Hn. Wilhelm Dampier Reise nach den Sudländern Neu-Holland, u. a
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Hn. Wilhelm Dampier Reise nach den Sudländern Neu-Holland, u. a. : Welcher beygefüget 1. Des Capitain Wood Reise durch die Magellanische Meer-Enge &c. 2. Tage-Register der Reise des Capitain Scharp. 3. Des Capitain Cowley Reise um die Welt. 4. Hn. Roberts Reise nach den Morgen-Ländern. Mit unterschiedlichen Land-Karten und Figuren. Vierdter Theil. Aus dem Engellischen ins Frantzösische, und aus diesem ins Teutsche übersetzt

Title Variants

Alternative: Herrn Wilhelm Dampier Reise nach den Sudländern Neu-Holland u. a
Alternative: Reise nach den Sudländern Neu-Holland
Uniform: New voyage round the world


Dampier, William, 1651-1715 , Continuation of a voyage to New-Holland.

Hacke, William.
Dampier, William, 1651-1715
Wood, John, Captain. , Voyage thro' the Streights of Magellan.
Sharpe, Bartholomew, active 1679-1682 , Journal of his expedition.
Cowley, William Ambrosia. , Voyage round the globe.
Robert, A., 17th cent- , Voyage to the Levant.




Published material

Publication info

Franckfurth und Leipzig, Bey Michael Rohrlachs seel. Wittib und Erben, 1714


Virgules replaced by commas in title page and divisional title page transcriptions.

Translation of: Voyage de Guillaume Dampier aux terres australes, à la Nouvelle Hollande, which is considered to be vol. 4 of the author's A new voyage round the world, of which vol. 1 was first printed London, 1697, itself a translation of: A continuation of a voyage to New-Holland, which is considered to be vol. 4 of the author's A new voyage round the world, first printed London, 1709.

"Fortsetzung der Reise, des Hn. Wilhelm Dampier, nach den Mittägl. Ländern, New Holland, u. a. in Jahr 1699. gethan", p. [1]-176, 171-225, 2nd and 3rd counts, has divisional title page.

"Reise des Capitain Wood, durch Magellanische Meer-Enge &c.", p. 225-287, has separate caption title, and is a translation of "Capt. Wood's Voyage thro' the Streights of Magellan", from A collection of original voyages / edited by William Hacke, first printed London, 1699.

"Tage-Register. des Zuges Capitain Scharps", p. 288-339, 3rd count, has separate caption title, and is a translation of "Captain Sharp's Journal of his expedition" from A collection of original voyages / edited by William Hacke, first printed London, 1699.

"Des Capitain Cowley Reise um die Welt", p. 340-401, 3rd count, has separate caption title, and is a translation of "Capt. Cowley's Voyage round the globe" from A collection of original voyages / edited by William Hacke, first printed London, 1699.

"Herrn Roberts Reise nach der Levante", p. 401-480, 3rd count, has separate caption title, and is a translation of "Mr. Robert's his Voyage to the Levant" from A collection of original voyages / edited by William Hacke, first printed London, 1699.

Signatures: )(⁴ (-)(4) A-2G⁸ 2H⁴ (-2H4) 2I-2O⁸ 2P⁴ (2P4 verso blank)

Errata: p. [102-103], 4th count.

Includes index.

Title page printed in red and black; woodcut head and tail pieces; initials.

Palmer, P.M. German works on America, | 312.

Alden, J.E. European Americana, | 714/37.

Brown, J.C. Cat., 1493-1800, | III:107.


Buccaneers , Description and travel , Discovery and exploration , Imprint 1714 , Indonesia , Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina) , Middle East , Natural history , Pacific Ocean , Papua New Guinea , Voyages and travels




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.82216


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