
Recent Additions (Last 25)   Published In: ALL   For: University of Alberta Library

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  1. The effect of environmental temperature on temperature and moisture content of dry and tough wheat in unventilated storage   (added: 08/25/2024 )
  2. Vegetation-landform relationships in the lower Rock Creek Valley, west central Alberta   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  3. Feeding and behavior of northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus)   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  4. Taxonomy and ecology of the genus Eimeria (Protozoa, Eimeriidae) in the snowshoe hare of central Alberta   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  5. A study of the wildlife of four selected Edmonton ravines and the recreation uses and preferences for city ravines   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  6. Aspen forest vegetation in a portion of the East Central Alberta Parklands   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  7. Numbers, reproduction and growth of Clethrionomys rutilus (Mammalia : Cricetidae) from islands in the upper Mackenzie River and adjacent mainland   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  8. Gradient analysis, habitats and species diversity of bryophytes in Jasper National Park, Alberta   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  9. Vegetation of the Vine Creek drainage basin, Jasper National Park   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  10. Ecological aesthetics : a critical discussion   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  11. A systematic study of herbaceous Cornus L. in northwestern North America   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  12. The role of habitat heterogeneity and female spacing behaviour in density regulation of Clethrionomys gapperi   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  13. Studies of anthocyanin synthesis in leaves of Prunus virginiana l. melanocarpa (A. Nels.) Sarge. 'Schubert' and Euonymus alatus sieb. compactus   (added: 06/23/2024 )
  14. Demography of tundra and taiga populations of Clethrionomys rutilus   (added: 06/23/2024 )
  15. Straw utilization by beef cattle   (added: 06/23/2024 )
  16. Genetic variability in diallel crosses of alfalfa   (added: 06/16/2024 )
  17. Population dynamics, denning and movements of striped skunks in central Alberta   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  18. Space and prey use by northern pike (Esox lucius L.) in two Alberta lakes   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  19. Ecology of feral horses in western Alberta   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  20. Evaluation of harvesting methods and maturity assessments in wheat and barley   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  21. Alpine macrolichen vegetation in the Canadian Cordillera of Alberta and the Yukon   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  22. The trophy pike, Esox lucius, of Seibert Lake   (added: 05/19/2024 )
  23. The isolation of functionally axenic filaments of Pseudanabaena catenata and other planktonic cyanobacteria   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  24. Potassium evoked release of noradrenaline from rat hearts   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  25. Biology of king eider (Somateria spectabilis) in a fresh water breeding area on Bathurst Island, N.W.T   (added: 05/12/2024 )