By: Behr, H. H. (Hans Herman),
Publication info:
Volume: Behr to Engelmann, 1860-1864
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Hans Herman), (Henry Nicholas), 1809-1884 1813-1887 1818-1904 1822-1906? 1831-1897 Behr, H. H Bolander, Henry N Botanical specimens Butterflies California California Academy of Sciences Collection and preservation Correspondence Engelmann, George, Kellogg, A Letters Missouri Saint Louis Sander, Enno,
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Bolander, Henry N. (Henry Nicholas),
Publication info:
Volume: Bolander to Engelmann, 1863-1866
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Charles Christopher), (Hans Herman), (Henry Nicholas), (Josiah Dwight), (Michael Schuck), 1796-1871 1796-1873 1805-1877 1806-1893 1808-1892 1809-1884 1810-1888 1813-1887 1816-1877 1817-1886 1818-1904 1819-1896 1821-1886 1822-1882 1823-1890 1828-1910 1831-1897 1831-1904 1833-1895 Araceae Bebb, M. S Behr, H. H Bolander, Henry N Botanical specimens Botanists Braun, Alexander, Brewer, William Henry, Bryophyta California Callitrichaceae Canby, William Marriott, Candolle, Alphonse de, Canfield, Colbert A Catalogs Chara Characeae Coniferae Correspondence Cupressaceae Cyperaceae Description and travel East (U.S.) Engelmann, George, Europe Gottsche, Karl Moritz, Gramineae Gray, Asa, Guatemala Hall, Elihu, Hillebrand, William, Isoetaceae Juncaceae Kellogg, A Lenormand, Sébastien René, Letters Liliaceae Maps Marsileaceae Nymphaeaceae Parlatore, Filippo, Parry, C. C Pinaceae Plants Ranunculaceae Selaginellaceae Torrey, John, Tuckerman, Edward, Umbelliferae Whitney, J. D Yosemite Valley Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Brewer, William Henry,
Publication info:
Volume: Brewer to Engelmann, 1863-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Charles Christopher), (Charles Lewis), (Henry Nicholas), (Josiah Dwight), 1805-1886 1809-1884 1810-1888 1813-1887 1819-1896 1821-1886 1821-1890 1823-1890 1827-1910 1828-1910 1831-1897 1834-1895 Abies Agave Anderson, Charles L Bolander, Henry N Boott, William, Botanical specimens Brewer, William Henry, Cactaceae California Callitrichaceae Callitriche Coniferae Convolvulaceae Correspondence Cupressaceae Cupressus macrocarpa Cuscuta Eaton, Daniel Cady, Engelmann, George, Ephedra Ephedraceae Fagaceae Fungi Gabb, William M Geological Survey of California Gray, Asa, Growth (Plants) Hillebrand, William, Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Juncus Juniperus Kellogg, A Letters Liliaceae Loranthaceae Nuphar Nymphaeaceae Oenothera Onagraceae Parry, C. C Picea Pinus Plant ecology Quercus Receipts (Acknowledgments) Sequoia (Genus) Thurber, George, Utilization Vitaceae Vitis Whitney, J. D Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Clinton, George W. (George William),
Publication info:
Volume: Clinton to Engelmann, 1862-1865
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Charles Horton), (Charles Valentine), (David Fisher) (George William), 1805-1886 1807-1885 1809-1884 1810-1888 1813-1887 1814-1887 1833-1915 1833-1917 1843-1895 Artemisia Boott, William, Botanical specimens Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences Caryphyllaceae Clinton, George W Collection and preservation Compositae Convovulaceae Correspondence Cuscuta Cyperaceae Cyperus Day, David F Engelmann, George, Eriocaulon Gillman, Henry, Gramineae Gray, Asa, Isoetaceae Isoetes Kellogg, A Letters Marsilea Marsileaceae Najas minor Panicum Parnassia Peck, Charles H Potamogeton Potamogetonaceae Ravenel, Henry William, Riley, Charles V Sagina Saxifragaceae Speciation
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Gray, Asa,
Publication info:
Volume: Gray to Engelmann, 1841
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 19th century Abies Agassiz, Louis, Araceae Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Bigelow, John M Bignoniaceae Bolander, Henry N Boott, William, Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Brunet, Ovide, Buckley, S. B Cactaceae Callitrichaceae Callitriche Candolle, Alphonse de, Catalpa Classification Collection and preservation Compositae Coniferae Correspondence Darwin, Charles, Depressions Description and travel Eaton, Daniel Cady, Effect of environment on Eggert, Henry Emory, William H Endlicher, Stephan, Engelmann, George J Engelmann, George, Erigeron Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Europe Fagaceae Fendler, Augustus, Frémont, John Charles, German Emperor, Geyer, Karl Andreas, Goodale, George L Gray Herbarium Gray, Asa, Greene, Edward Lee, Gregg, Josiah, Hall, Elihu, Harvard University Harvey, William H Herbarium Human beings Human evolution Identification Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Juncus Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de, Kellogg, A Law and legislation Leavenworth, Melines Conklin, Lemna Lemnaceae Letters Lincoln, Abraham, Lindley, Joh
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Hall, Elihu,
Publication info:
Volume: Hall to Engelmann, 1862-1866
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Charles Christopher), (Henry Nicholas), (Michael Schuck), (Samuel Botsford), (William Gilson), 1770-1855 1786-1859 1794-1863 1794-1873 1796-1878 1800-1889 1802-1879 1806-1889 1809-1884 1810-1888 1811-1885 1813-1883 1813-1887 1817-1886 1822-1882 1823-1890 1831-1897 1831-1904 1833-1895 1844-1919 Abies Bebb, M. S Bolander, Henry N Botanical specimens Buckley, S. B Cactaceae Callitrichaceae Callitriche Canby, William Marriott, Convovulaceae Correspondence Cuscuta Durand, Elias, Durieu de Maisonneuve, Michel Charles, Ecology Engelmann, George, Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Farlow, W. G Fendler, Augustus, Gentiana Gentianaceae Gray, Asa, Hall, Elihu, Isoetaceae Isoetes Kellogg, A Lesquereux, Leo, Letters Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Michaux, François André, Nuttall, Thomas, Opuntia Parry, C. C Pinaceae Pinus Seeds Shaw, Henry, Short, Charles Wilkins, Tuckerman, Edward, Viability Vitaceae Vitis Wright, Charles,
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Hoopes, Josiah,
Publication info:
Volume: Hoopes to Engelmann, 1863-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (1876 : (Albert), (Henry Nicholas), (James Harris), (Thomas Conrad), 1770-1855 1782-1863 1800-1889 1809-1884 1813-1887 1814-1887 1816-1877 1819-1909 1822-1901 1826-1901 1831-1897 1832-1904 Bolander, Henry N Centennial Exhibition Coniferae Correspondence Darlington, William, Engelmann, George, Exhibitions Grape powdery mildew disease Hoopes, Josiah, Horticulture Kellogg, A Letters Masters, J. H Meehan, Thomas, Michaux, François André, Parlatore, Filippo, Philadelphia, Pa.) Pinaceae Pinus Porter, Thomas C Ravenel, Henry William, Shaw, Henry, Vitaceae Vitis
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Kellogg, A. (Albert),
Publication info:
Volume: Kellogg to Engelmann, 1866-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Henry Nicholas), (Josiah Dwight), 1809-1884 1813-1887 1819-1896 1825-1911 1831-1897 Bolander, Henry N Botanical specimens California Academy of Sciences Collectors and collecting Correspondence Davidson, George, Engelmann, George, Kellogg, A Letters Physicians Whitney, J. D
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Lemmon, J. G. (John Gill),
Publication info:
Volume: Lemmon to Engelmann, 1875-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Carl Robert), (Charles Christopher), (Cyrus Guernsey), (Henry Nicholas), (John Frederick), (John Gill), (Michael Schuck), (Sara Allen Plummer), (William George Washington), (William Greenwood), 1809-1884 1810-1881 1810-1888 1813-1873 1813-1887 1815-1874 1817-1911 1822-1893 1823-1890 1825-1911 1826-1892 1828-1894 1828-1906 1828-1910 1829-1911 1830-1912 1831-1897 1832-1908 1833-1895 1836-1923 1838-1911 1838-1914 1843-1915 Abies Arceuthobium Arizona Bebb, M. S Biography Bolander, Henry N Botanical specimens Brewer, William Henry, California, Southern Case, Francis M Chiricahua Indians Collectors and collecting Compositae Coniferae Correspondence Cupressaceae Cupressus Description and travel Ecology Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Ford, Henry Chapman, Fort Grant (Ariz.) Gentiana Gentianaceae Gordon, Alexander, Gray, Asa, Greene, Edward Lee, Harford, W. G. W Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Kellogg, A Lemmon, J. G Lemmon, S. A. P Letters Loranthaceae Mexico, North Morse, John F Muir, John, Osten-Sacken, C. R Palmer,
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Pringle, Cyrus G. (Cyrus Guernsey),
Publication info:
Volume: Pringle to Engelmann, 1878-1882
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Charles Christopher), (Cyrus Guernsey), (Frederick A.), (John Gill), (Marcus Eugene), (Samuel Bonsall), (Sara Allen Plummer), 1809-1884 1813-1887 1823-1890 1832-1908 1836- 1836-1923 1837-1923 1838-1911 1838-1928 1841-1927 1843-1915 1852-1934 1882 Baja California (Mexico : State) Botanical specimens Correspondence Cupressaceae Cupressus Discovery and exploration Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Greene, Edward Lee, Isoetaceae Isoetes Jones, Marcus E Kellogg, A Lemmon, J. G Lemmon, S. A. P Letters Miller, F. A Parish, S. B Parry, C. C Picea Pinaceae Pinus Pringle, Cyrus G Pumpelly, Raphael, Quercus Sargent, Charles Sprague,
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Vasey, George,
Publication info:
Volume: Vasey to Engelmann, 1849-1875
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Charles Christopher), (Frederick Adolph), (Henry), (John Aston), (John Frederick), (John Gill), (John Milton), (John Strong), (John White), (Marcus Eugene), (Samuel Botsford), (Stephen Thayer), 1784-1867 1797-1880 1799-1880 1802-1879 1804-1878 1805-1878 1809-1884 1810-1888 1810-1889 1812-1878 1812-1883 1813-1873 1813-1887 1815-1874 1822-1882 1822-1892 1822-1893 1823-1887 1823-1890 1826-1892 1828-1910 1829-1911 1831-1913 1832-1904 1832-1908 1834-1895 1839-1922 1840-1918 1841-1913 1842-1912 1845-1907 1850-1929 1852-1934 Abies Academy of Science of St. Louis Baird, Spencer Fullerton, Bigelow, John M Botanical specimens Brewer, William Henry, Buckley, S. B ca. 1834-ca. 1879 Cactaceae Carex Carey, John Cereus Cheilanthes Chicago Academy of Sciences Chickering, J. W Correspondence Corydalis Cupressaceae Cupressus Curtiss, Allen Hiram, Cyperaceae Dewey, Chester, Eaton, Daniel Cady, Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Gordon, Alexander, Gramineae Gray, Asa, Hale, Thomas J Hall, Elihu, Hoopes, Josiah, Howell, Thoma
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Watson, Sereno,
Publication info:
Volume: Watson, (Sereno) to Engelmann, 1869-1873
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: Abies Agassiz, Louis, Agave Allium Andersson, N. J Arceuthobium Ascherson, Paul, Bebb, M. S Berlandier, Jean Louis, Bigelow, John M Bolander, Henry N Brewer, William Henry, Brown, Benjamin Boyer, Bruhin, Thomas A Buckley, S. B Cactaceae Carey, John Caryphyllaceae Cereus Chapman, A. W Chara Characeae Cinquefoils Cleveland, D Convolvulaceae Correspondence Crépin, François, Cupressaceae Cupressus Cuscuta Douglas, Robert, Eaton, Daniel Cady, Eichler, August Wilhelm, Engelmann, George, Ephedra Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Gnetaceae Goodale, George L Gray, Asa, Green, James, Grisebach, A Havard, Valery, Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Juncus Juniperus Kellogg, A King, H Lemna Lemnaceae Letters Liliaceae Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Loranthaceae Najadaceae Newberry, J. S Oenothera Olney, Stephen T Onagraceae Opuntia Palmer, Edward, Parlatore, Filippo, Pinaceae Pinus Populus Potentilla Prunus Quercus Ranunculaceae Ranunculus Rosa Rosaceae Rothrock, Joseph T., Salicaceae Sargent, Charles Sprague, Silene Torrey, John, Tsu
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Engelmann, George,
Publication info:
Volume: Box 13: Folder 23: Quercus: 1866-1876
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), 1809-1884 1813-1887 1822-1882 1828-1910 Botanical illustration Brewer, William Henry, Correspondence Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Hall, Elihu, Kellogg, A North America Oak Plant collecting Plants Quercus
BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project | Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden