By: Grew, Nehemiah, - Grew, Nehemiah, - Rawlins, William, - Royal Society (Great Britain)
Publication info: [London], Printed by W. Rawlins, for the author, 1682
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: 1682 17th century Botany Chemistry Early works to 1800 England Engravings Plant anatomy Plants anatomy Pre-Linnean works Uncolored
BHL Collections: Blog Features | Missouri Botanical Garden's Rare Books Collection
By: Pinter von der Au, Johann Christoph. - Götze, Thomas Matthäus, - Kuchenbecker, Anna Margarete,
Publication info: Franckfurt am Mäyn, In Verlegung Thomas Matthias Götzen, gedruckt bey Nicolaus Kuchenbeckern sel. Wittwe, im Jahr 1664
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Germany Horsemanship Horses Training
BHL Collections:
By: Dobell, Clifford, - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van,
Publication info: New York, Harcourt, Brace and company, 1932
Holding Institution: MBLWHOI Library
Subjects: 1632-1723 17th century Bacteria Bacteriology Biography History Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, Microbiology Protozoa Science
BHL Collections:
By: Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, - Blois, Abraham de, - Verkolje, Jan, - Kroonevelt, Henrik van,
Publication info: Delphis Batavorum [Delft], Apud Henricum a Krooneveld, 1695
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Microscopy Natural history Netherlands physiology Pre-Linnean works
BHL Collections:
Architectura curiosa nova, exponens 1. Fundamenta hydragogica, indolemq[ue] aquæ, aëris interventu in altum levandæ. 2. Varios aquarum ac salientium fontium lusus per varia spectatu jucunda epistomiorum seu siphonum genera. 3. Magnum amnissimorum fontium, machinarumq[ue] aquæductoriarum sumtu magno exstructarum, ac per Italiam, Britanniam, Germaniam &c. visendarum, numerum. 4. Specus artificiales sumtuosissimas, cum plerisq[ue] principum europæorum palatiis, hortis, aulis; nec non præcipuis monasteriis atq[ue] arcibus. 5. Cum auctario figurarum elegantissimarum, ad hortorum topiaria vario ductù dividenda, nec non conclavium laquearibus ac pavimentis segmentandis, itemq[ue] labyrinthis construendis, adhibendarum. Omnia 200 æri incisis... descripta
By: Böckler, Georg Andreas. - Sturm, Johann Christophorus, - Aubry, Abraham. - Schwan, Balthazar, - Fürst, Paul, - Gerhard, Christoph,
Publication info: Norimbergæ, Impensis Pauli Fürsten, biblio-technopolae, typis Christophori Gerhardi, [1664]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Buildings Designs Designs and plans Early works to 1800 Engravings Europe Fountains Gardens Germany
BHL Collections:
By: Delcampe. - Le Gras, Nicolas
Edition: Nouvelle edition.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Nicolas Le Gras, 1691
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings France Horsemanship Horses Training
BHL Collections:
By: Santa Paulina, Nicola. - Dorigny, Louis. - Juster, Joseph. - Santa Paulina, Luigi. - Tipografia del Seminario di Padova.
Publication info: In Padova, Nella stamperia del Seminario, MDCXCVI [1696]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Etchings Horsemanship Horses Italy
BHL Collections:
By: Kircher, Athanasius, - Alexander Pope, - Leopold Holy Roman Emperor, - Janssonius van Waesberge, Johannes, - Matham, Theodor, - Schor, Johann Paul,
Edition: Editio tertia / ad fidem scripti exemplaris recognita, & prioribus emendatior: tum ab auctore Româ submissis variis observationibus novisque figuris auctior.
Publication info: Amstelodami [Amsterdam, Netherlands], Apud Joannem Janssonium à Waesberge & filios, anno MDCLXXVIII. [1678]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) Geology Integral errata lists (Printing) Natural history Netherlands Pre-Linnean works Science Volcanoes Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Bradley, James W. (James Wesley),
Publication info: Albany, N.Y, University of the State of New York, State Education Dept, 2007
Volume: no.509 (2007)
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
Subjects: 17th century Albany Region Albany Region (N.Y.) Antiquities Archaeology and history Dutch Americans Excavations (Archaeology) First contact with Europeans History Indians of North America Material culture New York (State)
BHL Collections:
By: Commelin, Johannes, - Holford, J.
