By: Acosta, José de, - Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Gedruckt zu Vrsel, Durch Cornelium Sutorium, Jm Jahr M.DC.V. [1605]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Imprint 1605 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo,
Publication info: Impreso en Salamanca, por Iuan de Iunta, acabose a cinco dias del mes de julio año del nascimiento de nuestro señor Iesu Christo, de mil [y]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Central America Colonies Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Imprint 1547 Indians Natural history Shipwrecks Spain Spanish West Indies
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Acosta, José de, - Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Salmanticæ, Apud Guillelmum Foquel, M.D.LXXXIX [1589]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de, - Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Salmanticae, Apud Guillelmum Foquel, 1589
Holding Institution: University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 History Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru To 1600
BHL Collections:
Geographische vnd historische Beschreibung der uberauss grosser Landtschafft America: welche auch West Jndia, vnd jhrer grösse halben die New Welt genennet wirt. : Gar artig, vnd nach der Kunst in XX. Mappen oder Landtaffeln verfasset, vnd jetzt newlich in Kupffer gestochen, vnd an tag gegeben. : Dabey auff dem Rücken ieder Mappen gefunden wirdt, die Gestalt, Art, vne vornembste Gelgenheit der Landtschafft ... : Zu mehrem Verstand vnd Erklärung gemelter Landschafft America, ist hiebey gefügt ein schön vnd nützlicher Tractat von der Natur, Art, vnd Eygenschafft der Newer Welt ...
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Gedrückt zu Cölln, Bey Johann Christoffel, auff S. Marcellenstrass, Jm Jahr M.D.XCVJJJ. [1598]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Imprint 1598 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Edition: Derniere edition, reueue, & corrigee de nouueau.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Adrian Tiffaine, ruë Sainct Iacques, au gril, prés sainct Benoist, M.DC.XVII [1617]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Edition: Derniere edition, reueue, et corrigee de nouueau.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Adrian Tiffaine, ruë des deux portes, à l'image nostre dame, M.DC.XVI [1616]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de, - Regnault, Robert. - Acosta, José de,
Edition: Derniere edition, reueuë & corrigʹee de nouueau.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Marc Orry, M.DCVI [1606]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Marc Orry, ruë S. Iaques, au lyon rampant, M.D.XCVIII. [1598]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Edition: Derniere edition, reueuë & corrigée de nouueau.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Marc Orry, ruë sainct Iaques, au Lyon rampant, M.DC.VI [1606]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Edition: Derniere edition, reueuë & corrigee de nouueau.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Marc Orry, ruë s. Iaques au lyon rampant, M.D.C [1600]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo, - Juan Cromberger.
Publication info: [Seville], [La qual de acabo y imprimio enla muy leal cihdago de Sevilla, en la empré ta de Juam Cromberger, 1535]
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: America Central America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Natural history Pre-Linnean works Spanish West Indies
BHL Collections: Missouri Botanical Garden's Materia Medica | Publicaciones en Español
By: Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo,
Publication info: ... Seuilla, enla empre[n]ta de Iuam Cromberger, el postrero dia del mes de setiembre. Año de mil y quinientos y treynta y cinco Años. [30 Sep. 1535]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Central America Colonies Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Imprint 1535 Indians Natural history Shipwrecks Spain Spanish West Indies
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo, - Amador de los Rios, José, - Real Academia de la Historia (Spain)
Publication info: Madrid, Impr. de la Real academia de la historia, 1851-55
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
Subjects: America Central America Colonies Discoveries in geography Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians Natural history Shipwrecks Spain West Indies
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo, - Amador de los Rios, José, - Real Academia de la Historia (Spain)
Publication info: Madrid, Impr. de la Real academia de la historia, 1851-55
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: America Central America Colonies Discoveries in geography Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians Natural history Shipwrecks Spain Spanish West Indies
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Acosta, José de, - C., D. A. V.
Edition: Dala a luz en esta sexta edicion D. A. V. C.
Publication info: Madrid, P. Aznar, 1792
Volume: v.1
Holding Institution: Northeastern University, Snell Library
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Madrid, [R. Anglés, impr.], 1894
Volume: 01
Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Acosta, José de, - D. A. V. C.
Edition: Dala a luz en esta sexta edicion / D.A.V.C.
Publication info: En Madrid, Por Pantaleon Aznar. Año de M.DCC.XCII. Se hallará en la libraría de D. Antonio del Castillo, [1792]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Con licencia en Barcelona, En la emprenta Iayme Cendrat, año, 1591. Vendense en Girona, en casa Arnau Garrich, [1591]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: [Madrid], Año 1608. Impresso en Madrid en casa de Alonso Martin, [1608]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Impresso en Seuilla, en casa de Iuan de Leon, Año de 1590
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: In Venetia, Presso Bernardo Basa, all'insegna del sole, M.D.XCVI [1596]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Seuilla, Impr. en casa de Iuan de Leon, 1590
Holding Institution: University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Acosta, José de, - Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo,
Publication info: Venetia, Presso Bernardo Basa, 1596
Holding Institution: University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Edition: De tweede editie.
Publication info: t'Amsterdam, By Broer Iansz. op de nieu-zijds achter Burgh-wal, inde Silvere Kan, Anno 1624
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Tot Enchuysen, By Jacob Lenaertsz. Meyn, boeckvercooper, woonende op den hoeck van de kerck brugghe, int schrijfboeck, Anno 1598
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de, - Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Coloniae Agrippinae, In officina Birckmannica, sumptibus Arnoldi Mylij, M.D.XCVI. [1596]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Imprint 1596 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de, - Grimeston, Edward - Markham, Clements R. (Clements Robert), Sir,
Publication info: London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1880
Volume: v.1 (1880)
Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de, - Grimeston, Edward - Markham, Clements R. (Clements Robert), Sir,
Publication info: London, Printed for the Hakluyt society, 1880
Volume: 60
Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: London, Printed by Val: Sims for Edward Blount and William Aspley, 1604
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de, - Grimeston, Edward - Sims, V., - Blount, Edward, - Aspley, Wiliam,
Publication info: London, Printed by V. Sims for E. Blount and W. Aspley, 1604
Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 Early works to 1800 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de,
Publication info: Gedrückt zu Cölln, Bey Johan Christoffel, auff S. Marcellenstrass, Jm Jahr M.DC [1600]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Discovery and exploration Early accounts to 1600 Imprint 1600 Indians of Mexico Indians of South America Latin America Natural history Peru
BHL Collections:
By: Acosta, José de, - Mateos, Francisco.
Publication info: Madrid, Ediciones Atlas, 1954
Holding Institution: Princeton Theological Seminary Library
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 Indians of South America Jesuits Latin America Missions Natural history
BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
By: Camerarius, Philipp, - Benzoni, Girolamo, - Anghiera, Pietro Martire d',
Publication info: Noribergae [i.e. Nuremberg], Typis Christophori Lochneri et Iohannis Hofmanni. Cum gratia & priuilegio Caes. Maiest. ad annos XII, Anno M D XCI. [1591]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Early accounts to 1600 History Imprint 1591 Miscellanea Snuff Tobacco
BHL Collections:
By: Bry, Theodor de, - Hariot, Thomas, - White, John,
Publication info: Gedruckt zu Franckfort am Mäyn?, Bey Johann Wechel in Verlegung Dieterich Bry, 1590?
Volume: [pt.1-3] (1590-1593) [Incomplete]
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
Subjects: 1560-1621 America Description and travel Early accounts to 1600 Early works to 1800 Hariot, Thomas, Indians of North America North Carolina Roanoke Colony
BHL Collections: