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Book Title
On the varieties of wheat
Publication Details
Jersey--London, H. Payn & H. Wright, 1836
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation C. Darwin Octobr 1841—

lines 6—8 score
lines 4—12 annotation Henslow corroborates the degree of variation in wheat
from End Slip annotation VI    variability of common wheat. adaptation to different soils

lines 7—5 score
show subjects subjects

line 12 underline "perfect oats"
lines 11—12 score
lines 11—12 annotation !
lines 10—9 score

lines 4—6 score
lines 3—1 score
from End Slip annotation p. 6    150 vars.

lines 1—4 score
lines 5—6 score
from End Slip annotation 12    chance origin of some vars Xt01
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

lines 4—2 score

lines 10—12 score
from End Slip annotation 15 «16» careful selection of separate ears of corn in Columella time & Virgil    Xt01
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

line 3 annotation
lines 4—6 score
lines 9—10 score
from End Slip annotation 15 «16» careful selection of separate ears of corn in Columella time & Virgil    Xt01
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

lines 4—5 score
line 4 underline "similar ... appearance"

lines 9—15 score
lines 9—15 score in blue crayon
line 10 underline in blue crayon "to ... sorts"

lines 17—18 score
from End Slip annotation in pale pencil 23 Habit of grwth differs
show subjects subjects

line 7 score
line 7 underline "is so tall"
show subjects subjects

line 3 score
line 3 underline "1600"
lines 4—3 score
show subjects subjects

line 8 score
line 13 score
lines 16—17 score

lines 16—19 score
line 17 underline "fourteen grains"
line 19 underline "forty-two"
show subjects subjects

line 8 score
line 8 underline "is ... idea"
from End Slip annotation 52    disbelieves necessity of change of ‹sow› seeds
     but then he studiously varies th manure.
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 2—1 score
from End Slip annotation 52    disbelieves necessity of change of ‹sow› seeds
     but then he studiously varies th manure.
show subjects subjects

[continuation] 4 underline "grown ... land"
line 5 underline "becomes ... with"
show subjects subjects

lines 5—6 score
line 5 underline "prick out all"

line 14 score
line 14 underline "one-tenth"
from End Slip annotation 55    1/10 of seed perishes even with greatest care

lines 2—1 score
line 2 underline "seven varieties"

line 3 underline "degenerate"
lines 8—9 underline "has ... quality"
line 10 underline "less suited"
line 10 annotation ?
show subjects subjects

line 2 underline "were ... seed"
line 4 underline "be ... degenerated"
top-margin annotation deleted the same proportion wd exist
from End Slip annotation 59    on one variety soon predominating over «(good)» another in wheat, & hence called degenerating
     (He has shown how evry little trifle is hereditary) without destruction
show subjects subjects

lines 7—9 score

[continuation] 5—6 underline "three ... ears"
line 7 underline "two hundred"
line 8 underline "twenty-one"
line 8 annotation in pale pencil 2
line 9 underline "eighty six"
line 9 annotation in brown ink 3
line 10 underline "and ... smooth"
line 10 annotation in brown ink 4
line 12 underline "ear"
line 12 underline "discovered"
line 13 underline "mixed ... corn"

[continues overleaf] 10 underline "Kentish ... seedling"
line 3 underline "smooth ears"
line 2 underline "appearance ... grain"
from End Slip annotation 65    on incorrigible tendeny to sport in som vars.

lines 9—11 score
show subjects subjects

top-margin apparently unintentional mark