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  1. By: California Forest and Range Experiment Station.
    Publication info: Berkeley, 1955
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Forestry  Plant anatomy  Plant morphology  
  2. By: Great Britain. Forestry Commission. - Great Britain. Forest Enterprise.
    Publication info: London, Stationery Office, 2013
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
    Subjects: Annual reports  Economics  Electronic books  Forest Enterprise  Forestry  Forestry Commission  Forests and forestry  Great Britain  legislation & jurisprudence  
  3. By: Huffel, Gustave,
    Publication info: Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1893
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: forest inventory  Forest management  forest mensuration  Forestry  Forests and forestry  Valuation  
  4. By: Swain, E. H. F. - Queensland. Dept. of Public Lands.
    Publication info: Brisbane, A. J. Cumming, government printer, 1918
    Holding Institution: Cornell University Library
    Subjects: Forest service  Forestry  Forests and forestry  United States  
  5. By: Büsgen, M. (Moritz),
    Publication info: Jena, G. Fischer, 1897
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bosbouw  Bosecologie  Botany  Forest ecology  Forestry  Plant anatomy  Plant Physiological Phenomena  Plant physiology  Plantkunde  Trees  
  6. By: Wigand, Albert,
    Publication info: Braunschweig, F. Viewig, 1854
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: autecologie  autecology  bomen  Bomen (biologie)  bosbouw  Bosecologie  Botany  Forest ecology  Forestry  Plant ecology  plantenecologie  Plantkunde  Spermatophyta  Trees  
  7. By: Canada. Department of Agriculture. Forest Biology Division. - Canada. Department of Forestry. Forest Entomology and Pathology Branch. - Canada. Department of Forestry.
    Publication info: Ottawa, Canada, Dept. of Agriculture, Science Service, Division of Forest Biology, 1951-1966
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: achteruitgang, bossen  afsterving  bosbescherming  bosbouw  bospathologie  bosplagen  bosschade  Bosteelt  Bosziekten en -plagen  Canada  Dieback  forest damage  Forest decline  forest pathology  forest pests  Forest Pests and Diseases  Forestry  Forests and forestry  houtteelt  Periodicals  protection of forests  Research  silviculture
  8. By: Hepting, George H. (George Henry), - Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) - FAO/IUFRO Symposium on Internationally Dangerous Forest Diseases and Insects Oxford, Eng.)
    Publication info: Asheville, N.C, U.S. Forest Service. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1965
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Diseases and pests  Forestry  Forests and forestry  Information storage and retrieval systems  Programming languages (Computers)  Trees  
  9. By: Garnier-Dubougneuf, J.-Anatole. - Chanoine, J. S.
    Edition: 2e éd., augm. de toutes les décisions intervenues jusqu'en 1829.
    Publication info: Paris, É. Kleffer, 1829
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto
    Subjects: Forestry  France  Law and legislation
  10. By: Young, Robert W. - United States. Forest Insect and Disease Management. Methods Application Group.
    Publication info: Davis, Calif, Methods Application Group, Forest Insect and Disease Management, Forest Service, USDA, [1977]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: arthropod pests  computer science  Data processing  Diseases and pests  Forestry  information science  Libraries  plant health  plant pests  Trees  
  11. By: Koehne, Emil,
    Publication info: Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke, 1893
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: 42.40 botany: general  bomen  Bosbomen  bosbouw  Dendrology  duitsland  forest trees  Forestry  Germany  houtteeltkenmerken  identificatie  Identification  Planten  Plants  silvicultural characters  Trees  
  12. By: Forbes, Arthur C.,
    Publication info: London, E. Arnold, 1910
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Forestry  Forests and forestry  Great Britain  
  13. By: Clavé, Jules,
    Publication info: Paris, Guillaumin, 1862
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest management  Forestry  Forests and forestry
  14. By: Fernow, B. E. (Bernhard Eduard),
    Edition: Ed. 2.
    Publication info: New York, Crowell, [1902]
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Music
    Subjects: Bibliography  Forest economics  Forestry  
  15. By: Bárcena, Mariano,
    Publication info: Mexico, Oficina Tip. de la Secretaria de Fomento, 1897
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: artificial regeneration  Forestry  Forests and forestry  silviculture
    BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
  16. By: Fusonie, Alan M.
    Publication info: [Beltsville, Md.], National Agricultural Library, [1988]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Databases  Forestry  Forests and forestry  Information storage and retrieval systems  Optical disks  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  17. By: United States. Forest Service. - United States. Forest Service. Division of Forest Fire Research.
