First records of the Common Eastern Bumble Bee, Bombus impatiens Cresson (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Apinae, Bombini) from the Prairies Ecozone in Canada
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-10
rMyCoPortal - an R package to interface with the Mycology Collections Portal
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-14
DNA barcoding data release for Coleoptera from the Gunung Halimun canopy fogging workpackage of the Indonesian Biodiversity Information System (IndoBioSys) project
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-15
Biodiversity Observations Miner: A web application to unlock primary biodiversity data from published literature
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-16
COPIOUS: A gold standard corpus of named entities towards extracting species occurrence from biodiversity literature
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-22
Checklist of bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) from small diversified vegetable farms in south-western Montana
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-28
Photo images, 3D/CT data and mtDNA of the freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Kyushu and Ryukyu Islands, Japan, with SEM/EDS analysis of the shell
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-28
Dragonfly biodiversity 90 years ago in an Alpine region: The Odonata historical collection of the MUSE (Trento, Italy)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-31
A new species of Clavicornaltica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), discovered and described on a field course to Kuala Belalong, Brunei
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-31
A world dataset on the geographic distributions of Solenidae razor clams (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-01-31
A benchmark dataset of herbarium specimen images with label data
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-02-08
Distribution and diversity patterns of herpetofauna in the Pantabangan-Carranglan Watershed, Nueva Ecija, Caraballo Mountain Range, Philippines
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-02-14
The PPEAO experimental fishing dataset: Fish from West African estuaries, lagoons and reservoirs
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-02-14
The Lyell Collection at the Earth Sciences Department, Natural History Museum, London (UK)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-02-19
New record of Trissolcus solocis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) parasitising Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in the United States of America
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-02-19
Sample checklist of Gastropoda and Bivalvia in Cham Islands, Vietnam
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-02-19
Reference DNA barcodes and other mitochondrial markers for identifying Caribbean Octocorals
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-02-20
An online global database of Hemiptera -Phytoplasma-Plant biological interactions
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-02-26
First record of Australatya obscura Han & Klotz, 2015 (Decapoda, Atyidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-03-01
A Novel Automated Mass Digitisation Workflow for Natural History Microscope Slides
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-03-01
Stream benthic macroinvertebrates abundances over a 6-year monitoring period of an Italian glacier-fed stream
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-03-06
Connecting data and expertise: a new alliance for biodiversity knowledge
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-03-08
Developing a vocabulary and ontology for modeling insect natural history data: example data, use cases, and competency questions
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-03-13
Using Malaise traps for collecting Lepidoptera (Insecta), with notes on the preparation of Macrolepidoptera from ethanol
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-03-13
Tracheophyte of Xiao Hinggan Ling in China: an updated checklist
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-03-27
First record of Xestochironomus Sublette and Wirth, 1972 (Chironomidae: Chironominae) in the Mexican Nearctic with notes on their habitat
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-01
Moss occurrences in Yugyd Va National Park, Subpolar and Northern Urals, European North-East Russia
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-01
Globally distributed occurrences utilised in 200 spider species conservation profiles (Arachnida, Araneae)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-02
A database of threat statuses and life-history traits of Red List species in Flanders (northern Belgium)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-05
The first record of Cucullia umbratica (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from Japan
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-10
A new species of Trismegistomya Reinhard (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Area de Conservación Guanacaste in northwestern Costa Rica
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-10
The Myriapoda of Halimun-Salak National Park (Java, Indonesia): overview and faunal composition
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-15
Standardised inventories of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Macaronesia I: The native forests of the Azores (Pico and Terceira islands)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-16
New altitudinal record for white-lipped peccary Tayassu pecari (Link, 1795) in Ecuador, with notes about activity patterns and herd size
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-17
Dataset from the Snakes (Serpentes, Reptiles) collection of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Pará, Brazil
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-18
A new white-spotted Megaselia Rondani (Diptera: Phoridae) from western North America
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-23
Species conservation profiles of cave-dwelling arthropods from Azores, Portugal
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-24
New data on David's myotis, Myotis davidii (Peters, 1869) (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae), in Siberia and the Urals
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-25
Bird diversity along riverine areas in the Bhagirathi Valley, Uttarakhand, India
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-04-30
First visual occurrence data for deep-sea cnidarians in the South-western Colombian Caribbean
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-05-07
Dispersal history of the golden jackal (Canis aureus moreoticus Geoffroy, 1835) in Europe and possible causes of its recent population explosion
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-05-09
Biota from the coastal wetlands of Praia da Vitória (Terceira, Azores, Portugal): Part 3 – Birds
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-05-28
Monogonot rotifers species of the island Cozumel, Quintana Roo, México
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-06-13
First record of Viminella sp. (Anthozoa: Alcyonacea: Ellisellidae) in the Persian Gulf
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-06-18
New records of bats and terrestrial small mammals from the Seli River in Sierra Leone before the construction of a hydroelectric dam
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-06-18
Checklist of terrestrial Parasitengona mites in Fennoscandia with new species- and distribution records (Acariformes: Prostigmata)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-06-19
Biodiversidata: An Open-Access Biodiversity Database for Uruguay
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-06-20
An archived taxonomic website: Millipedes of Australia
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-06-25
Twenty-two new species in the genus Hyphantrophaga Townsend (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Area de Conservación Guanacaste, with a key to the species of Mesoamerica
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-06-28