Publication info: London, Printed for J. Holford, Bookseller, ... to be sold by Langley Curtis, 1683
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1676 17th century Citrus fruits Copper engraving Fruit-culture Graphic media : Netherlands Uncolored
BHL Collections:
By: Du Molinet, Claude, - Ertinger, Franz, - Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Antoine Dezallier, 1692
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Antiquities Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève Engravings France Library resources Natural history Paris
BHL Collections:
By: La Broue, Salomon de - Mallery, Karel van,
Edition: Troisieme edition reueue et augmentee de beaucoup de lecons et figures, par l'autheur.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Abel l'Angelier au premier pilier de la grand' Salle du Palais, 1613-1620
Volume: v.1-3
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Bridles Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) France Horsemanship Horses Training Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
Il cauallo da maneggio. Libro. Dove si tratta della nobilissima virtu del caualcare, come il cauagliere deue star' à cauallo, acciò sia chiamato perfetto cauagliere, amato e stimato da tutti; come si deue domar' il cauallo, gouernare, inferrare, imbrigliare, am̃aestrare; in che tempo si deuono pigliar li poledri per ammaestrarli di tempo in tempo, e di scola in scola. Della razza dei stalloni, de pelami; de segni buoni, et cattiui; & in fine dei remedij ad' ogni sorte d'infirmità che puol accader' al cauallo. Diviso in tre parti, nella prima si tratta del conoscer li caualli; nella seconda il modo di caualcare; nella terza il modo di medicar' ogni sorte d'infirmità; con tre tauole ...
By: Galiberto, Giovanni Battista di, conte. - Kürner, Johann Jakob,
Publication info: In Vienna d'Austria, Per Giovan Giacomo Kyrneri, anno M.DC.L. [1650]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Diseases Early works to 1800 Engravings Horsemanship Horses
BHL Collections:
By: Ferraro, Pirro Antonio, - Ferraro, Giovanni Battista,
Publication info: In Napoli, Appresso Antonio Pace, MDCII [1602]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Bits (Bridles) Bridles Early works to 1800 Horsemanship Italy Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, - Boutesteyn, Cornelis,
Edition: Editio altera.
Publication info: Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Cornelium Boutestein, 1696
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Microscopy Natural history Netherlands physiology Pre-Linnaean works
BHL Collections:
By: Alpini, Prosper, - Alpini, Alpino, - Guerigli, Giovanni
Publication info: Venetiis, Apud Io. Guerilium, MDCXXVI [1627]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Botany Crete Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) Greece Herbals Italy Materia medica, Vegetable Plants, Medicinal Pre-Linnean works
BHL Collections:
By: Munting, Abraham, - Sweerts, Hieronymus, - Munting, Abraham,
Publication info: Amstelodami, Apud Hieronymum Sweerts, 1681
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Aloe vera Aloès Botany, Medical Docks (Plants) Early works to 1800 Engravings Liliaceae Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine Netherlands Plants Rumex Tilie (2éme)
BHL Collections:
By: Bonnefons, Nicolas de. - Bonnefons, Nicolas de. - Chauveau, François, - Blaeu, Joan,
Edition: Seconde edition / augmentée par l'autheur.
Publication info: A Amsterdam, Chez Iean Blaeu, MDCLXI [1661]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Confectionery Cookbooks Cooking, French Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) France Fruit Netherlands Preservation
BHL Collections:
By: Donato d'Eremita.
