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  1. By: Büsgen, M. (Moritz),
    Publication info: Jena, G. Fischer, 1897
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bosbouw  Bosecologie  Botany  Forest ecology  Forestry  Plant anatomy  Plant Physiological Phenomena  Plant physiology  Plantkunde  Trees  
  2. By: Wigand, Albert,
    Publication info: Braunschweig, F. Viewig, 1854
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: autecologie  autecology  bomen  Bomen (biologie)  bosbouw  Bosecologie  Botany  Forest ecology  Forestry  Plant ecology  plantenecologie  Plantkunde  Spermatophyta  Trees  
  3. By: Canada. Department of Agriculture. Forest Biology Division. - Canada. Department of Forestry. Forest Entomology and Pathology Branch. - Canada. Department of Forestry.
    Publication info: Ottawa, Canada, Dept. of Agriculture, Science Service, Division of Forest Biology, 1951-1966
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: achteruitgang, bossen  afsterving  bosbescherming  bosbouw  bospathologie  bosplagen  bosschade  Bosteelt  Bosziekten en -plagen  Canada  Dieback  forest damage  Forest decline  forest pathology  forest pests  Forest Pests and Diseases  Forestry  Forests and forestry  houtteelt  Periodicals  protection of forests  Research  silviculture
  4. By: Koehne, Emil,
    Publication info: Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke, 1893
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: 42.40 botany: general  bomen  Bosbomen  bosbouw  Dendrology  duitsland  forest trees  Forestry  Germany  houtteeltkenmerken  identificatie  Identification  Planten  Plants  silvicultural characters  Trees  
  5. By: Chapman, Herman Haupt,
    Publication info: New York, J. Wiley, 1921
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bosbouw  Bosbouwkundige handelingen, bosbouwmachines  Forestry  Forestry Practices and Machinery  Forests and forestry  houtmeetkunde  Measurement  Mensuration  Timber  timber log
  6. By: Bowman, Isaiah, - Bowman, Isaiah,
    Edition: 1st ed., 1st thousand.
    Publication info: New York, J. Wiley & sons; [etc., etc.], 1911
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: aardwetenschappen  Bodemkunde  bosbouw  Earth sciences  Forestry  Forests  Forests and forestry  Forschungsinstitut für Sanfte Technologie  Geologie  Geologie (algemeen)  Geology  Geology (General)  Haltern  Physical geography  Physische Geografie  soil  Soil science  Soils  United States  USA  vs  
  7. By: Ribbentrop, Berthold.
    Publication info: Calcutta, Office of the Superintendent of government printing, 1900
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Accounts  bosbestanden  bosbouw  Bosbouw (algemeen)  bosproducten  Bossen  Forest management  Forest products  Forest resources  Forestry  Forestry (General)  Forests  Forests and forestry  India  rekeningen  
  8. By: Japan. Nōrinshō. Sanrinkyoku. - Japan. Nōrinshoō. Sanrinkyoku.
    Publication info: Tokyo, Japan, Bureau of forestry, Dept. of agriculture and commerce, 1910
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Accounts  bosbestanden  bosbouw  Bosbouw (algemeen)  bosproducten  Bossen  Forest products  Forest resources  Forestry  Forestry (General)  Forests  Forests and forestry  Japan  rekeningen  
  9. By: Mayr, Heinrich.
    Publication info: Berlin, P. Parey, 1906
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: bomen  Bosbomen  bosbouw  Exotischer Baum  forest trees  Forestry  houtachtige planten als sierplanten  Houtachtige siergewassen  Ornamental woody plants  Parkbaum  Plant introduction  straatbomen  street trees  Trees  Waldbaum  
  10. By: Hiley, W. E.
    Publication info: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1919
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Bacteria  bomen  bosbouw  bosschade  Bosziekten en -plagen  Diseases and pests  forest damage  Forest Pests and Diseases  Forestry  Fungi  larch (wood)  Larches  Larix  Mycologie  Mycology  Phytopathogenic fungi  Pinaceae  schimmels  Trees
  11. By: Beissner, L. (Ludwig), - Beissner, Ludwig,
    Publication info: Berlin, P. Parey, 1891
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bomen  Bosbomen  bosbouw  Conifers  Diseases and pests  forest trees  Forestry  handboeken  handbooks  houtachtige planten als sierplanten  Houtachtige siergewassen  Nadelgehölze  Ornamental woody plants  Pinopsida  Trees  
  12. By: Brandis, Dietrich, Sir,
    Publication info: London, A. Constable & Co., Ltd, 1906
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bomen  bosbouw  Forestry  houtachtige planten als sierplanten  Houtachtige siergewassen  India  Ornamental woody plants  Pakistan  Trees  
  13. By: Kendeigh, S. Charles (Samuel Charles),
    Publication info: Urbana, University of Illinois Press, ©1979
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Animal ecology  bosbouw  Bossen  Case studies  Climate  dierecologie  Fishing  Forest animals  forest fauna  Forestry  Forests  game animals  Hunting  Illinois  Invertebrata  Invertebrate populations  Invertebrates  jachtdieren  jagen  oerbossen  ongewervelde dieren  Phenology  Urbana region  Urbana region, Ill  USA  virgin forests  vis vangen  vs  
  14. By: Penhallow, D. P. (David Pearce),
    Publication info: Boston, Ginn, 1907
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: bomen  bosbouw  Centraal-Amerika  Central America  Forestry  Gymnosperma  Gymnosperms  handboeken  handbooks  naaktzadigen  Noord-Amerika  North America  Trees  Wood  wood (plant material)
  15. By: Sargent, Charles Sprague, - Faxon, Charles Edward,
    Publication info: Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1905
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Baum, ..  bomen  bosbouw  Botany  Centraal-Amerika  Central America  Flora  Floras of North America  Forestry  houtachtige planten als sierplanten  Noord-Amerika  Nordamerika  North America  Ornamental woody plants  Phytogeography  Plantengeografie  Plantkunde  Spermatophyta  Trees  
  16. By: Gordon, George, - Glendinning, Robert.
    Publication info: London, H.G. Bohn, 1858
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: bomen  bosbouw  Bosecologie  Conifers  Forest ecology  Forestry  Gymnosperms  naaktzadigen  Taxales  Taxopsida  Trees
  17. By: Jepson, Willis Linn,
    Publication info: San Francisco, Cunningham, Curtis & Welch, [1909]
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Arbres  bomen  bosbouw  Bosecologie  California  Californie (États-Unis)  Forest ecology  Forestry  Trees  USA  vs
  18. By: Breton-Bonnard, Lucien.
    Publication info: Paris, L. Laveur, [1904]
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: bomen  Bosbomen  bosbouw  bosproducten  Bossen  Forest products  forest trees  Forestry  Forests  France  frankrijk  Poplar  poplar (wood)  Populus  Trees