
Recent Additions (Last 500)   Published In: ALL   For: United States Geological Survey Libraries Program

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  1. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.24 (1907)   (added: 12/17/2017 )
  2. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.25 (1907)   (added: 12/17/2017 )
  3. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.23 (1905)   (added: 08/20/2017 )
  4. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.22 (1904)   (added: 07/12/2017 )
  5. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.21 (1901)   (added: 04/23/2017 )
  6. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.20 (1900)   (added: 03/19/2017 )
  7. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin für das Jahr ... bd.1-20 (1910) Register   (added: 03/19/2017 )
  8. Geologie des Königreichs Sachsen in gemeinverständlicher Darlegung   (added: 12/19/2016 )
  9. Report on an exploration of Ekwan River, Sutton Mill Lakes and part of the west coast of James Bay   (added: 12/04/2016 )
  10. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France 2.ser.:t.7 (1860-1862)   (added: 11/20/2016 )
  11. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.40(1921)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  12. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.39(1920)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  13. Abhandlungen zur geologischen Specialkarte von Preussen und den Thüringischen Staaten Bd.6 (1884-1888)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  14. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.4 (1886)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  15. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.36 (1917)   (added: 11/13/2016 )
  16. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.1:fasc.1 (1882)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  17. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.3:fasc.2 (1884)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  18. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.1:fasc.2 (1882)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  19. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.3:fasc.1 (1884)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  20. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.2:fasc.3 (1883)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  21. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.2:fasc.2 (1883)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  22. Bollettino della Società geologica italiana v.2:fasc.1 (1883)   (added: 01/03/2016 )
  23. A classed and annotated bibliography of fossil insects   (added: 12/13/2015 )
  24. Flora fossilis insubrica : Studãi sulla vegetazione di Lombardia durante i tempi geologici   (added: 10/18/2015 )
  25. The Victorian Naturalist v.88 (1971)   (added: 05/25/2014 )
  26. Amtliche berichte über die Internationale fischerei-ausstellung zu Berlin, 1880 ... v.2 (1880)   (added: 05/25/2014 )
  27. Icones fossilium sectiles   (added: 05/25/2014 )
  28. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India v.47 (1920-1923)   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  29. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India v.48:pt.1 (1922-1925)   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  30. Tables of organic remains : from the report on the geology of the fourth district of New York   (added: 12/17/2012 )
  31. Medical zoology, and mineralogy; or, Illustrations and descriptions of the animals and minerals employed in medicine, and of the preparations derived from them: including also an account of animal and mineral poisons   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  32. Report of the geological reconnoissance of the State of Virginia   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  33. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India v.42 (1914-1917)   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  34. Die fossilen Infusorien und die lebendige Dammerde. Vorgetragen in der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1836 und 1837   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  35. Lakis kratere og lavastromme   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  36. Descriptive catalogue of the photographs of the United States Geological survey of the territories, for the years 1869 to 1873, inclusive   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  37. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India v.44 (1921-1923)   (added: 12/16/2012 )
  38. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 22 (1923)   (added: 12/09/2012 )
  39. Über Tertiärpflanzen vom Himmelsberg bei Fulda   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  40. Beiträge zur Flora der unteren Kreide Quedlinburgs 2   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  41. Epimeliæ botanicæ   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  42. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 23 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  43. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 20 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  44. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 21 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  45. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 19 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  46. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 18 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  47. Beiträge zur Flora der unteren Kreide Quedlinburgs 1   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  48. Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky mountains : performed in the years 1819 and '20, by order of the Hon. J.C. Calhoun, sec'y of war ; under the command of Major Stephen H. Long   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  49. Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia pars 17 (1923)   (added: 10/07/2012 )
  50. Seconde Notice sur le gisement et sur les corps organisés fossiles des calcaires lithographiques, dans le Jura du département de l'Ain   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  51. Nomenclator avium neotropicalium : sive avium quae in regione neotropica hucusque repertae sunt nomina systematice disposita adjecta sua cuique speciei patria accedunt generum et specierum novarum diagnoses   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  52. The physical geology of the Grand Cañon district   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  53. Report on the Rocky Mountain locust for 1876   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  54. Description of the remains of extinct Mammalia and Chelonia, from Nebraska territory, collected during the geological survey under the direction of Dr D.D. Owen   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  55. Beiträge zur Paläontologie des Asiatischen Russlands   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  56. Zoophytes   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  57. Mémoire sur les animaux vertébrés trouvés dans le terrain sidérolitique du canton de Vaud et appartenant à la faune éocène   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  58. Life beneath the waters, or, The aquarium in America   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  59. A catalogue of plants, growing spontaneously within thirty miles of the City of New-York   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  60. Die plesiosaurier der süddeutschen Liasformation   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  61. The mammals of the Adirondack region, northeastern New York   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  62. The land & fresh water shells of La Salle County, Ills. [sic]   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  63. Spongiologische Beiträge   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  64. Über die Ctenodopterinen des Devonischen Systems   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  65. Excursionbuch : oder, Anleitung alle Körper der drei Naturreiche zu sammeln, zuzubereiten, in Sammlungen aufzustellen und zu erhalten, nebst einer systematischen Übersicht der drei Naturreiche als Hilfsbuch für Lehrende und Lernende   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  66. Die schlangen und eidechsen der Galapagos-inseln   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  67. Geologische Bilder   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  68. Catalogo ragionato del fossili nummulitici d'Egitto della raccolta del Regio Musco Mineralogico di Torino   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  69. The osteology and myology of Didelphys virginiana   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  70. Catalogo degli Animali Invertebrati marini del Golfo di Genova e Nizza [and of the terrestrial Invertebrata of the neighbourhood of Genoa]   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  71. Worms and crustacea   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  72. Cenni sui vertebrati fossili del Piemonte   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  73. Géologie et paléontologie du bassin houiller du Gard   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  74. Fossile Flugfische   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  75. Monografia dei Pharyngodopilidae : Nouva famiglia di pesci Labroidi   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  76. Naturgeschichte des Tier- Pflanzen- und Mineralreichs in Kolorierten Bildern nebst erläuternden Text fur Schule und Haus   (added: 06/24/2012 )
  77. Explication des planches de l'introduction a la botanique   (added: 06/24/2012 )
  78. Traité de paléontologie végétale, ou, La flore du monde primitif dans ses rapports avec les formations géologiques et la flore du monde actuel   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  79. The six voyages of John Baptista Tavernier   (added: 06/03/2012 )
  80. Report on the botany of Madison, Lincoln, Garrard, Washington, and Marion Counties, Kentucky   (added: 05/21/2012 )
  81. Flora fossilis formationis oolithicae = Le piante fossili dell'Oolite v.1   (added: 05/20/2012 )
  82. On the origin of alluvial and diluvial formations   (added: 05/20/2012 )
  83. Geological guide-book for an excursion to the Rocky Mountains   (added: 05/20/2012 )
  84. Report of the exploring expedition from Santa Fé, New Mexico, to the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the great Colorado of the West in 1859   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  85. [A sketch of the natural history of the diatomaceæ   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  86. Flora Virginica, exhibens plantas   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  87. De corporibus marinis lapidescentibus quæ defossa reperiuntur   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  88. Icones plantarum asiaticarum pt.1 (1847)   (added: 05/14/2012 )
  89. A sketch of the natural history of the District of Columbia together with an indexed edition of the U.S. Geological survey's 1917 map of Washington and vicinity   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  90. Le darwinisme : ou, Examen de la théorie relative à l'origine des espèces   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  91. Nature and woodcraft   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  92. À propos des algues fossiles   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  93. Révision des échinides fossiles de l'Égypte   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  94. Ichthyologia Ohiensis, or, Natural history of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio and its tributary streams   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  95. The illustrated botany : comprising the most valuable native and exotic plants, with their history, medicinal properties, etc. : to which is added an introduction on physiology, and a view of the natural and Linnæan systems 1   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  96. The botanical atlas : a guide to the practical study of plants containing representatives of the leading forms of plant life with explanatory letterpress 2   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  97. The botanical atlas : a guide to the practical study of plants containing representatives of the leading forms of plant life with explanatory letterpress 1   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  98. On the movements and habits of climbing plants   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  99. Monographie des plantes fossiles du grès bigarré de la chaine des Vosges   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  100. Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt v.2   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  101. Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt v.4   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  102. Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt v.3   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  103. The illustrated botany : comprising the most valuable native and exotic plants, with their history, medicinal properties, etc. : to which is added an introduction on physiology, and a view of the natural and Linnæan systems 2   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  104. A flora of North America : illustrated by coloured figures, drawn from nature v.3   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  105. A flora of North America : illustrated by coloured figures, drawn from nature v.2   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  106. A flora of North America : illustrated by coloured figures, drawn from nature v.1   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  107. Flora cestrica : an attempt to enumerate and describe the flowering and filicoid plants of Chester County in the state of Pennsylvania. With brief notices of their properties, and uses, in medicine, domestic and rural economy, and the arts   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  108. Flora Azorica : quam ex collectionibus schedisque Hochstetteri patris et filii   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  109. Die Alpenpflanzen nach der Natur gemalt v.1   (added: 05/09/2012 )
  110. Observations on fossil vegetables accompanied by representations of their internal structure as seen through the microscope   (added: 03/14/2012 )
  111. Die Pflanzenwelt vor dem Erscheinen des Menschen   (added: 03/14/2012 )
  112. Nuovi materiali e ricerche critiche sulle piante fossili terziarie dei gessi di Ancona   (added: 03/14/2012 )
  113. The internal structure of fossil vegetables found in the carboniferous and oolitic deposits of Great Britain   (added: 03/14/2012 )
  114. Die Dendrolithen in Beziehung auf ihren inneren Bau : mit zwanizig Steindrucktafeln   (added: 03/14/2012 )
  115. American wild flowers in their native haunts   (added: 03/14/2012 )