Publication info: Bruxelles, C.J. De Mat, 1829
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 19th century Architectural drawings Architecture, Domestic Belgium Designs and plans Engravings (prints) Garden structures Gardens Hand coloring Landscape gardening
BHL Collections:
By: Dufour, Augustine, - Lequien, F., - Redouté, Pierre Joseph, - Imprimerie de Casimir,
Publication info: Paris, F. Lequien, libraire-éditeur, Quai des Augustins, no 47, 1837
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 19th century Botanical illustration Engravings (prints) Flowers Flowers in art France Hand coloring Pictorial works
BHL Collections:
By: Scriba, Ludwig Gottlieb, - Hochecker, Maria Eleonora, - Portman, Lodewyk Gotlieb, - Varrentrapp und Wenner,
Publication info: Frankfurt am Main, Bei Varrentrapp und Wenner, 1790-93
Volume: v.1-3 (1790-1793)
Holding Institution: Library of the Netherlands Entomological Society, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Subjects: @NEV Collectie 1790-1793 Beetles Butterflies Dragonflies Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings Frankfurt am Main Germany Hand coloring Insects Lepidoptera Moths Pictorial works
BHL Collections: Women in Natural History
Botanologia, the English herbal, or, History of plants : containing ... their names ... , species ... , descriptions ... , places of growth ... , times of flowering and seeding ... , qualities ... , specifications ... , preparations ... , virtues ... , a complete florilegium ... , adorned with exquisite icons or figures ... The whole in alphabetical order
By: Salmon, William, - Dawks, Ichabod, - Rhodes, Henry, bookseller, - Taylor, John (Bookseller), - Dawks, I. - Rhodes, H. - Taylor, John (Bookseller),
Publication info: London, Printed by I. Dawks, for H. Rhodes ... and J. Taylor, 1710
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: 18th century Botany Botany, Medical Early works to 1800 England Engravings Hand coloring Herbals Materia medica, Vegetable Medicinal plants Plants Pre-Linnean works Signatures (Medicine) Woodcuts
BHL Collections: Missouri Botanical Garden's Materia Medica
By: Kämmerer, Christoph Ludwig
Publication info: Rudolstadt auf Kosten des Verfassers, mit Bergmannschen Schriften 1786
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: 18th century Cabinets of curiosities Catalogs and collections Early works to 1800 Engravings Germany Hand coloring Mollusks Natural history Shellfish
BHL Collections:
By: Bloch, Marcus Elieser, - Berger, D. (Daniel), - Berger, Friedrich Gottlieb, - Bodenehr, George, - Krüger, junior, - Darchow, C., - Gursch, C. F., - Hesse, - Krüger, Jr. - Rosenberg, F. C. W., - Schmidt, A. F., - Schmidt, F. G., - Schmidt, Friedrich Wilhelm, - Schmidt, Johann Gottlieb, - Schmidt, Ludwig (Engraver), - Realschulbuchhandlung (Berlin, Germany)
Publication info: Berlin Auf Kosten des Verfassers und in Commission bei dem Buchhändler Hr. Hesse 1782-1795
Volume: pt.1:v.1:Th.1-3 (1782-1784) [Text]
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: 1782-1784 Berlin Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings Fishes Germany Hand coloring Ichthyology Pictorial works Subscription lists (Publishing) Zoology
BHL Collections:
By: Stieglitz, C. L. (Christian Ludwig),
Edition: Deuxième édition, revue et corrigée.
Publication info: Leipzig, Chez George Voss, 1805
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 19th century Architecture Germany Hand coloring Landscape architecture Landscape gardening Oriental influences Stipple engravings
BHL Collections:
By: Edwards, Sydenham, - Lindley, John, - Ridgway, James
Publication info: London James Ridgway 1829-1847
Volume: v.15 (1829)
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: 1829 19th century Botanical illustration Botany Copper engraving England Engravings Graphic media : Great Britain Hand coloring Hand-colored Icones Periodicals Pictorial works Plant introduction Plants, Ornamental
BHL Collections:
By: Gartside, Mary, - Gardiner, Thomas, - Miller, William, - Barfield, John, - John and Arthur Arch (Firm)
Edition: The second edition.
Publication info: London, Printed by J. Barfield, Wardour-Street, for T. Gardiner, Princes-Street, Cavendish-Square, W. Miller, Albemarle-Street, and I. and A. Arch, Cornhill, 1808
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 19th century Annotations (Provenance) Botanical illustration Color Composition (Art) England Hand coloring Quarto (book format) Watercolors (paintings)
BHL Collections:
The family herbal, or, An account of all those English plants, which are remarkable for their virtues, and of the drugs which are produced by vegetables of other countries, with their descriptions and their uses, as proved by experience : also directions for the gathering and preserving roots, herbs, flowers, and seeds, the various methods of preserving these simples for present use, receipts for making distilled waters, conserves, syrups, electuaries, juleps, draughts, &c. &c. with necessary cautions in giving them
By: Hill, John,
Publication info: Bungay, Printed and published by C. Brightly and Co, 1812
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 19th century Botany Botany, Medical England Engravings (prints) Great Britain Hand coloring Herbs Materia medica Materia medica, Vegetable
BHL Collections:
By: Sweet, Robert, - Ridgway, James
Publication info: London, Printed for James Ridgway, Piccadilly, 1820-1830
Volume: v.1 (1820-1822)
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: 19th century England Engravings Geraniaceae Geraniums Great Britain Hand coloring Pictorial works
BHL Collections:
By: Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, - Bellaert, Jacop,
Publication info: Haarlem, Jakob Bellaert, 24. Dec. (op Kerstavont) 1485
Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
Subjects: 15th century Botany, Medical Civilization, Medieval Early works to 1800 Encyclopedias Hand coloring Human anatomy Incunabula Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine, Medieval Netherlands pathology Science, Medieval Wood engravings Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, - Bellaert, Jacop,
Publication info: Haarlem, Jakob Bellaert, 24. Dec. (op Kerstavont) 1485
Holding Institution: McGill University Library
Subjects: 15th century Botany, Medical Civilization, Medieval Early works Early works to 1800 Encyclopedias Encyclopedias and dictionaries Hand coloring Human anatomy Incunabula Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine, Medieval Netherlands pathology Science, Medieval Wood engravings Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Rösel von Rosenhof, August Johann, - Haller, Albrecht von, - Fleischmann, Johann Joseph, - Tyroff, Martin, - Preissler, Johann Justin, - Harrich, Christoph, - Heumann, Georg Daniel, - Mechel, Christian von, - Joninger, J. A.,
Publication info: Nürnberg, gedrucht bey Johann Joseph Fleischmann, 1758
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
Subjects: 1758 Anura Early works to 1800 Engravings Errata lists (Printing) Frogs Germany Hand coloring Nuremberg Pictorial works
BHL Collections: Blog Features
By: Loudon, (Jane) Mrs.
Publication info: London, William Smith, 1841
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 19th century Anastatic printing Bulbs (Plants) England Floriculture Flowers Hand coloring
BHL Collections: Women in Natural History
By: Parkinson, William, - Temporary Home for Lost and Starving Dogs
Publication info: [London], [Temporary Home for Lost and Starving Dogs], [1870?]
Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
Subjects: 1870 19th century Animal pounds Animal shelters Animal welfare Chron Dogs English literature Engraving, Colored Great Britain Hand coloring Lithography, Colored Needleworkers Ragged schools Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani Specimens Temporary Home for Lost and Starving Dogs
BHL Collections:
By: Lebreton, F.,
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Prault, imprimeur du roi, quai des Augustins, à l'Immortalité, MDCCLXXXVII [1787]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 18th century Botany Early works to 1800 Engravings France Hand coloring Handbooks, manuals, etc
BHL Collections:
By: Edwards, George, - Edwards, George, - Edwards, George, - Edwards, George,
Publication info: London, Printed for the author, at the College of Physicians in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXLIII-MDCCLI [1743-1751, i.e. 1750-1776?]
Volume: pt.1 (1743)
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
Subjects: 18th century Animals Birds Copper engravings (Visual works) Early works to 1800 England Engraving Hand coloring Illustrated works London Pictorial works Technique Watercolor painting
BHL Collections:
By: Edwards, Sydenham, - Sansom, Frederick J. - Stockdale, John, - Bensley, Thomas, - Kearsley, George, - Dickson, R. W. - Edwards, Sydenham,
Publication info: London, Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly, by T. Bensley, Bolt-Court, Fleet-Street.,c, 1812
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 19th century Botany England Engravings Floriculture Flowers Hand coloring Illustrated books Pictorial works Plants
BHL Collections:
By: Fuchs, Leonhart, - Rösslin, Eucharius, - Bock, Hieronymus, - Lonicer, Adam, - Mattioli, Pietro Andrea,
Publication info: S.l, s.n, 19--?
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: Botanical illustration Botany Botany, Medical Early works to 1800 Hand coloring Herbs Materia medica, Vegetable Pre-Linnean works Therapeutic use Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Willughby, Francis, - Ray, John, - Clark, Andrew, - Martyn, John, - Hernández, Francisco, - Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, - Faithorne, William, - Sherwin, William,
Publication info: London, Printed by A.C. for John Martyn, printer to the Royal Society, at the Bell in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXVIII [1678]
Holding Institution: McGill University Library
Subjects: 1678 Armorial bookplates (Provenance) Birds Early works Early works to 1800 England Engraving Errata lists (Printing) Falconry Farrington Fowling Hand coloring London Ornithology
BHL Collections:
By: Becker, Wilhelm Gottlieb, - Darnstedt, Johann Adolph,
Publication info: Nürnberg, In der Frauenholzischen Kunsthandlung, 1799
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 18th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Germany Hand coloring Insects Landscape architecture Natural history
BHL Collections:
Der rupsen begin, voedzel en wonderbaare verandering : waar in de oorspronk, spys en gestaltverwisseling : als ook de tyd, plaats en eigenschappen der rupsen, wormen, kapellen, uiltjes, vliegen, en andere diergelyke bloedelooze beesjes vertoond word : ten dienst van alle liefhebbers der insecten, kruiden, bloemen en gewassen : ook schilders, borduurders &c. : naauwkeurig onderzogt, na 't leven geschildert, in print gebragt, eu in 't kort beschreven
By: Merian, Maria Sibylla, - Merian, Dorothea Maria Henriette, - Valck, G. (Gerard),
Publication info: t'Amsterdam, Gedrukt voor den auteur ... Als mede by Gerard Valk, [1713-1717]
Volume: 3
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 18th century Botany Caterpillars Early works to 1800 Engravings Gedaanteverwisseling Hand coloring Insecten Insects Lepidoptera Metamorphosis Netherlands Pictorial works
BHL Collections: Women in Natural History
By: Kitao, Shigemasa,
Publication info: Ōsaka, Okadaya, Bunka 2 [1805]
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
Subjects: 19th century Birds flower Hand coloring Japan Pictorial works Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Kitao, Shigemasa,
Publication info: [Ōsaka], [Okadaya], Bunsei 10 [1827]
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
Subjects: 19th century Birds flower Hand coloring Japan Pictorial works Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Clerck, Carl (Carl Alexander), - Bergquist, Carl, - Borg, Eric, - Gottman, Lorens, - Salvius, Lars,
Publication info: Stockholmiae, Literis Laur. Salvii, MDCCLVII [1757]
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
Subjects: 1757 Arachnida Early works to 1800 Engravings Errata lists (Printing) Hand coloring Insects Nomenclature Spiders Stockholm Sweden
BHL Collections: Blog Features
By: Martyn, Thomas, - Nodder, Frederick Polydore - Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, - Linné, Carl von, - B. White and Son.
Publication info: London, Printed for B. White and Son at Horace's Head, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXXXVIII [1788]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 1707-1778 1712-1778 19th century Botany Classification Early works to 1800 England Engravings Hand coloring Lettres élémentaires sur la botanique Linné, Carl von, Pictorial works Plants Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Systema vegetabilium
BHL Collections: