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Book Title
Considérations sur les céréales, et principalement sur les froments
Publication Details
Paris, Bouchard-Huzard, 1842
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
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Annotation Not Available

annotation     Part II.
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annotation 179 «183}» gain of weight ■in gra■ins when cultivated in France — certain effect of climate. Qt01
t01 - `Q' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 200 Tessier on no good frm change of seed.

annotation 202 disproved by his own experiment & observation
     explains Tessier by great care of cultivation
     Change of seed usual practice in France

annotation 210 «✔»t01 bad seeds producing equally good plants with good p.216 — rather opposed to principles of selection.
t01 - `✔' in reddish-orange crayon

annotation 224 Effect of climate on habit of wheat Qt01
t01 - `Q' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation in pale pencil p.29 Mongolian Wheat
show subjects subjects

annotation 35. Wheat less attended to & modified than garden vegetables — contrast with Dahlia — certainly not a conspicuous variation.
show subjects subjects

annotation 37 Wheat must have been nearly what it was when first cultiv■ated. ■    Qt01
t01 - `Q' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 45 M. Dalbret    has cultivated 30 years    lines 150—160 vars. & all keep true, except in seed itself— .
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 49. Wild Oat of Australia, Journal Agricult Soc. Vol 2. Part 2.

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 70    322 vars.
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 78 Botanists disagree what to call species

annotation over next 3 annotations Qt01
t01 - `Q' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects concepts

annotation 80 «83}» thinks wheat impregnated with closed flowers
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 81    has never seen Hybrids, betwen his lines 100—200 vars. sown near each other.

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 84. Aegyptian vars. differ from French
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 89 Vilmorin on carrot.    ∗t01
t01 - `∗' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 94. Argues if wheat changed by culture, so ought all weeds    In this quite ignores selection
show subjects subjects

annotation in pale pencil vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 97 grains frm Aegypt as good . [?]but no imp[illegible]table
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 107 . Had it not been for innumerable vars. he wd have thought that what was at first as now

annotation vertically crossedin reddish-brown crayon 108 contrast variability of wheat & seigle
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation [?]Remove to [?]Osborn
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annotation     Part I
show subjects concepts

annotation p. 12
     32 ‹35› to 49
     70 — 78
     83 to 107, 8 /
show subjects concepts

annotation II
     200 to 205
     208, 210
     lines 217—219
show subjects concepts