By: Bentham, George,Edition:Publication info:Volume: Bentham to Engelmann, 1858-1879Series:Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven LibrarySubjects: 1800-1884 1806-1893 1809-1884 1811-1885 1817-1893 1817-1911 1823-1888 Araliaceae Bentham, George, Botanical specimens Candolle, Alphonse de, China Classification Coniferae Correspondence Engelmann, George, Hong Kong Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Identification Letters Planchon, Jules-Emile, Plants Santalaceae Spruce, Richard, Wright, Charles,BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Kukachka, B. Francis (Bohumil Francis), - Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)Edition: Rev. 1957.Publication info: Madison, Wis, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, [1957]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers LibrariesSubjects: AraliaceaeBHL Collections: Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature
By: Franco, E. T. H. - Gavioli, L. B. - Ferreira, Alfredo GuíType: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2006-05-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia 2006-05-01Subjects: Araliaceae Embryogenesis plantlets Schefflera (Didymopanax) somatic embryo Woody plants
By: Waminal, Nomar - Park, Hye Mi - Ryu, Kwang Bok - Kim, Joo Hyung - Yang, Tae Jin - Kim, Hyun HeeType: ArticleIn: Comparative CytogeneticsVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 2012Page Range: 425-441Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2012Subjects: 45S rDNA 5SrDNA Araliaceae DAPI band Fish Panax ginseng
By: Wen, Jun - Krupnick, Gary - Esser, Hans-JoachimType: ArticleIn: PhytoKeysVolume: 234Series:Issue:Date: 2023Page Range: 51--59Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2023Subjects: Araliaceae Conservation ginseng genus Panax Panax siamensis J. Wen