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Book Title
Traité du citrus
Publication Details
Paris, Louis Fantin, 1811
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 1—2 score
from End Slip annotation 34. Sweet & bitter oranges & Almonds & Peach & nectarine always true

lines 9—15 score
line 10 underline "grande ... mélanger"
line 13 underline in dark pencil "nombre infini de races"
lines 9—10 annotation polyadelphia ‹[?]circasandria›
show subjects subjects

lines 9—11 score
lines 9—10 underline "plusieurs ... évènements"

lines 7—14 score

lines 16—17 underline "ils ... variétés"
line 18 at "aurantiato" annotation both
line 19 at "medica" annotation hybrids
lines 15—1 annotation shows how little weight he puts to character of sterilityt01
     for he certainly admits ‹hybrid› varieties distinct from hybrids /
t01 - `shows how ... sterility' vertically crossed

bottom-margin annotation in brown ink ∗ This is quite new view of varieties being born sterile , «it» t01 is certainly case with many pears, apples &c &c not due to mere effects «of conditions» t02 on the actual ‹«crossed» ›t03 plant, but ‹this› is born with x [continues on page 67] x tendency to be sterile (& hence good fruit or fine double flowers «are produced»t04 ) — thust05 Kolreuter found certain individual hybrid-crosses ‹more›t06 «more»t07 more steriles than others , thus if pear «seeds are» t08 sown, some «seedlings are» t09 more sterile than others
t01 - `, « it' in pencil
t02 - `« of conditions' in pencil
t03 - `‹« crossed» ›' in pencil
t04 - `are produced' in pencil
t05 - `thus' in penciloverwritein brown ink
t06 - deleted in pencil
t07 - `more' in pencil
t08 - `« seeds are' in pencil
t09 - `« seedlings are' in pencil

lines 1—6 score
lines 3—4 underline "celles ... stérilité"

line 13 underline "leurs ... toujours"
show subjects subjects

lines 8—1 score
lines 10—9 underline "mais ... bigaradier"
from End Slip annotation 67 The Lemons which depart most from type, (or are monstrous are sterile) p331

top-margin1 annotation / in animals «out of conditions» t01 no case of offspring being born sterile (⸮ do not «perhaps» t02 get full faecundity for some generations?) but in plants it is vry frequent . caset03 || very important: Xt04 view t05 XOX [continues on page 66] XOX according to this view, a plant as soon as it became accustomed to new conditions, would produce more seeds, & therfore in most cases would— [continues on page 67] —produce ‹fe› less fruit & hence would be said to degenerate !!
t01 - `« out of conditions' in pencil
t02 - `« perhaps' in pencil
t03 - `case' in pencil
t04 - `X' in pencil
t05 - `/ in ... ' in brown ink

lines 17—18 underline "pour ... pour"
lines 17—18 annotation ñato oxen !!
show subjects subjects

lines 2—5 score
line 2 underline "ces noms"/ line 3 underline "innombrables que"

lines 7—8 score
lines 11—18 score
lines 13—15 annotation ?
show subjects subjects

lines 2—3 score
line 3 underline "souvent"
show subjects subjects

lines 12—14 score
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 20 underline "vulgo Pomum"

lines 19—20 score
line 20 underline "jamais ... leur"

lines 12—14 underline "une ... fleurs"
lines 10—16 annotation Every one of his hybrids as yet conjectural

bottom-margin annotation Has the Bergamot seeds??

lines 9—11 score
line 10 underline "Il ... semence"

[continues overleaf] lines 2—1 score
show subjects subjects

[continuation] 1—3 score
show subjects subjects

lines 4—5 score
lines 4—5 annotation ?
show subjects concepts

lines 5—4 score
lines 5—4 underline "dont ... douceâtre"

line 8 underline "feuille ... crépue"
line 9 underline "la ... Adam"
line 9 underline "la fleur"
line 10 underline "au limonier"
line 12 underline "oranger"

lines 6—5 score
line 5 underline "hybrides ... se"
line 2 underline "variées ... proportions"

line 18 underline "La ... hybrides"
lines 8—5 score
line 6 underline "trouvée ... 1270"

lines 7—1 score
line 7 underline "Ses ... especes"
line 6 underline "blanchâtres"
lines 3—2 score
line 2 underline "branche que"
from End Note 1 annotation (p146 Orange 143)

line 6 underline "1644 ... Florence"
from End Note 1 annotation (p146 Orange 143)

lines 4—1 score
from End Note 1 annotation (p146 Orange 143)
show subjects concepts

lines 6—9 score
lines 6—9 score
top-marginline 1 annotation X    are the several cases of citrus above given ---- with flowers & fruit of different ‹frm› «forms» cases of hybrids sporting. —

lines 11—20 score in pale pencil
line 22 underline "aussi ... point"

[continues overleaf] lines 5—1 score
line 45 underline "une ... de"
line 8bottom-margin annotation ( These are extreme cases of sporting & hybrids — no more
     probably like Laburnum —
     like «mottled» Hollies sporting back to pure leaves — )

from End Slip annotation 147    Mixed orange, lemon & citron

[continuation] 1—2 underline "arbre ... formes"
lines 4—7 score
line 7 underline "oranges ... sans"

lines 14—16 score
line 15 underline "orangers ... cédrats"
lines 18—21 score
lines 22—25 score

lines 4—6 underline "et ... ordinaires"
line 8 underline "quelquefois ... semis"

lines 3—5 underline "ne ... chétives"
line 6 underline "c'est ... fécondation"
line 7 underline "il ... pépins"
line 8 underline "se ... semence"
lines 9—24 ⧟ in pale pencil
lines 23—25 score in pale pencil
lines 5—8 annotation not a hybrid because no ways intermediate

lines 18—19 score

line 14 score [`bookmark']

whole-margin unmarked
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto
show subjects subjects

lines 10—11 score
line 11 underline "en Médie"
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

line 17 score
line 18 underline "Palestine"
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 19—20 score
line 19 underline "Théophraste"
line 20 underline "description dans"
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 4—5 score
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 1—2 score
line 2 annotation conjecture
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto
show subjects subjects

lines 17—20 underline "possédoit ... délicats"
lines 4—3 underline "que ... vigne"
line 1 underline in pale pencil "elle ... point"
lines 11—23 score in pale pencil
lines 7—22 annotation in pale pencil proofs of old cold climate V. Arago
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 3—5 score
lines 6—8 score
line 7 underline "certainement"
line 7 annotation ?
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 7—6 underline in pale pencil "Du ... Cicilie"
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 9—8 score
line 9 underline "où ... acclimaté"
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 8—15
line 8 underline "Paludius"
line 15 underline "dans ... siecle"
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 14—16 score
line 15 underline "le ... quatrieme"
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto
show subjects subjects

lines 20—22 score
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 3—5 score
line 4 underline "plus ... transmigration"
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

line 12 underline "Madere ... Canaries"
line 13 underline "dès 1463"
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 6—3 score
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

line 8 underline "1383"
lines 6—4 score
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 5—8 score
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 13—15 score
from End Note 1 annotation 193 to 222. Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant.
     to 286 — ditto ditto

lines 5—13 score
line 8 underline "de ... transmigration"
from End Note 1 annotation p. 297 ‹Amelio Acclimatisati› «Origin» of Sweet orange

lines 10—11 score

line 1 score
show subjects concepts

lines 4—6 score
line 6 underline "celui ... stérilité"
lines 8—9 score
line 8 underline "cette ... singuliere"
from End Slip annotation 67 The Lemons which depart most from type, (or are monstrous are sterile) p331
show subjects subjects

lines 9—12 score in dark pencil

lines 5—2 score

line 11 underline "d'Acosta"
lines 11—4
lines 6—3 score

lines 7—10 score

line 13 underline "l'Espagne"
line 14 underline "un ... orangers"
line 16 underline "tous ... greffés"
line 19 underline "demi ... commencé"
line 20 annotation to sow seeds of Sweet Orange

lines 4—1 score
line 3 underline "oranger ... sauvageon"

lines 15—17 score
lines 15—16 underline "Dans ... adroite"

lines 1—7 score

line 11 underline "1709 ... Ligurie"

lines 4—6 score
lines 7—8 score
line 17 underline "une ... portât"
lines 5—7 annotation —in Liguria

lines 1—6 score
from End Note 1 annotation p. 359 the only passage on acclimatasation of orange
from End Slip annotation in brown ink 359    curious case showig how slowly & rarely real attempts have been made at naturalisation t01
t01 - underlined in pencil
show subjects subjects