Biota of coastal wetlands of Praia da Vitória (Terceira Island, Azores): Part 2 - Bryophytes
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-07-01
Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Rhabdotylus Lutz, 1913 (Diptera: Tabanidae)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-07-10
Integrating multiple sources of biodiversity information greatly expands the range of a rare species of Hymenoptera (Vanhorniidae)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-07-16
Pseudasphondylia tominagai, a new gall midge species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) inducing flower bud galls on Eleutherococcus spinosus (Araliaceae) in Japan
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-07-29
Sampling event dataset on five-year observations of macrofungi fruit bodies in raised bogs, Western Siberia, Russia
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-07-30
Fauna of nocturnal moth species collected in a semi-natural grassland at Kanpu-zan in northern Japan
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-02
Intertidal fishes of Mauritius with special reference to shallow tidepools
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-06
DNA barcode library of megadiverse Austrian Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) – a nearly perfect match of Linnean taxonomy
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-07
Insect and mite pests of pepino (Solanum muricatum Ait.) in Japan
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-13
OLICH: A reference library of DNA barcodes for Nordic lichens
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-19
First record of a by-the-wind-sailor (Velella velella Linnaeus, 1758) in the Galápagos Archipelago - Ecuador
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-21
Temporal turnover of the flora of lake islands: The island of Lake Pamvotis (Epirus, Greece)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-21
New records of Ticapimpla Gauld, 1991 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) from Brazil and French Guiana, with taxonomic notes
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-23
Raphia vinifera (Arecaceae; Calamoideae): Misidentified for far too long
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-27
First record of pigmentation disorder in the Fringe-lipped Bat Trachops cirrhosus (Spix, 1823) (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from southeast Brazil
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-28
First record of predation of Nyctinomops laticaudatus (É. Geoffroy, 1805) by Chrotopterus auritus (Peters, 1856) (Mammalia: Chiroptera)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-28
Initial sightings and derby data from the red lionfish invasion (Pterois volitans) (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) in Barbados
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-29
Trees and shrubs of the tropical dry forest of the Magdalena river upper watershed (Colombia)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-08-30
New Syrphidae (Diptera) of North-eastern North America
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-09-03
Exploring the taxonomic composition of two fungal communities on the Swedish west coast through metabarcoding
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-09-04
Aquatic eDNA for monitoring French Guiana biodiversity
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-09-11
Insect community in riparian zones of Sungai Sepetang, Sungai Rembau and Sungai Chukai of Peninsular Malaysia
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-09-18
Eleven years’ data of grassland management in Germany
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-09-27
Description of a new Pselaphodes Westwood (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Vietnam
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-03
Geographic review on the specimens of the Caatinga Biome in the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (RB) herbarium
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-03
Macrofungi of Mata da Margaraça (Portugal), a relic from the Tertiary Age
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-03
The role of ant nests in European ground squirrel’s (Spermophilus citellus) post-reintroduction adaptation in two Bulgarian mountains
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-07
Continental data on cave-dwelling spider communities across Europe (Arachnida: Araneae)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-08
Species conservation profiles of spiders (Araneae) endemic to mainland Portugal
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-08
Biota from the coastal wetlands of Praia da Vitória (Terceira, Azores, Portugal): Part 4 – Vascular plants
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-18
The Cassidinae beetles of Longnan County (Jiangxi, China): overview and community composition
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-18
First record of Trissolcus basalis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) parasitizing Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in the United States
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-28
New and known species of the genus Campylaimus Cobb, 1920 (Nematoda: Araeolaimida: Diplopeltidae) from North European marine habitats
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-28
Floristic composition in ecotone forests in northern Brazilian Amazonia: preliminary data
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-29
A deafening silence: a lack of data and reproducibility in published bioacoustics research?
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-10-30
New records of megophryids (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from Son La Province, Vietnam
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-11-07
First record of the land gastropod genus Otesiopsis from South Korea (Helicarionoidea Bourguignat, 1877)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-11-08
Species conservation profiles of tarantula spiders (Araneae, Theraphosidae) listed on CITES
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-11-08
Description and comparison of Philippine hornbill (Bucerotidae) vocalizations
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-11-13
Ecological interactions in the Scratchpads virtual research environment
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-11-27
Salix transect of Europe: additional leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae) records and insights from chrysomelid DNA barcoding
Vol 7, Page e46663, Date 2019-11-4
Occurrence data of terrestrial vertebrates of Son Tra Peninsula, Da Nang City, Vietnam
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-11-27
Accelerating the knowledge of Peruvian Chalcididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with integrative taxonomy
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-12-04
An updated checklist of the marine fish fauna of Redang Islands, Malaysia
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-12-06
From marine park to future genomic observatory? Enhancing marine biodiversity assessments using a biocode approach
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-12-10
Description of Dichelacera (Dichelacera) lamasi n. sp. (Diptera: Tabanidae), a new species from the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-12-12
Distribution of two rare taxa of caddisflies (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae, Polycentropodidae) from the Republic of Kosovo
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-12-13
The northernmost record of a blood-sucking ectoparasite, Lipoptena fortisetosa Maa (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), in Estonia
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-12-13
Current GBIF occurrence data demonstrates both promise and limitations for potential red listing of spiders
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-12-19
Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo)
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-12-20
Harvestmen occurrence database (Arachnida, Opiliones) of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Brazil
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 2019-12-31