By: Lawson, John, - Vischer, Ludwig Friedrich,
Publication info: Hamburg, Gedruckt und verlegt, durch seel. Thomas von Wierings-Erben, bey der Börse, im güldnen A, B, C. Anno 1712. Sind auch zu Franckfurt und Leipzig, bey Zacharias Herteln zu bekommen, [1712]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1712 Indian linguistics Indians of North America Natural history North Carolina South Carolina Tuscarora language Woccon language
BHL Collections:
By: Lawson, John, - England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II).
Publication info: London, printed for W. Taylor at the Ship, and J. Baker at the Black Boy, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1714
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: 1714 Catalogs, Booksellers' Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Great Britain Imprint 1714 Indian linguistics Indians of North America Natural history North Carolina South Carolina Tuscarora language Woccon language
BHL Collections:
By: Lawson, John, - England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II).
Publication info: London, Printed for T. Warner, at the Black-Boy in Pater-noster Row, 1718
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: 1718 Catalogs, Booksellers' Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Great Britain Imprint 1718 Indian linguistics Indians of North America Natural history North Carolina South Carolina Tuscarora language Woccon language
BHL Collections:
By: Lawson, John, - Vischer, Ludwig Friedrich,
Edition: Zweyte Aufflage, mit einem curieusen Anhang aller übrigen Gross-Britannischen Colonien in America vermehret.
Publication info: Hamburg, Gedruckt und verlegt, durch seel. Thomas von Wierings Erben, bey der Börse, in gülden A,B,C, 1722
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: America Colonies Description and travel Great Britain Imprint 1722 Indian linguistics Indians of North America Maps Natural history North Carolina Pampticough language Pre-Linnean works South Carolina Tuscarora language Woccon language
BHL Collections:
The natural history of North-Carolina. : With an account of the trade, manners, and customs of the Christian and Indian inhabitants. Illustrated with copper-plates, whereon are curiously engraved the map of the country, several strange beasts, birds, fishes, snakes, insects, trees, and plants, &c
By: Brickell, John, - Lawson, John,
Publication info: Dublin, Printed by James Carson, in Coghill's Court, Dame-street, opposite to the Castle-Market. For the author, 1737
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1737 Indian linguistics Indians of North America Natural history North Carolina South Carolina Tuscarora language Woccon language
BHL Collections:
The natural history of North-Carolina. : With an account of the trade, manners, and customs, of the Christian and Indian inhabitants. Strange beasts, birds, fishes, snakes, insects, trees, and plants, &c. Illustrated with copper-plates
By: Brickell, John, - Lawson, John,
Publication info: Dublin, Printed for the author: London, sold by Charles Corbett, at Addison's Head, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet, MDCCXLIII. [1743]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Imprint 1743 Indian linguistics Indians of North America Natural history North Carolina South Carolina Tuscarora language Woccon language
BHL Collections:
By: Lawson, John,
Publication info: London, [s.n.], Printed in the year 1709
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: 1709 Catalogs, Booksellers' Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Great Britain Imprint 1709 Indian linguistics Indians of North America Natural history North Carolina South Carolina Tuscarora language Woccon language
BHL Collections:
By: Lawson, John, - England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II).
Publication info: London, [s.n.], Printed in the year 1709
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: 1709 Catalogs, Booksellers' Description and travel Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Great Britain Imprint 1709 Indian linguistics Indians of North America Natural history North Carolina South Carolina Tuscarora language Woccon language
BHL Collections: