
Recent Additions (Last 250)   Published In: ALL   For: University of Alberta Library

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  1. The effect of environmental temperature on temperature and moisture content of dry and tough wheat in unventilated storage   (added: 08/25/2024 )
  2. Vegetation-landform relationships in the lower Rock Creek Valley, west central Alberta   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  3. Feeding and behavior of northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus)   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  4. Taxonomy and ecology of the genus Eimeria (Protozoa, Eimeriidae) in the snowshoe hare of central Alberta   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  5. A study of the wildlife of four selected Edmonton ravines and the recreation uses and preferences for city ravines   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  6. Aspen forest vegetation in a portion of the East Central Alberta Parklands   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  7. Numbers, reproduction and growth of Clethrionomys rutilus (Mammalia : Cricetidae) from islands in the upper Mackenzie River and adjacent mainland   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  8. Gradient analysis, habitats and species diversity of bryophytes in Jasper National Park, Alberta   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  9. Vegetation of the Vine Creek drainage basin, Jasper National Park   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  10. Ecological aesthetics : a critical discussion   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  11. A systematic study of herbaceous Cornus L. in northwestern North America   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  12. The role of habitat heterogeneity and female spacing behaviour in density regulation of Clethrionomys gapperi   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  13. Studies of anthocyanin synthesis in leaves of Prunus virginiana l. melanocarpa (A. Nels.) Sarge. 'Schubert' and Euonymus alatus sieb. compactus   (added: 06/23/2024 )
  14. Demography of tundra and taiga populations of Clethrionomys rutilus   (added: 06/23/2024 )
  15. Straw utilization by beef cattle   (added: 06/23/2024 )
  16. Genetic variability in diallel crosses of alfalfa   (added: 06/16/2024 )
  17. Population dynamics, denning and movements of striped skunks in central Alberta   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  18. Space and prey use by northern pike (Esox lucius L.) in two Alberta lakes   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  19. Ecology of feral horses in western Alberta   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  20. Evaluation of harvesting methods and maturity assessments in wheat and barley   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  21. Alpine macrolichen vegetation in the Canadian Cordillera of Alberta and the Yukon   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  22. The trophy pike, Esox lucius, of Seibert Lake   (added: 05/19/2024 )
  23. The isolation of functionally axenic filaments of Pseudanabaena catenata and other planktonic cyanobacteria   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  24. Potassium evoked release of noradrenaline from rat hearts   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  25. Biology of king eider (Somateria spectabilis) in a fresh water breeding area on Bathurst Island, N.W.T   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  26. Recruitment into a local population of spruce grouse   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  27. Fishes of Abraham Lake (reservoir) and the upper North Saskatchewan River, Alberta   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  28. MFA final visual presentation   (added: 03/24/2024 )
  29. An interactive simulation system for study of spatial dynamics in community ecology   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  30. Contribution to the taxonomy of Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. in northwestern North America   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  31. A study in soil ecology : soil environment, bacteria and meiofaunal densities in Alberta   (added: 12/18/2023 )
  32. Forest fire history around Jasper townsite, Jasper National Park, Alberta   (added: 12/17/2023 )
  33. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  34. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  35. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  36. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  37. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  38. Cattle brands : issued December 1975 : all addresses Alberta unless otherwise stated   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  39. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  40. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  41. Supplement to Alberta horse, cattle and sheep brands, also tattoo marks for fur-bearing animals and poultry   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  42. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/03/2023 )
  43. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/03/2023 )
  44. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/03/2023 )
  45. Official livestock brand book for the Province of Alberta   (added: 12/03/2023 )
  46. A comprehensive scheme for describing apomorphine-induced behavior in rats   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  47. Microprocessor control of chemical application to forages   (added: 10/08/2023 )
  48. Selection of winter food by beavers at Elk Island National Park   (added: 10/01/2023 )
  49. Henderson's northwest rancher's directory and brand book   (added: 10/01/2023 )
  50. Faunal similarity and infracommunity structure in the helminths of lesser scaup   (added: 09/24/2023 )
  51. Alberta horse and cattle brands   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  52. [Birds of Alberta]   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  53. Alberta horse and cattle brands   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  54. Soil-vegetation relationships on an involuted hill, Pleistocene Mackenzie Delta area, N.W.T   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  55. Alberta horse and cattle brands   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  56. A biosystematic revision of Arnica L. (Compositae) subgenus Austromontana Maguire   (added: 09/10/2023 )
  57. Alberta horse and cattle brands   (added: 09/10/2023 )
  58. Comparative passage of northern pike (esox lucius) in standard Denil and steeppass fishways   (added: 07/31/2023 )
  59. Pilgrims of the wild   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  60. Threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in Drizzle Lake and its inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands : ecological and behavioural relationships and their relevance to reproductive isolation   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  61. Tales of an empty cabin   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  62. Measurement of the mass flow of crops through a forage harvester   (added: 07/23/2023 )
  63. Life history types of the least cisco (Coregonus sardinella, Valenciennes), in the Yukon Territory north slope and eastern Mackenzie River Delta drainages   (added: 07/09/2023 )
  64. Spruce-fir forests of the highlands of northern Alberta   (added: 07/09/2023 )
  65. Summer population and food ecology of jaegers and snowy owls on Bathurst Island, N.W.T. emphasizing the long-tailed jaeger   (added: 07/09/2023 )
  66. The effects of Norman Wells crude oil on the zoobenthos of a northern Yukon stream one year after an experimental spill   (added: 07/09/2023 )
  67. Preservation of damp grain with propionic acid   (added: 07/09/2023 )
  68. Quality of some essential oils from herbs and spices grown in Alberta   (added: 07/02/2023 )
  69. Demography of the little northern chipmunk Eutamias minimus borealis (Allen) near Heart Lake, Northwest Territories   (added: 06/19/2023 )
  70. Devonian chitinozoa and acritarcha from exploratory oil wells on the shelf and coastal region of Ghana, West Africa   (added: 06/11/2023 )
  71. Development and transmission of Protostrongylus boughtoni (Nematoda: Metastrongyloidea), a lungworm of the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus)   (added: 05/28/2023 )
  72. The winter tick, Dermacentor albipictus (Packard, 1869) : its life history, development at constant temperatures and physiological effects on moose, Alces alces L   (added: 05/21/2023 )
  73. The life history of Dicosmoecus atripes (Hagen) (Limnephilidae : Trichoptera) in a Rocky Mountain stream of Alberta, Canada, with special reference to aggregation formation   (added: 05/21/2023 )
  74. Terrestrial spillage of oil in the arctic   (added: 05/14/2023 )
  75. Surficial disturbance and natural plant recolonization in the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula region, N.W.T   (added: 04/16/2023 )
  76. A comparison of protein and DNA in different varieties of wheat (Triticum vulgare)   (added: 03/14/2023 )
  77. Ethylene production and uracil metabolism in ageing bean leaves   (added: 02/26/2023 )
  78. Factors affecting the metabolizable energy value of rapeseed meal for growing chickens and laying hens   (added: 02/26/2023 )
  79. Effects of seeding rates and seeding dates on agronomic characteristics of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L) genotypes   (added: 02/19/2023 )
  80. A simulation approach to systems analysis of forest fire detection   (added: 02/05/2023 )
  81. Bears are dangerous   (added: 02/05/2023 )
  82. Kinetics of carbon dioxide in ruminants : an evaluation of the influence of acidosis of the carbon dioxide entry rate method for estimatation of rate of energy expenditure of free ranging animals   (added: 01/29/2023 )
  83. Summer and autumn food habits of island and mainland populations of polar bears - a comparative study   (added: 01/22/2023 )
  84. High arctic insect-flower relations : the inter-relationships of arthropods and flowers at Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, N.W.T., Canada   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  85. Physicochemical studies of chloroplast structural protein and ¹⁴C-leucine incorporation into chloroplast proteins   (added: 01/01/2023 )
  86. Evaluation of canola meal as a protein supplement for swine   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  87. Relative abundance and habitat relationships of Clethrionomys rutilus in the south-central Yukon Territory   (added: 12/11/2022 )
  88. On phytoliths, late Quaternary ecology of Beringia, and information evolutionary theory   (added: 12/04/2022 )
  89. A study of storage characteristics of maize in concrete and plywood bins under hot humid conditions   (added: 12/04/2022 )
  90. The life cycle and systematics of Parelaphostrongylus odocoilei (Nematoda : Metastrongyloidea), a a parasite of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus), with special reference to the molluscan intermediate host   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  91. The effects of sow nutrition during gestation on the body composition and survival of young pigs   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  92. Internal phosphorus loading from the sediments and the phosphorus-chlorophyll model in shallow lakes   (added: 11/06/2022 )
  93. Some relationships between moose and willow in the Fort Providence, N.W.T. area   (added: 10/30/2022 )
  94. Palsas in Baker Creek Basin N.W.T. : an ecosystematic study   (added: 10/30/2022 )
  95. Seasonal biology of Anopheles, Culex and Culiseta in central Alberta (Diptera: Culicidae)   (added: 10/30/2022 )
  96. The alpine vascular flora and vegetation of Prospect Mountain, front range, Rocky Mountains, Alberta   (added: 10/30/2022 )
  97. The nearctic species of Nebria Latreille (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Nebriini) : classification, phylogeny, zoogeography, and natural history 1   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  98. The nearctic species of Nebria Latreille (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Nebriini) : classification, phylogeny, zoogeography, and natural history 2   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  99. Major environmental influences on the pattern of Ledum groenlandicum in mire systems   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  100. Raising turkeys, ducks, geese, game birds   (added: 10/16/2022 )
  101. Poultry breeding   (added: 10/16/2022 )
  102. Evaluation of ecological effects of recent low water levels in the Peace-Athabasca Delta   (added: 10/16/2022 )
  103. Adaptational problems involved in the history of the glacial relicts of Eurasia and North America   (added: 10/16/2022 )
  104. Some contributions of small mammal bioclimate studies to Air Force needs in Northern regions/ by William O. Pruitt, Jr., Charles V. Lucier and L.L. Hufman   (added: 10/16/2022 )
  105. A stabilizing factor for ATP citrate lyase   (added: 10/02/2022 )
  106. Bald eagles in Alaska   (added: 09/04/2022 )
  107. Seasonal peculiarities in settledness of common field-mice (Apodemus s. sylvaticus L) and redbacked voles (Clethrionomys glareolus L) in the Voronezh Reserve (zapoviednik)   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  108. On the causative factors responsible for the change in the bison range   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  109. Canadian mammals   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  110. A guide to the Audubon Alaskan birds chart   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  111. The wolf in the Yamal north   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  112. Checklist : mammals of Alaska   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  113. On the biology and systematic position of Microtus abbreviatus Miller, a vole endemic to the St. Matthew Islands, Bering Sea   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  114. On the reproduction and growth of the snow sheep (Ovis nivicola Esch)   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  115. Materials for determining the age of reindeer by their teeth   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  116. A bibliography of the literature relating to the parasites of freshwater fishes in Alberta, 1932-1975   (added: 08/21/2022 )
  117. The Cheeneetnuk Limestone, a new Early to Middle Devonian formation in the McGrath A-4 and A-5 quadrangles, west-central Alaska   (added: 08/21/2022 )
  118. The interpretation of aerial surveys for seabirds : some effects of behaviour   (added: 08/21/2022 )
  119. Combating mosquitoes in arctic Alaska   (added: 08/21/2022 )
  120. Reconnaissance snow surveys of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, April 1977 and April-May 1978   (added: 08/14/2022 )
  121. Vegetation types and environmental factors associated with Foothills Gas Pipeline Route, Yukon Territory   (added: 08/14/2022 )
  122. Certain problems of paleozoogeography   (added: 08/14/2022 )
  123. Resource appraisal simulation for petroleum in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska   (added: 08/07/2022 )
  124. Tri-creeks watershed study : report   (added: 08/07/2022 )
  125. The Forest Service in Alaska   (added: 07/31/2022 )
  126. Edible roots and berries of northern Canada   (added: 07/31/2022 )
  127. Indicators of forest land classes in air-photo interpretation of the Alaska interior   (added: 07/31/2022 )
  128. The ten-year cycle   (added: 05/24/2022 )
  129. Ranges, habitat, and mortality of pronghorns at the northern limits of their range   (added: 05/23/2022 )
  130. The myth of the vanishing peregrine. A study of the techniques of the manipulation of public and official attitudes   (added: 05/22/2022 )
  131. New principles for the conservation of wild living resources   (added: 05/22/2022 )
  132. Blue jay 47   (added: 05/15/2022 )
  133. The effects of interaction between genotypes on single plant selection of wheat (Triticum aestivum)   (added: 05/08/2022 )
  134. Harvest simulation to aid decision making   (added: 05/01/2022 )
  135. Some aspects of the comparative ecology of populations of the four Patrobus species (Coleoptera : Carabidae : Patrobini) at George Lake, Alberta   (added: 05/01/2022 )
  136. An evaluation of Aspen utilization in Alberta   (added: 04/22/2022 )
  137. Moose hunting activity in Northern Alberta : a case study in wildlife economics   (added: 04/01/2022 )
  138. New edition of Botany for beginners : an introduction to Mrs. Lincoln's lectures on botany, for the use of public schools, and the younger pupils of higher schools and academies   (added: 03/06/2022 )
  139. Botany for beginners: an introduction to Mrs. Lincoln's Lectures on botany   (added: 03/06/2022 )
  140. Snow and ice   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  141. A forest industry at Port Alberni   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  142. Basic horticulture   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  143. Action biology   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  144. Modern fruit production / by Joseph Harvey Gourley & Freeman Smith Howlett   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  145. Living things   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  146. Monarch, the big bear of Tallac   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  147. Color key to North American birds : with bibliographical appendix   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  148. Environment and man   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  149. Action biology Teacher's Guide   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  150. Investigations of cells and organisms : a laboratory study in biology   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  151. Living things Teacher's Edition   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  152. A taxonomic revision of Schizogenius (Coleoptera : Carabidae : Scaritini)   (added: 02/13/2022 )
  153. Potato leaf roll and its insect vectors in the Edmonton District   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  154. Coccinellidae of western Canada and Alaska with analyses of the transmontane zoogeographic relationships between the fauna of British Columbia and Alberta : (Insecta : Coleoptera : Coccinellidae)   (added: 12/20/2021 )
  155. The Hope reports v.12 (1911-1922)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  156. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  157. Diversae insectarum volatilium icones ad vivum   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  158. Bees & bee-keeping; : scientific and practical. A complete treatise on the anatomy, physiology, floral relations, and profitable management of the hive bee   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  159. The natural history of British insects; explaining them in their several states, with the periods of their transformations, their food, oeconomy, &c. together with the history of such minute insects as require investigation by the microscope. The whole illustrated by coloured figures, designed and executed from living specimens   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  160. British Museum (Natural History). British butterflies, series no. 1   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  161. Noctuelles et géomètres d'Europe IV   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  162. Exotic moths. Series no. 8   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  163. The Hope reports v.9 (1911-1913)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  164. Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge / errichtet von Jacob Hübner in Augsburg   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  165. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  166. The natural history of British insects; explaining them in their several states, with the periods of their transformations, their food, oeconomy, &c. together with the history of such minute insects as require investigation by the microscope. The whole illustrated by coloured figures, designed and executed from living specimens   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  167. British Museum (Natural History). Hymenoptera, series no. 1   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  168. Bowlker's Art of angling : greatly enlarged and improved : containing directions for fly-fishing, trolling, bottom-fishing, making artificial flies, &c. &c   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  169. Species général des coléoptères   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  170. Archives de l'histoire des insectes   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  171. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  172. Noctuelles et géomètres d'Europe III   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  173. Exotic Heteroptera. Series no. 1, Bugs   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  174. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  175. Species général des coléoptères   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  176. Museum S[euci]ae R[egin]ae M[ajes]tis Ludovicae Ulricae reginae Svecorum ... : in quo animalia rariora, exotica, imprimis insecta & conchilia describuntur & determinantur   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  177. Exotic Homoptera. Series no. 1   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  178. The natural history of British insects; explaining them in their several states, with the periods of their transformations, their food, oeconomy, &c. together with the history of such minute insects as require investigation by the microscope. The whole illustrated by coloured figures, designed and executed from living specimens   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  179. Beskrifning ofver en ny nattfjaril noctua pruni   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  180. Exotic moths. Series no. 1   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  181. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  182. A systematic catalogue of British insects : being an attempt to arrange all the hitherto discovered indigenous insects in accordance with their natural affinities. Containing also the references to every English writer on entomology, and to the principal foreign authors. With all the published British genera to the present time 1   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  183. Exotic moths. Series no. 13   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  184. Mémoire pour servir à l'histoire de quelques insectes, connus sous les noms de termes, ou fourmis blanches   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  185. Collection académique : composée des mémoires, actes, ou journaux des plus célébres académies & sociétés littéraires étrangeres, des extraits des meilleurs ouvrages périodiques, des traités particuliers, & des pieces fugitives les plus rares : concernant l'histoire naturelle et la botanique, la physique expérmentale et la chymie, la médecine et l'anatomie : traduits en françois & mise en ordre par une société de gens de lettres .... Tome V, de la partie etrangere, et le second volume de L'histoire naturelle séparée, Contenant les observations de J. Swammerdam, sur les insectes, avec des notes, & trente-six planches en taille-douce   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  186. Entomologia parisiensis, sive, Catalogus insectorum quae in agro Parisiensi reperiuntur : secundum methodum Geoffraeanam in sectiones, genera & species distributus : cui addita sunt nomina trivalia & sere trecentae novae species   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  187. Exotic butterflies. Series no. 3   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  188. Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge / errichtet von Jacob Hübner in Augsburg   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  189. Noctuelles et géomètres d'Europe I   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  190. Entomologia parisiensis, sive, Catalogus insectorum quae in agro Parisiensi reperiuntur : secundum methodum Geoffraeanam in sectiones, genera & species distributus : cui addita sunt nomina trivalia & sere trecentae novae species   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  191. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  192. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  193. The Hope reports v.2 (1897-1900)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  194. British Museum (Natural History). British butterflies, series no. 1   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  195. Noctuelles et géomètres d'Europe II   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  196. Exotic moths. Series no. 2   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  197. Species général des coléoptères   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  198. Histoire generale des insectes : ou l'on expose clairement la maniere lente & presqu' insensible de l'accroissement de leurs membres, & ou l'on decouvre evidemment l'erreur ou l'on tombe d'ordinaire au sujet de leur prétendué transformation   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  199. Traité d'insectologie, ou, Observations sur les pucerons   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  200. Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge / errichtet von Jacob Hübner in Augsburg   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  201. Exotic dragonflies (Odonata)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  202. Exotic butterflies. Series no. 3   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  203. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  204. Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge / errichtet von Jacob Hübner in Augsburg   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  205. Abbildungen der Wanzen mit Beschreibungen / von Johann Friedrich Wolff Heft.5 (1811)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  206. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  207. The Hope reports v.3 (1902)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  208. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  209. Species général des coléoptères   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  210. The Hope reports v.10 (1913-1922)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  211. The Hope reports v.15 (1915-1929)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  212. Bees & bee-keeping; : scientific and practical. A complete treatise on the anatomy, physiology, floral relations, and profitable management of the hive bee   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  213. Abbildungen der Wanzen mit Beschreibungen / von Johann Friedrich Wolff Heft.2 (1801)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  214. British Museum (Natural History). British butterflies, series no. 1   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  215. Beskrifning ofver en ny nattfjaril noctua pruni   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  216. Exotic butterflies. Series no. 3   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  217. Histoire naturelle des lépidoptères exotiques   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  218. Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge / errichtet von Jacob Hübner in Augsburg   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  219. Exotic Orthoptera. Series no. 3, Grasshoppers   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  220. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire naturelle du Mexique, des Antilles et des États-Unis   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  221. Abbildungen der Wanzen mit Beschreibungen / von Johann Friedrich Wolff Heft.3 (1802)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  222. Abbildungen der Wanzen mit Beschreibungen / von Johann Friedrich Wolff Heft.4 (1804)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  223. The natural history of British insects; explaining them in their several states, with the periods of their transformations, their food, oeconomy, &c. together with the history of such minute insects as require investigation by the microscope. The whole illustrated by coloured figures, designed and executed from living specimens   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  224. Abbildungen der Wanzen mit Beschreibungen / von Johann Friedrich Wolff Heft.1 (1800)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  225. Species général des coléoptères   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  226. The Hope reports v.4 (1900-1903)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  227. The Hope reports v.6 (1906-1908)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  228. Exotic butterflies. Series no. 3   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  229. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire naturelle du Mexique, des Antilles et des États-Unis   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  230. Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge / errichtet von Jacob Hübner in Augsburg   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  231. The Hope reports v.8 (1910-1913)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  232. Manuel entomologique. Genera des coléoptères d'Europe I   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  233. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  234. British moths and their transformations II   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  235. Exotic moths. Series no. 3   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  236. Histoire generale des insectes : ou l'on expose clairement la maniere lente & presqu' insensible de l'accroissement de leurs membres, & ou l'on decouvre evidemment l'erreur ou l'on tombe d'ordinaire au sujet de leur prétendué transformation   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  237. Species général des coléoptères   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  238. Exotic grasshoppers and praying insects (Orthoptera)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  239. Exotic moths. Series no. 4   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  240. British Museum (Natural History). British butterflies, series no. 1   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  241. The natural history of British insects; explaining them in their several states, with the periods of their transformations, their food, oeconomy, &c. together with the history of such minute insects as require investigation by the microscope. The whole illustrated by coloured figures, designed and executed from living specimens   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  242. A systematic catalogue of British insects : being an attempt to arrange all the hitherto discovered indigenous insects in accordance with their natural affinities. Containing also the references to every English writer on entomology, and to the principal foreign authors. With all the published British genera to the present time 2   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  243. British moths and their transformations I   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  244. The natural history of British insects; explaining them in their several states, with the periods of their transformations, their food, oeconomy, &c. together with the history of such minute insects as require investigation by the microscope. The whole illustrated by coloured figures, designed and executed from living specimens   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  245. The Hope reports v.14 (1904-1929)   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  246. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land : nebst nützlichen Anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem Kriechenden und Fliegenden Inländischen Gewürme : zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen heraus gegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andern   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  247. Traité d'insectologie, ou, Observations sur les pucerons   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  248. Manuel entomologique. Genera des coléoptères d'Europe III   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  249. Exotic butterflies. Series no. 3   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  250. Exotic Homoptera. Series no. 2   (added: 12/06/2020 )