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Book Title
Principles of the anatomy and physiology of the vegetable cell
Publication Details
London, John Van Voorst, 1852
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 13—16 score

lines 10—7 score

lines 8—12 score

[continuation] 1—16 score
lines 3—6 double score

lines 23—7 annotation speaks as if nucleus necessary
from End Note 1 annotation 37 Protoplasm
show subjects concepts

lines 6—3 score
from End Note 1 annotation 37 Protoplasm

lines 16—20 score

line 1bottom-margin

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 19—13 score
from End Note 1 annotation 76 Sp. theory
     109 do

lines 27—23 score
show subjects subjects

lines 16—13 double score
show subjects concepts

lines 5—1 score
from End Note 1 annotation 87 nutrition

lines 23—16 score
from End Note 1 annotation Drosera — 99
     do 100

lines 19—27 score
from End Note 1 annotation Drosera — 99
     do 100

lines 16—12 score
line 13 underline "120,000 pollen"
lines 12—8 double score
from End Note 1 annotation in brown ink 133    number of pollen-grains in some plants.—
from End Note 2 annotation      Orchis 133

lines 5—4 double score
from End Note 2 annotation (Tendrils 147 151 to 156 to end)
show subjects subjects