    Publication info: [Washington?], 1951
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Forestry  Plant anatomy  Plant morphology  
  18. By: United States. Forest Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, Govt. print. off.], 1908
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Forestry  plant diseases and disorders  plant health  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  19. By: Roth, Filibert,
    Publication info: Boston, Ginn, 1902
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Forest management  Forestry  forests (plant communities)  Forests and forestry  Trees  trees (woody plants)  United States
  20. By: Rietveld, W.J. - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: forest trees  Forestry  plant biochemistry  Plant physiology  silviculture  tree physiology  
  21. By: Foxworthy, Frederick William - Burkill. I. H. (Isaac Henry)
    Publication info: 1914-1923
    Holding Institution: Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Parks Board Singapore
    Subjects: Botanic Gardens (Singapore)  Forestry  Records and correspondence  Singapore
    BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
  22. By: California State Chamber of Commerce. - United States. Forest Service. California Region. - American Tree Association.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], U.S Forest Service, 1930
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: California  Forest management  Forestry  Forests and forestry  Internet resource  
  23. By: Ciesla, William M. - Yasinski, F. M. (Frank M.) - United States. Forest Insect and Disease Management. Methods Application Group.
    Publication info: Davis, Calif, Methods Application Group, Forest Insect and Disease Management, Forest Service, USDA, [1980]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: arthropod pests  Data processing  Diseases and pests  Forestry  plant diseases and disorders  plant health  plant pests  Trees  
  24. By: New Hampshire. Laws, statutes, etc. - New Hampshire. Forestry Commission.
    Publication info: Concord, 1911
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: Forestry  New Hampshire  
  25. By: Chapman, Herman Haupt,
    Publication info: New York, J. Wiley, 1921
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bosbouw  Bosbouwkundige handelingen, bosbouwmachines  Forestry  Forestry Practices and Machinery  Forests and forestry  houtmeetkunde  Measurement  Mensuration  Timber  timber log
  26. By: Bowman, Isaiah, - Bowman, Isaiah,
    Edition: 1st ed., 1st thousand.
    Publication info: New York, J. Wiley & sons; [etc., etc.], 1911
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: aardwetenschappen  Bodemkunde  bosbouw  Earth sciences  Forestry  Forests  Forests and forestry  Forschungsinstitut für Sanfte Technologie  Geologie  Geologie (algemeen)  Geology  Geology (General)  Haltern  Physical geography  Physische Geografie  soil  Soil science  Soils  United States  USA  vs  
  27. By: Fernow, B. E. (Bernhard Eduard), - United States. Department of Agriculture.
    Publication info: Washington [D.C.], G.P.O, 1895
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Agroforestry  Forest management  Forestry  Forests and forestry  silviculture
  28. By: Alberta. Curriculum Standards Branch.
    Edition: Interim 1994 (September 1994 - September 1997) includes 1996 updates.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Alberta Education, Curriculum Standards Branch, 1996
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Curricula  Education  Forestry  Outlines, syllabi, etc  Vocational education  
  29. By: Alberta. Curriculum Standards Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, AB, Alberta Education, Curriculum Standards Branch, 1997
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Curricula  Education  Forestry  Forests and forestry  Outlines, syllabi, etc  Vocational education  
  30. By: Alberta. Curriculum Standards Branch.
    Edition: Interim 1994. --
    Publication info: Edmonton, AB, Alberta Education, Curriculum Standards Branch, c1994
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Curricula  Education  Forestry  Outlines, syllabi, etc  Vocational education  
  31. By: Ribbentrop, Berthold.
    Publication info: Calcutta, Office of the Superintendent of government printing, 1900
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Accounts  bosbestanden  bosbouw  Bosbouw (algemeen)  bosproducten  Bossen  Forest management  Forest products  Forest resources  Forestry  Forestry (General)  Forests  Forests and forestry  India  rekeningen  
