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Book Title
Histoire naturelle générale des règnes organiques
Publication Details
Paris, Victor Masson, 1854-1862
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

bottom-margin annotation in dark brown ink 1859

lines 2—13 score
from End Note annotation On Man 167 to 260
from End Slip annotation p. 185 Rank of Mant01 (Man)
t01 - `Rank of Man' in dark brown ink

lines 10—8 score
from End Note annotation On Man 167 to 260
show subjects subjects

lines 1—7 score
from End Note annotation On Man 167 to 260
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 216
     — 243 mant01
t01 - `— 243 man' in dark brown ink, vertically crossed in pencil

lines 9—11 score
lines 8—14 annotation variation & sexual difference going together
from End Note annotation On Man 167 to 260
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 216
     — 243 mant01
t01 - `— 243 man' in dark brown ink, vertically crossed in pencil

lines 15—13 score
line 15 underline "lion-marin"
lines 11—5 annotation I thought some sexual differences in Monkeys?? vide my Notes.—
line 7 underline "cravate du nil-gau"
lines 5—4 score
lines 2—1 double score
bottom-margin annotation How in young Nylgaus V. Andrew Smith
     (Mem. Eye-brows Paget's fact.—)

from End Note annotation On Man 167 to 260
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 216
     — 243 mant01
t01 - `— 243 man' in dark brown ink, vertically crossed in pencil

lines 1—7 score
from End Note annotation On Man 167 to 260
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 216
     — 243 mant01
t01 - `— 243 man' in dark brown ink, vertically crossed in pencil

lines 18—20 score
from End Note annotation On Man 167 to 260
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 216
     — 243 mant01
t01 - `— 243 man' in dark brown ink, vertically crossed in pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 1—2 score
lines 9—8 score

lines 2—1 score

lines 15—9 score
lines 12—6 annotation yet vry slight differncs even if inherit, wd hardy be called Races —

lines 6—3 score
lines 5—4 underline "j'ai ... tératologie"

lines 8—6 score

lines 6—8 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 4—9 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 6—10 score
lines 12—15 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 2—6 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 13—21 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 9—12 score
lines 13—14 score
lines 13—14 annotation this will do for variation
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 7—10 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 18—23 annotation a collection of individuals which ‹perpetuat› «propagate» themsel for coniderbl periods ‹of &› & which are sufficntly unlike othr forms to desrve in th opinion of Naturalst a name.
     So with Varieties
     Add found in state of nature .

from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil
show subjects subjects

line 2 underline "Daubenton"
lines 5—9 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 16—18 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 15—17 double score
line 16 underline "1801 ... 1803"
line 19 underline "1809"
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 6—4 double score
line 6 underline "était ... partisan"
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

line 6 underline "besoins"
lines 7—9 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 26—29 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 11—14 score
lines 11—14 annotation No change now
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 8—6 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 11—12 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 5—6 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed p. 431 — to .p.438    Isidores own argumnt tht species change.
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 20—23 score
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed p. 431 — to .p.438    Isidores own argumnt tht species change.
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 16—19 score
lines 16—19 annotation not distinguish frm race
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed 38 3t01 to 438 / { Histry of Believers in modifiction Say tht I shll notice only th m conspic writers — when I began I had no idea of rest of catalogue
from End Slip annotation vertically crossed p. 431 — to .p.438    Isidores own argumnt tht species change.
t01 - `3' in pale pencil

lines 15—16 annotation Definitions of Spcies

lines 8—9 score
lines 8—12 annotation This refers to alternate generation & larvae &c &c
lines 17—20 double score

lines 10—9 score
lines 10—9 annotation sexes

lines 11—15 score
lines 11—15 annotation variable??

[continues overleaf] lines 17—15 double score
show subjects concepts

lines 14—13 double score
from End Slip annotation t01 488 ← (Reference abot White Ants important for me)t02
t01 - `☞' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `← (Reference ... me)' in brown ink

[continuation] 1—3 double score
show subjects concepts