
Recent Additions (Last 500)   Published In: ALL   For: Boston Public Library

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  1. The woods and by-ways of New England   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  2. Signs and seasons   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  3. The stories mother nature told her children   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  4. The birds and seasons of New England   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  5. Footing it in Franconia   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  6. Fresh fields   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  7. In American fields and forests   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  8. Clear waters; trouting days and trouting ways in Wales, the West country, and the Scottish borderland   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  9. An introduction to systematic and physiological botany   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  10. The complete angler : or The contemplative man's recreation v.1   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  11. Birds and bees; Sharp eyes, and other papers   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  12. The stories mother nature told her children   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  13. Riverby   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  14. Fresh fields   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  15. Everyday adventures   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  16. By meadow, grove and stream. An introduction to nature study   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  17. Birds and bees and other studies in nature   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  18. Pepacton   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  19. Fresh fields   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  20. Fresh fields   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  21. Pepacton   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  22. Handbook of the trees of New England, with ranges throughout the United States and Canada   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  23. Recollections of my fifty years hunting and fishing   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  24. A world of green hills; observations of nature and human nature in the Blue Ridge   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  25. Pepacton   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  26. Locusts and wild honey   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  27. The birds and seasons of New England   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  28. Wake-robin   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  29. First book of forestry   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  30. Manuel forestier et portatif : contenant les descriptions, qualités, usages & cultures particulieres des différentes essences de bois qui composent le massif général des forêts du Royaume, les semis & plantations, l'aménagement général des bois, la décoration des parcs, les balivages, estimations, ventes & exploitations des coupes annuelles, extrait en grande partie du Traité général des fôrets de M. Duhamel du Monceau ...   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  31. Wild life and the camera   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  32. Memories of the months. Second series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  33. Histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares et des serpens v.1   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  34. Das Holz, dessen Benennungen, Eigenschaften, Krankheiten und Fehler : ein Leitfaden zum leichten Erkennen einzelner Holzarten und eines schadhaften Holzes für Eisenbahn-, Gruben-, Forst-, Holz-, und Civiltechniker sowie Bau- und Zimmermeister   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  35. Memories of the months. Third series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  36. A treatise on forest-trees   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  37. Our forests and the timbers they contain. Louisiana's invitation   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  38. Traité pratique de la culture des pins à grandes dimensions; de leur aménagement, de leur exploitation, et des divers emplois de leurs bois   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  39. Flowers and ferns in their haunts   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  40. Country rambles in England; or, Journal of a naturalist   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  41. Memories of the months. Sixth series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  42. Memories of the months. Fourth series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  43. The rambles of a dominie   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  44. Memories of the months, being pages from the notebook of a field-naturalist and antiquary   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  45. Studies of nature on the coast of Arran   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  46. The timber-tree improved, or, The best practical methods of improving different lands with proper timber : and those fruit-trees whose woods make the most probitable returns to their owners, according to the newest inventions, by the plough, harrow, and other methods most approved of ...   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  47. Nature study leaflet. .... no. 1-2, Biology series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  48. A treatise on the manner of raising forest trees, &c. in a letter from the Right Honourable the Earl of -- to his grandson. : To which are added two memoirs; the one on preserving and repairing forests; the other on the culture of forests   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  49. Memories of the months. Fifth series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  50. The prairie and the sea   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  51. Arbores mirabiles, or, A description of the most remarkable trees, plants, and shrubs, in all parts of the world : illustrated with several curious anecdotes of their wonderful properties, and at the same time manifesting infinite wisdom in the formation of those valuable productious, so beneficial to all mankind, taken from the journals of eminent travellers, historians and naturalists   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  52. Traité de la physique végétale des bois : et des principales opérations forestières, avec le modèle des actes à rédiger ; terminé par le tableau des proportions que doivent avoir les bois de construction pur la marine rapportées au calcul décimal   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  53. Outings at odd times   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  54. Spaziergänge eines naturforschers   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  55. Memories of the months. 7th series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  56. L'art de passer son temps au bord de la mer ...   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  57. Souvenirs d'un voyage dans l'Inde exécuté de 1834 à 1839   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  58. Life and sport in Hampshire   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  59. Thoughts from the writings of Richard Jefferies   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  60. Traité des arbres résineux coniferes   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  61. Histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares et des serpens v.2   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  62. Georg Wilhelm Constantin von Wilcke ... Versuch einer anleitung die wilden bäume und sträucher unsrer deutschen wälder und gehölze auf ihren blossen anblick und ohne weitere mündliche belehrung mit sicherheit erkennen und unterscheiden, auch ihren nuten beurtheilen zu lernen   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  63. Memories of the months. First series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  64. Herrn Guiot Oberaufsehers der Wälder zu Rambouillet kurzgefaßtes Forst-Handbuch, in welchem die Beschreibung, Eigenschaften, Nutzen, und besondere Erziehung der verschiedenen Holz-Arten, die Säung, Pflanzung, auch gute Unterhaltung der Hölzer enthalten : ingleichen das Bezeichnen der Gränz- und Laßbäume, die Schätzung, Verkaufung und Niederschlagung der jährigen Hiebe c. gröstentheils aus des Herrn dü Hamel du Monceau allgemeinen Abhandlung von den Wäldern, herausgezogen   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  65. Theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch der Naturgeschichte der Holzarten für den Forst- und Landwirth : in welchen ausser einer systematischen Eiuntheilung, vollständigen Anführung der Haupt- und Trivialnamen und genauen Beschreibung, sowohl der inn- als besonders nussbaren ausländischen Bäume und Sträuche, vorzüglich auf deren Benutzung und Cultur Rücksicht genommen worden   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  66. In beaver world   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  67. Natural history of Vermont   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  68. The chronicles of a garden : its pets and its pleasures   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  69. A naturalist in western China, with vasculum, camera, and gun : being some account of eleven years' travel, exploration, and observation in the more remote parts of the flowery kingdom v.1   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  70. Nature tones & undertones : being sketches of life in the open illustrated by photographs from nature   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  71. Nature and the camera; how to photograph live birds and their nests; animals, wild and tame; reptiles; insects; fish and other aquatic forms; flowers, trees, and fungi   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  72. Studies from nature   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  73. A naturalist in western China, with vasculum, camera, and gun : being some account of eleven years' travel, exploration, and observation in the more remote parts of the flowery kingdom v.2   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  74. Hours in my garden, and other nature sketches   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  75. Under the trees   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  76. The woodlands   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  77. Wild life at home, how to study and photograph it   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  78. Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables v.1   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  79. Curiosités de l'histoire naturelle : les plantes - les animaux, L'homme, la terre et le monde   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  80. Wild life in Hampshire highlands   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  81. Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables v.2   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  82. Geschichte der Entwickelung der naturwissenschaftlichen Weltanschauung in Deutschland   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  83. Familiar features of the roadside : the flowers, shrubs, birds, and insects   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  84. Wild life at the Land's End : observations of the habits and haunts of the fox, badger, otter, seal, hare, and of their pursuers in Cornwall   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  85. By meadow and stream : pleasant memories of pleasant places   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  86. Nature notes   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  87. Recent rambles : or, In touch with nature   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  88. My Devon year   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  89. The brook book; a first acquaintance with the brook and its inhabitants through the changing year   (added: 09/01/2024 )
  90. Fungus diseases of citrus trees in Australia, and their treatment   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  91. Döbner's Botanik für Forstmänner : nebst einem Anhange, Tabellen zur Bestimmung der Holzgewächse während der Blüte und im winterlichen Zustande   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  92. Outlines of forestry : or, The elementary principles underlying the science of forestry : being a series of primers of forestry   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  93. Preservation of natural conditions   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  94. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.4   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  95. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.20   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  96. The study of the evergreens in the public schools   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  97. A series of facts, hints, observations and experiments on the different modes of raining young plantations of oaks : "for future navies" from the acorn, seedling, and larger plants shewing hte difficulties and objections tha thave occurred in the practical part ; with remarks upon the fencing, draining, puring and training young trees a clear and copious statement of the early and great Profits and Advantages which may be derived from Plantations of mixed and various trees, by care and attention and the contrary effects from negligence ; also how trees are retarded or accelerated in growth by the management of young plantations with hints and experimental remarks upon fruit trees ; the whole derived from actual experience on a most extended scale   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  98. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.12   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  99. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.3   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  100. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.10   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  101. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.7   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  102. The oak: a popular introduction to forest-botany   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  103. A letter to Sir Walter Scott, Bart. : exposing certain fundamental errors in his late essay on planting, and containing observations on the pruning and thinning of woods, and maxims for profitable planting   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  104. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.2   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  105. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.15   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  106. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.8   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  107. Les champignons au point de vue biologique, économique et taxonomique   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  108. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.5   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  109. Ferns and how to grow them   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  110. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.16   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  111. The fern allies of North America north of Mexico   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  112. A treatise on the growth and future management of timber trees, and on other rural subjects   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  113. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.9   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  114. The Adirondack problem   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  115. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.14   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  116. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.1   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  117. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.6   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  118. A shade tree guide   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  119. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.19   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  120. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.17   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  121. Wild plants needing protection   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  122. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilized by insects   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  123. The trees of California   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  124. An introduction to practical bacteriology for physicians, chemists and students   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  125. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.13   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  126. The human side of trees, wonders of the tree world, by Royal Dixon and Franklyn Everett Fitch   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  127. Studies in forestry; being a short course of lectures on the principles of sylviculture delivered at the Botanic garden, Oxford ...   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  128. Kurzgefasste Forst-encyklopaedie; ein Hand- und Taschenbuch mit Hülfstafeln, Winkelmesser und Planimeter ...   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  129. Davey's primer on trees and birds   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  130. The fruit grower's instructor; or, A practical treatise on the cultivation and treatment of fruit trees: containing a description of all the best fruits now in cultivation, a full description of the apple fly ... The whole written from practice   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  131. A letter to Sir Henry Steuart, Bart. on the improvement in the quality of timber, to be effected by the high cultivation and quick growth of forest-trees : in reply to certain passages in his "Planter's guide"   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  132. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.18   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  133. A brief history of forestry : in Europe, the United States and other countries   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  134. How to know the trees   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  135. Das Wichtigste aus der Obsttreiberei. Unter Zugrundlegung des vierten Bandes der "Bibliothek für wissenschaftl. Gartencultur": Anleitung zur Obsttreiberei   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  136. A manual of botany: being an introduction to the study of the structure, physiology, and classification of plants   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  137. Davey's primer on trees and birds   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  138. The botanical cabinet, consisting of coloured delineations of plants, from all countries, with a short account of each, directions for management, &c. &c v.11   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  139. The fungal diseases of the common larch   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  140. The culture of forests : with an appendix, in which the state of the royal forests is considered, and a system proposed for their improvement   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  141. The romance of our trees   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  142. The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  143. A handy-book for the rambling botanist, suggesting what to look for and where to go in the out-door study of field flowers and ferns   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  144. Journal of a botanical excursion in the northeastern parts of the states of Pennsylvania and New York, during the year 1807   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  145. The valuation of American timberlands   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  146. The phenomena of plant life   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  147. Commercial botany of the nineteenth century. A record of progress in the utilisation of vegetable products in the United Kingdom, and the introduction of economic plants into the British colonies, during the present century   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  148. A manual of botany : anatomical and physiological for the use of students   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  149. Alpine flowers for gardens : rock, wall, marsh plants, and mountain shrubs   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  150. Diseases of plants   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  151. A Manual of botany : being an introduction to the study of the structure, physiology, and classification of plants   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  152. Ferns: British & foreign. The history, organography, classification, and enumeration of the species of garden ferns with a treatise on their cultivation, etc. etc   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  153. Trees, and how to know them; a manual with analytical and dichotomous keys of the principal forest trees of the South   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  154. Farm forestry   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  155. On British wild flowers considered in relation to insects   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  156. The art of botanical drawing   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  157. The fern paradise; a plea for the culture of ferns   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  158. Forest mensuration   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  159. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  160. Orchids : a description of the species and varieties grown at Glen Ridge, near Boston, with lists and descriptions of other desirable kinds : prefaced by chapters   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  161. The elements of forestry, designed to afford information concerning the planting and care of forest trees for ornament or profit and giving suggestions upon the creation and care of woodlands with the view of securing the greatest benefit for the longest time, particularly adapted to the wants and conditions of the United States   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  162. The orchids of New England; a popular monograph   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  163. The forests of Worcester County. The results of a forest survey of the fifty-nine towns in the county and a study of their lumber industry ...   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  164. The older forest plantations in Massachusetts. Conifers   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  165. On the economic value of certain Australian forest trees, and their cultivation in California   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  166. The commercial forest trees of Massachusetts : how you may know them : a pocket manual   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  167. Histoire naturelle des végétaux parasites qui croissent sur l'homme et sur les animaux vivants atlas   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  168. Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described ; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening ; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world v.5   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  169. The fertilisation of flowers   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  170. The pinetum: being a synopsis of all the coniferous plants at present known, with descriptins, history and synonyms, and a comprehensive systematic index   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  171. Recherches expérimentales sur la végétation   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  172. Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described ; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening ; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world v.6   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  173. Dendrologische Winterstudien. : Grundlegende Vorarbeiten für eine eingehende Beschreibung der Unterscheidungsmerkmale der in Mitteleuropa heimischen und angepflanzten sommergrünen Gehölze im blattlosen Zustande   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  174. Forest trees of the Pacific slope   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  175. The commercial forest trees of Massachusetts : how you may know them : a pocket manual   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  176. The protection of woodlands against dangers arising from organic and inorganic causes; as re-arranged for the 4th ed. of Kauschinger's "Waldschutz"   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  177. A synopsis of the North American lichens pt.2   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  178. A report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Massachusetts. Originally published agreeably to an order of the legislature by the commissioners on the zoological and botanical survey of the state v.1   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  179. Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described ; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening ; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world v.8   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  180. Die Palmen. : Eine physiognomisch-culturhistorische Skizze   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  181. A manual of the North American gymnosperms, exclusive of the cycadales but together with certain exotic species   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  182. The timbers of commerce and their identification   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  183. The organization and valuation of forests, on the Continental system, in theory and practice   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  184. Seaside planting of trees and shrubs   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  185. Wayside trees   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  186. Handbook of hardy trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Based on the French work of Messrs. Decaisne and Naudin entitled 'Manuel de l'amateur des jardins,' and including the original woodcuts by Riocreux and Leblanc   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  187. The flora of Essex County, Massachusetts   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  188. Catalogue of the cabinet of natural history of the state of New York, and of the historical and antiquarian collection annexed thereto   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  189. Die forstlichen Verhältnisse Frankreichs   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  190. Catalogue of the phænogamous and filicoid plants of Newcastle County, Delaware : arranged according to the natural system   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  191. Reboisement in France: or, Records of the replanting of the Alps, the Cevennes, and the Pyrenees with trees, herbage, and bush, with a view to arresting and preventing the destructive consequences and effects of torrents   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  192. The flora of Algeria : considered in relation to the physical history of the Mediterranean region and supposed submergence of the Sahara   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  193. Manual of the mosses of North America   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  194. Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described ; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening ; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world v.4   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  195. Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described ; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening ; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world v.2   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  196. Getting acquainted with the trees   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  197. Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, or, An account of the results of experiments on the produce and nutritive qualities of different grasses, &c. &c. used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals, instituted by John Duke of Bedford, illustrated with forty-five coloured plates   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  198. The pinetum: being a synopsis of all the coniferous plants at present known, with descriptions, history, and synonymes ...   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  199. Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described ; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening ; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world v.3   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  200. Introduction to cryptogamic botany   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  201. Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described ; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening ; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world v.1   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  202. The useful plants of India : with notices of their chief value in commerce, medicine, and the arts   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  203. Neu-Holland in Europa : ein Vortrag, gehalten im Ständehause im Winter des Jahres 1861   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  204. Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described ; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening ; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world v.7   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  205. Forestry for farmers   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  206. A catalogue of plants, growing spontaneously within thirty miles of the City of New-York   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  207. The relation of birds and forests : a paper read before the Indiana State Audubon Society at Indianapolis, March 19, 1901   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  208. Lehrbuch der botanik nach dem gegenwärtigen stand der wissenschaft   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  209. A report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Massachusetts. Originally published agreeably to an order of the legislature by the commissioners on the zoological and botanical survey of the state v.2   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  210. Alternating generations : a biological study of oak galls and gall flies   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  211. Holly, yew & box, with notes on other evergreens   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  212. The commercial forest trees of Massachusetts : how you may know them   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  213. Primeras noticias acerca de la vegetacio´n americana, suministradas por el almirante Colo´n y los inmediatos continuadores de las investigacionas dirigidas al conocimiento de las plantas, con un resumen de las expediciones bota´nicas de los espan~oles   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  214. A manual of Indian timbers; an account of the growth, distribution, and uses of the trees and shrubs of India and Ceylon with descriptions of their wood-structure   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  215. The elements of forestry, designed to afford information concerning the planting and care of forest trees for ornament or profit and giving suggestions upon the creation and care of woodlands with the view of securing the greatest benefit for the longest time, particularly adapted to the wants and conditions of the United States   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  216. What may be learned from a tree   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  217. Handbook of hardy trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants : containing descriptions, native countries, etc. of a selection of the best species in cultivation, together with cultural details, comparative hardiness, suitability for different situations, etc. : based on the French work of Messrs. Decaisne and Naudin entitled 'Manuel de l'amateur des jardins, ' and including the original woodcuts by Riocreux and Leblanc   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  218. The palmyra palm, Borassus flabelliformis : a popular description of the palm and its products, having special reference to Ceylon : with a valuable appendix embracing extracts from nearly every author that has noticed the tree : illustrated by wood engravings   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  219. The woods of the United States   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  220. Considérations sur la méthode naturelle en botanique   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  221. The relation of forests to farms   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  222. The pinetum: being a synopsis of all the coniferous plants at present known, with descriptions, history and synonyms, and a comprehensive systematic index   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  223. Die Pflanzen im alten Aegypten: ihre heimat, geschïchte, kultur und ihre mannigfache verwendung im sozialen leben in kultus sitten, gebräuchen, medizin, kunst   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  224. Le propriétaire-planteur: semer et planter. Choix des terrains--semis--plantations forestières et d'agrément--entretien des massifs--élagage--description et emploi des essences forestières indigènes et exotiques, etc. Traité pratique et économique du reboisment et des plantations des parcs et jardins   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  225. Untersuchungen über niedere pilze aus dem Pflanzenphysiologischen institut in München   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  226. What may be learned from a tree   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  227. Der Wald : sammt dessen wichtigem Einfluss auf das Klima der Länder, Wohl der Staaten und Völker, sowie die Gesundheit der Menschen   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  228. A synopsis of the North American lichens pt.1   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  229. Ferns of the British Isles   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  230. Forestry for profit; how the woodlot can be made to pay   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  231. Der Baum : studien über Bau und Leben der höheren Gewächse   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  232. The clematis as a garden flower : being descriptions of the hardy species and varieties of clematis or virgin's bower, with select and classified lists, directions for cultivation, and suggestions as to the purposes for which they are adapted in modern gardening   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  233. The orchids of New England; a popular monograph   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  234. Cacteæ in horto dyckensi cultæ anno 1844   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  235. The sylva Americana; or a description of the forest trees indigenous to the United States, practically and botanically considered   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  236. Monographie du thé : description botanique, torréfaction, composition chimique, propriétés hygiéniques de cette feuille : orné de 18 gravures   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  237. Théorie élémentaire de la botanique; ou, Exposition des principes de la classification naturelle et de l'art de décrire et d'étudier les végétaux   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  238. Practical forestry for beginners in forestry, agricultural students, woodland owners, and others desiring a general knowledge of the nature of the art   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  239. El Pino marítimo, o, Pinus maritima   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  240. Massachusetts and her forests   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  241. The timber trees of New South Wales   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  242. Für Baum und Wald : eine Schutzschrift an Fachmänner und Laien gerichtet   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  243. A natural history of new and rare ferns: containing species and varieties, none of which are included in any of the eight volumes of "Ferns, British and exotic," amongst which are the new Hymenophyllums and Trichomanes. With col. illus. and wood-cuts   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  244. Deutscher Wald und Hain in Bild und Wort   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  245. California woods : the fibre of roots and trunks : treasures of the Cayuma valleys : Indian traits and monumental piles : Nojomu and Nojoqui : the peculiar beauty of the lovely Santa Ynez : Santa Barbara and surroundings : grandeur of the Yosemite : general sketch of the valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  246. Histoire naturelle des végétaux parasites qui croissent sur l'homme et sur les animaux vivants text   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  247. Descriptio uberior graminum et plantarum calamariarum Americae septentrionalis indigenarum et cicurum   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  248. The Adirondack black spruce   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  249. Histoire naturelle des végétaux parasites qui croissent sur l'homme et sur les animaux vivants text   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  250. Trees & shrubs for English gardens   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  251. How to make improvement thinnings in Massachusetts woodlands   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  252. Reforestation in Massachusetts   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  253. To preserve the nation's heritage : vital importance of the Appalachian forest project ...   