  32. By: Japan. Nōrinshō. Sanrinkyoku. - Japan. Nōrinshoō. Sanrinkyoku.
    Publication info: Tokyo, Japan, Bureau of forestry, Dept. of agriculture and commerce, 1910
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Accounts  bosbestanden  bosbouw  Bosbouw (algemeen)  bosproducten  Bossen  Forest products  Forest resources  Forestry  Forestry (General)  Forests  Forests and forestry  Japan  rekeningen  
  33. By: Botanic Gardens (Singapore) - Ridley, H. N. (Henry Nicholas),
    Publication info: 1910
    Holding Institution: Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Parks Board Singapore
    Subjects: Botanic Gardens (Singapore)  Forestry  Hawaii  Maui  Records and correspondence
    BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
  34. By: Foxworthy, Frederick William - Botanic Gardens (Singapore)
    Publication info: [19--]
    Holding Institution: Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Parks Board Singapore
    Subjects: Botanic Gardens (Singapore)  Forestry  Malaysia  Records and correspondence  Selangor
    BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
  35. By: Botanic Gardens (Singapore)
    Publication info: 1886-1890
    Holding Institution: Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Parks Board Singapore
    Subjects: Botanic Gardens (Singapore)  Forestry  Malacca (Malacca)  Malaysia  Records and correspondence
    BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
  36. By: British Guiana. Dept. of Lands and Mines. - Anderson, Charles Wilgress.
    Publication info: Georgetown, Demerara, Dept. of Lands and Mines, 1912
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Forestry  Forests and forestry  Guyana  
  37. By: Mayr, Heinrich.
    Publication info: Berlin, P. Parey, 1906
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: bomen  Bosbomen  bosbouw  Exotischer Baum  forest trees  Forestry  houtachtige planten als sierplanten  Houtachtige siergewassen  Ornamental woody plants  Parkbaum  Plant introduction  straatbomen  street trees  Trees  Waldbaum  
  38. By: Brown, John Croumbie, - France.
    Publication info: Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd; [etc., etc.], 1883
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Forest management  Forestry  Forestry law and legislation  France  laws and regulations  
  39. By: Hiley, W. E.
    Publication info: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1919
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Bacteria  bomen  bosbouw  bosschade  Bosziekten en -plagen  Diseases and pests  forest damage  Forest Pests and Diseases  Forestry  Fungi  larch (wood)  Larches  Larix  Mycologie  Mycology  Phytopathogenic fungi  Pinaceae  schimmels  Trees
  40. By: Fowler, D. P.
    Publication info: Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1970
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Botany  Forestry  Plants
  41. By: Beissner, L. (Ludwig), - Beissner, Ludwig,
    Publication info: Berlin, P. Parey, 1891
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bomen  Bosbomen  bosbouw  Conifers  Diseases and pests  forest trees  Forestry  handboeken  handbooks  houtachtige planten als sierplanten  Houtachtige siergewassen  Nadelgehölze  Ornamental woody plants  Pinopsida  Trees  
  42. By: Hoffard, William H. - Anderson, Robert L. (Robert Lee), - Sites, William H.
    Publication info: Atlanta, USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Area, State and Private Forestry, [1980]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: animal taxonomy  Collection and preservation  Diseases and pests  Forestry  Identification  plant taxonomy  Trees  
  43. By: Brandis, Dietrich, Sir,
    Publication info: London, A. Constable & Co., Ltd, 1906
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bomen  bosbouw  Forestry  houtachtige planten als sierplanten  Houtachtige siergewassen  India  Ornamental woody plants  Pakistan  Trees  
  44. By: Kendeigh, S. Charles (Samuel Charles),
    Publication info: Urbana, University of Illinois Press, ©1979
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Animal ecology  bosbouw  Bossen  Case studies  Climate  dierecologie  Fishing  Forest animals  forest fauna  Forestry  Forests  game animals  Hunting  Illinois  Invertebrata  Invertebrate populations  Invertebrates  jachtdieren  jagen  oerbossen  ongewervelde dieren  Phenology  Urbana region  Urbana region, Ill  USA  virgin forests  vis vangen  vs  
  45. By: United States. Department of Agriculture. Library,
    Publication info: Washington, Government Printing Office, 1898
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Bibliography  computer science  Forestry  Forests and forestry  
  46. By: Clapp, Earle H. - United States. Forest Service. - United States. Forest Service.
    Publication info: Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1933
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: A National plan for American forestry  Forest policy  Forestry  Forests and forestry  United States  
  47. By: Penhallow, D. P. (David Pearce),
    Publication info: Boston, Ginn, 1907
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bomen  bosbouw  Centraal-Amerika  Central America  Forestry  Gymnosperma  Gymnosperms  handboeken  handbooks  naaktzadigen  Noord-Amerika  North America  Trees  Wood  wood (plant material)
  48. By: Sargent, Charles Sprague, - Faxon, Charles Edward,
    Publication info: Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1905
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Baum, ..  bomen  bosbouw  Botany  Centraal-Amerika  Central America  Flora  Floras of North America  Forestry  houtachtige planten als sierplanten  Noord-Amerika  Nordamerika  North America  Ornamental woody plants  Phytogeography  Plantengeografie  Plantkunde  Spermatophyta  Trees  
  49. By: McDonald, S.E. - Running, S.W.
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: forest trees  Forestry  plant biochemistry  Plant physiology  tree physiology  
  50. By: United States. Forest Service. - Pinchot, Gifford,
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1909
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Arkansas  Forest reserves  Forestry  Forests and forestry  
  51. By: Ormerod, Eleanor A. (Eleanor Anne),
    Publication info: [1895]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: arthropod pests  Forestry  plant health  plant pests  
    BHL Collections: Women in Natural History
  52. By: Stearns, Robert E. C. (Robert Edwards Carter),
    Publication info: [San Francisco], [Bacon & Co.], [1872]
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: artificial regeneration  Australia  California  Economic aspects  Forest products  Forestry  silviculture  Tree introduction  Trees
  53. By: Schütz, Ad Von.
    Publication info: Berlin, Julius Springer, 1870
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Forestry  Forests and forestry  Oak  oak (wood)  Quercus  silviculture  
  54. By: Gordon, George, - Glendinning, Robert.
    Publication info: London, H.G. Bohn, 1858
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: bomen  bosbouw  Bosecologie  Conifers  Forest ecology  Forestry  Gymnosperms  naaktzadigen  Taxales  Taxopsida  Trees
  55. By: Albert, Federico,
    Publication info: Santiago de Chile, Impr. Cervantes, 1907
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Cluster pine  Forestry  Pinos  plant taxonomy
    BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
  56. By: Montgomery, Marvin L.
    Publication info: [Portland, Or.], 1970
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Botany  Forestry  plant science  Plants
  57. By: Chipman, M. M. (Marshall Mead), - Medical Society of the State of California. Committee on Medical Topography, Meteorology, Endemics and Epidemics.
    Publication info: San Francisco, Winterburn & Co., printers and electrotypers, 1883
    Holding Institution: National Library of Medicine
    Subjects: California  Conservation of natural resources  Forestry  
  58. By: Sharpnack, Nancy X. - Wong, John. - United States. Forest Pest Management. Methods Application Group.
    Publication info: Fort Collins, Colo, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Pest Management, Methods Application Group, [1982]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: arthropod pests  Diseases and pests  Economic aspects  Forest management  Forest surveys  Forestry  Lodgepole pine  Monitoring  Mountain pine beetle  plant health  plant pests  Ponderosa pine  West (U.S.)  
  59. By: United States. Forest Service.
    Edition: Revised September 1957
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U. S. Goverment Printing Office, 1957
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Forestry  History  State trees  Trees  United States  
  60. By: Fracker, Stanley Black, - United States. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.
    Publication info: [Washington], [1934?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Cronartium ribicola  Forestry  Fungal diseases of plants  plant health  plant pathogenic fungi  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  61. By: American Civic Association. Department of Parks and Public Reservations.
    Publication info: Providence, American Civic Association, Department of Parks and Public Reservations, 1908
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Forest management  Forest reserves  Forestry  United States
  62. By: Devils Lake Nursery. - Maher, John W. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Devils Lake, N.D, Devils Lake Nursery, [1914]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: artificial regeneration  Forestry  Forests and forestry  silviculture  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  63. By: Jepson, Willis Linn,
    Publication info: San Francisco, Cunningham, Curtis & Welch, [1909]
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Arbres  bomen  bosbouw  Bosecologie  California  Californie (États-Unis)  Forest ecology  Forestry  Trees  USA  vs
  64. By: Newhall, Charles S. (Charles Stedman),
    Publication info: New York, Putnam, 1908
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Botany  Flora  Forestry  Shrubs  United States  
  65. By: Breton-Bonnard, Lucien.
    Publication info: Paris, L. Laveur, [1904]
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: bomen  Bosbomen  bosbouw  bosproducten  Bossen  Forest products  forest trees  Forestry  Forests  France  frankrijk  Poplar  poplar (wood)  Populus  Trees  
  66. By: United States. Forest Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, Gov't print. off.], 1907
    Holding Institution: University of British Columbia Library
    Subjects: Forestry  United States  
  67. By: Horn, Joseph E. - Medema, Lee. - Schuster, Ervin G. - Intermountain Research Station (Ogden, Utah)
    Publication info: Ogden, UT, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, 1986
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: CHEAPO II (Computer program)  Computer programs  Economic aspects  Forestry  Forests and forestry  Information storage and retrieval systems  Internet resource  United States  
  68. By: Schuster, Ervin G. - Zuuring, Hans R. - Intermountain Research Station (Ogden, Utah)
    Publication info: Ogden, UT, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, [1994]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Computer programs  Computer software  economic analysis  Economic aspects  Forest management  Forest productivity  Forestry  Forests and forestry  Information storage and retrieval systems  INVEST V (Computer file)  investment  Investment analysis  United States  
  69. By: Crookston, Nicholas L.
    Publication info: Ogden, Utah, United States Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, 1985
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Computer programs  Forestry  Forests and forestry  Information storage and retrieval systems  United States  
  70. By: Crookston, Nicholas L. - Intermountain Research Station (Ogden, Utah)
    Publication info: Ogden, UT, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, [1990]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Data processing  Forestry  Forests and forestry  Information storage and retrieval systems  Internet resource  United States  
  71. By: Stanek, Walter.
    Publication info: Vancouver, Canadian Forestry Service, Pacific Forest Research Centre, 1980
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Botany  Canada  Canada, North of 60  Canadian Arctic  Environmental impacts  Flora  Forest resources  Forestry  Forests, Damage to  Forests, Diseases of  Northern Canada  Pipelines  Plants  Pollution, Environmental  Remote Sensing, Observations by  silviculture  Terrain Disturbance  Trees  Trees, Diseases  Vegetation  Yukon Territory  
  72. By: Rentzsch, H. (Hermann)
    Edition: 2. umgearb. Aufl.
    Publication info: Leipzig, Gustav Maher, 1862
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Forestry  Forests and forestry  Germany  
  73. By: nong lin bu lin ye si 农林部林业司编
    Publication info: nong lin bu lin ye chu ban 农林部林业司出版,
    Holding Institution: Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Subjects: Forestry
  1. By: Motloung, Rethabile - Robertson, Mark - Rouget, Mathieu - Wilson, John
    Type: Article
    In: NeoBiota
    Volume: 20
    Date: 2014
    Page Range: 31-48
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2014
    Subjects: alien trees  Australian acacias  classification tree  Forestry  invasions  model evaluation  Southern African Plant Invaders Atlas  Species distribution models  
  2. By: Möckel, Stefan
    Type: Article
    In: Nature Conservation
    Volume: 48
    Date: 2022
    Page Range: 161--184
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2022
    Subjects: Agriculture  appropriate assessment  Birds Directive  Forestry  Habitats Directive  Natura 2000
  3. By: Möckel, Stefan
    Type: Article
    In: Nature Conservation
    Volume: 23
    Date: 2017
    Page Range: 31-56
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2017
    Subjects: Agriculture  appropriate assessment  Article 6(3) Habitats Directive  BVerwG  case law  ECJ  European Union (EU)  Forestry  Germany  impact assessment  legal term definitions  Natura 2000  plan  project  recurrent measures  
  4. By: Siti Munirah, Mat Yunoh - Zakaria, Suzairi-Dome - Thorogood, Chris
    Type: Article
    In: PhytoKeys
    Volume: 179
    Date: 2021
    Page Range: 75--89
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2021
    Subjects: Conservation  Forestry  mycoheterotrophy  Species diversity  taxonomy