Publication info: In Napoli, Per Secondino Roncagliolo, 1624
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Alchemy Distillation Early works to 1800 Elixir of life Engravings Equipment and supplies Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Italy Medicinal plants Medicine Pictorial works Recipes Workshop recipes
BHL Collections:
By: Perrault, Claude, - Léonard, Frédéric,
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Frederic Leonard, imprim. ordin. du roy, ruë S. Iaques, à l'Escu de Venise, MDCLXIX [1669]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Anatomy Anatomy, Comparative Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) France Mammals Vertebrates
BHL Collections:
Dess Circkelss vnd Richtscheyts, auch der Perspectiua, vnd Proportion der Menschen vnd Rosse, kurtze, doch gründtliche Vnderweisung, dess rechten gebrauchs : mit viel schönen Figuren, aller anfahenden Jugendt, vnnd andern liebhabern dieser Kunst, als Goldschmiden, Malern, Bildhauwern, Steinmetzen, Schreinern, [et]c. eigentlich fürgebildet, vormals im Truck nie gesehen, sonder jetzunder erstmals von neuwem an Tag gegeben
By: Lautensack, Heinrich, - Dürer, Albrecht,
Publication info: Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, Bey Egenolff Emmel, in verlegung Simonis Schambergers, im Jahr, 1618
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Anatomy Anatomy, Artistic Early works to 1800 Germany Horses Proportion (Art) Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Hoefnagel, Jacob,
Publication info: [Amsterdam], Typis[que] mandatæ a Nicolao Ioannis Visscher, 1630
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Engravings Insect forms in art and archaeology Insects Netherlands
BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Aldini, Tobia, - Castelli, Pietro,
Publication info: Romae, Typis Iacobi Mascardi, anno iubilei M.DC.XXV. [1625]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Botanical gardens Botany Engravings Italy Orti farnesiani (Rome, Italy) Pre-Linnean works Rome Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Ferrari, Giovanni Battista, - Aureli, Ludovico, - Facciotto, Pier Antonio. - Greuter, Johann Friedrich, - Mellan, Claude,
Publication info: In Roma, Per Pier.'Ant. Facciotti, 1638
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Floriculture Flowers Gardenin Italy
BHL Collections:
By: Sweerts, Emanuel, - Kempner, Anthonius. - Kempfer, Eramus,
Edition: De nouo correctum et emandatum.
Publication info: Impressum Francofurti ad Moenum, Apud Anthonium Kempner, sumptib[us] autoris, 1612
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Botany Catalogs Early works to 1800 Engravings Flowers Germany Sales catalogs
BHL Collections:
By: Redi, Francesco, - Decker, Cornelis Gerritsz, - Hooghe, Romeyn de, - Lachmund, Friedrich, - Redi, Francesco, - Wetstein, Henricus.
Edition: [Secunda hac editione ita emendata, ut nova plane versio dici mereatur].
Publication info: Amstelaedami, Apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1685-1686
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Etchings Insects Natural history Netherlands Pre-Linnean works Shearwaters Spontaneous generation
BHL Collections:
By: Redi, Francesco, - Hooghe, Romeyn de,
Publication info: Amstelodami, Sumptibus Andreae Frisii, 1671
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Insects Natural history Netherlands Pre-Linnean works Spontaneous generation
BHL Collections:
By: Winter, Georg Simon, - Schurtz, Cornelius Nicolaus. - Troschel, Peter,
Publication info: Norimbergae, Sumtibus Wolfgangi Mauritii Endteri, & haeredum Johannis Andreae Endteri, anno 1678
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Germany Horsemanship Horses Training
BHL Collections:
Het gezandtschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen keizer van China : waar in de gedenkwaerdigste geschiedenissen, die onder het reizen door de Sineesche landtschappen, Quantung, Kiangsi, Nanking, Xantung en Peking, en aan het keizerlyke hof te Peking, zedert den jaare 1655 tot 1657 zyn voorgevallen, op het bondigste verhandelt worden : beneffens een naauwkeurige beschryvinge der Sineesche steden, dorpen, regeering, weetenschappen, handwerken, zeden, godsdiensten, gebouwen, drachten, scheepen, bergen, gewaffen, dieren, &c. en oorlogen tegen de Tarters : verçiert met over de 150 afbeeldtsels, na 't leven in Sina
By: Nieuhof, Johannes, - Nieuhof, Hendrik. - Wolfgang, Abraham,
Publication info: Tot Amsterdam, By Wolfgang, Waasberge, Boom, van Someren, en Goethals, 1693
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century China Description and travel Early works to 1700 Engravings Etchings Maps Natural history Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie Netherlands Pre-Linnean works Travel literature
BHL Collections:
By: Olearius, Adam,
Edition: Übersehen und zum andern Mal gedruckt.
Publication info: [Schleswig], Auff Gottfriedt Schultzens Kosten [gedruckt], 1674
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 1597-1659 17th century Art collections Art objects Catalogs and collections Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp, Early works to 1800 Engravings Frederick Germany III, Natural history Natural history collections Pre-Linnean works Private collections Schleswig
BHL Collections:
By: Ferrer de Valdecebro, Andrés,
Publication info: En Barcelona, En casa de Cormellas, por Tomàs Loriente, impressor, año 1696
Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Subjects: 17th century Animal behavior Animals Conduct of life Early works to 1800 Emblem books Emblem books, Spanish Emblems Spain
BHL Collections:
By: Löhneyss, Georg Engelhard Von,
Publication info: Gedruckt zu Remling, [G. E. v. Löhneyss], 1609[-1610]
Volume: v.1-2
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Chivalry Clothing Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) Equipment and supplies Exhibition catalogs Exhibitions Festival books Germany Horse processions Horsemanship Horsemen and horsewomen Horses Pictorial works Sleighs Tournaments, Medieval Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Gerard, John, - Davies, Robert, - Johnson, Thomas, - Islip, Adam, - Priest, Robert, - Payne, John, - Norton, Joyce. - Whitaker, Richard, - Dodoens, Rembert,
Publication info: London, Printed by Adam Islip Joice Norton and Richard Whitakers, anno 1633
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Botanical illustration Botanical literature Botany Botany, Medical Early works to 1800 England Engravings Gardens Herbals Herbs Plants Pre-Linnean works Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Ferrari, Giovanni Battista, - Albani, Francesco, - Barrière, Dominique, - Bloemaert, Cornelis, - Cungi, Camillo, - Gagliardi, Filippo, - Goyrand, Claude, - Greuter, Johann Friedrich, - Lanfranco, Giovanni, - Perrier, François, - Pietro, da Cortona, - Poussin, Nicolas, - Rainaldi, Girolamo, - Reni, Guido, - Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco, - Sacchi, Andrea, - Ubaldini, Pietro Paolo.
Publication info: Romae, Sumptibus Hermanni Scheus, MDCXLVI [1646]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Citrus fruits Early works to 1800 Engravings Italy
BHL Collections:
By: Poincy, Louis de, - Breton, Raymond, - Rochefort, César de, - Leers, Arnout,
Publication info: A Roterdam, Chez Arnould Leers, M.DC.LVIII. [1658]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Apalachee Indians Carib Indians Carib language Description and travel Early works to 1800 Engravings Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Lesser Antilles Natural history Netherlands Pre-Linnean works
BHL Collections:
By: Imperato, Ferrante, - Ferro, Giovanni Maria,
Edition: In questa seconda impressione aggiontoui da Gio. Maria Ferro speciale alla sanità, alcune annotationi alle piante nel libro vigesimo ottauo.
Publication info: Venetia, Presso Combi & La Noù, 1672
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 1550-1625 17th century Catalogs and collections Early works to 1800 Imperato, Ferrante, Italy Natural history Natural history collections Pre-Linnean works Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Hermann, Paul, - Blois, Abraham de, - Boutesteyn, Cornelis, - Mieris, Willem van,
Publication info: Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Cornelium Boutesteyn, MDCLXXXVII [1687]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Botanical gardens Catalogs and collections Engravings Hortus Botanicus Leiden Leyde, jardin botanique, 1681-1686, catalogue Netherlands Plants Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden
BHL Collections:
By: Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van, - Almeloveen, Theodoor Jansson ab, - Commelin, Johannes, - Munniks, Johannes, - Poot, Abraham van, - Syen, Arnold, - Casearius, Johannes, - Someren, Joannes van. - Dyck, Jan van. - Boom, Hendrik,
Publication info: Amstelaedami, sumptibus Johannis van Someren, et Joannis van Dyck, 1678-1703
Volume: v.1-2 (1678-1679)
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1637?-1691 1678 17th century Botany Copper engraving Graphic media: History India Malabar Coast Malabar Coast (India) Pictorial works Plants Portraits Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van, Uncolored
BHL Collections: Blog Features | Rarest of the Rare
By: Passe, Crispijn van de, - Passe, Crispijn van de, - Pass, Simon van de, - Passe, Willem van de, - Woutneel, Ioan. - Janz, Jan,
Publication info: Imprimes a Vtrecht, Ches Crispian de Pas, [1617]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Color Early works to 1800 Engravings Flowers Fruit trees Medicinal plants Netherlands Pictorial works
BHL Collections:
By: La Quintinie, Jean de, - Vermeulen, Cornelis, - La Mare-Richart, Florent de,
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Claude Barbin, 1690
Volume: 2
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings France Fruit-culture Vegetable gardening
BHL Collections:
By: Pluvinel, Antoine de, - Passe, Crispijn van de, - Passe, Crispijn van de, - Pass, Simon van de,
Publication info: A Paris, Macé Rvette, 1629
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 1601-1643 17th century Costume Early works to 1800 Engravings France Handbooks, manuals, etc History Horsemanship King of France, Louis Pictorial works XIII,
BHL Collections:
By: Legati, Lorenzo, - Monti, Giacomo.
Publication info: In Bologna, Per Giacomo Monti, 1680
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Art collections Art objects b. ca. 1608 Bologna Cabinets of curiosities Catalogs Catalogs and collections Cospi, Ferdinando, Early works to 1800 Inventories Italy Natural history Natural history collections Numismatics Pre-Linnean works Private collections
BHL Collections:
By: Ferrari, Giovanni Battista, - Pietro, da Cortona, - Reni, Guido, - Sacchi, Andrea, - Greuter, Johann Friedrich, - Mellan, Claude, - Vaiani, Anna Maria. - Paolini, Stefano.
Publication info: Romae, Excudebat Stephanus Paulinus, 1633
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Floriculture Flowers Italy
BHL Collections:
Ioannis Eusebii Nierembergii Madritensis ex Societate Iesu ... Historia naturae, maxime peregrinae, libris XVI. distincta : in quibus rarissima naturae arcana, etiam astronomica, & ignota Indiarum animalia, ... plantae, metalla, lapides & alia mineralia, fluuiorumque & elementorum conditiones, etiam cum proprietatibus medicinalibus, describuntur ... : accedunt de miris & miraculosis naturis in Europâ libri duo, item de iisdem in terrâ Hebraeis promissâ liber vnus
By: Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio, - Jegher, Christoffel,
Publication info: Antuerpiae, Ex officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, M.DC.XXXV. [1635]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Belgium Mexico Natural history Pre-Linnean works Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Mollet, André. - Lasne, Michel, - Velde, Jan van de, - Hartmann, Wolffgang, - Keyser, Henrik,
Publication info: A Stocholme, Chez Henry Kayser, 1651
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Designs and plans Early works to 1800 Engravings Formal gardens Gardening Landscape gardening Sweden
BHL Collections:
By: Comenius, Johann Amos, - Reber, Joseph.
Publication info: Giessen, E. Roth, 1896
Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
Subjects: 17th century Electronic books Natural history
BHL Collections:
By: Colerus, Johannes. - Tribbechow, Adam, - Karger, Friedrich,
Publication info: Giessae Hassorum [i.e. Giessen], Typis & sumptibus Friderici Kargeri, anno aerae Christ. 1665
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Dissertations Early works to 1800 Germany Silk Silkworms
BHL Collections:
By: Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van,
Publication info: 1684-1718
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Engravings Natural history Netherlands Pre-Linnean works
BHL Collections:
By: Rusius, Laurentius - Perier, Adrian.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Adrian, Perier, rue Sainct Iacques au Compas d'Or, M.DC.X [1610]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Bits (Bridles) Diseases Early works to 1800 France Horses Italy Pictorial works Prescriptions Treatment Woodcuts Wounds and injuries
BHL Collections:
By: Dodart, Denis, - Bosse, Abraham, - Le Clerc, Sébastien, - Mabre-Cramoisy, Sébastien, - Robert, Nicolas, - Académie royale des sciences (France) - Imprimerie royale (France)
Publication info: A Paris, De l'Imprimerie royale, MDCLXXVI [1676]
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: 17e siècle 17th century botánica Botanique Botany Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings France Histoire Identification Medicinal plants Obras anteriores a 1800 Ouvrages avant 1800 Plantes Plantes médicinales Plantkunde Pre-Linnean works
BHL Collections:
By: Tradescant, John, - Ashmole, Elias, - Wharton, Thomas, - Hollar, Wenceslaus, - Grismond, John, - Brooke, Nathaniel
Publication info: London, Printed by John Grismond, and are to be sold by Nathanael Brooke, M.DC.LVI [1656]
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: 1608-1662 1617-1692 -1637? 17th century Art collections Art objects Ashmole, Elias, Catalogs and collections Collectors and collecting England Engravings Natural history Natural history collections Oxford Tradescant, John,
BHL Collections:
By: Worm, Ole, - Elzevir, Daniel, - Elzevir, Jean, - Mander, Carel van, - Wingendorp, G. (Gerhard), - Worm, Willum,
Publication info: Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Iohannem Elsevirium, 1655
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
Subjects: 1588-1654 17th century Antiquities Archaeological collections Cabinets of curiosities Catalogs and collections Copenhagen Denmark Early works to 1800 Engravings Natural history Natural history collections Netherlands Pre-Linnean works Private collections Woodcuts Worm, Ole,
BHL Collections:
By: Ceruti, Benedetto, - Chiocco, Andrea, - Bertoni, Giovanni Battista, - Viscardi, Girolamo,
Publication info: Veronae, Apud Angelum Tamum, 1622
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 1522-1609 17th century Calzolari, Francesco, Catalogs Catalogs and collections Engravings fl. 1622 Italy Natural history Natural history collections Verona
BHL Collections:
De Nederlandtse herbarius, of, Kruydt-boeck : beschryvende de geslachten, gedaente, plaetse, tijt, oeffeningh, aert, krachten, en medicinael gebruyck van alderhande boomen, heesteren, boom-gewassen, kruyden en planten, die in de Nederlanden in 't wilde gevonden, ende in de hoven onderhouden worden : als mede de uytlandtsen of vreemde droogens, die gemeenlijck in de apothekers winckels gebruyckt worden : uyt verscheyde kruydt-beschrijvers tot nut van alle natuur-kunders, geneesmeesters, apothekers, chirurgijns, en liefhebbers van kruyden en planten by een vergadert, en beschreven
By: Nyland, P. (Petrus) - Doornick, Marcus Willemsz,
Publication info: t'Amsterdam, By Marcus Doornick, 1673
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Botany Early works to 1800 Herbals Medicinal plants Netherlands Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Commelin, Johannes, - Doornik, Marcus. - Kick, Cornelis,
Publication info: Amsterdam, by Marcus Doornik, Boek-verkooper op den Vygen-dam, 1676
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1676 17th century Citrus fruits Copper engraving Fruit-culture Graphic media : Netherlands Uncolored
BHL Collections:
By: Wit, Frederik de.
Publication info: Amsterdam, s.n, 168-?
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Botany Engravings Flowers Netherlands Pictorial works
BHL Collections:
By: Moscardo, Lodovico.
Publication info: In Padoa, Per Paolo Frambotto, 1656
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Archaeological collections Catalogs Catalogs and collections Classical antiquities Engravings Italy Moscardo, Lodovico Natural history Natural history collections Private collections Verona
BHL Collections:
By: Massialot, François, - Massialot, François, - Sercy, Charles de, - Chardon, Étienne,
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Charles de Sercy, au Palais, au sixième Pilier de la Grand'Salle, vis-à-vis la Montée de la Cour des Aides, à la Bonne-Foi couronnée, MDCXCII [1692]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Cooking (Fruit) Early works Early works to 1800 France Fruit Liqueurs Preservation Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Bacon, Francis, - Devey, Joseph,
Publication info: New York, Collier, 1902
Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Trinity College (John. W. Graham Library)
Subjects: 17th century Methodology Philosophy, English Science
BHL Collections:
By: Bacon, Francis, - Devey, Joseph,
Publication info: New York, Collier, 1902
Holding Institution: University of Toronto - St. Michael’s College (John M. Kelly Library)
Subjects: 17th century Methodology Philosophy, English Science
BHL Collections:
By: Parkinson, John, - Lownes, Humphrey, - Young, Robert, - Switzer, A.,
Publication info: London, Printed by Hvmfrey Lownes and Robert Yovng, at the signe of the Starre on Bread-street hill, 1629
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 England Flowers Gardening Gardens Herbals Plants Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Palmieri, Lorenzino.
Publication info: In Venetia, Appresso Barezzo Barezzi, ad istanza di Paolo Frambotto, libraro in Padoua, 1625
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Diseases Early works to 1800 Engravings Horsemanship Horses Italy
BHL Collections:
Petri Laurembergii Rostochiensis Apparatus plantarius tributus in duos libros : I. De plantis bulbosis, II. De plantis tuberosis : quibus exhibentur praeter nomenclaturas, multiplices earum differentiae & species, vires, usus tam culinarius quam medicus : cultura sive ratio eas plantandi, conservandi, propagandi, itemque quae poetae, philologi, philosophi, sacrae litterae, &c. de iis memoratu digna annotarunt : adiunctae sunt plantarum quarundam novarum nova ichnographia, & descriptiones
By: Lauremberg, Peter, - Merian, Matthaeus,
Publication info: Francofurti ad Moe, num sumptibus Matthaei Meriani, MDCLIV [1654]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Botany Bulbs (Plants) Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) Gardening Germany Inscriptions (Provenance) Pre-Linnean works
BHL Collections:
By: Passe, Crispijn van de,
Publication info: Utrecht, C. van de Passe, 16--
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Fishes Netherlands Pictorial works
BHL Collections:
By: Angelita, Gio. Francesco (Giovanni Francesco),
Publication info: In Ricanati, Appresso Antonio Braida, M.DCVII. [1607]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Fig Italy Melons Snails
BHL Collections:
By: Menou, René de, sieur de Charnizay, - Chauveau, François,
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Guillaume Loyson ... et Iean Baptiste Loyson, 1650
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Dueling Early works to 1800 Engravings France Horsemanship
BHL Collections:
By: Courbé, Augustin. - Morisot, Claude-Barthélemy, - Moreau, Pierre, - Cauche, François, - Baro, Roulox. - Lambert, César - Albert, Jacques, - Seguezzi, Santo. - Compagnie des Indes occidentales.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Augustin Courbé, au Palais, en la Gallerie des Merciers, à la Palme, M. DC. LI. [1651]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
Subjects: 17th century Brazil Description and travel Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654 Egypt Foreign relations History Imprint 1651 Indians of South America Iran Madagascar Natural history Netherlands Portugal
BHL Collections:
By: Chevalier, Nicolas, - Schoonebeek, Adriaan, - Van Vianen, Jan, - Wolfgang, Abraham,
Publication info: A Amsterdam, Chez Abraham Wolfgang, 1694
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Amsterdam approximately 1650-approximately 1720 Art Art collections Bronze implements Cabinets of curiosities Catalogs and collections Chevalier, Nicolas, Early works to 1800 Etchings Natural history Natural history collections Netherlands Private collections Rome Sieves
BHL Collections:
By: Hernández, Francisco, - Cesi, Federico, - Colonna, Fabio, - Deversin, Biagio, - Faber, Johannes, - Greuter, Johann Friedrich, - Hernández, Francisco, - Mascardi, Vitale. - Masotti, Zenobio, - Recchi, Nardo Antonio. - Terentius, Joannes,
Publication info: Romae, Ex typographeio Vitalis Mascardi, MDCXXXXXI [1651]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Italy Materia medica Mexico Natural history Pre-Linnean works Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Rosenberg, Johann Karl, - Heyden, Marx von der,
Publication info: Argentinae [Strasbourg], Typis Marci ab Heyden, 1628
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Botany Botany, Medical Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings France Pre-Linnean works Rosaceae Roses
BHL Collections:
By: Geissert, Johann.
Publication info: Gedruckt in der fürstlichen Stadt Koburg, Durch Caspar Bertschen, Im Jahr 1615
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Bits (Bridles) Early works to 1800 Germany Horses Pictorial works Training Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Maier, Michael,
Publication info: Francofurti, Typis Hartmanni Palthenii, 1620
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Germany Natural history Pre-Linnean works Science
BHL Collections:
By: Bruegel, Pieter, - Floris, Frans, - Francken, Ambrosius, - Heemskerk, Martin van, - Momper, Josse de, - Straet, Jan van der, - Verhaecht, Tobias, - Vos, Maarten de, - Wierix, Jeronimus, - Collaert, Adriaen, - Galle, Jan, - Galle, Philippe, - Galle, Théodore, - Mallery, Karel van,
Publication info: Antuerpiae, Apud Ioannem Gallaeum, anno MDCXXXVIII [1638]
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
Subjects: 17th century America Christian ethics Conduct of life Discovery and exploration Early works to 1800 Engraving Engraving, Belgian Industrial arts Inventions Pictorial works Silkworms Time
BHL Collections:
By: Rabel, Daniel,
Publication info: Lutetiae Parisiorum, Apud Petrum Firens, an. d. 1633
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Flowers France Pictorial works
BHL Collections:
By: Stelluti, Francesco,
Publication info: In Roma, Appresso Vitale Mascardi, 1637
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Aquasparta Early works to 1800 Engravings Italy Trees, Fossil
BHL Collections:
By: Scilla, Agostino, - Colicchia, Andrea,
Publication info: In Napoli, Apresso Andrea Colicchia, 1670
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Etchings Fossils Italy Marine animals Paleontology
BHL Collections: Unearthed! Smithsonian Libraries' Paleo Collection
By: Eeckhout, Gerbrand van den, - Nyland, P. (Petrus) - Groen, Jan van der.
Publication info: Amsterdam, Marcus Doornick, 1669
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Bee culture Botany, Medical Early works to 1800 Engravings Gardening Handbooks, manuals, etc Landscape gardening Netherlands Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Swidde, Willem,
Publication info: [Amsterdam?], De Lespine ex, 1686
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 1621-1691 1622-1674 17th century Birds Boel, Pieter, Château de Versailles (Versailles, France) Engravings Ménagerie de Versailles (Versailles, France) Netherlands Parc de Versailles (Versailles, France) Pictorial works Silvestre, Israël,
BHL Collections:
By: Hooghe, Romeyn de, - Visscher, Nicolaes,
Publication info: t'Amsteldam, By Nicolaus Visscher, [1685?]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Belgium Enghien Engravings Gardens Netherlands Parc d'Enghien (Enghien, Belgium) Parks Pictorial works
BHL Collections:
By: Aldrovandi, Ulisse, - Ambrosini, Bartolommeo, - Bernia, Marco Antonio, - Coriolano, Giovanni Battista,
Publication info: Bononiae, Typis Io. Battista Ferronij, 1648
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Catalogs and collections Early works to 1800 Geology Italy Metallurgy Mineralogy Natural history Pre-Linnean works Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Aldrovandi, Ulisse, - Ambrosini, Bartolommeo, - Coriolano, Giovanni Battista,
Publication info: Bononiae, Apud Clementem Ferronium, sumptibus M. Antonij Berni[a]ę, 1640
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Dragons Early works to 1800 Italy Snakes Woodcuts
BHL Collections:
By: Aldrovandi, Ulisse, - Aldrovandi, Francesca Fontana.
Publication info: Bononiae, Apud Io. Baptistam Bellagambam, 1606
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Crustacea Early works to 1800 Engravings Italy Mollusks Pre-Linnean works Woodcuts Zoology
BHL Collections:
By: Pinter von der Au, Johann Christoph. - Metzger, Christoph, - Thelott, Johann Philipp, - Götze, Thomas Matthäus, - Kuchenbecker, Anna Margarete,
Publication info: Franckfurt am Mäyn, In Verlegung Thomas Matthias Götzen, Buchh. daselbst, gedruckt bey Nicolaus Kuchenbeckern sel. Wittwe, im Jahr 1664
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works to 1800 Engravings Germany Horses
BHL Collections:
By: Bacon, Francis, - Rawley, William, - Spedding, James, - Ellis, Robert Leslie, - Heath, Douglas Denon,
Publication info: New York, Hurd, 1869
Volume: 5
Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
Subjects: 17th century Bridewell England History Law Legal maxims Methodology Philosophy, English Police, English Science Scotland
BHL Collections:
By: Bacon, Francis, - Rawley, William, - Spedding, James, - Ellis, Robert Leslie, - Heath, Douglas Denon,
Publication info: New York, Hurd, 1869
Volume: 7
Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
Subjects: 17th century Bridewell England History Law Legal maxims Methodology Philosophy, English Police, English Science Scotland
BHL Collections:
By: Bacon, Francis, - Rawley, William, - Spedding, James, - Ellis, Robert Leslie, - Heath, Douglas Denon,
Edition: New ed.
Publication info: London, Longmans, 1875
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
Subjects: 17th century Bridewell England History Law Legal maxims Methodology Philosophy, English Police, English Science Scotland
BHL Collections:
By: Bacon, Francis, - Montagu, Basil,
Edition: New ed.
Publication info: London, Pickering, 1825-1843
Volume: 3
Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
Subjects: 17th century Methodology Philosophy, English Science
BHL Collections: