By: Forero-Medina, German - Vieira, Marcus Vinícius - Grelle, Carlos E. V. - Almeida, Paulo JoseType: ArticleIn: Biota NeotropicaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2009-06-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: carnivores independent contrasts Longevity reproductive output South America vulnerability to extinction
By: Janeiro-Cinquini, Thélia Rosana ForteType: ArticleIn: Iheringia. Série ZoologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2004-12-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: atresic eggs clutch size reproductive allometry reproductive output
By: Rebolledo, Adriana - Wehrtmann, Ingo S. - Felder, Darryl L. - Mantelatto, Fernando L.Type: ArticleIn: ZooKeysVolume: 457Series:Issue:Date: 2014Page Range: 227-238Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2014Subjects: Central America embryo volume fecundity incubation period reproductive output water uptake
By: Cobo, Valter José - Okamori, Claudia M.Type: ArticleIn: Iheringia. Série ZoologiaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2008-03-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: Brachyura Mithraculus forceps Reproduction reproductive output Ubatuba
By: Herrera-Correal, Juliana - Mossolin, Emerson C - Wehrtmann, Ingo S. - Mantelatto, Fernando L.Type: ArticleIn: Latin american journal of aquatic researchVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2013-09-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects: amphidromy Brazil fecundity Neotropical reproductive output southwestern Atlantic
By: Lima, Jô de Farias - Cruz, Mayara Cristina Moura da - Silva, Luis Mauricio Abdon daType: ArticleIn: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da AmazôniaVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 2015-09-01Page Range:Publication Info: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da AmazôniaSubjects: bycatch fauna fecundity morphometric relationships Palaemonid eggs reproductive output
By: Azofeifa-Solano, Juan Carlos - Elizondo-Coto, Marcelo - Wehrtmann, Ingo S.Type: ArticleIn: ZooKeysVolume: 457Series:Issue:Date: 2014Page Range: 211-225Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2014Subjects: coral reefs fecundity new record reproductive output symbioses
By: Salas-Moya, Carolina - Mena, Sebastián - Wehrtmann, Ingo S.Type: ArticleIn: ZooKeysVolume: 457Series:Issue:Date: 2014Page Range: 239-252Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2014Subjects: Central America fecundity reproductive output Symbiosis