By: Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell,Edition:Publication info: New York, Orange Judd company, 1884Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects: 59.82:08 Atlantic Coast (U.S.) Birds Description and travel Florida Game and game-birds Hunting ShotgunsBHL Collections:
By: Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell,Edition:Publication info: New York, Carleton, 1866Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects: Fowling Game and game-birds Hunting North America ShotgunsBHL Collections:
By: Walsh, J. H. (John Henry),Edition:Publication info: London, Roultedge [!] Warne, and Routledge, 1859Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects: Dogs Game laws Great Britain Hunting Rifles ShotgunsBHL Collections: