Iardin de fleurs
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Iardin de fleurs : contenant en soy les plus rares et plus excellentes fleurs que pour le present les amateurs dicelles tiennent en grande estime et dignite : divisees selon les quatre saisons de l'an

Title Variants

Alternative: Hortus floridus, in quo rariorum & minus vulgarium florum icones
Alternative: Iardin de flevrs, contenant en soy les plvs rares et plvs excellentes flevrs
Alternative: Jardin de fleurs, contenant en soy les plus rares et plus excellentes fleurs


Passe, Crispijn van de, 1594-1670

Passe, Crispijn van de, 1594-1670
Pass, Simon van de, 1595?-1647
Passe, Willem van de, 1598-1637
Woutneel, Ioan.
Janz, Jan, active 1597-1630




Published material

Publication info

Imprimes a Vtrecht, Ches Crispian de Pas, [1617]


Added engraved Latin title: Hortus floridus, in quo rariorum & minus vulgarium florum icones ... incredibili labore ac diligentia Crisp. Passaei junioris delineatae ac suum in ordinem redactae ao. 1614.

Each of the four seasons is preceded by an engraving of a garden. [Spring] is preceded by Savage's Garden 2, the other three by Garden 1.

Engravings of flowers and letterpress descriptions printed on two sides of the same leaves.

First issued 1614. Getty copy closest to Savage's state 4 (Arnhem, 1617). Savage did not encounter state 4 with the preliminary text in French or English, but he writes that these might occur.

Foliation, pt. 1, [preliminary text]: [15] leaves -- [Spring]: [2] leaves, 1-52, 52, 54 leaves with plates (letterpress descriptions numbered I-XLIX, XXXVIII-XLI) -- Aestas: [2] leaves, 1-20 leaves with plates (descriptions numbered 1-20) -- Autumnus: [2] leaves, 25, [26], 25 [i.e. 27] leaves with plates (descriptions numbered [1], 3-25, [26] -- Hortus floridus hyemalis: [3] leaves, 1.d-d.12 leaves with plates (descriptions numbered 1-12) -- pt. 2: [2] leaves, [61] leaves with plates (all but plates 53 & 120 reproduce two plants each, the plants being numbered consecutively 1/2-120; descriptions numbered I/II-CXIX/CXX).

Frontispiece to pt. 2 has legend: Formulis Crispiani Passaei et Joannis Waldnelij ("From designs of Crispijn van de Passe [the Elder] and Ioan Woutneel"; see Savage).

Letterpress section with indications of colors of the flowers and appropriate pigments to reproduce them, 2nd leaf verso through 13th. This is followed by an engraved, four-page addendum on raising tulips (present in Getty copy but not in all copies).

Preliminary text signed: A-F² chi². Of the four seasons, [Spring] and Aestas only are signed: ²A-3G1, ³A-V1. Pt. 2 unsigned.

Second pt. has special added title: Alter pars horti floridi in qua praeter flores, varia etiam reperiuntur arborum fructiferarum, fruticum, plantarrum quoque et herbarum medicinalium genera, per Crisp. Passaeum in lucem edita.

Some engravings in "Aestas horti floridi" signed by Willem van de Passe or Simon van de Pass.

Special added titles for Aestas horti floridi, Autumnus horti floridi, and Hortus floridus hyemalis. According to imprints on these titles, the first two were printed by Jan Jansz in Arnhem in 1617 and 1616 respectively, the third by Crispijn van de Passe in Utrecht, 1614.

Savage, S. The Hortus Floridus of Crispijn vande Passe the Younger, in The Library, v. 4 (London, 1923), | p. 181-206

Preliminary text in French, descriptions of plates in Latin. Also issued with preliminary text in Dutch or English.


17th century , Color , Early works to 1800 , Engravings , Flowers , Fruit trees , Medicinal plants , Netherlands , Pictorial works




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.106936
OCLC: 84656438


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