By: Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm.Edition:Publication info: Bushnell, Ill, The Farm, [1903?]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Webster Family Library of Veterinary MedicineSubjects: Belgian draft horse Bushnell Catalogs Hackney horse Horse farms Horses Illinois Percheron horse Shire horse Suffolk horse Truman's Pioneer Stud FarmBHL Collections:
By: Gilbey, Walter, Sir,Edition:Publication info: London, Vinton, 1888Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Webster Family Library of Veterinary MedicineSubjects: Horses Shire horseBHL Collections:
By: Frost, J. Albert.Edition:Publication info: London, Vinton & Co, 1915Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Webster Family Library of Veterinary MedicineSubjects: Horses Shire horseBHL Collections: