']

lines 18—19 underline "der ... hindert"
lines 18—19 annotation cheks flight
lines 21—22 underline "Dann ... fliegen"
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] 7 underline "fesseln"
line 7 annotation capture
lines 3—1 score in dark pencil
lines 3—1 annotation Polygam

lines 2—5 score
line 4 underline "anerkennt"
line 4 annotation disown
lines 2—10 annotation The female does not recognise the “Ammer' without tail when robbed of tail —
from End Slip annotation 184 on the Hen of ‹ammer› «Vidua(?)»t01 with long tail disowns cock when robbed of it (—very good)t02
t01 - `Vidua(?)' in pale pencil
t02 - `(—very good)' in pale pencil

lines 20—27 annotation What cause of beauty of snakes?

[continuation] 2 underline "fand ... Männchen"

line 7 underline "Leuchtkäfern"
lines 9—13 score
lines 9—11 annotation female shells

lines 15—19 annotation male butterflies most beautiful
from End Slip annotation    186 Beautiful male butterflies more difficult.
show subjects subjects

lines 1—9 annotation female Bees sting
show subjects subjects

lines 20—22 )
line 22 underline "Tödten ... Liebkosungen"
line 21 annotation Spider
show subjects subjects

lines 10—15 score
lines 10—17 annotation generally no diffrncs in flower in dioicus flower
lines 5—1 annotation Exceptions of Male flowers an advntag Ask Hookr

lines 17—19 score