
Recent Additions (Last 100)   Published In: ALL   For: United States Geological Survey Libraries Program

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  1. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.24 (1907)   (added: 12/17/2017 )
  2. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.25 (1907)   (added: 12/17/2017 )
  3. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.23 (1905)   (added: 08/20/2017 )
  4. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.22 (1904)   (added: 07/12/2017 )
  5. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.21 (1901)   (added: 04/23/2017 )
  6. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.20 (1900)   (added: 03/19/2017 )
  7. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.1-20 (1910) Register   (added: 03/19/2017 )
  8. Geologie des Königreichs Sachsen in gemeinverständlicher Darlegung   (added: 12/19/2016 )
  9. Report on an exploration of Ekwan River, Sutton Mill Lakes and part of the west coast of James Bay   (added: 12/04/2016 )
  10. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France 2.ser.:t.7 (1860-1862)   (added: 11/20/2016 )
  11. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.40(1921)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  12. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.39(1920)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  13. Abhandlungen zur geologischen Specialkarte von Preussen und den Thüringischen Staaten Bd.6 (1884-1888)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  14. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.4 (1886)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  15. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.36 (1917)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  16. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.1:fasc.1 (1882)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  17. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.3:fasc.2 (1884)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  18. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.1:fasc.2 (1882)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  19. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.3:fasc.1 (1884)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  20. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.2:fasc.3 (1883)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  21. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.2:fasc.2 (1883)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  22. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.2:fasc.1 (1883)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  23. A classed and annotated bibliography of fossil insects   (added: 12/13/2015 )
  24. Flora fossilis insubrica : Studãi sulla vegetazione di Lombardia durante i tempi geologici   (added: 10/18/2015 )
  25. The Victorian Naturalist v.88 (1971)   (added: 05/25/2014 )
  26. Amtliche berichte über die Internationale fischerei-ausstellung zu Berlin, 1880 ... v.2 (1880)   (added: 05/25/2014 )
  27. Icones fossilium sectiles   (added: 05/25/2014 )
  28. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India v.47 (1920-1923)   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  29. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India v.48:pt.1 (1922-1925)   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  30. Tables of organic remains : from the report on the geology of the fourth district of New York   (added: 12/17/2012 )
  31. Medical zoology, and mineralogy; or, Illustrations and descriptions of the animals and minerals employed in medicine, and of the preparations derived from them: including also an account of animal and mineral poisons   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  32. Report of the geological reconnoissance of the State of Virginia   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  33. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India v.42 (1914-1917)   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  34. Die fossilen Infusorien und die lebendige Dammerde. Vorgetragen in der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1836 und 1837   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  35. Lakis kratere og lavastromme   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  36. Descriptive catalogue of the photographs of the United States Geological survey of the territories, for the years 1869 to 1873, inclusive   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  37. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India v.44 (1921-1923)   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  38. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 22 (1923)   (added: 12/09/2012 )
  39. Über Tertiärpflanzen vom Himmelsberg bei Fulda   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  40. Beiträge zur Flora der unteren Kreide Quedlinburgs 2   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  41. Epimeliæ botanicæ   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  42. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 23 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  43. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 20 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  44. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 21 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  45. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 19 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  46. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 18 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  47. Beiträge zur Flora der unteren Kreide Quedlinburgs 1   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  48. Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky mountains : performed in the years 1819 and '20, by order of the Hon. J.C. Calhoun, sec'y of war ; under the command of Major Stephen H. Long   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  49. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 17 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  50. Seconde Notice sur le gisement et sur les corps organisés fossiles des calcaires lithographiques, dans le Jura du département de l'Ain   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  51. Nomenclator avium neotropicalium : sive avium quae in regione neotropica hucusque repertae sunt nomina systematice disposita adjecta sua cuique speciei patria accedunt generum et specierum novarum diagnoses   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  52. The physical geology of the Grand Cañon district   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  53. Report on the Rocky Mountain locust for 1876   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  54. Description of the remains of extinct Mammalia and Chelonia, from Nebraska territory, collected during the geological survey under the direction of Dr D.D. Owen   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  55. Beiträge zur Paläontologie des Asiatischen Russlands   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  56. Zoophytes   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  57. Mémoire sur les animaux vertébrés trouvés dans le terrain sidérolitique du canton de Vaud et appartenant à la faune éocène   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  58. Life beneath the waters, or, The aquarium in America   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  59. A catalogue of plants, growing spontaneously within thirty miles of the City of New-York   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  60. Die plesiosaurier der süddeutschen Liasformation   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  61. The mammals of the Adirondack region, northeastern New York   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  62. The land & fresh water shells of La Salle County, Ills. [sic]   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  63. Spongiologische Beiträge   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  64. Über die Ctenodopterinen des Devonischen Systems   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  65. Excursionbuch : oder, Anleitung alle Körper der drei Naturreiche zu sammeln, zuzubereiten, in Sammlungen aufzustellen und zu erhalten, nebst einer systematischen Übersicht der drei Naturreiche als Hilfsbuch für Lehrende und Lernende   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  66. Die schlangen und eidechsen der Galapagos-inseln   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  67. Geologische Bilder   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  68. Catalogo ragionato del fossili nummulitici d'Egitto della raccolta del Regio Musco Mineralogico di Torino   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  69. The osteology and myology of Didelphys virginiana   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  70. Catalogo degli Animali Invertebrati marini del Golfo di Genova e Nizza [and of the terrestrial Invertebrata of the neighbourhood of Genoa]   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  71. Worms and crustacea   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  72. Cenni sui vertebrati fossili del Piemonte   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  73. Géologie et paléontologie du bassin houiller du Gard   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  74. Fossile Flugfische   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  75. Monografia dei Pharyngodopilidae : Nouva famiglia di pesci Labroidi   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  76. Naturgeschichte des Tier- Pflanzen- und Mineralreichs in Kolorierten Bildern nebst erläuternden Text fur Schule und Haus   (added: 06/24/2012 )
  77. Explication des planches de l'introduction a la botanique   (added: 06/24/2012 )
  78. Traité de paléontologie végétale, ou, La flore du monde primitif dans ses rapports avec les formations géologiques et la flore du monde actuel   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  79. The six voyages of John Baptista Tavernier   (added: 06/03/2012 )
  80. Report on the botany of Madison, Lincoln, Garrard, Washington, and Marion Counties, Kentucky   (added: 05/21/2012 )
  81. Flora fossilis formationis oolithicae = Le piante fossili dell'Oolite v.1   (added: 05/20/2012 )
  82. On the origin of alluvial and diluvial formations   (added: 05/20/2012 )
  83. Geological guide-book for an excursion to the Rocky Mountains   (added: 05/20/2012 )
  84. Report of the exploring expedition from Santa Fé, New Mexico, to the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the great Colorado of the West in 1859   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  85. [A sketch of the natural history of the diatomaceæ   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  86. Flora Virginica, exhibens plantas   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  87. De corporibus marinis lapidescentibus quæ defossa reperiuntur   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  88. Icones plantarum asiaticarum pt.1 (1847)   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  89. A sketch of the natural history of the District of Columbia together with an indexed edition of the U.S. Geological survey's 1917 map of Washington and vicinity   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  90. Le darwinisme : ou, Examen de la théorie relative à l'origine des espèces   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  91. Nature and woodcraft   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  92. À propos des algues fossiles   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  93. Révision des échinides fossiles de l'Égypte   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  94. Ichthyologia Ohiensis, or, Natural history of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio and its tributary streams   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  95. The illustrated botany : comprising the most valuable native and exotic plants, with their history, medicinal properties, etc. : to which is added an introduction on physiology, and a view of the natural and Linnæan systems 1   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  96. The botanical atlas : a guide to the practical study of plants containing representatives of the leading forms of plant life with explanatory letterpress 2   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  97. The botanical atlas : a guide to the practical study of plants containing representatives of the leading forms of plant life with explanatory letterpress 1   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  98. On the movements and habits of climbing plants   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  99. Monographie des plantes fossiles du grès bigarré de la chaine des Vosges   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  100. Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt v.2   (added: 05/09/2012 )