Histoire generale, des isles de S. Christophe, de la Guadeloupe, de la Martinique, et autres dans l'Amerique. : Où l'on verra l'establissement des colonies françoises, dans ces isles; leurs guerres ciuiles & estrangeres, & tout ce qui se passe dans les voyages & retours des Indes. : Comme ausse plusieurs belles particularitez des Antisles de l'Amerique: vne description generale de l'isle de la Guadeloupe: de tous ses mineraux, de ses pierreries, de ses riuieres, fontaines & estangs: & de toutes ses plantes. : De plus, la description de tous les animaux de la mer, de l'air, & de la terre: & vn traité fort ample des murs des sauuages du pays, de l'estat de la colonie françoise, & des esclaues, tant mores, que sauuages
By: Du Tertre, Jean Baptiste,
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Iacques Langlois, imprimeur ordinaire du roy, au mont de Sainte Geneuiefve, vis à vis la fontaine. Et Emmanuel Langlois, dans la grand'salle du palais, à la reyne de paix, M.DC.LIV. [1654]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Carib language History Indian linguistics Indians of the West Indies Natural history West Indies West Indies, French
BHL Collections:
By: Rochefort, Charles de, - Rochefort, César de, - Poincy, Louis de, - Breton, Raymond,
Publication info: A Lyon, Chez Christofle Fourmy, ruë Merciere, à la bibliotheque, M.DC.LXVII.. [1667]
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Antilles, Lesser Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1667 Indian linguistics Natural history West Indies
BHL Collections:
By: Poincy, Louis de, - Breton, Raymond, - Rochefort, César de, - Leers, Arnout,
Publication info: A Roterdam, Chez Arnould Leers, M.DC.LVIII. [1658]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Description and travel Early works to 1800 Engravings Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Lesser Antilles Natural history Netherlands Pre-Linnean works
BHL Collections:
By: Rochefort, Charles de, - Rochefort, César de, - Poincy, Louis de, - Breton, Raymond,
Publication info: A Roterdam, Chez Arnould Leers, M. DC. LVIII.. [1658]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Antilles, Lesser Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Description and travel Early works to 1800 Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1658 Indian linguistics Natural history West Indies
BHL Collections:
By: Rochefort, Charles de, - Rochefort, César de, - Poincy, Louis de, - Breton, Raymond,
Edition: Seconde edition. Reveuë & augmentée de plusieurs descriptions, & de quelques éclaircissemens, qu'on desiroit en la precedente.
Publication info: A Roterdam, Chez Arnout Leers, M. DC. LXV.. [1665]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Antilles, Lesser Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Description and travel Early works to 1800 Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1665 Indian linguistics Natural history West Indies
BHL Collections:
By: Rochefort, Charles de, - Rochefort, César de, - Poincy, Louis de, - Breton, Raymond,
Edition: Derniere edition. Reveuë & augmentée par l'autheur d'un Recit de l'estat present des celebres colonies de la Virginie, de Marie-land, de la Caroline, du nouveau Duché d'York,de Penn-Sylvania,& de la N
Publication info: A Rotterdam, Chez Reinier Leers, M. DC. LXXXI.. [1681]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Antilles, Lesser Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Description and travel Early works to 1800 Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1681 Indian linguistics Natural history West Indies
BHL Collections:
By: Rochefort, Charles de, - Breton, Raymond,
Edition: 2. ed. Rev. & augm. de plusieurs descriptions, & de quelques éclaircissemens, qu'on desiroit en la precedente.
Publication info: Roterdam, A. Leers, 1665
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
Subjects: Antilles, Lesser Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Natural history West Indies
BHL Collections:
By: Rochefort, Charles de, - Rochefort, César de, - Poincy, Louis de, - Breton, Raymond,
Publication info: Franckfurt, In Verlegung Wilhelm Serlins, Buchdruckers und Buchhandlers, 1668
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Antilles, Lesser Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1668 Indian linguistics Natural history West Indies
BHL Collections:
The history of the Caribby-Islands, : viz. Barbados, St Christophers, St Vincents, Martinico, Dominico, Barbouthos, Monserrat, Mevis [sic], Antego, &c. in all XXVIII. : In two books. The first containing the natural; the second, the moral history of those islands. : Illustrated with several pieces of sculpture, representing the most considerable rarities therein described. : With a Caribbian-vocabulary
By: Rochefort, Charles de, - Davies, John, - Rochefort, César de, - Poincy, Louis de, - Breton, Raymond,
Publication info: London, Printed by J. M. for Thomas Dring and John Starkey, and are to be sold at their shops, at the George in Fleet-Street neer Clifford's-Inn, and at the Mitre between Middle Temple-Gate and Temple-Bar, 1666
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Antilles, Lesser Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1666 Indian linguistics Natural history West Indies
BHL Collections:
The history of the Caribby-islands : viz. Barbados, St Christophers, St Vincents, Martinico, Dominico, Barbouthos, Monserrat, Mevis, Antego, &c. in all XXVIII in two books : the first containing the natural; the second, the moral history of those islands : illustrated with several pieces of sculpture, representing the most considerable rarities therein described : with a Caribbian-vocabulary
By: Rochefort, Charles de, - Davies, John, - Breton, Raymond,
Publication info: London, Printed by J.M. for Thomas Dring and John Starkey, 1666
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
Subjects: Antilles, Lesser Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Early works to 1800 Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Natural history West Indies
BHL Collections:
By: Préfontaine, chevalier de.
Publication info: A Paris, quai des augustins, Chez Cl. J.B. Bauche, libraire, à Sainte Genevieve, & à Saint Jean dans le désert, M.DCC.LXIII. [1763]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Agriculture Botany Carib Carib language Dictionaries Economic conditions French French Guiana French language Imprint 1763 Indian linguistics
BHL Collections:
By: Préfontaine, chevalier de. - La Salle de l'Etang, (Simon Philibert), M. de - Chalmandrier, Nicolas
Publication info: A Paris, quai des Augustins, Chez Cl.J.B. Bauche, Libraire, à Sainte Genevieve, & à Saint Jean dans le désert, M. DCC. LXIII. [1763]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 18th century Agriculture Botany Carib Carib language Dictionaries Early works to 1800 Economic conditions Engravings France French French Guiana French language
BHL Collections:
By: Rochefort, Charles de, - Rochefort, César de, - Poincy, Louis de, - Breton, Raymond, - Dullaert, Heiman,
Publication info: Tot Rotterdam, By Arnout Leers, boekverkooper, M. DC. LXII.. [1662]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Antilles, Lesser Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Description and travel Early works to 1800 Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1662 Indian linguistics Natural history West Indies
BHL Collections:
By: Simpson, George Gaylord,
Publication info: New York City, The American Museum of Natural History, [1941]
Volume: no.1119 (1941)
Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
Subjects: 59.9(8) Camaracoto dialect Carib Carib language Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Mammals Nomenclature (Popular) South America Spanish Taurepan dialect Venezuela
BHL Collections: