By: Poirier, D. G.Edition:Publication info: [Toronto, Ont.], Environment Ontario, c1991Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Ontario Ministry of the EnvironmentSubjects: Daphnia Effect of water pollution on Effluent quality Environmental aspects Fishes Iron industry and trade Measurement Mortality Ontario Rainbow trout Steel industry and trade TestingBHL Collections:
By: Poirier, D. G. - Westlake, G. F.Edition:Publication info: [Toronto, Ont.], Environment Ontario, c1991Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Ontario Ministry of the EnvironmentSubjects: Acute toxicity testing Daphnia Effect of water pollution on Effluent quality Environmental aspects Factory and trade waste Fishes Measurement Mortality Ontario TestingBHL Collections:
By: Weber, Frederick Philip - United States. Forest Service.Edition:Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1964Volume: no.2Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Aerial photography in forestry Conifers Minnesota MortalityBHL Collections:
By: Chesapeake Bay Foundation.Edition:Publication info: Annapolis, MD, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 2013Volume: 2013Series:Holding Institution: Chesapeake Bay FoundationSubjects: Chesapeake Bay Watershed Diseases Effect of pollution on Health Mortality Smallmouth bassBHL Collections: Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature
By: Pearson, Karl,Edition:Publication info: London, E. Arnold,Volume: 2Series:Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts LibrarySubjects: Evolution Mortality Passion-plays Social sciencesBHL Collections:
By: United States. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Veterinary Services. Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health. - National Animal Health Monitoring System (U.S.)Edition:Publication info: Fort Collins, CO, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, APHIS, [2001]Volume: 2001Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Horses Internet resource Mortality Statistics United StatesBHL Collections:
By: Robinette, W. Leslie. - U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceEdition:Publication info: Chicago, Ill, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, 1947Volume: no.295Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Deer Deer hunting Mortality United States Wounds and injuriesBHL Collections:
By: Carr, Harold D. - Alberta. Fish and Wildlife Division. - Alberta. Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife.Edition:Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Alberta, Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Division, 1989Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Alberta LibrarySubjects: Alberta Geographical distribution Grizzly bear Kananaskis Country MortalityBHL Collections:
By: Independent Scientific Advisory Board (U.S.) - Northwest Power Planning Council (U.S.) - United States. National Marine Fisheries Service.Edition:Publication info: Portland, OR, Independent Scientific Advisory Board, [1997]Volume: 1977Series:Holding Institution: Montana State LibrarySubjects: Effect of dams on Fishes Hungry Horse Reservoir (Mont.) Libby Reservoir (Mont.) Mortality Snake River (Wyo.-Wash.)BHL Collections:
By: Okai, Daniel B. - University of Alberta. Department of Animal Science.Edition:Publication info: 1977Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Alberta LibrarySubjects: Breeding Feeding and feeds Mortality Nutrition Piglets Sows SwineBHL Collections:
By: United States. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Veterinary Services. Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health. - National Animal Health Monitoring System (U.S.)Edition:Publication info: Fort Collins, CO, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, APHIS, [1998]Volume: 1998Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Horses Internet resource Mortality Statistics United StatesBHL Collections:
By: Cooney, Joseph J. - Environmental Research Laboratory (Gulf Breeze, Fla.)Edition:Publication info: Gulf Breeze, Fla, Gulf Breeze Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, [1979?]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects: Chester River Environmental aspects Maryland Mortality Oysters Phthalate esters TinBHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info:Volume: NA-TP-01-95Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Air Pollution Dieback Forest fires forest pests forest trees Insect pests Mortality Northeastern United States plant diseases and disordersBHL Collections:
By: Bennett, D. D. - Schmid, J. M. - Mata, S.A. - Edminster, C.B.Edition:Publication info:Volume: RM-RN-474Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Arizona Coloradia pandora Growth Lepidoptera Mortality national forests Pinus ponderosaBHL Collections:
By: Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de,Edition:Publication info: Berne, Chez la Nouvelle société typographique, 1792Volume: t.1-2 (1792)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects: Animals Early works to 1800 Human beings Mortality Natural historyBHL Collections:
By: Croft, Frank C. - Heller, Robert Chester, - Hamilton, David A. (David Alexander), - Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Ogden, Utah)Edition:Publication info: Ogden, Utah, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1982Volume: no.124Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Aerial photography in forestry Mortality Photographic interpretation TreesBHL Collections:
By: Opheim, Boyd R. - Nelson, Perry H.Edition:Publication info: 1955Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Montana State LibrarySubjects: Fishes Mortality United States Yellowstone RiverBHL Collections:
By: Henderson, R. E. - Sterling, B. A. - Lemke, T. O. - Montana. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks - Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. - United States. Bonneville Power Administration.Edition:Publication info: Helena, Mont, Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, 1993Volume: 1993Series:Holding Institution: Montana State LibrarySubjects: Clark Fork Watershed (Mont. and Idaho) Effect of roads on Elk Habitat Mineral County Montana Mortality Sanders County Seasonal distributionBHL Collections:
By: Greer, Kenneth R. - Montana. Wildlife Division. Research Bureau.Edition:Publication info: [Bozeman, Mont.], Research Bureau, Wildlife Division, Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife, & Parks, [1985]Volume: 1985Series:Holding Institution: Montana State LibrarySubjects: Bears Grizzly bear Montana MortalityBHL Collections:
By: Wetmore, Alexander,Edition:Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1915Volume: no.217 (1915)Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Great Salt Lake Mortality Utah WaterfowlBHL Collections:
By: Schmiege, Donald C. - Lake States Forest Experiment Station (Saint Paul, Minn.)Edition:Publication info: St. Paul, MN, Lake States Forest Experiment Station, 1961Volume: no.597Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Abies Choristoneura fumiferana Diseases and pests Forest insects Minnesota Mortality Picea Spruce Spruce budwormBHL Collections:
By: Geer, Alexandra van der, - Lyras, G. A. (George A.) - MacPhee, R. D. E. - Lomolino, Mark V., - Drinia, Hara.Edition:Publication info: New York, NY, American Museum of Natural History, [2014]Volume: no. 3807Series:Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects: Age determination Candiacervus Cervidae, Fossil Crete Deer, Fossil Greece Island animals Island ecology Life cycles Mammals, Fossil Mortality Paleontology PleistoceneBHL Collections:
By: Zehngraff, Paul J. (Paul Johannes), - Gevorkiantz, S. R. - United States. Department of Agriculture. - Lake States Forest Experiment Station (Saint Paul, Minn.)Edition:Publication info: St. Paul, Minn, Lake States Forest Experiment Station, University Farm, 1948Volume: no.297Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Forest management Mortality TreesBHL Collections:
By: Herrick, Owen W. - Gansner, David A. - Northeastern Forest Experiment Station (Radnor, Pa.)Edition:Publication info: [Broomall, Pa.], United States Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, [1987]Volume: no.338Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Diseases and pests Gypsy moth Mortality Pennsylvania TreesBHL Collections:
By: Edmonds, E. Janet. - Smith, Kirby G. - Alberta. Alberta Energy, Forestry, Lands and Wildlife.Edition:Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Information Centre, Alberta Energy/Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, 1991Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Alberta LibrarySubjects: Alberta Caribou Habitat Mortality Reproduction Seasonal distributionBHL Collections:
By: Hendricks, P. - Johnson, Robert F. - Montana Natural Heritage Program. - Montana Natural Resource Information System. - Montana State Library. - U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceEdition:Publication info: Helena, MT, Montana Natural Heritage Program, c2002Volume: 2002Series:Holding Institution: Montana State LibrarySubjects: Migration Montana Mortality White pelicanBHL Collections:
By: Wilkinson, Dean M. - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - United States. National Marine Fisheries Service. Office of Protected ResourcesEdition:Publication info: Silver Spring, MD, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, [Office of Protected Resources], [1996]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects: Conservation Ecology Effect of water pollution on Fishes Marine mammals Marine resources conservation Mortality StrandingBHL Collections:
By: McKnight, Melvin E. - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)Edition:Publication info: Fort Collins, Colo, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1971Volume: no.81Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Colorado Mortality Western spruce budwormBHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info:Volume: NA-TP-03-93Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Air Pollution Dieback Forest fires forest pests forest trees Insect pests Mortality Northeastern United States plant diseases and disordersBHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info:Volume: NA-TP-01-94Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Air Pollution Dieback Forest fires forest pests forest trees Insect pests Mortality Northeastern United States plant diseases and disordersBHL Collections:
By: Barrett, Morley W. - University of Alberta. Department of Zoology.Edition:Publication info: 1982Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Alberta LibrarySubjects: Alberta Geographical distribution Habitat Mortality PronghornBHL Collections:
By: Grover, V. Lee. - United States. Bureau of Land Management.Edition:Publication info: [Place of publication not identified], U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 1983Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Bureau of Land ManagementSubjects: Animals Mortality New Mexico Wildlife conservationBHL Collections:
By: Batzer, Harold O. - Bean, James L. - Lake States Forest Experiment Station (Saint Paul, Minn.)Edition:Publication info: [St. Paul, MN], Lake States Forest Experiment Station, [1962]Volume: no.621Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Abies balsamea Choristoneura fumiferana Insect pests Minnesota Mississippi Mortality Picea TreesBHL Collections:
By: Mangam, Urbain Mahlon, - University of Alberta. Department of Zoology.Edition:Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta, The University of Alberta, [1951]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Alberta LibrarySubjects: Alberta Cutthroat trout Experiments Fish stocking Fishery resources Hatchery fishes Hatchery vs. wild stocks MortalityBHL Collections:
By: United States. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Veterinary Services. Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health. - National Animal Health Monitoring System (U.S.)Edition:Publication info: Fort Collins, CO, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, APHIS, [2007]Volume: 2007Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects: Horses Mortality United StatesBHL Collections:
By: Hauptman, A. W.Edition:Publication info: 1958Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Alberta LibrarySubjects: Alberta Biochemical oxygen demand Dissolved oxygen Edmonton (Alta.) Edmonton Region Fishes Lakes Limnology Mortality WaterBHL Collections:
By: Cerna, Francisco - Leal, Elson - López, Amalia - Plaza, GuidoType: ArticleIn: Latin american journal of aquatic researchVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2014-07-01Page Range:Publication Info: Latin american journal of aquatic researchSubjects: Chiloé inland sea Distribution Growth Mortality otolith Southern Chile Sprattus fuegensis
By: Mateus, Lúcia Aparecida de Fátima - Petrere Júnior, Miguel,Type: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2004-05-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia 2004-05-01Subjects: Age Growth Mortality Pantanal Pseudoplatystoma
By: Tos, Claudenice Dei - Gomes, Luiz Carlos - Agostinho, Ângelo Antônio - Batista, Rosana PauloType: ArticleIn: Neotropical IchthyologyVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2009-06-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Characidae dam Fishery yield Growth model Mortality
By: Maia, O. B. - Gouveia, Aurora Maria GuimarãesType: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2002-02-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia 2002-02-01Subjects: Diseases Management maned wolf Mortality studbook
By: Voss, Jameson - Kugblenu, Richard K - Salter, Khabira - Johnson, Lucas - Reeves, WillType: ArticleIn: Journal of Hymenoptera researchVolume: 48Series:Issue:Date: 2016Page Range: 95-99Publication Info: Washington, D.C International Society of HymenopteristsSubjects: Air Force Mortality Registry Bees Hymenoptera military Mortality stings Wasps
By: Barve, Narayani - Bonilla, Alvin J. - Brandes, Julia - Brown, J. Christopher - Brunsell, Nathaniel - Cochran, Ferdouz V. - Crosthwait, Rebecca J. - Gentry, Jodi - Gerhart, Laci M. - Jackson, Trish - Kern, Anna J. - Oberhauser, Karen S. (Karen Suzanne) - Owens, Hannah L. - Peterson, A. Townsend - Reed, Alexis S. - Soberón, Jorge - Sundberg, Adam D. - Williams, Linda M.Type: ArticleIn: Revista mexicana de biodiversidadVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2012-09-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: climate change lethal temperature Monarch butterfly Mortality Winter
By: Passos, Daniel Cunha - Monteiro, Felipe Augusto Correia - Nogueira, Carlos Henrique de OliveiraType: ArticleIn: Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade | BIOTA - FAPESPVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2016-03-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade | BIOTA - FAPESPSubjects: agonistic interactions Caatinga Mortality predation Tropiduridae
By: Santos Filho, Leocy C. dos - Batista, Vandick da SilvaType: ArticleIn: Zoologia (Curitiba)Volume:Series:Issue:Date: 2009-06-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Fisheries Growth Mortality stock
By: Crema, Luciana Carvalho - Biudes, José Francisco Vicente. - Camargo, Antonio F. M. (Antonio Fernando Monteiro),Type: ArticleIn: Acta Limnologica BrasiliensiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2011-12-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: biomass dosage Mortality Water Water hyacinth
By: Paolucci, Esteban - Thuesen, Erik V.Type: ArticleIn: NeoBiotaVolume: 54Series:Issue:Date: 2020Page Range: 1--22Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2020Subjects: Ecophysiology Enzymatic activity invasive species Mortality New Zealand mudsnail Salinity
By: García, Matías - Sosa, Marta E. - Donadel, Osvaldo J. - Giordano, Oscar S. - Tonn, Carlos E.Type: ArticleIn: Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica ArgentinaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2003-12-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Development Mortality repellency Sesquiterpenes Tenebrio molitor
By: Crouch, Connor - Grady, Amanda - Wilhelmi, Nicholas - Hofstetter, Richard - Moore, Margaret - Waring, KristenType: ArticleIn: NeoBiotaVolume: 95Series:Issue:Date: 2024Page Range: 1--33Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2024Subjects: Arizona armoured scale insect climate change invasion ecology Lepidosaphes ulmi Mortality Populus tremuloides sleeper species
By: Hurtado-Ormeño, Claudia - George-Nascimento MarioType: ArticleIn: Universidad de Valparaíso. Facultad de Ciencias del MarVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2016-04-01Page Range:Publication Info: Universidad de Valparaíso. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar 2016-04-01Subjects: Chile host body length host sex Mortality parasite identity Shorebird abundance
By: Mateus, Lúcia Aparecida de Fátima - Estupiñán, G. M.B.Type: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2002-02-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia 2002-02-01Subjects: Brycon fisheries management Mortality yield per recruit
By: Garcia, Luciano de Oliveira - Copatti, Carlos Eduardo - Wachholz, Flávio - Pereira Filho, Waterloo - Baldisserotto, BernardoType: ArticleIn: Neotropical IchthyologyVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2008-01-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Fish growth freshwater fish Growth Mortality Water temperature
By: Schulz, U. H. - Leal, Mateus EvangelistaType: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2005-05-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia 2005-05-01Subjects: Growth Micropterus salmoides Mortality
By: Gomiero, Leandro Muller - Carmassi, Alberto Luciano - Rondineli, GR. - Villares Junior, Gilberto Aparecido - Braga, Francisco Manoel de SouzaType: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2010-11-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia 2010-11-01Subjects: Cichla kelberi Cichla piquiti Growth introduction of species Mortality
By: Hoffmeyer, Mónica Susana - Biancalana, Florencia - Berasategui, Anabela A.Type: ArticleIn: Iheringia. Série ZoologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2005-09-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: cooling system copepods Estuary meroplankton Mortality
By: Meireles, Liliane M. O. - Silva, Lidiane C. - Junqueira, Flávia O. - Bessa, Elisabeth Cristina de AlmeidaType: ArticleIn: Revista Brasileira de ZoologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2008-06-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Diet feed land snail Mortality
By: Silva, K. A. - Santos, Josiene M. F. F. - Andrade, J. R. - Lima, E. N. - Albuquerque, U. P. - Ferraz, Elba Maria Nogueira - Araújo, E. L.Type: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2016-01-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia 2016-01-01Subjects: Demography Density herb Mortality natality spatial variation
By: Silva, K. A. - Santos, Josiene M. F. F. - Andrade, J. R. - Lima, E. N. - Albuquerque, U. P. - Ferraz, Elba Maria Nogueira - Araújo, E. L.Type: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2016-01-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaSubjects: Demography Density herb Mortality natality spatial variation
By: Silva, K. A. - Santos, Josiene M. F. F. - Andrade, J. R. - Lima, E. N. - Albuquerque, U. P. - Ferraz, Elba Maria Nogueira - Araújo, E. L.Type: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2016-02-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaSubjects: Demography Density herb Mortality natality spatial variation
By: Krüger, Rodrigo F. - Ribeiro, Paulo B. - Carvalho, Claudio José Barros de - Lambrecht, Francine M. - Nunes, Adrise M.Type: ArticleIn: Iheringia. Série ZoologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2004-06-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: artificial diet lifespan Mortality Ophyra senescence
By: Csonka, Diána - Halasy, Katalin - Buczkó, Krisztina - Hornung, ElisabethType: ArticleIn: ZooKeysVolume: 801Series:Issue:Date: 2018Page Range: 481-499Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2018Subjects: Eco-morphology habitat preference intrageneric comparison Mortality sympatric species water loss
By: Lombardi, Julio Antonio - Temponi, Lívia Godinho - Leite, Claudia AparecidaType: ArticleIn: Acta Botanica BrasilicaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1999-08-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: diameter growth Lianas Minas Gerais State Mortality secondary forest
By: Berón, María Paula. - Favero, MarcoType: ArticleIn: El horneroVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2009-12-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Conservation Larus atlanticus Mortality Olrog's Gull Sport fishing activities
By: Gomes, Eduardo Pereira Cabral - Mantovani, Waldir - Kageyama, Paulo YoshioType: ArticleIn: Instituto Internacional de EcologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2003-02-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia 2003-02-01Subjects: ecological groups Forest dynamics Mortality rain forest recruitment
By: Vasconcelos, Lilian Paula - Súarez, Yzel Rondon - Lima-Junior, Sidnei EduardoType: ArticleIn: Biota NeotropicaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2011-06-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: length-weight relationship Mortality reproductive strategy sex ratio
By: Abrahão, Jolnnye R. - Cardoso, Ricardo S. - Yokoyama, Leonardo Q. - Amaral, A. Cecília Z. (Antonia Cecília Zacagnini),Type: ArticleIn: Zoologia (Curitiba)Volume:Series:Issue:Date: 2010-02-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: abundance Growth intertidal zone Mortality
By: Tshisikhawe, Milingoni Peter - Siaga, NM - Bhat, R. B. (Ramakrishna Balakrishna),Type: ArticleIn: Phyton (Buenos Aires)Volume:Series:Issue:Date: 2011-12-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: basal area Crown health Millettia stuhlmannii Mortality Size-class distribution Stem circumference
By: Freitas, Renato Hajenius Aché de - Rosa, Ricardo de Souza - Wetherbee, Bradley M. - Gruber, Samuel H.Type: ArticleIn: Neotropical IchthyologyVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2009-06-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Atol das Rocas Carcharhinidae Conservation Mortality Tag-recapture
By: Araya, Patricia Raquel - Agostinho, Ângelo Antônio - Bechara, José A.Type: ArticleIn: Neotropical IchthyologyVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2008-03-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Age dam Mortality Paraná River
By: Reis, Simone Matias - Lenza, Eddie - Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes - Gomes, Letícia - Forsthofer, Mônica - Morandi, Paulo Sérgio - Marimon Junior, Ben Hur - Feldpausch, Ted R. - Elias, FernandoType: ArticleIn: Sociedade Botânica do BrasilVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2015-09-01Page Range:Publication Info: Sociedade Botânica do Brasil 2015-09-01Subjects: Conservation land-use change Mortality structural and floristic changes wildfire
By: Méndez, Nuria - Green-Ruiz CarlosType: ArticleIn: Revista chilena de historia naturalVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2005-12-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: bioassays heavy metals Juveniles marine worms Mortality
By: Pinowski, JanType: ArticleIn: Revista Brasileira de ZoologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2005-03-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Mammals Mortality Reptiles
By: Lourenço, Luzia da Silva - Fernandes, Izaias Médice - Súarez, Yzel RondonType: ArticleIn: Zoologia (Curitiba)Volume:Series:Issue:Date: 2012-08-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Age Growth Mortality recruitment weight-length relationship
By: Sur, Somoyita - Saikia, Prasanta Kumar - Saikia, MalabikaType: ArticleIn: Nature ConservationVolume: 47Series:Issue:Date: 2022Page Range: 87--104Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2022Subjects: herpetofauna Kaziranga National Park Mortality National Highway Road ecology vehicular collision
By: Paiva, Luciana Vieira de - Araújo, Glein Monteiro de - Pedron, FernandoType: ArticleIn: Sociedade Botânica de São PauloVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2007-09-01Page Range:Publication Info: Sociedade Botânica de São PauloSubjects: Growth Mortality recruitment tropical forest
By: Luz-Freire, Hévila Prates - Trindade, Diego P. F. - Sá-Neto, Raymundo José de - Corrêa, Michele MartinsType: ArticleIn: Acta Botanica BrasilicaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2014-06-01Page Range:Publication Info: Acta Botanica BrasilicaSubjects: Cactus Mortality Population ecology Spatial aggregation
By: Romero, Alberto - Alonso, ÁlvaroType: ArticleIn: NeoBiotaVolume: 44Series:Issue:Date: 2019Page Range: 57-73Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2019Subjects: air exposure Conductivity Mortality neonate production New Zealand mudsnail Temperature
By: Pinto, José Roberto Rodrigues - Mews, Henrique Augusto - Jancoski, Halina Soares - Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes - Bomfim, Bárbara de OliveiraType: ArticleIn: Acta Botanica BrasileiraVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2014-12-01Page Range:Publication Info: Acta Botanica BrasileiraSubjects: earth mounds Fire Mortality recruitment savanna