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  254. Genera Lichenum: an arrangement of the North American lichens   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  255. Histoire naturelle des végétaux parasites qui croissent sur l'homme et sur les animaux vivants atlas   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  256. The fishing tourist : angler's guide and reference book   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  257. Veterinary medicines : their actions and uses : with a copious appendix on the diseases of the domesticated animals   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  258. The still-hunter   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  259. The compleat angler, or The contemplative man's recreation : being a discourse of fish and fishing not unworthy the perusal of most anglers   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  260. The adventures of a gentleman in search of a horse   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  261. The lion and the elephant   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  262. Field and forest rambles, with notes and observations on the natural history of eastern Canada   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  263. Wild sports of the world : a book of natural history and adventure   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  264. An elementary treatise on American grape culture and wine making   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  265. Nights with an old gunner and other studies of wild life   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  266. The grouse. : Natural history, by H. A. Macpherson   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  267. The illustrated book of domestic poultry   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  268. About buying a horse, &c. &c   (added: 07/14/2024 )
  269. Savigear's guide to horsemanship and horse traning   (added: 07/14/2024 )
  270. Cinésie équestre. Nouvelle étude du cheval et principes inédits d'équitation rationnelle et de haute-école ...   (added: 07/14/2024 )
  271. I go a-fishing   (added: 07/14/2024 )
  272. Kittens and cats : a book of tales   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  273. The children's book of birds   (added: 06/30/2024 )
  274. Open space plan, 2008 - 2014   (added: 03/24/2024 )
  275. Reports on forest management in Germany, Austria and Great Britain   (added: 03/03/2024 )
  276. Suite des observations sur la géologie des États-Unis : servant a l'explication de la carte ci-jointe   (added: 03/03/2024 )
  277. Die œsterreichischen Alpenlæender und ihre Forste   (added: 03/03/2024 )
  278. Un arbre utile. Le peuplier, histoire variétés culture utilité maladies insectes nuisibles remédes exploitabilité produits emplois   (added: 03/03/2024 )
  279. Second report of the Board of Commissioners of the Department of Parks for the City of Boston, 1876   (added: 03/03/2024 )
  280. North-country flies. Comprising eleven plates of hand-painted illustrations, from the author's own drawings, with particulars of the dressings and season of each fly; and chapters on fishing the minnow, the creeper, the stonefly, and the worm in clear water, with an extra plate showing the hooks necessary therefor   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  281. Tentamen Pteridographiae,seu genera filicacearum praesertim juxta venarum decursum et distributionem exposita   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  282. General indexes to the plants contained in the first fifty-three volumes (or old series complete) of the Botanical magazine : to which is added, a few interesting memoirs of the author, Mr. W. Curtis   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  283. Waldbäume und kulturpflanzen im germanishcen altertum   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  284. Gorilla, tracking and capturing the ape-man of Africa   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  285. Field, forest, and garden botany ; a simple introduction to the common plants of the United States east of the 100th meridian, both wild and cultivated   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  286. De la conformation du cheval suivant les lois de la physiologie et de la mécanique   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  287. Handbook of the trees of the northern states and Canada east of the Rocky mountains   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  288. Synoptical flora of North America v.2 pt.1   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  289. The physiology of plants; a treatise upon the metabolism and sources of energy in plants v.3   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  290. Field, forest, and garden botany, a simple introduction to the common plants of the United States east of the Mississippi, both wild and cultivated   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  291. Veitch's manual of the coniferae : containing a general review of the order, a synopsis of the species cultivated in Great Britain, their botanical history, economic properties, place and use in arboriculture, etc   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  292. Pflanzenphysiologie. Ein handbuch des stoffwechsels und kraftwechsels in der pflanze Bd.1   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  293. Forests of British Guiana. : Detail reports. The forests of the north-western district of the county of Essequibo. Forest districts 1-4   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  294. The practice of forestry : concerning also the financial aspects of afforestation   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  295. English trees and tree-planting   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  296. Les arbres : études sur leur structure et leur végétation   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  297. Pflanzenphysiologie; ein Handbuch der Lehre vom Stoffwechsels und Kraftwechsels in der Pflanze Bd.2   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  298. The forests of the Flathead Valley, Montana : a dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Ogden Graduate School of Science, in candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Department of Botany)   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  299. The physiology of plants; a treatise upon the metabolism and sources of energy in plants v.1   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  300. The forester : a practical treatise on British forestry and arboriculture for landowners, land agents, and foresters v.1   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  301. Gray's school and field book of botany : consisting of "Lessons in botany" and "Field, forest, and garden botany," bound in one volume   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  302. Deutsche Bäume und Wälder. Populär-ästhetische Darstellungen aus der Natur und Naturgeschichte und Geographie der Baumwelt ...   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  303. The ethno-botany of the Coahuilla Indians of Southern California   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  304. La proteccion i replantacion de las selvas : trabajo leído en el VII Congreso científico   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  305. Sport in wildest Britain   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  306. Wild animals in central India   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  307. Synoptical flora of North America v.1 pt.2   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  308. Synopsis methodica lichenum omnium hucusque cognitorum praemissa introductione lingue gallica tractata   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  309. Fern etchings : illustrating all the species of ferns indigenous to the Northeastern United States and Canada   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  310. The nature-printed British sea-weeds : a history, accompanied by figures and dissections of the Algae of the British Isles v.2   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  311. Forest conference : under the auspices of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, Bretton Woods, N.H., August 3 to 5, 1909   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  312. Handbuch der Nadelholzkunde. Systematik, Beschreibung, Verwendung und Kultur der Freiland-Coniferen. Für Gärtner Forstleute und Botaniker   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  313. Field, forest, and garden botany ; a simple introduction to the common plants of the United States east of the 100th meridian, both wild and cultivated   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  314. Forestry and forest products : prize essays of the Edinburgh International Forestry Exhibition, 1884   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  315. An elementary text-book of botany   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  316. The nature-printed British sea-weeds : a history, accompanied by figures and dissections of the Algae of the British Isles v.1   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  317. The yew-trees of Great Britain and Ireland   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  318. British sea-weeds : drawn from Professor Harvey's "Phycologia Britannica" v.1   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  319. The advance movement in Michigan forestry   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  320. The cinchona barks:pharmacognostically considered   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  321. Steps of progress in Michigan forestry ...   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  322. Geschichte des forst- und jagdwesens in Deutschland   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  323. The nature-printed British sea-weeds : a history, accompanied by figures and dissections of the Algae of the British Isles v.4   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  324. Zucht und remontirung der militärpferde aller staaten   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  325. An elementary text-book of botany   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  326. Die pflege der eiche : ein beitrag zur bestandespflage   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  327. Forestry in British India   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  328. Forestry of Japan   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  329. Nomi volgari adopterati in Italia a designare le principali piante di bosco   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  330. Forest nursery and reforestation work in Massachusetts   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  331. Pflanzenphysiologie; ein Handbuch der Lehre vom Stoffwechsels und Kraftwechsels in der Pflanze Bd.1   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  332. In the North Countree : annals & anecdotes of horse, hound & herd   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  333. Some new anatomical characters for certain Gramineæ   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  334. Michigan forest reserve manual, for the information and use of forest officers   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  335. The forester : a practical treatise on British forestry and arboriculture for landowners, land agents, and foresters v.2   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  336. Field, forest, and garden botany ; a simple introduction to the common plants of the United States east of the 100th meridian, both wild and cultivated   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  337. Forest physiography; physiography of the United States and principles of soils in relation to forestry   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  338. The plants of the Bible : trees and shrubs   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  339. British sea-weeds : drawn from Professor Harvey's "Phycologia Britannica" v.2   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  340. The orchid-grower's manual, containing descriptions of the best species and varieties of orchidaceous plants in cultivation ...   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  341. The illustrated horse management : containing descriptive remarks upon anatomy, medicine, shoeing, teeth, food, vices, stables : likewise a plain account of the situation, nature and value of the various points : together with comments on grooms, dealers, breeders, breakers and trainers : also, on carriages and harness   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  342. The nature-printed British sea-weeds : a history, accompanied by figures and dissections of the Algae of the British Isles v.3   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  343. Pflanzenphysiologie. Ein handbuch des stoffwechsels und kraftwechsels in der pflanze Bd.2   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  344. The physiology of plants; a treatise upon the metabolism and sources of energy in plants v.2   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  345. Future forest trees or The importance of the German experiments in the introduction of North American trees   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  346. The horse, in the stable and the field : his varieties, management in health and disease, anatomy, physiology, etc., etc   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  347. Die farben der blüthen in ihrer jetzigen varation und früheren entwicklung   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  348. Wild flowers worth notice : a selection from the British flora of some of our native plants   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  349. Ferns in their homes and ours   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  350. Species filicum; being descriptions of the known ferns, particularly of such as exist in the author's herbarium, or are with sufficient accuracy described in works to which he has had access; accompanied with numerous figures v.5   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  351. Forest utilization   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  352. Forestry for woodmen   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  353. Elizur Wright's appeals for the Middlesex Fells and the forests : with a sketch of what he did for both   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  354. Fernwort papers presented at a meeting of fern students, held in New York city, June 27, 1900, under the auspices of the Linnaean fern chapter   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  355. Essay on the trees and shrubs of the ancients: being the substance of four lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, intended to be supplementary to those on Roman husbandry, already published   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  356. Correspondance botanique : liste des jardins, des chaires, des musées, des revues et des sociétés de botanique du monde   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  357. Der wald, seine Verjüngung, Pflege und Benutzung, bearbeitet für das Schweizervolk   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  358. Wild flowers worth notice : a selection of some of our native plants which are most attractive from their beauty, uses, or associations   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  359. We must stop forest fires in Massachusetts   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  360. Indian trees : an account of trees, shrubs, woody climbers, bamboos, and palms indigenous or commonly cultivated in the British Indian Empire   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  361. Muscologia Germanica : oder Beschreibung der deutschen Laubmoose. Im erweiterten Umfange nach dem jetzigen Stande der Wissenschaft, nebst Erörterung der Standörter und ihrer Entdecker, der Synonyme seit Hoffmann und Roth, mit erläuternden Anmerkungen   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  362. A practical handbook of trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous perennials   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  363. Ferns of Kentucky : with sixty full-page etchings and six wood-cuts, drawn by the author, illustrating structure, fertilization, classification, genera, and species   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  364. The principles of the art of modern horsemanship for ladies and gentlemen : in which all late improvements are applied to practice   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  365. Horse breeding recollections   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  366. History of the British turf : from the earliest period to the present day v.2   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  367. Lectures on forest policy. Second part, Forestry conditions in the United States   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  368. A text-book of veterinary obstetrics: including the diseases and accidents incidental to pregnancy, parturition, and early age in the domesticated animals   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  369. History of the British turf : from the earliest period to the present day v.1   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  370. Our domestic animals in health and disease v.1   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  371. Progress of economic and scientific agrostology   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  372. Trees in winter : their study, planting, care and identification   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  373. Bericht an den hohen schweizerischen Bundesrath über die Untersuchung der schweiz. Hochgebirgswaldungen, vorgenommen in den Jahren 1858, 1859 und 1860   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  374. A practical handbook of trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous perennials   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  375. Trees and ferns   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  376. Proceedings of the American forest congress held at Washington, D. C., January 2 to 6, 1905   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  377. A new and easy method of studying British wild flowers by natural analysis : being a complete series of illustrations of their natural orders and genera analytically arranged   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  378. Ferns in their homes and ours   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  379. Field trial record of dogs in America : with other authentic statistics, 1874 (to July 1) 1907, in which cuts and bigraphical sketches of prominent sportsmen are given ... date of death of sporting and non-sporting dogs ... cuts of noted dogs   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  380. Seaside planting for shelter, ornament, & profit   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  381. Traité général des conifères : ou, Description de toutes les espèces et variétés aujourd'hui connues, avec leur synonymie, l'indication des procédés de culture et de multiplication qu'il convient de leur appliquer   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  382. The fern-collector's guide; where to find and how to name the ferns   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  383. The bee-master's companion and assistant : wherein is set forth the properest methods of managing those insects, so as they may turn out to the best advantage, shewing an effectual way to preserve them from famine, cold, robbers, mice, or other enemies: also how to make all your hives equal in bees, so as never to have any weak hive; with an account of the power the working bees are invested with, of raising any egg in the hive to be a queen, when the community stands in need of one   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  384. Chinese economic trees   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  385. Equitation des dames   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  386. Fourteen weeks in botany : being an illustrated flora   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  387. The miscellaneous botanical works of Robert Brown v.1   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  388. Species filicum; being descriptions of the known ferns, particularly of such as exist in the author's herbarium, or are with sufficient accuracy described in works to which he has had access; accompanied with numerous figures v.4   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  389. The grasses, sedges and rushes of the northern United States, illustrated; an easy method of identification   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  390. Species filicum; being descriptions of the known ferns, particularly of such as exist in the author's herbarium, or are with sufficient accuracy described in works to which he has had access; accompanied with numerous figures v.1   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  391. British trees, including the finer shrubs for garden and woodland   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  392. Grasses : a handbook for use in the field and laboratory   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  393. A history of British ferns   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  394. Unsere deutschen Wälder   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  395. Los 7 arboles forestales mas recomendables para el pais   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  396. Boisement dans le désert et colonisation   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  397. The way of a trout with a fly and some further studies in minor tactics   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  398. Our ferns in their haunts; a guide to all the native species   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  399. The natural trout fly and its imitation   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  400. The fern paradise : a plea for the culture of ferns   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  401. A practical treatise on the most obvious diseases peculiar to horses : together with direction for their most rational treatment ; containing, also, some valuable information on the art of shoeing horses   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  402. Die immergrünen Ziergëholze von Süd-Tirol   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  403. Economics of forestry : a reference book for students of political economy and professional and lay students of forestry /c by Bernhard E. Fernow   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  404. Wild flowers worth notice : being a selection from the British flora of some of our native plants, which are most attractive from their beauty, uses, or associations   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  405. Sylvan spring   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  406. Winter greeneries at home   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  407. The miscellaneous botanical works of Robert Brown v.2   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  408. Flowers : their origin, shapes, perfumes, and colours   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  409. Mémoires sur l'administration forestière, et sur les qualités individuelles des bois indigènes ou qui sont acclimatés en France. Auxquels on a joint la description des bois exotiques que nous fournit le commerce. 2 tom   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  410. The grasses, sedges and rushes of the northern United States, illustrated; an easy method of identification   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  411. Open-air studies in botany : sketches of British wild flowers in their homes   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  412. Alpine plants painted from nature v.1   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  413. Die bedeutung und wichtigkeit des waldes, ursachen und folgen der entwaldung, die wiederbewaldung, mit rücksicht auf pflanzenphysiologie, klimatologie, meteorologie, forstatistik, forstgeographie und die forstlichen verhältnisse aller länder   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  414. Fourteen weeks in botany : being an illustrated flora   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  415. Oxford gardens. Based upon Daubeny's Popular guide to the physick garden of Oxford : with notes on the gardens of the colleges and on the University Park   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  416. With the trees   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  417. La reproducción forestal   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  418. Our woodland trees   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  419. French forest ordinance of 1669; with historical sketch of previous treatment of forests in France   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  420. Der Wald im Haushalt der Natur und der Volkswirthschaft   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  421. Our domestic animals in health and disease v.2   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  422. Culture des arbres et arbrisseaux d'ornement; plantations de lignes d'ornement parcs et jardins   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  423. The Angler's note-book and naturalists record : a repertory of fact, inquiry and discussion on fish, fishing and subjects of natural history   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  424. Species filicum; being descriptions of the known ferns, particularly of such as exist in the author's herbarium, or are with sufficient accuracy described in works to which he has had access; accompanied with numerous figures v.2   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  425. Forstliche Botanik   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  426. Biltmore lectures on sylviculture   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  427. Meadows and pastures. A compendium of the grasses of Tennessee   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  428. Tree wounds and diseases; their prevention and treatment, with a special chapter on fruit trees   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  429. Desmids of the United States and list of American pediastrums with eleven hundred illustrations on fifty-three colored plates   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  430. An inquiry into the uses and abuses of the practice of scraping and washing trees   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  431. Études sur l'économie forestière   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  432. The tree planter and plant propagator : being a practical manual on the propagation of forest trees, fruit trees, flowering shrubs, flowering plants, pot-herbs, etc. ... ; the tree pruner : being a practical manual on the pruning of fruit trees ...   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  433. The development of British forestry   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  434. Species filicum; being descriptions of the known ferns, particularly of such as exist in the author's herbarium, or are with sufficient accuracy described in works to which he has had access; accompanied with numerous figures v.3   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  435. A practical treatise on the most obvious diseases peculiar to horses : together with direction for their most rational treatment ; containing, also, some valuable information on the art of shoeing horses   (added: 02/18/2024 )
  436. Mosses with a hand-lens; a non-technical handbook of the more common and more easily recognized mosses of the north-eastern United States   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  437. Winter greeneries at home   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  438. Forestry in the United Kingdom   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  439. A history of fowling : being an account of the many curious devices by which wild birds are or have been captured in different parts of the world   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  440. Ferns in their homes and ours   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  441. Progress of forestry in 1907   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  442. The complete science of fly fishing and spinning   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  443. Mosses with a hand-lens : a non-technical handbook of the more common and more easily recognized mosses of the north-eastern United States   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  444. Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the year 1885   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  445. Diezels Niederjagd   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  446. The grasses of Maine. Designed for the use of the students of the Maine State College, and the farmers of the State   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  447. Prevent west nile virus, mosquito proof Boston   (added: 02/04/2024 )
  448. Boston Public Health Commission regulation : biological laboratory regulations   (added: 02/04/2024 )
  449. Boston public health commission regulation, clean air works, workplace smoking restrictions   (added: 02/04/2024 )
  450. Cardiovascular health report: a road map for the prevention of heart disease and stroke in Boston   (added: 02/04/2024 )
  451. Model policy prohibiting smoking   (added: 02/04/2024 )
  452. Die Naturalisation ausländischer Waldbäume in Deutschland   (added: 01/22/2024 )
  453. Les arbres et les peuplements forestiers : formation de leur volume et de leur valeur ...   (added: 01/21/2024 )
  454. Der Weisstannenkrebs   (added: 01/21/2024 )
  455. Ferns: British and exotic v.5   (added: 01/21/2024 )
  456. Der Baum : Betrachtungen über Gestalt und Lebensgeschichte der Holzgewächse   (added: 01/21/2024 )
  457. Lehrbuch der Pflanzenkranzkheiten : für Botaniker, Forstleute, Landwirthe und Gärtner   (added: 01/21/2024 )
  458. Ferns: British and exotic v.7   (added: 01/21/2024 )
  459. Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Watford Natural History Society and Hertfordshire Field Club, on the 8th of February 1877   (added: 01/21/2024 )
  460. Ferns: British and exotic v.2   (added: 01/21/2024 )
  461. Ferns: British and exotic v.8   (added: 01/21/2024 )
  462. Botanical miscellany : containing figures and descriptions of such plants as recommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, or history, or by the uses to which they are applied in the arts, in medicine, and in domestic œconomy : together with occasional botanical notices and information v.3   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  463. Bau und Leben unserer Waldbäume   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  464. Les collections botaniques du Musée royal de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Florence au printemps de MDCCCLXXIV   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  465. Ferns; a manual for the northeastern states, with analytical keys based on the stalks and on the fructification, with over two hundred illustrations from original drawings and photographs   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  466. The native flowers and ferns of the United States in their botanical, horticultural and popular aspects ser.2 v.1   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  467. Botany v.2   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  468. Botanical miscellany : containing figures and descriptions of such plants as recommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, or history, or by the uses to which they are applied in the arts, in medicine, and in domestic œconomy : together with occasional botanical notices and information v.2   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  469. Practical arboriculture; how forests influence climate, control the winds, prevent floods, sustain national prosperity; a text book for railway engineers, manufacturers, lumbermen and farmers. How, where and what to plant for the rapid production of lumber, cross-ties, telegraph poles and other timbers, with original photographs by the author   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  470. British wild flowers   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  471. Ferns: British and exotic v.6   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  472. Deutsche Dendrologie : kurze beschreibung der in deutschland im freien aushaltenden Nadel- und Laubholzgewächse zur schnellen und sicheren Bestimmung der Gattungen, der Arten und einiger wichtigeren Abarten und Formen   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  473. Alpine plants : figures and descriptions of some of the most striking and beautiful of the alpine flowers ser.1   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  474. Ètude sur la condition forestière de l'Orleanais au moyen age et la renaissance   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  475. Identification of Philippine woods by anatomical characters   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  476. Fern growing : Fifty years' experience in crossing and cultivation, with a list of the most important varieties and a history of the discovery of multiple parentage, etc., with sixty-two illustrations   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  477. Ferns: British and exotic v.1   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  478. Flowering trees & shrubs   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  479. Hardy coniferous trees : being a concise description of each species and variety, with the most recently approved nomenclature, lists of synonyms, and best methods of cultivation ...   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  480. Botanical miscellany : containing figures and descriptions of such plants as recommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, or history, or by the uses to which they are applied in the arts, in medicine, and in domestic œconomy : together with occasional botanical notices and information v.1   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  481. Notice sur les bois de Madagascar   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  482. New and rare beautiful-leaved plants; containing illustrations and descriptions of the most ornamental-foliaged plants not hitherto noticed in any work on the subject   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  483. Mosses and lichens : a popular guide to the identification and study of our commoner mosses and lichens, their uses, and methods of preserving   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  484. Ferns: British and exotic v.4   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  485. The tree book; a popular guide to a knowledge of the trees of North America and to their uses and cultivation   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  486. The tree book : a popular guide to a knowledge of the trees of North America and to their uses and cultivation   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  487. The native flowers and ferns of the United States in their botanical, horticultural and popular aspects ser.2 v.2   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  488. Lehrbuch der Baumkrankheiten   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  489. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Baumkrankheiten   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  490. The principal species of wood: their characteristic properties   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  491. Australian grasses (with illustrations)   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  492. The tree book : a popular guide to a knowledge of the trees of North America and to their uses and cultivation   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  493. Fremdländische wald- und parkbäume für Europa   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  494. The native flowers and ferns of the United States in their botanical, horticultural and popular aspects ser.1 v.1   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  495. Mosses with hand-lens and microscope : a non-technical hand-book of the more common mosses of the northeastern United States   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  496. Compilation of notes on the most important timber tree species of the Philippine Islands   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  497. Die farnkräuter der erde. Beschreibende darstellung der geschlechter und wichtigeren arten der farnpflanzen mit besonderer berücksichtigung der exotischen   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  498. Die Forstbenutzung. Ein Grundriss zu Vorlesungen mit zahlreichen Ltteraurnachweisen   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  499. Text-book of botany, morphological and physiological   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  500. English woodlands and their story   (added: 01/14/2024 )