By: Clancey, Pat, - Montana Power Company. - PPL Montana. - Montana. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and ParksEdition:Publication info: Ennis, MT, Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks, 2003Volume: 2003Series:Holding Institution: Montana State LibrarySubjects: Arctic grayling Cutthroat trout Ennis Reservoir Fishery management Madison River MontanaBHL Collections:
By: Vincent, E. Richard. - Dooley, John, - Horn, Jim. - Montana. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks - United States. Department of the Interior. Water and Power Resources ServiceEdition:Publication info: Bozeman, Mont, [The Dept.?, 1981]Volume: 1981Series:Holding Institution: Montana State LibrarySubjects: Effect of temperature on Ennis Reservoir Fishes Madison River Madison River (Wyo. and Mont.) Montana Water temperatureBHL Collections: