By: Hatfield, John G. - University College, London. Library Services.
Publication info: Birmingham, White & Pike, [1886]
Holding Institution: UCL Library Services, University College London (UCL)
Subjects: Botany Electronic books Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
By: Marks, Hyman.
Publication info: Dublin, Fannin & Co.; [etc., etc.], 1873
Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
Subjects: Botany, Medical Great Britain Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
By: Löseke, Johann Ludwig Leberecht, - Gomperts, Aharon,
Edition: Dritte und verbesserte Auflage / mit Anmerkungen versehen, und mit einer Tabelle vermehret von A.S. Gumperz der Arzney gelahrheit Doctor.
Publication info: Berlin, Bey Friederich Nicolai, 1763
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Botany, Medical Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Imprint 1763 Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
D. Stephan Blancards Theatrum chimicum oder Eröffneter Schau-Platz und Thür zu den Heimligkeiten in der Scheide-Kunst, : von denen berühmtesten Män[n]ern, die iemals in der Scheide-Kunst sich selbst bemühet und davon geschrieben, als Schröder, Angelus Sala, Rolfinck, Le Febure, Crollius, Charras, Beguin und andern itzo noch lebenden auffgethan, nun aber von einen Liebhaber der Kunst also ins Gesichte gestellet, nebenst einer Vermehrung wie die geringen Metallen und gemeinen Steine zu verbessern sind
By: Blankaart, Steven, - Becher, Johann Joachim, - Digby, Kenelm, Sir,
Publication info: Leipzig, Verlegts Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Anno 1694
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Alchemy, Botany, Medical Chemistry Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Imprint 1694 Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
By: Pereira, Jonathan, - Clutterbuck, Henry, - Lindley, John, - King's College London.
Publication info: London Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans 1839-1840
Volume: 2
Holding Institution: King's College London, Foyle Special Collections Library
Subjects: Balneology Botany, Medical Electronic books Hydrotherapy Materia medica Medicinal plants Pharmacopoeias Pharmacy Therapeutics
BHL Collections:
By: Pereira, Jonathan, - Clutterbuck, Henry, - Lindley, John, - King's College London.
Publication info: London Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans 1839-1840
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: King's College London, Foyle Special Collections Library
Subjects: Balneology Botany, Medical Electronic books Hydrotherapy Materia medica Medicinal plants Pharmacopoeias Pharmacy Therapeutics
BHL Collections:
By: Cohausen, Johann Heinrich, - Cohausen, Salentin Ernst Eugen,
Publication info: Francofurti & Lipsiae, Ex Officina Knoch-Eslingeriana, M DCC LVII-MDCCLX. [1757-1760]
Volume: 2
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Botany, Medical Chocolate Cinchona bark Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Guaiac Imprint 1757 Imprint 1760 Jalap Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias Quinine Sarsaparilla Sassafras
BHL Collections:
By: Tilden & Co.
Publication info: New York, Tilden & Co, 1858
Holding Institution: Yale Cushing-Whitney Medical Library
Subjects: Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
By: Lloyd, John Uri, - Remington, Joseph P. - Rice, Charles.
Publication info: Cincinnati, O, J. U. & C. G. Lloyd, 1911
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: History Materia medica, Vegetable Medicinal plants Pharmacognosy Pharmacopoeias Pharmacopoeias as Topic Plants, Medicinal U.S United States
BHL Collections:
By: Hildenbrand, Johann Valentin Von,
Publication info: Viennae, Apud I.G. Binz, 1802
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Imprint 1802 Jalap Materia medica Materia medica, Vegetable Pharmacopoeias Poisons Sarsaparilla Tobacco
BHL Collections:
Johann Jacob Woyts, der Artzney-Kunst Doctoris, und auf der Königl. Preussischen Universität Königsberg Profess. Publ. Gazophylacium medico-phsyicum, oder Schatz-Kammer medicinisch- und natürlicher Dinge, : in welcher alle medicinische Kunst-Wörter, (2) inn- und aufferliche Kranckheiten, nebst dererselben Genes-Mitteln, (3) alle Mineralien, Metalle, Ertzte, Erden, (4) zur Medicin gehörige fremde und einheimische Thiere, (5) Kräuter, Blumen, Saamen, Säffte, Oele, Hartze, &c. (6) alle rare Specereyen und Materialien, und (7) viel curiöse zur Mechanic gehörige Kunst-Griffe, in einer richtigen lateinischen Alphabet-Ordnung auf das deutlichste erkläret, vorgestellet, und mit einem nöthigen Register versehen worden
By: Woyt, Johann Jacob,
Edition: Die achte Auflage, / aufs neue mit Fleiss übersehen, verbessert und vermehret.
Publication info: Leipzig, Zu finden bey Friedrich Lanckischens Erben, Anno 1734
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Botany, Medical Cochineal insect Coconut East Indies Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Imprint 1734 Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Nicotine Peppers Peru Pharmacopoeias Quinine Rubber plants Sarsaparilla Sassafras West Indies
BHL Collections:
Johann Jacob Woyts, der Artzney-Kunst Doctoris, und auf der Königl. Preussischen Universität Königsberg Profess. Publ. Gazophylacium medico-physicum, oder Schatz-Kammer medicinisch- und natürlicher Dinge, : in welcher alle medicinische Kunst-Wörter, (2) inn-und äufferliche Kranckheiten, nebst dereselben Genes-Mitteln, (3) alle Mineralien, Metalle, Ertzte, Erden, (4) zur Medicin gehörige fremde und einheimische Thiere, (5) Krauter, Blumen, Samen, Säffte, Oele, Hartze &c. (6) alle rare Speceyeren und Materialien, und (7) viel curiöse zur Mechanic gehörige Kunst-Griffe, in einer richtigen lateinischen Alphabet-Ordnung auf das deutlichste erkl̋aret, vorgestellet, und mit einem nöthigen Register versehen worden
By: Woyt, Johann Jacob,
Edition: Die sechste Auflage, / aufs neue mit Fleiss übersehen, verbessert und vermehret.
Publication info: Leipzig, Zu finden bey Friedrich Lanckischens Erben, Anno 1729
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Botany, Medical Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Imprint 1729 Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
By: Plenck, Joseph Jacob, Ritter von,
Publication info: Viennae, Apud Frideric. Wappler, 1799
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Austria Cinchona bark Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Guaiac Imprint 1799 Ipecac (Drug) Jalap Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias Sarsaparilla Sassafras Senega
BHL Collections:
A key to physic, and the occult sciences : opening to mental view, the system and order of the interior and exterior heavens; the analogy betwixt angels, and spirits of men; and the sympathy between celestial and terrestrial bodies, from whence is deduced an obvious discrimination of future events, in the motions and position of the luminaries, planets, and stars; the universal spirit and economy of nature, in the production of all things; the principles of etherial, and atmospherical influx, in constituting the proper recipient of life; the active and passive tinctures requisite in the generation of men and brutes; and the foundation and necessity of that invisible agitation of matter, which stimulates and impels every living creature in the act of begetting its like; the properties of vegetable, mineral and animal magnetism: the fundamental causes and qualities, visible or occult, of all diseases, both of mind and body, and the simple modes prescribed by nature for their prevention and cure : to which are added, lunar tables, calculated from sidereal motion; exhibiting upon the most simple, yet unerring construction, the actual moment of the crisis of every disease, and the consequent termination thereof, whether for life or death: the whole forming an interesting supplement to Culpeper's family physician, and display of the occult sciences ; published for the good of all
By: Sibly, E. (Ebenezer), - Royal College of Physicians of London.
Edition: 6th edition.
Publication info: London, G. Jones, 1821
Holding Institution: Royal College of Physicians, London
Subjects: Astrology Botany Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654 Electronic books Hospitals and Dispensaries Materia medica Medicine Occultism Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
Publication info: London, Printed for E. Cox and Son, 1821-1822
Volume: Vol. 1
Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
Subjects: Botany, Medical Electronic books Herbs Medicinal plants Pharmacopoeias Plants, Medicinal Therapeutic use
BHL Collections:
By: Stephenson, John, - Burnett, Gilbert T. (Gilbert Thomas), - Churchill, James Morss, - King's College London.
Edition: New edition/ edited by Gilbert T. Burnett.
Publication info: London Printed for J. Churchill MDCCCXXXIV-MDCCCXXXVI [1834-1836]
Volume: 2
Holding Institution: King's College London, Foyle Special Collections Library
Subjects: Botany Botany, Medical Electronic books Herbs Materia medica, Vegetable Medicinal plants Pharmacopoeias Plants, Toxic Poisonous plants Therapeutic use
BHL Collections:
By: Stephenson, John, - Burnett, Gilbert T. (Gilbert Thomas), - Churchill, James Morss, - King's College London.
Edition: New edition/ edited by Gilbert T. Burnett.
Publication info: London Printed for J. Churchill MDCCCXXXIV-MDCCCXXXVI [1834-1836]
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: King's College London, Foyle Special Collections Library
Subjects: Botany Botany, Medical Electronic books Herbs Materia medica, Vegetable Medicinal plants Pharmacopoeias Plants, Toxic Poisonous plants Therapeutic use
BHL Collections:
By: Stephenson, John, - Burnett, Gilbert T. (Gilbert Thomas), - Churchill, James Morss, - King's College London.
Edition: New edition/ edited by Gilbert T. Burnett.
Publication info: London Printed for J. Churchill MDCCCXXXIV-MDCCCXXXVI [1834-1836]
Volume: 3
Holding Institution: King's College London, Foyle Special Collections Library
Subjects: Botany Botany, Medical Electronic books Herbs Materia medica, Vegetable Medicinal plants Pharmacopoeias Plants, Toxic Poisonous plants Therapeutic use
BHL Collections:
By: Weinhart, Ferdinand Carl,
Publication info: Venetiis, MDCCLI, Ex typographia Hertziana, [1751]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Botany, Medical Chocolate Cinchona bark Coffee Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Imprint 1751 Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias Tea
BHL Collections:
By: Lewis, William, - Quincy, John,
Publication info: London, Printed for J. Nourse, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand, MDCCLIII [1753]
Holding Institution: Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine
Subjects: Dispensatories Early works to 1800 Great Britain Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
By: Germany. Reichsamt des Innern.
Publication info: Berlin, R. von Decker's Verlag, 1882
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: Germany (East) Germany (West) Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections: Missouri Botanical Garden's Materia Medica
By: Royal College of Physicians of London. - Mead, Richard,
Publication info: Francof. et Lipsiae, In officina Fleischeriana, M DCC LXII. [1762]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Imprint 1762 Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
By: Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
Edition: Secundum editionis Edinburgensis, / nouissimae exemplar recusa. In vsum praelectionum academicarum.
Publication info: Bremae et Lipsiae, Impensis Georgii Ludovici Foersteri, M DCC LXI. [1761]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Imprint 1761 Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias Scotland
BHL Collections:
By: Riddell, William Renwick,
Publication info: Edinburgh?, Botanical Society of Edinburgh?, 1915?
Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
Subjects: Medicinal plants Pharmacopoeias United States
BHL Collections:
By: Riddell, William Renwick, - Emmons, Samuel B.
Publication info: Edinburgh?, Botanical Society of Edinburgh?, 1919?
Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
Subjects: Emmons, Samuel B Massachusetts Medicinal plants Pharmacopoeias The vegetable family physician
BHL Collections:
Publication info: Edinburgi, Apud Hamilton, Lalfour, et Neill, 1758
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: Pharmacopoeias Scotland
BHL Collections: Missouri Botanical Garden's Materia Medica
By: Bosing, Joseph, - Schosulan, Johann Nepomuk, - Neuhauser, Franz,
Publication info: Wien, Bey Franz Joseph Rôtzel, Buchhändler in der Singerstrasse, 1796
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Botany, Medical Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Germany, Imprint 1796 Materia medica Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
By: Gray, Samuel Frederick,
Edition: 6th ed., considerably enl.
Publication info: London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1836
Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
Subjects: Great Britain Materia medica, Vegetable Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
A supplement to the pharmacopoeia being a treatise on pharmacology in general; including not only the drugs and compounds which are used by practitioners of medicine, but also those which are sold by chemists, druggists, and herbalists, for other purposes; together with a collection of the most useful medical formulæ ; an explanation of the contractions used by physicians and druggists; the medical arrangement of the articles of the London pharmacopeia, with their doses, at one view; a similar list of the indigenous plants of the British islands, which are capable of being used in medicine, &c. ; and also a very copious index, English and Latin, of the various names by which the articles have been known at different periods
By: Gray, Samuel Frederick,
Edition: A new and improved edition considerably enlarged.
Publication info: London printed for Thomas and George Underwood 1821
Holding Institution: King's College London, Foyle Special Collections Library
Subjects: Botany Electronic books Materia medica Medicinal plants Pharmacology Pharmacopoeias Pharmacy Plants
BHL Collections:
By: Moench, Conrad,
Edition: Zweyte vermehrte und verbefferte Auflage.
Publication info: Marburg, Neue Akademische Buchhandlung, 1792
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: 1792 Catalogs, Booksellers' Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Germany Imprint 1792 Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias
BHL Collections:
By: Ebermaier, Johann Erdwin Christoph, - Pott, J. F. (Johann Friedrich),
Publication info: Braunschweig, In der Schulbuchhandlung, 1794
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Botany, Medical Imprint 1794 Junipers Materia medica, Vegetable Medicinal plants Pharmacopoeias Pharmacy
BHL Collections:
By: Blankaart, Steven, - Rodochs, Johann Christian, - Sterre, David van der,
Publication info: Leipzig, Verlegts Joh. Friedrich Gleditsch, Im Jahr 1690
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Acupuncture Aloe Balsam poplar Brazil China Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Guaiac Imprint 1690 Japan Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Peppers Pharmacopoeias Pharmacy Snuff Tobacco
BHL Collections:
By: Weissbach, Christian,
Edition: Die achte Aufflag.
Publication info: Strassburg, Verlegts Joh. Reinhold Dulssecker, 1739
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Balsam poplar Botany, Medical Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Germany Guaiac Imprint 1739 Jalap Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias Sarsaparilla Sassafras Snuff Syphilis Tobacco
BHL Collections:
By: Weissbach, Christian,
Edition: Die neundte Auflag. / Mit Röm Kayserl. Maj. wie auch Königl. Pohln. und Churfürstl. sächsischen allergnädigsten Privilegiis.
Publication info: Strassburg, Zu finden bt Johann Daniel Dulssecker und Johann Carl Pohle, 1751
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Balsam poplar Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Germany Guaiac Imprint 1751 Jalap Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Pharmacopoeias Sarsaparilla Sassafras Syphilis Tobacco
BHL Collections: