Species richness, extent and potential threats to mangroves of Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape, Philippines
Vol 11, Page e100050, Date 2023-3-28
New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) species collected in Romania’s fauna between 1887–1984
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-09
Complete mitochondrial genome of Rectoris luxiensis (Teleostei, Cyprinidae): characterisation and phylogenetic implications
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-10
Disclisioprocta edmondsii (Butler, 1882) comb. nov. (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-11
DNA barcoding as a tool to monitor the diversity of endangered spring snails in an Austrian National Park
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-11
Multi-year monitoring of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) and other shorebirds in The Bahamas
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-11
Potamophylax humoinsapiens sp. n. (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae), a new species from the Sharr Mountains, Republic of Kosovo
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-11
Reference-based checklist of gilled Agaricales (Basidiomycota, Fungi) from Ukraine
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-11
South African nose flies (Diptera, Calliphoridae, Rhiniinae): taxonomy, diversity, distribution and biology
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-13
Ancient settlements as natural heritage sites: the first occurrence dataset on vascular plant species from ancient settlements in the Lower Dnipro region (Ukraine)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-16
Non-native fish of the Upper Irtysh and the Ulungur Rivers in China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-17
Genus Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) in the Ukrainian Carpathians and adjacent territories
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-19
The InBIO barcoding initiative database: DNA barcodes of Iberian Trichoptera, documenting biodiversity for freshwater biomonitoring in a Mediterranean hotspot
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-19
SLAM Project - Long Term Ecological Study of the Impacts of Climate Change in the natural forest of Azores: VI - Inventory of Arthropods of Azorean Urban Gardens
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-19
Comparison of blood biochemical parameters of four species of vultures
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-20
Mammals in Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) pellets from Kharkiv Region, Ukraine
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-20
Molecular Weevil Identification Project: A thoroughly curated barcode release of 1300 Western Palearctic weevil species (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-24
Important underground roosts for bats in Bulgaria: current state and priorities for conservation
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-25
VLF: An R package for the analysis of very low frequency variants in DNA sequences
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-26
Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from the southern Gulf of Mexico with notes on the distribution of species
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-30
Molecular investigation on diversity of the land snail genus Aegista (Gastropoda, Camaenidae) in South Korea
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-31
Records of common species of amphibians and reptiles widespread in northern, central, western and southern Ukraine
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-01-31
Vascular plants of old cemeteries in the Lower Dnipro region (Southern Ukraine)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-01
Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-03
Spiders (Araneae) of the northeast of the Luhansk Oblast (Ukraine)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-03
Ants of French Guiana: 16S rRNA sequence dataset
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-07
Fomitiporella crystallina sp. nov. (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales) from China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-09
Checklist of the fish fauna of the Munim River Basin, Maranhão, north-eastern Brazil
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-10
When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), including mapping of its mitogenome, leads to the description of four new pseudocryptic species
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-14
Note on the genus Serendib Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001, with the description of a new species (Araneae, Corinnidae, Castianeirinae)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-15
Sea turtle (Reptilia, Testudines) diversity and occurrence in the Azores Archipelago (NE Atlantic)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-16
The diversity of cultivable endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-17
New records of parasitic copepod (Crustacea, Siphonostomatoida, Pennellidae) found on the body surface of two cetacean species in China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-20
Cymbulia parvidentata Pelseneer, 1888 (Mollusca, Cymbuliidae) in the Ligurian Sea: further evidence of Atlantic species incursions in the Mediterranean area
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-21
Mitochondrial genome of Acheilognathus barbatulus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae, Acheilognathinae): characterisation and phylogenetic analysis
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-21
Novel gene re-arrangement in the mitochondrial genome of Pisidia serratifrons (Anomura, Galatheoidea, Porcellanidae) and phylogenetic associations in Anomura
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-22
An acoustic detection dataset of birds (Aves) in montane forests using a deep learning approach
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-24
First insights in terrestrial mammals monitoring in the Candelaria and Machay Reserves in the Ecuadorian Tropical Andes
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-27
The Italian lichens dataset from the TSB herbarium (University of Trieste)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-27
Phylogenetic relationships of three rockfish: Sebastes melanops, Sebastes ciliatus and Sebastes variabilis (Scorpaeniformes, Scorpaenidae) based on complete mitochondrial genome sequences
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-02-28
The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of cuckoo wasps, with the description of new species from the Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-01
Monitoring ten insect pests in selected orchards in three Azorean Islands: The project CUARENTAGRI
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-01
Description and distribution of three morphotypes of the Eucyclops serrulatus group (Crustacea, Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from Algerian water bodies
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-02
First biological report on the genus Cantonius (Buprestidae, Agrilinae, Aphanisticini), with descriptions of two new species from China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-02
Biodiversity surveys of grassland and coastal habitats in 2021 as a documentation of pre-war status in southern Ukraine
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-06
The dataset of bat (Mammalia, Chiroptera) occurrences in Ukraine collected by the Ukrainian Bat Rehabilitation Center (2011-2022)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-07
New relevant chorological and conservation data on Carex (Cyperaceae) and Hypericum (Hypericaceae) from Ecuador
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-08
Species associated with whale sharks Rhincodon typus (Orectolobiformes, Rhincodontidae) in the Galapagos Archipelago
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-08
First results from the releases of Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius monachus) aiming at re-introducing the species in Bulgaria – the start of the establishment phase 2018–2022
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-09
An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-13
Apoidea of the collections of Lyon, Aix-en-Provence, Marseille and Toulon Museums of Natural History (France)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-13
Diversity of culturable thermophilic bacteria from Tata Pani hotspring of Kotli Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-14
Geastrum suae sp. nov. (Geastraceae, Basidiomycota) a new species from Yunnan Province, China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-15
The gut microbiota diversity of five Orthoptera (Insecta, Polyneoptera) insects determined by DNA metabarcoding
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-15
Standardised inventories of lepidopterans and odonates from Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal) - setting the scene for mountain biodiversity monitoring
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-15
Dung beetles from two sustainable-use protected forests in the Brazilian Amazon
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-16
The complete mitochondrial genome of Hyotissa sinensis (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea) indicates the genetic diversity within Gryphaeidae
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-20
Mitochondrial genome analysis, phylogeny and divergence time evaluation of Strix aluco (Aves, Strigiformes, Strigidae)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-20
Biodiversity of extant snails (Gastropoda, Mollusca) in the Pliocene Mountain Spur Natural Reserve (Northern Apennine, Italy)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-21
Firefly (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) species from the Atlantic Forest hotspot, Brazil
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-23
New distributional records of fireflies (Coleoptera, Lampyridae, Luciolinae) from two Eastern States of India with notes on their biology and an updated Indian checklist
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-24
A survey on pupae parasitoid species of Dendrolimus houi (Lajonquiere) (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae) in China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-27
A taxonomic dataset of preserved specimen occurrences of Theobroma and Herrania (Malvaceae, Byttnerioideae) stored in 2020
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-03-30
Surveying Cory Shearwater colonies with camera traps and identifying potential invasive nest predators
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-03
Results of the re-introduction of the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park, Bulgaria – completion of the establishing phase 2010–2020
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-04
Understorey bird assemblages in selected environmentally sensitive areas (ESA) of Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-05
Genomic microsatellite characteristics analysis of Dysomma anguillare (Anguilliformes, Dysommidae), based on high-throughput sequencing technology
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-07
A new trapdoor spider of Cyclocosmia Ausserer, 1871 from southern China (Araneae, Halonoproctidae)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-07
First national record of Microhyla hmongorum Hoang, Nguyen, Phan, Pham, Ninh, Wang, Jiang, Ziegler and Nguyen, 2022 (Anura, Microhylidae, Microhyla) in China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-10
A new semi-slug of the genus Microparmarion from Brunei, discovered, described and DNA-barcoded on citizen-science 'taxon expeditions' (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Ariophantidae)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-10
A new species of Megastigmus (Hymenoptera, Megastigmidae) from China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-11
A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stål, 1871, a genus of Asian Stenopodainae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-11
Report of two distinct ribotypes in ITS sequences of Phalaris arundinacea (Poaceae) in western Canada and Alaska
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-11
Two new species of the genus Asceua Thorell, 1887 (Araneae, Zodariidae) from China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-11
A new species of Siamspinops Dankittipakul & Corronca, 2009 from Guizhou, China (Araneae, Selenopidae)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-18
Online citizen sciences reveal natural enemies and new occurrence data of Meteorus stellatus Fujie, Shimizu & Maeto, 2021 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Euphorinae)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-19
Long-term monitoring of mammal communities in the Peneda-Gerês National Park using camera-trap data
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-20
Mediterranean vineyards and olive groves in Croatia harbour some rare and endemic invertebrates
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-20
Polyphasic characterisation of Microcoleus autumnalis (Gomont, 1892) Strunecky, Komárek & J.R.Johansen, 2013 (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria) using a metabolomic approach as a complementary tool
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-21
Enhancing DNA barcode reference libraries by harvesting terrestrial arthropods at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-24
Light and temperature records of the seawater associated with southern elephant seal dives during foraging trips in South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-26
Alien and native species in Italian marine and transitional waters
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-27
They live under our streets: ant nests (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in urban pavements
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-27
Two strains Neocosmospora stercicola (Sordariomycetes, Nectriaceae) with high nematicidal activity, isolated from the cysts of Globodera sp. (Heteroderidae) in China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-27
Assessing the effects of climate change on arthropod abundance in Azorean pastures: PASTURCLIM project's baseline monitoring data
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-28
A new species of Dictyochaeta (Sordariomycetes, Chaetosphaeriales, Chaetosphaeriaceae) from freshwater habitats in China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-04-28
Another crack in the Dark Taxa wall: a custom DNA barcoding protocol for the species-rich and common Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-09
The Cyprus Herp Atlas: An initiative for systematic recording of amphibian and reptile occurrences in Cyprus
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-09
Antarctic Penguin Biogeography Project: Database of abundance and distribution for the Adélie, chinstrap, gentoo, emperor, macaroni and king penguin south of 60 S
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-10
Comparison of gut bacterial communities of Hyphantria cunea Drury (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae), based on 16S rRNA full-length sequencing
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-10
First record of the genus Pectapalochrus Tshernyshev, 2016 (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) from China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-10
A new species of Nidirana Dubois, 1992 (Anura, Ranidae) from Chongqing Municipality, China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-10
A workflow for expanding DNA barcode reference libraries through ‘museum harvesting’ of natural history collections
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-10
Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-11
New record and dietary ecology of a poorly known frog, Amolops shihaitaoi Wang, Li, Du, Hou & Yu, 2022 (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae), from Ha Giang Province, Vietnam
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-11
Robber flies and hover flies (Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae and Syrphidae) in beech forests of the central Apennines: a contribution to the inventory of insect biodiversity in Italian State Nature Reserves
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-11
Rediscovering a species not seen for a hundred years, Stathmopoda tacita (Meyrick, 1913) (Lepidoptera, Stathmopodidae), with its unusual fern-spore-feeding life history
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-12
Additions to hyphomycetes from Yungui Plateau, China with three new species (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes)
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-15
Occurrence dataset of birds in the Xinjizhou National Wetland Park, Nanjing, China
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 2023-05-15