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  1. By: Wepfer, Johann Jakob,
    Publication info: Basileae, Apud Joh. Rodolphum König, A. D. M. DC. LXXIX [1679]
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Botany  Cicuta  Imprint 1679  Jalap  Pre-Linnean works  Umbelliferae  
  2. By: Bolander, Henry N. (Henry Nicholas),
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: (Albert),  (Charles Christopher),  (Hans Herman),  (Henry Nicholas),  (Josiah Dwight),  (Michael Schuck),  1796-1871  1796-1873  1805-1877  1806-1893  1808-1892  1809-1884  1810-1888  1813-1887  1816-1877  1817-1886  1818-1904  1819-1896  1821-1886  1822-1882  1823-1890  1828-1910  1831-1897  1831-1904  1833-1895  Araceae  Bebb, M. S  Behr, H. H  Bolander, Henry N  Botanical specimens  Botanists  Braun, Alexander,  Brewer, William Henry,  Bryophyta  California  Callitrichaceae  Canby, William Marriott,  Candolle, Alphonse de,  Canfield, Colbert A  Catalogs  Chara  Characeae  Coniferae  Correspondence  Cupressaceae  Cyperaceae  Description and travel  East (U.S.)  Engelmann, George,  Europe  Gottsche, Karl Moritz,  Gramineae  Gray, Asa,  Guatemala  Hall, Elihu,  Hillebrand, William,  Isoetaceae  Juncaceae  Kellogg, A  Lenormand, Sébastien René,  Letters  Liliaceae  Maps  Marsileaceae  Nymphaeaceae  Parlatore, Filippo,  Parry, C. C  Pinaceae  Plants  Ranunculaceae  Selaginellaceae  Torrey, John,  Tuckerman, Edward,  Umbelliferae  Whitney, J. D  Yosemite Valley  Yucca  
    BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
  3. By: Bruhin, Thomas A. (Thomas Aquinas),
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: (Thomas Aquinas),  1809-1884  1810-1888  1835-1895  Angelica  Bruhin, Thomas A  Chenopodium  Compositae  Convovulaceae  Correspondence  Cuscuta  Engelmann, George,  Euphorbia  Euphorbiaceae  Gaura  Gray, Asa,  Helianthus  Iva  Letters  Mirabilis  Nyctaginaceae  Oenothera  Onagraceae  Orchidaceae  Phaseolus  Pseudoniscidae  Pseudoniscus  Ranunculaceae  Solidago  Spiranthes  Sunflowers  Thalictrum  Umbelliferae  Veronia  Viola  Violaceae  
    BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
  4. By: Butler, G. D. (George Dexter),
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: (Charles Christopher),  (Ferdinand Vandeveer),  (George Dexter),  1805-1886  1809-1884  1823-1890  1829-1887  1841-1927  1843-1915  1850-1910  Aesculus  Alismataceae  Amaryllidaceae  Amianthium  Amorpha  Anacardiaceae  Arenaria  Astragalus  Baptisia  Boott, William,  Boraginaceae  Botanical specimens  Butler, G. D  California  Callitrichaceae  Callitriche  Caryphyllaceae  Catalogs and collections  Cercis  Chenopodiaceae  Chenopodium  Collection and preservation  Commelina  Commelinaceae  Compositae  Coreopsis  Correspondence  Corydalis  Crassulaceae  Crataegus  Engelmann, George,  Gramineae  Greene, Edward Lee,  Hayden, F. V  Hippocastanaceae  Hymenopappus  Iowa  Iridaceae  Isoetaceae  Isoetes  Junaceae  Labiatae  Lathyrus  Leguminosae  Letters  Liliaceae  Luzula  Melanthiaceae  Mirabilis  Monarda  Myosotis  Nelumbonaceae  Nemastylis  Nyctaginaceae  Parry, C. C  Penstemon  Physalis  Plantaginaceae  Plantago heterophylla  Populus  Prunus  Rhus  Rosaceae  Sagittaria  Salicaceae  Salix  Sargent, Charles Sprague,  Scrophulariaceae  Sedum  Setaria  Solanaceae  Southwestern States  Taxaceae  Taxu
    BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
  5. By: Geyer, Karl Andreas,
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: (Albert Henry),  (Frédéric Albert Constantin)  (Frederick Adolph),  (Joseph Nicolas),  1794-1844  1795 or 1796-1871  1796-1843  1796-1873  1799-1845  1804-1845  1808-1852  1809-1853  1809-1884  1810-1888  1810-1889  1813-1887  1826-1899  1830-1903  Anemone  Arabis  Araceae  Arum  Bennett, James L  Berberidaceae  Berberis  Botanical specimens  Botanists  Cactaceae  Campbell, Albert H  Carex  Cereus  Claytonia  Cocos  Collection and preservation  Compositae  Correspondence  Cruciferae  Cyperaceae  Cypripedium apetabile  De Smet, Louis,  Digitaria  Discovery and exploration  Dodecatheon  Dracaena  Duncan, Joseph,  Ecology  Economic aspects  Engelbach, George  Engelmann, George,  Geyer, Karl Andreas,  Gray, Asa,  Identification  Juniperus andina  Leavenworthia  Leguminosae  Letters  Lewisia  Liliaceae  Melocactus  Nicollet, J. N  Oceania  Opuntia  Orchidaceae  Oregon  Palmae  Pandanaceae  Pandanus  Penstemon  Pinaceae  Pinus  Plants  Portulacaceae  Primulaceae  Ranunculaceae  Riehl, Nicholas,  Saxifraga granulata  Saxifragaceae  Scrophulariaceae  Sir,  Stewart, William Drummond,  Sublette,
    BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
  6. By: Reverchon, Julien,
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: (George Washington),  (Julien),  1809-1884  1810-1888  1826-1892  1836-1905  1840-1913  Botanical specimens  Carya  Chenopodiaceae  Chenopodium  Convovulaceae  Correspondence  Cuscuta  Engelmann, George,  Euphorbiaceae  Fagaceae  Gray, Asa,  Identification  Juglandaceae  Juglans  Juniperus  Letterman, George W  Letters  Liliaceae  Pinaceae  Quercus  Reverchon, J  Umbelliferae  Vitaceae  Vitis  Watson, Sereno,  Yucca
    BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
  7. By: Grieve, Maude (Sophia Emma Magdalene Law), - United States. Extension Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], U.S. Dept. Agr., Extension service, [1937]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Compositae  Herbs  Lamiaceae  Umbelliferae  
  8. By: Mathias, Mildred Esther, - Constance, Lincoln,
    Publication info: Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History, 1962
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Botany  Peru  Umbelliferae
    BHL Collections: Fieldiana: The Flora of Peru
  9. By: Oliver, Daniel,
    Publication info: London, L. Reeve and co, 1868-1999
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Africa  Africa, Central  Africa, Tropical  Botany  Ebenaceae  Plants  Umbelliferae  
  10. By: Walker-Arnott, George Arnott,
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Apocynaceae  Beechey, Frederick William, 1796-1856  Botanical specimens  Botany of Captain Beechey's voyage  Compositae  Correspondence  Cyperaceae  Delessert, Benjamin, baron, 1773-1847  Flora of North America  Graham, Robert, 1786-1845  Gramineae  Gray, Samuel Frederick, 1766-1828  Greene, B. D. (Benjamin Daniel), 1793-1862  Guillemin, J. A. (Jean Baptiste Antoine), 1796-184  Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, 1785-1865  Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de, 1748-1836  Leguminosae  Maclura  Natural arrangement of British plants  Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. (Christian Gottfried), 17  Palisot de Beauvois, Ambrose-Marie-François-Josep  Prodromus florae peninsulae Indiae orientalis  Raspail, F.-V. (François-Vincent), 1794-1878  Rubiaceae  Scrophulariaceae  Solanaceae  Torrey, John, 1796-1873  Umbelliferae  Walker-Arnott, George Arnott, 1799-1868  Wight, Robert, 1796-1872  
    BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
  11. By: Thurneisser zum Thurn, Leonhard, - Hille, Peter, - Stürmer, Wolfgang, - Poll, Absolon, (Illustrator)
    Publication info: [Berlin], Gedruckt zu Berlin bey Michael Hentzsken, anno MDLXXVIII [1578]
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 16th century  Berlin  Botany, Medical  Early works to 1800  Germany  Herbals  Materia medica, Vegetable  Medicinal plants  Umbelliferae  Woodcuts  
  12. By: Wepfer, Johann Jakob, - Zwinger, Theodor,
    Publication info: Basileæ, Ex officina Episcopiana, 1716
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
    Subjects: Botany  Cicuta  Electronic books  Physiological effect  Poisonous plants  Tea  Umbelliferae  
  13. By: Carey, John, - Carey, John,
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Amaranthaceae  Artemisia  Barratt, Joseph, 1796-1882  Boott, Francis, 1792-1863  Botanical specimens  Bromeliaceae  Bromfield, William Arnold, 1801-1851  Carex  Carex douglasii  Carey, John, 1797-1880  Carey, Samuel Thomas, 1800-1857  Chapman, A. W. (Alvan Wentworth), 1809-1899  Compositae  Correspondence  Cyperaceae  Dewey, Chester, 1784-1867  Engelmann, George, 1809-1884  Flora of the state of New-York  Frémont, John Charles, 1813-1890  Gambel, William, 1823-1849  Geranium  Gray, Asa, 1810-1888  Greene, B. D. (Benjamin Daniel), 1793-1862  Habenaria  Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878  Holton, Isaac F. (Isaac Farwell)  Hume, Joseph Burnley  Juncus stygius  Knieskern, Peter D., 1798-1871  Manual of the botany of the northern United States  Nicollet, J. N. (Joseph Nicolas), 1786-1843  Oakes, William, 1799-1848  Orchidaceae  Parry, C. C. (Charles Christopher), 1823-1890  Poa  Polygala  Populus  Potamogeton  Prestele, Joseph, 1796-1867  Prinos  Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mo  Salix  Salix myricoides  Sartwell, H. P. (Henry Parker), 1792-1867  S
    BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
  14. By: Lesica, Peter. - Montana Natural Heritage Program. - United States. Bureau of Land Management. Miles City District,
    Publication info: [Helena, Montana], [Montana Natural Heritage Program], [1993]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Beartooth Mountains  Beartooth Mountains (Mont. and Wyo.)  Carbon County  Montana  Pryor Mountains  Pryor Mountains (Mont. and Wyo.)  Rare plants  Umbelliferae  United States  
  15. By: Symposium international sur les ombellifères Perpignan, France) - Cauwet-Marc, A.-M. (Anne-Marie) - Carbonnier, J. (Jacques)
    Publication info: [St.Louis], Missouri Botanical Garden, 1982
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: Congresses  Umbelliferae  
  16. By: Mercier, Philippe,
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Botanical specimens  Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de, 1778-1841  Correspondence  Cruciferae  Enumeratio euphorbiarum quae in Germania et Pannon  Gingins-La-Sarra, Frédéric de, baron, 1790-1863  Leguminosae  Mercier, Philippe, 1781-1831  Polemoniaceae  Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis  Röper, Johannes August Christian, 1801-1885  Seringe, N. C. (Nicolas Charles), 1776-1858  Torrey, John, 1796-1873  Umbelliferae  
    BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
  17. By: University of California, Davis. - Tucker, John M.
    Publication info: [Berkeley, Calif.], Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California, 1964
    Holding Institution: University of California, Davis Libraries
    Subjects: California  Livestock poisoning plants  Poisonous plants  Umbelliferae  
  18. By: Deane, Walter,
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    Subjects: Ericaceae  New England  Plants  Umbelliferae  
    BHL Collections: Archives from the Boston Metropolitan Park Flora
  19. By: Lesica, Peter. - Shelly, J. Stephen - Montana Natural Heritage Program.
    Publication info: Helena, MT, Montana Natural Heritage Program, [1988]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Conservation  Montana  Rare plants  Umbelliferae  
  20. By: Coulter, John Merle, - Rose, J. N. (Joseph Nelson),
    Publication info: Crawfordsville, Ind, Wabash College, 1888
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Botany  North America  Plants  Umbelliferae  
  21. By: Shull, George Harrison,
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, Carnegie institution, 1905
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: anatomy & histology  Plants  Umbelliferae  
  22. By: Lange, Franz Julius,
    Publication info: Königsberg, Leupold, 1884
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Fruit  Morphology  Umbelliferae  
  23. By: Mathias, Mildred Esther, - Constance, Lincoln,
    Publication info: Beltsville, Md, Plant Industry Station, 1957
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Botany  Nevada  Umbelliferae
  24. By: Liro, Johan Ivar,
    Publication info: Helsingfors, 1902
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Diseases and pests  Phytopathogenic fungi  Umbelliferae  Uredineae  
  1. By: García Sánchez, Jose - Cabezudo, Baltasar,
    Type: Article
    In: PhytoKeys
    Volume: 26
    Date: 2013
    Page Range: 7-19
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2013
    Subjects: Caryophyllaceae  Cistaceae  Compositae  Cormophyta  Cruciferae  Gramineae  Labiatae  Leguminosae  Liliaceae,Western Mediterranean Region  MGC  MGC Herbarium  Pteridophyta  Scrophulariaceae  Spain  Spermatophyta  Umbelliferae  University of Malaga (SCAI)  
  2. By: Martínez, Javier - León, Maela - Donat-Torres, Maria P.
    Type: Article
    In: PhytoKeys
    Volume: 131
    Date: 2019
    Page Range: 37--55
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2019
    Subjects: nrITS  Spain  subsp. nov  taxonomy  thermomediterranean  Umbelliferae
  3. By: Çetin, Özlem - Öztürk, Meryem - Duran, Ahmet
    Type: Article
    In: PhytoKeys
    Volume: 56
    Date: 2015
    Page Range: 99-110
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2015
    Subjects: new taxon  Seseli gummiferum  Turkey  Umbelliferae  
  4. By: Ye, Jianfei - Chen, Liang - Shan, Zhangjian - Li, Xiaojie - Li, Cehong
    Type: Article
    In: PhytoKeys
    Volume: 166
    Date: 2020
    Page Range: 97--103
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2020
    Subjects: Conservation  Limestone  rare species  Umbelliferae
  5. By: Li, Huimin - Wei, Zhou - Jun-Wen, Zhu - Chun-Feng, Song
    Type: Article
    In: PhytoKeys
    Volume: 249
    Date: 2024
    Page Range: 205--222
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2024
    Subjects: Chongqing  Morphology  Sanicula  taxonomy  Umbelliferae