By: Cook, James, - King, James, - Great Britain. Admiralty.Edition:Publication info: London, Printed for John Stockdale, Scatcherd and Whitaker, John Fielding, and John Hardy, 1784Volume: v.1 (1784)Series:Holding Institution: Wellcome LibrarySubjects: 1730?-1790 1741-1779 Clerke, Charles, Discoveries in geography Electronic books Exploration literature Gore, John, Northwest Passage Oceania Pacific Ocean Voyages around the worldBHL Collections:
By: Cook, James, - King, James, - Great Britain. Admiralty.Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by W. and A. Strahan, for G. Nicol, & T. Cadell, 1784Volume: v.1 (1784)Series:Holding Institution: MBLWHOI LibrarySubjects: 1741-1779 Clerke, Charles, d. 1790 Discovery and exploration Gore, John, Northeast Passage Northwest Passage Oceania Pacific coast Voyages around the worldBHL Collections:
By: Cook, James, - King, James, - Great Britain. AdmiraltyEdition: The Second edition.Publication info: London, Printed by H. Hughs : G. Nicol and T. Cadell, 1785Volume: v.1 (1785)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects: 1741-1779 Clerke, Charles, d. 1790 Discovery and exploration Gore, John, Northeast Passage Northwest Passage Oceania Pacific Coast (North America) Voyages around the worldBHL Collections: